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Satele getting mad on twitter?


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Satele should not have responded.  I agree with him that the tweeters (I'm not on twitter so I have no idea what those who tweet are called.  I call them twits but I don't think that is correct) probably know very little about football and it was proven with the fool that made the comment about watching every Colts snap since he was 7.  Even if that were true that is less than 1/10 the snaps Satele has done since he's been with the Colts, let alone in his career.

As far as the bigger picture, it is line calls, film study, understanding the D, how he does on the game plan tests, changing line calls, play of the guards, etc.  I think Satele is an average center who is not very strong by NFL standards (I've said that since the first time I saw him play in the preseason) and the Colts could get by with him at center if they had good guard play on both sides.  Not for $5 mil, IMO, but I don't make the calls on the purse strings.


I don't have a Twitter account either. I'm certain it's 'tweets', but I prefer 'twits'.

Twitter has it's upsides, but that exchange points out the down side.

Yep, Satele simply shouldn't have acknowledged either twit.

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If I was an athlete or any one in the public eye, no way would I be on twitter. I am just not sure the good outweighs the bad. It gives the * a voice and even if the guy that Satele is going back and forth with is right, having to deal with that garbage is just wrong.

I can imagine his haters on Twitter to be some teenager who hasn't done a thing yet in life or some guys that couldn't even make the varsity squad when they were in HS. It's a cheap shot and cowardly.

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If I was an athlete or any one in the public eye, no way would I be on twitter.  I am just not sure the good outweighs the bad.  It gives the * a voice and even if the guy that Satele is going back and forth with is right, having to deal with that garbage is just wrong. 


I agree, if you are a public figure at all, you are gonna have your haters and they are gonna go after you.


Satele is of course in denial if you ask me.


In the end I suppose this is one of the reasons they get the big bucks because people out there talk about how much you suck at your job.  

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Just got a like back.....WOW...and something for my buddy on a frigid day...





I'm the type that thinks people in a spot light should deal with criticism but this Twitter exchange feels like it crossed a line. If EBlack wants to tear down someone, who not hiding behind anonymity like Satele, he should tell us a little about himself and how successful he is at his job. It's just not the same as criticizing on a message board.

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I'm the type that thinks people in a spot light should deal with criticism but this Twitter exchange feels like it crossed a line. If EBlack wants to tear down someone, who not hiding behind anonymity like Satele, he should tell us a little about himself and how successful he is at his job. It's just not the same as criticizing on a message board.

No likes again, but will return for you and ColtsFan12.


EBlack should send Satele his address so they can have 'tea-time' together :)  


You mention "In his job."  I would request EBlack send me his 5th grade report card!!  Seriously I am in agreement with you JoKeR!!!!!! :thmup:  :clap:

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I'm the type that thinks people in a spot light should deal with criticism but this Twitter exchange feels like it crossed a line. If EBlack wants to tear down someone, who not hiding behind anonymity like Satele, he should tell us a little about himself and how successful he is at his job. It's just not the same as criticizing on a message board.


I wouldn't go and do it personally, but on the other hand I think Satele kind of provoked it by his first tweet.


I just think if you are gonna have a job like that, you've got to have more common sense then to provoke twitter fights with your haters.  

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Had he never sent that original tweet this little argument would have never happened.  He brought that upon himself. If you are this thinned skinned one should definitely not be on twitter.


I will be glad when he is cut and we find an upgrade at that position.


That is what I can't stand about Twitter.  He says something and the clueless masses chime in with pot shots that no one should have to deal with.  Better off just staying away altogether.

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If I was an athlete or any one in the public eye, no way would I be on twitter.  I am just not sure the good outweighs the bad.  It gives the * a voice and even if the guy that Satele is going back and forth with is right, having to deal with that garbage is just wrong. 




Andrew Luck needs to introduce Satele to his cell phone salesman. 

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Polian did say "if you listen too much to the fans, you will be sitting with them".


Satele should just close his twitter and listen to what Pagano always says "the only voices that matter are the ones inside the locker room within your team and coaches".

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That is what I can't stand about Twitter.  He says something and the clueless masses chime in with pot shots that no one should have to deal with.  Better off just staying away altogether.


You are acting like he posted some well thought out argument about why he played better than what fans thought.  He put up a sarcastic response and he received sarcastic responses back.  He agitated the fans because he is mad that fans are calling him out on his crappy play.


He was dumb for sending that tweet in the first place.  Most of these players who have issues with Twitter bring it upon themselves for saying dumb stuff.  

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With all respect Samson but you don't have to be a pro bowler or rocket scientist to see that the Colts Offensive Line sucked the last seven seasons! 



Satele isn't the only problem as the line was terrible long before he started. However, he sure as hell isn't part of the solution the way he's been playing.


Not to say he can't improve. I honestly wish the best for the guy whether it's with Indy or somewhere else. What I don't want is him to wind up getting Luck crippled. This isn't the time to figure out how to at least be respectable  instead of a turnstile.


