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Richard Sherman is an embarassment to the NFL


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i just hate how he does hes interviews, he claims hes the  best corner back  he does back hes talk, but just stop with the insults to receivers

                                           ty torched their defense 

He acts like an unflushed toilet and he's so good, he doesn't need that

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That choke symbol has been around for years, I first saw it when Reggie did it to Spike Lee running down the court , All it means is a player/team choked (couldn't live up to the moment)...Crabtree wasn't much of a factor at all outside of 1 22 yard catch but he is every bit the talker Sherman is. Emotions were high on both sides after that game. No big deal

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Sherman has a swagger that is missing on teams, people want to hate on this man for speaking his mind and he backs it up. If he played for the Colts, Ravens, or Patriots people would be praising him, and he didn't even say anything explicit, this is football not chess, people are too sensitive. 

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I like players who aren't robots. Rich can get out of hand at times but most of the time he's just being himself, and if I recall correctly most of the people on this board were all on his jock when he came out and said he thought Andrew was the best QB in the NFL lol. People's perspectives change when they hear something they don't want to hear.


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Sherman can talk they won the game. He didn't cuss or use bad words and that choking thingie he did means the other team chokes that's all. Yeah not everyone can be like peyton. I laughed really hard during the interview. Crabtree believe it or not is a trash talker also. Crabtree reminds me of Dion Sanders. They both play that good guy role and try to act like they never ever say it do anything wrong. Sherman was really hyped after the game yeah maybe what he said wasn't politically correct but at least dude is honest and real about it that I can respect. Unlike Crabtree who is gonna play the victim role.

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Sherman can talk they won the game. He didn't cuss or use bad words and that choking thingie he did means the other team chokes that's all. Yeah not everyone can be like peyton. I laughed really hard during the interview. Crabtree believe it or not is a trash talker also. Crabtree reminds me of Dion Sanders. They both play that good guy role and try to act like they never ever say it do anything wrong. Sherman was really hyped after the game yeah maybe what he said wasn't politically correct but at least dude is honest and real about it that I can respect. Unlike Crabtree who is gonna play the victim role.


Thank you 

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Sherman can talk they won the game. He didn't cuss or use bad words and that choking thingie he did means the other team chokes that's all. Yeah not everyone can be like peyton. I laughed really hard during the interview. Crabtree believe it or not is a trash talker also. Crabtree reminds me of Dion Sanders. They both play that good guy role and try to act like they never ever say it do anything wrong. Sherman was really hyped after the game yeah maybe what he said wasn't politically correct but at least dude is honest and real about it that I can respect. Unlike Crabtree who is gonna play the victim role.

Show me where Crabtree trash talked Sherman? One interviewer asked him if he was Sherman was the best. He said he doesn't think so, but that he also doesn't think in one player terms and more as defenses as a whole. That he can't say for sure he's the best. That's far from trash talking.

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I like him. I think he backs it up. He might take it over the top, but he does back up what he says. With that said, I did not see the post game interview

I agree. I like him too. He can be a class act when a player deserves to be respected. He did say that Crabtree trashed talked to him all game.

We didn't see him trash talk about TY Hilton because he was simply better. And TY doesn't talk trash.the WR should keep his mouth shut and let his play do the talking. Crabtree simply v should have just played better so this wouldn't have happened...

Remember that Sherman said Andrew Luck is really something special and has all but respect for him.

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Good player, huge * & terrible role model. Growing up in Indy around greats like Reggie Miller, Manning, up and coming greats like Paul George and Luck, stuff like that grinds my gears. Nothing wrong with a little trash talk, but he just blew up. All he did was tip the ball, fortunately another defender was there magically to intercept. Good play but the guy thinks he's a god, ego of Kanye West in full effect.

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The same people who support this type of behavior are the same people I detested siding with the New England Patriots, especially in their near perfect 2007 season. Talks consist of:


1.) They're such a good team, they can run up the score as much as they want. Opponents need to suck it up. If they can't stop them, tough.

2.) Brady can say and do whatever he pleases. He backs up his smack talk (in 2007, he did yelling, fist pumping, predicting the SB score would be high scoring, says Peyton throws the worst spirals in the NFL, and more). Somehow, him being good makes all that okay.

3.) The Patriots can cut and sign players as much as they want (Underwood, Collie, and veterans like Vrabel, Seymour, and Moss). The NFL is a business. There is no room for compassion.


