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Out of rhythm, inaccurate


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At one point during the Giants game those were the words of John Gruden.  Andrew Luck throws many passes (as we know) that are nowhere in the vicinity of receivers or throws to the opposite jersey.  Luckily there have been very few picked off as a result.  Will this pattern continue?  Also, what is the cause of so many pass deflections, Luck is very tall but so many deflections.  Does he need to learn to arch the ball more.  I think it is perhaps a result of Luck having to step up in the pocket and many times he is so close to the lineman by the line of scrimmage.  This is all nit-picking I realize but just curious concerns.

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He's in his third year. All he needs to do is mature and continue to get better at his craft. I don't think it is one particular thing. Playing QB in the NFL is like any other job in the sense that I am much better at my job now than I was when I started 6 years ago. Was I still really good in my first few years? Yes. But am I even better now, yes? Why am I better? Because I care and push the envelope and make mistakes and pay attention to how I can correct mistakes and continually get better.


People really need to relax and realize that a third year QB is not going to be as good as Brady/Brees/Rodgers/Manning in every aspect of his game, and it isn't always one thing you can pinpoint as to why that's the case. It really boils down to experience and passion/drive to get better. That said, barring injury, Luck is very good now and the next great QB. 

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In my opinion Luck tries to put too much zip on his throws...thus they are lower/laser type throws....of course that is great in how fast it gets to his receivers etc but also causes the balls to be batted down. The other thing is because he is throwing it so hard sometimes I think he overthrows his receivers because of that....thus leading to some very scary balls....I think he has been VERY fortunate so far this year. We've seen a lot of balls bounce around or dropped by defenders. One plus to that hard throwing is defenders aren't used to catching such a hard ball so its not only hard for receivers but them too obviously. For the most part...I think pressure in his face and around him causes him not to follow through properly and get his throws on target....a lot of that is our OL and some is Luck holding onto the ball too long. That lack of room in the pocket etc imo causes the batted balls and overthrows a lot.


One thing you notice with Peyton is yes he gets it out quickly but also he throws the ball with arc and he is a very over the top thrower...not 3 qtr etc...so he gets few balls knocked down but makes it very difficult to get the pace that others put on the ball. Brady gets a lot of zip and doesn't get to many balls batted down...but I think that has to do a lot with how fast he gets rid of it and the fact he typically has a clean pocket to throw out of. Nothing I've seen tells me Luck has problems with his game...just a young qb with a porous OL who unfortunately lets a couple get away from him from time to time......my biggest concern is that NE unlike most teams will make him pay on those few mistakes.

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At one point during the Giants game those were the words of John Gruden.  Andrew Luck throws many passes (as we know) that are nowhere in the vicinity of receivers or throws to the opposite jersey.  Luckily there have been very few picked off as a result.  Will this pattern continue?  Also, what is the cause of so many pass deflections, Luck is very tall but so many deflections.  Does he need to learn to arch the ball more.  I think it is perhaps a result of Luck having to step up in the pocket and many times he is so close to the lineman by the line of scrimmage.  This is all nit-picking I realize but just curious concerns.


 He isn`t very tall at 6`4" and throws from a wide base. I would say he throws shorter than his size therefore.

 He also locks onto his receivers giving D-Lineman a heads up he is coming their way.

 He also rarely gets rid of the ball before his receivers make their break. Can he not read their route? Waiting so long for them to break means he is often going to be under pressure when he throws and sometimes therefore he can`t comfortably step into his throws.

  When he is getting good time he has shown real improvement with getting the ball down and throwing to the correct shoulder. Excellent stuff!!

  This O-Line is Raw as a unit. When/as they get better he will too. lol

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But the thing with Luck is that his sloppy performances are better than some QB's best game. Rookie Andrew Luck was probably better than 15-20 of the leagues starting QBs. But Luck is so good at times, that people seem shocked by his shortcomings. Only his 3rd year. He hasn't worked out all the kinks yet.


Peyton Manning was shaky his first couple of years in the league, yet Andrew is farther along than he was in year 3, which says a lot.

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 Yip! The kinda game that turns into one and done.


I'm talking about yardage and TD's here. Andrew is off to a great start with only being in the league for a little over 2 years. Are you saying he's not doing good enough with the amount of time he's been in the NFL?

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Yip! The kinda game that turns into one and done.

Please stop. Any idio... Er, person can see that even when he's "out of rythm" he's better than 28 other starting QBs. No one is ever going to be perfect every week.

And I'd still take Peyton during those years, anytime.

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I think that any QB that would gets the kind of hurries, hits, and pressure that Luck has seen this year would be out of rhythm and inaccurate too.

He's still young and has plenty of time to work on his flaws.