If he wants to get better he needs to quit the twitter garbage and get his butt to the weight room and focus in the offseason.

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Gotta feel kind of bad for the guy. I wonder if I was a pro athlete if I would care if I sucked at the pro level? Seems like a decent family man from twitter, but he's the weakest link on our line, and seeing as how pep never calls outside runs, stretch plays, or tosses some change needs to be made.

Here's a thought, if satele is the worst c in the nfl, and Holmes can't start over him is Holmes our guy? Yeah yeah I know it takes rookies time to develop, but come on. If you can't start over the worst center in the league what do u bring to the table. Center and guard positions need to be addressed in free agency. Use the draft for defense since chuck is supposed to be great at coaching developing them.

 Pagano takes 100% of the blame for starting Satele and using McGlynn as his backup.

Grigson takes 100% of the blame for McGlynn being on the roster THIS season. BAD Job GM!

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Funny how people don't want Satele bashed by someone on twitter but they're down talking the same person thats down talking Satele. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. *shakes head*


Post of the day right here. 


It appears satele is one of those "You're not a coach and you don't know what you're talking about" posters...




But maybe he's right. Maybe he was supposed to miss all those blocks? Maybe he wasn't supposed to open up running lanes...

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He came to us with over 60 career starts.

I searched for a list showing where he was rated after we signed him and it had him at 26.

With that much experience 26 is mighty low IMO.

After what we saw in year one, I wondered if there really were 6 worse!

IMO Samson didn`t seem to anticpate well after the snap nor be able to handle well at all his one on one blocking assignments.

Wish the guy well but I would want a better player than he as my backup. Go Holmes! Pro Bowl 2016!

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If someone want to call Satele garbage, he shouldn't write it on Satele's front door. Use your forums, not Satele's Twitter. He is still NFL player (surely, bad one). Edblack isn't. I want Grigson, not Edblack, to call Satele garbage by cutting him.

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Honestly, this is why, if I were a public figure, I would stay away from social media.  How much can you take before it gets to you?  Having said that, my criticisms of Satele have nothing to do with him as a person, but as a player.  He was (is) pretty bad.

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Were you on Mars when McGlynn started at center?


Sure, most agree he was better than Satele. As was Shipley last season.

You make NO POINT!

McGlynn should have never been in position to play 1 down as a guard therefore you cut him and find someone who CAN Play the position. GM FIXES the line with all the Freedom he had to do so.

He could have kept Shipley as the backup Center, who ended up starting at Guard for the Ravens after injuries,

Donald Thomas had played Center for the Patriots.

Do you Follow this game?

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Sure, most agree he was better than Satele. As was Shipley last season.

You make NO POINT!

McGlynn should have never been in position to play 1 down as a guard therefore you cut him and find someone who CAN Play the position. GM FIXES the line with all the Freedom he had to do so.

He could have kept Shipley as the backup Center, who ended up starting at Guard for the Ravens after injuries,

Donald Thomas had played Center for the Patriots.

Do you Follow this game?

I saw Shipley on PFF's "Had a bad day" team as often as Satele/McGlynn.
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You are acting like he posted some well thought out argument about why he played better than what fans thought.  He put up a sarcastic response and he received sarcastic responses back.  He agitated the fans because he is mad that fans are calling him out on his crappy play.


He was dumb for sending that tweet in the first place.  Most of these players who have issues with Twitter bring it upon themselves for saying dumb stuff.  


Not acting like anything.  He should stay away from it altogether because nothing good comes from it.  Whether he agitated people or not, regardless of who is to blame, the cons are high and pros low.  That is the point.

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I wouldn't go and do it personally, but on the other hand I think Satele kind of provoked it by his first tweet.


I just think if you are gonna have a job like that, you've got to have more common sense then to provoke twitter fights with your haters.  

Yeah. Didn't seem like he was getting attacked before the tweet that his "brother" sent. And even then tons of people jumped to his defense telling him how super amazing awesome he is. Very low key by twitter standards, especially considering his actual level of play. :dunno:  He probably should just stick to random family update tweets and tell his brother to stop hacking his twitter.


Wow just got back from my kids basketball game and opened my twitter. Sorry everyone that was my brother tweeting. love my brother. AigaOnly


Sorry again tweeps. I read most of it. I will get better and I will never write this things to people. #ColtsNation #yeezziirr that's me.lol

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Well wow, I obviously think Satele's play should be better. When we signed him after playing in Oakland I friend, a Raider fan told me he was a good run blocker, not so good pass blocker. I have seen bad play at both more often than not. He isn't big or strong enough. Can't blame Grigson for wanting a veteran center for his new QB. Personally what the guys said on twitter may be right to a point, but if you are a public figure, politician, actor/actress, musical star, or sports star, and have a twitter account you open yourself up to the haters, crazy, & the jealous. I personally wouldn't have one if I thought I could be attacked, & certainly would have to learn to be thick skinned with incoming twits. Personally I would cut Satele, & sign Mcglyen as the center. I did feel bad for Satele though, I think he plays hard just gets pushed around a lot.

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