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Who has been the biggest surprise on defense for us?


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I would have to say Davis. We knew he was good and had the potential to be even better but I'm not sure anyone predicted Davis to be considered the number one corner after five weeks of the season. Props to Grigson for essentially stealing Vontae for a second round pick and proceeding to lock him up on a team-friendly deal.

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Mike Adams and RJF. I knew Toler would be good, he was last season in my opinion. I thought Adams would just be alright, but he has been making plays these past 2 games. I hear and about RJf a lot during the game too and see him getting pressure. Playing much better than I thought he was.

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I never thought in my mind that Mike Adams would play at the level he's playing. He's the fifth best coverage safety in the league and that's exactly what we needed.

Yeah. I actually can't recall us giving up a single deep ball this season. If we have, someone please remind me. ( by deep ball I mean the ball has to travel 40+ yards.

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I'm surprised Toler has been healthy so far, but not all that surprised by his play as he was very good last year when he wasn't hurt.  I was one of the few that liked RJF last year and thought maybe the board was onto something when he was moved down the depth chart, but he's been great since he started getting playing time again.  Biggest surprise to me is Montori Hughes.  He very quickly went from project that had done nothing to looking better than Chapman.  Also surprised that an undrafted FA could come in and immediately make an impact like Kerr has.  Love the depth on the defensive line!  

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Yeah. I actually can't recall us giving up a single deep ball this season. If we have, someone please remind me. ( by deep ball I mean the ball has to travel 40+ yards.


I think Denver maybe.  And also Jacksonville in garbage time

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Yeah our only TD given up over 40 yards was is Jacksonville. But the longest pass against denver was like 20 yards, there was none in Denver 40*.


That’s true, but that wasn’t a deep pass. The pass couldn’t have been more than 10-15 yards or so, most of the yards were after the catch.

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I'd say Zach Kerr is exceeding all expectations for an undrafted rookie.


I have to agree with you.  The question was "biggest surprise".  We kind of expect all the starters to be decent.  Some have exceeded that, like RJF. 


Kerr was one of those 'potential' guys like Purifoy or Newsome.  You hope they bring something but you don't want to count on it.  He's bringing it every time he's in the game.


Oh, along those lines, Hughes has played really well too.

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I actually have a couple so far


Toler - He has played this year even better than I thought he could coming in here.  If he keeps improving the way he is going our corners are going to be amazing by the end of the year.


Adams - I had no idea he would be this good.  He has made me not even miss Bethea. (Even though I wish He was still a Colt)


Kerr - He has just been fantastic this year, especially considering he is an undrafted Rookie


Redding - We always knew he was good but WOW this year he has been on fire.

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Mike Adams- has been playing great for us. He's exceeded my expectations by far. He's not the sure tackler like Bethea was but he's been great in coverage. Great pickup. 


Sergio Brown- Landry who? Keep up the good work boss! Since the coaching 


Zach Kerr - He plays with a chip on his shoulder. I LOVE him. I knew he was a killer prospect, but didn't think he would make such an immediate impact. I still can't believe we got him UFDA. I absolutely loved when he picked up Steve Smith but put him right back down. Kind of like "just letting you know" kind of thing. Hilarious. 

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i was worried about the safety positions this year, and they have done a great job. i was worried about the lb's without mathis, and they have not performed well. i thought the d-line would be better, and they are. i pretty much agree with what people have said about individual players so far in this thread.


no one has mentioned the guard and center play. i thought it was going to be a complete mess, but they have exceeded my expectations.

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Mike Adams- has been playing great for us. He's exceeded my expectations by far. He's not the sure tackler like Bethea was but he's been great in coverage. Great pickup. 


Sergio Brown- Landry who? Keep up the good work boss! Since the coaching 


Zach Kerr - He plays with a chip on his shoulder. I LOVE him. I knew he was a killer prospect, but didn't think he would make such an immediate impact. I still can't believe we got him UFDA. I absolutely loved when he picked up Steve Smith but put him right back down. Kind of like "just letting you know" kind of thing. Hilarious. 


That big smile he cracked was hilarious... Pretty sure he could eat Smith as a snack and Smith knew that! lol

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I actually have a couple so far


Toler - He has played this year even better than I thought he could coming in here.  If he keeps improving the way he is going our corners are going to be amazing by the end of the year.


Adams - I had no idea he would be this good.  He has made me not even miss Bethea. (Even though I wish He was still a Colt)


Kerr - He has just been fantastic this year, especially considering he is an undrafted Rookie


Redding - We always knew he was good but WOW this year he has been on fire.


Maybe Mathis gave Redding some of what he was taking last year so that Redding can be a late bloomer :). j/k

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There's so many surprises on the defense, that it's hard to pick one. Lucky us, right?


Vontae Davis is playing at a "shutdown" corner level right now. Last season, he shined at times, but the inconsistency was a big issue. Now it's week in and week out, he's locking down his side of the field.


Greg Toler is playing really well opposite Vontae. Another pleasant surprise.


Erik Walden too. I really groaned at this signing last year, based on how Walden had played in Green Bay compared to the contract he got. But that's why Grigson is making big money to make the decisions and I'm not. He's really stepped up in Mathis's absense. He's not racking up 1 or 2 sacks a game, but he's gotten pressure on the quarterback throughout the season and made some big tackles.

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