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Oh boy, Pagano is talking that run the ball crap and Brad Wells is angered

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It bothers me immensely that the most ignorant writer of Colts material is angered....Brad "I invent rumors' Wells???? :lol:


It angers the old LB that this thread exists....I think we WILL have a top 5-7 offense this year if we come in healthy up front...


Pagano is my kind of coach...another year of experience...a step closer to the Lombardi.  


Not gonna follow this one because the Pagano haters are a comin'!!!!!!

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Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.

It must be nice to have the ability to predict the future........

MIND BLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I would like to have a balanced attack and I would like our coach to stop with the we will be a power running team crap.  We should be what the particular game requires for us to beat our opponent.  We should be what our talent excels at the mentality exhibited by our coach is the reason we got pummeled in the NE game of the playoffs and why we have had to have "captain comeback" win so many games late for us.  Forcing a square peg into a round hole is not the optimal approach.


Anyway I shouldn't comment on these threads we are a good football team and the words don't always translate to what happens on the field it is just that the stubborn mentality will cost us again and again and again.

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Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.

What do you want him to do? Put it in Luck's hands like he did in the post-season and have 7 picks? Our young QB is not ready for that type of pressure. Actually not many QBs are in general as it has been proven you cannot win without balance. Now, if you want to talk game planning then you may be on to something. I thought our offensive game plans were very vanilla last year and we were too slow at adjusting during the course of the game. I hope to see improvements in both areas this season. 

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Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.


I agree with Wells Fleener blocking is laughable - D.Allen is the man IMO .


Coaching a question mark & too much talent ?   Really   does 11-5, 2 years in a row despite injuries or coach issues  not mean anything ?



A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.



HUH ? getting ahead of your self aren't ya ?  How in the world do know anything about next year in march ? 


The Broncos had the # 1 offense  last year but it was defense special teams & offense that won the Lombardi , Offense draws crowds Defense wins games , The Colts offense has been the 1 of the best , Pagano like Dungy before him was hired IMO for defense  & at the end of the day if Pagano raises the play of the defense & our offensive line is not swiss cheese for the third year in a row things will get better much better ..


Then you can find something else to complain about ..

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Pretty simple, TOP is one of the key factors in a good defense.  If your defense is on the field for more than 50% of the game, they're going to be gassed in the 4th.  If the game is close, and the defense is gassed, you're likely to give up some key points.


Seems simple to me.  Run the ball to keep defenses honest, move the chains, and let your QB bail you out when he has to.  There is no sense putting the ball in Lucks hands 60% of the plays week in and week out... eventually, he is going to be sidelined from getting pummeled.

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I'm all for a balanced attack if it works.


The frustrating part, is that it didn't work last year but the commitment stayed game after game after game.


if we gave up on it we would never get better.   we learned who can and who can't (satelle, Mcglynn, Link) play in our power offense.


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Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.



Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.

You're jumping to conclusions.  First of all, Pagano and Pep adjusted to no rushing attack - although to slow to do so, but they did.  You can't win the SB without being able to be balanced.  If Girgson hasn't fixed the OL, then Luck will be throwing the ball too much but the wins will still pile up.  Pay not attention to that! Its fools gold.  Pagano knows he has the best young QB in the game but he's young as 7 picks in the playoffs showed.


Finally, don't pay attention to Wells.

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if we gave up on it we would never get better.   we learned who can and who can't (satelle, Mcglynn, Link) play in our power offense.




IMHO it should have been addressed instead of trying to fit a round peg in a square hole over and over. It was apparent after the first couple weeks of the season.

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We need a balanced football team.  There's no way you could have watched those two play off games and come away thinking we need to sling the ball all over the field.  We absolutely have to have a very capable ground game to go along with our aerial assault. 

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We need a balanced football team.  There's no way you could have watched those two play off games and come away thinking we need to sling the ball all over the field.  We absolutely have to have a very capable ground game to go along with our aerial assault. 

you beat me to it.  I was just typing pretty much word for word what you just stated.

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IMHO it should have been addressed instead of trying to fit a round peg in a square hole over and over. It was apparent after the first couple weeks of the season.

IMO it wasn't apparent that we couldn't run until after Bradshaw got hurt.  Then we had that string of games where the Colts fell behind by two TDs consistently.  They kept trying to establish the run because they wanted to protect Luck.  The criticism i valid that it took too long to adjust. But they won the Division and won a playoff game.  Pagano has earned the right to do it his way.  He proved that he can adjust.

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What do you want him to do? Put it in Luck's hands like he did in the post-season and have 7 picks? Our young QB is not ready for that type of pressure. Actually not many QBs are in general as it has been proven you cannot win without balance. Now, if you want to talk game planning then you may be on to something. I thought our offensive game plans were very vanilla last year and we were too slow at adjusting during the course of the game. I hope to see improvements in both areas this season.

Manning had rough times. It happens when you slang dat thang. Live and learn

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Honestly, Pagano is one of the holes on this team. Coaching is a question mark. This is what I meant by possibly having too much talent for him. A better coach would have a #1 offense next yr. At least top 5.


I know you like to be the contrarian but honestly - the only word to describe that nonsense is trolling.

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1 yard....


If I may,  I think you're going to have a hard time here pointing to something that Brad Wells said and hoping you're going to get a positive response.    It rarely happens.     I won't say 'never'  but rarely.




Running the ball is important.    We want to protect our defense from being on the field too long.   And we want to protect Luck from having the defense free to attack because we are one dimensional.   


If the running game isn't a legitimate threat,  then the Colts will have bigger problems than you realize.


Just some food for thought......

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What exactly is the problem you all have with Bob Wells? The guy tells it like it is. I only recently became a fan due to his Pags and Grigs criticisms. Its like hes in my mind and writing my thoughts at times.

I hope  we have enough RB left by the end of the year to have a running attack or Luck will have to perform his magic again

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What exactly is the problem you all have with Bob Wells? The guy tells it like it is. I only recently became a fan due to his Pags and Grigs criticisms. Its like hes in my mind and writing my thoughts at times.

You're such a huge fan, you don't know his name

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Running the ball and stopping the run is how you win championships, not just having one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time with hood receivers around. Don't believe me? Just look at the last super bowl.

There is more than one way to win championships.

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Do you or your pal Brad Wells know who won the last two Super Bowls?  Just wondering.

the guy you quoted is Brad Wells. I've no proof, but I can't believe anyone other than his mother would buy into his rubbish.

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