We have a young and inexperienced interior OL their play should improve in the future too.


Where's my shades, the future is very bright!

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What I don't get is people always talk about the negative things that luck does...

Look he is in year three gets hit a lot and still stands in the pocket knowing he's going to take a hit and still delivers.

Come on give the guy a break. He's putting up elite numbers and yet we dwell on the stupid stuff.

I love watching the kid play.

Oh and stop with the locking on to recivers stuff that's about the most inaccurate misconception ever.

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Anyways, I think people expect perfection out of Andrew. It's not going to happen. It especially won't happen every game.  


Just look at Manning, Brady, Brees, and Rodgers.  


  • Manning will throw a duck once every 12th throw. Seriously count next time.
  • Brady consistently misses low. This is why he has so few picks.   
  • Brees is a mess this year. Yes I have been watching.
  • Rodgers will consistently miss low and high and let Jordy Nelson bail him out.  


I agree Luck and Nicks seem to never be on the same page while it's just the opposite for Luck and Reggie.


Luck is very good and his "bad" games are way better than half the league's QB's best.  


Luck is great, end of story. Quit questioning that.

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Early on in that Giants game, Luck did seem to go through a "slump" at one point. But as always he presses on and gets better as the game goes on. Sometimes he does seem to either "predetermine" where he`s throwing to, like the high out of bounds pass to Reggie to his left when Bradshaw was uncovered and wide open to his right. Easy walk in TD missed. In the end it didn't matter and the Colts won easily, but in the playoffs those type plays have to be taken advantage of to keep advancing and live to play another day

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I hate when people act like Luck is the only qb in the nfl that has a few bad passes a game. Sure it wasn't his best game but come on


I don't think some people have ever seen Stafford, Palmer, or Flaaco on their off days....It's not pretty. Flaaco especially has had some awful games, both in terms of accuracy and INTs.

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I don't think some people have ever seen Stafford, Palmer, or Flaaco on their off days....It's not pretty. Flaaco especially has had some awful games, both in terms of accuracy and INTs.

Luck is nickpicked more than any qb I've ever seen. Its like people expect him to never miss a throw, and throw 5 touchdowns every single game and if he doesn't do it people whine. I don't get it.

I wasn't around during the peyton years on this board, but did people post threads like this about him to when he threw a bad pass or two?

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Third year putting up Peyton Manning numbers. I try not to complain much. :blueshoe:



 Yip! The kinda game that turns into one and done.

Since when is any comparison to a HOF predecessor a bad thing? I get what your saying BBZ, but would you rather have say Geno Smith or Ryan Fitzpatrick in a Colts QB jersey right now? Jesus, some people aren't happy unless they're moaning & growning about something minor in the grand scheme of things. Wow...


It's 1 thing to say that Luck needs to work on he's completion percentage; it's quite another to pull out the 1 & done card. Translation: No flaws in Luck's game are considered catastrophic beyond repair okay. Please take a deep breath & remember that before pushing the panic button 24/7 thank you. 

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Sometimes you just arn't playing your best.  Luck in the first half against the Giants was not playing his best, he missed some easy throws (Easy for an NFL QB that is.)  


The 2nd half he was on his game, so whatever was wrong it was fixed.


If you remember the game we played against Denver, Manning missed some easy throws in the 4th quarter that gave us the chance to come back.  I remember one time it was 3rd down and he had Sanders wide open for a 3rd down and for some reason he just missed him.  


In the AFC Championship game last year Brady missed some wide open receivers as well.


It happens, it's frustrating but it happens.

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But the thing with Luck is that his sloppy performances are better than some QB's best game. Rookie Andrew Luck was probably better than 15-20 of the leagues starting QBs. But Luck is so good at times, that people seem shocked by his shortcomings. Only his 3rd year. He hasn't worked out all the kinks yet.

Peyton Manning was shaky his first couple of years in the league, yet Andrew is farther along than he was in year 3, which says a lot.

But the question is will Andrew make the jump like Peyton?
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But the question is will Andrew make the jump like Peyton?

No, players like Manning come around once in a blue moon.  Manning studies the game like none other.  He is like a football super-computer.  He is to football as this below is to technology.

Tianhe-2, a supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology, has retained its position as the world’s No. 1 system with a performance of 33.86 Pflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second) on the Linpack benchmark, according to the 43rd edition of the twice-yearly TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers.

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 He isn`t very tall at 6`4"


6'4" is tall. The tallest quarterbacks in the NFL are around 6'6" - 6'7". Peyton is just over 6'5" and commentators always used to talk about his height. I think even Drew Bledsoe, who was a QB who always looked stuck out to me as extremely tall on the field, was "only" just under 6'6".

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