Here is how I see it: Young children look up to these people as role models, especially at the QB position. These players need to hold themselves accountable for what they say and do. Sherman didn't do that, and neither did Brady back in 2007. Anyone who thinks what Richard Sherman said was alright needs to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror imo. This isn't wrestling or the movies. This is real, and we need athletes who respect both the game and its viewers.

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Watch the post 'on field' interviews after both games. If you were the parent of either Sherman or Manning, how would you wish your son to behave?

Anyone who says Sherman is not being honest. It was rather embarrassing, pretty pathetic, and unnecessary.

But being a winner without class is all that matters, right.

I really do hope Peyton and his WR's torch that dude in two weeks.....

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Lets look at what he said word for word:



Andrews: Joe thank you so much, Richard let me ask you  of the final play, Take me through it


Sherman: Well Im the best Corner in the game, when you try me with a soft receiver like Crabtree thats the result your gonna get, Dont you ever talk about me. (said while all worked up after the biggest play of the game and rarely being thrown at in that game)


Andrews: who was talking about you?



Sherman: Crabtree, Dont you open your mouth about the best or Ill be shuttin it real quick, LOB



This was after Crabtree was asked LAST WEEK if he thought Sherman was the best Corner and Crabtree said no...But followed that up with :I just know teams you know. We are playing the Seattle Seahawks and hopefully we come out with a win"


Did he say anything derogatory in that statement? No......As a matter of fact he said 1 thing that many already think, That he just might be the best Corner in the game now, Was he worked up right after the biggest play of the game? Of course, But thats the competitor in him, He knows if he can get into your head then thats 1 more thing in his favor.




Here is what I think: I think he wants to get the attention on the Seahawks because he may feel they dont get enough respect for what they have done as a team...Always talking about LOB or Russel Wilson or Lynch, hardly ever about the receivers or job the O Line does, I think he likes how the game used to be played, physical, aggressive and of course he would: that fits his skill set and that along with talking can get inside the receiver he is covering head. He certainly didn't mean anything malicious by what he said, He was worked up after he was a big part of making Crabtree a none factor in the game after Crabtree said he didn't think he was the best Corner in the game, I like the rivalry alot, I hope the Colts can develp a rivalry with a team over time again, Not really sure we have that right now



Also Reggie Miller was every bit the talker that Sherman is now but no one condemns him, It adds to the game, whether one player is right or wrong

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I am getting old. and I am probably out of touch with the culture of this generation, but I was brought up in an era where you competed like crazy to defeat your opponent; yet still showed respect after the competition was over.


All this trash talking, chest thumping, gangsta thugism just makes me cringe; to me these players are disrespecting the game and their fellow players and the audience that in the end supports their salaries.


My favorite players are the type who can kick the bleep out of their opponent and probably revel in it, yet act respectfully towards them after the game is over. (Please take note of Manning, Brady, Luck, and many others), I guess things are changing... <SAD>


Even Neon Dieon said tonight that you can strut your stuff all you want but don't disrespect your fellow players publicly. I respect Sherman's talent, and game, but find it difficult to respect his "act" the guy is obviously a smart guy but throught his behavior is likely to alienate many who are valuable to the NFL.


The thugism and ME ME ME behavior in the NBA has alienated me from that game almost entirely, and other sports are trending the same way, for the first time in my life, I'm glad I'm getting old and going to die soon because if this is the direction of behavior in sports and unfortunately in the real word, I guess I would rather not see the end result.


If anything is right and just in the world, Peyton will beat this jackwagon 2-3 times in the Super Bowl!


<and NO, I don't care how talented this guy is I would not have him anywhere near the Colts organization>

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Also it's not like he was disrespecting the reporter!  He was just excited and clearly * at Crabtree. 


He shouted directly in her face... how is that not disrespectful? You are defending everything, whilst disregarding the relevant arguments of others...


Even if you are a Sherman fan, I find it amazing that you see no problem with anything he does.

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He shouted directly in her face... how is that not disrespectful? You are defending everything, whilst disregarding the relevant arguments of others...


Even if you are a Sherman fan, I find it amazing that you see no problem with anything he does.




He did not shout in her face, he glanced at her a couple times but that certainly does not constitute shouting in her face

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We didnt hear if Crabtree had been running his mouth any during the game.

The guy was screaming and looking stupid, but whatever.

Would you have been happier if he had went with the standard " its just like coach says, give 110%. All week in practice I give 110%, just get out there and give 110%..I wanna thank Jesus. 110%,". ?

I would like to go back in time and stop the whoever gave the first 110% interview.

Sherman might be an *, but he is passionate and gets the job done when needed.

Not to turn this into another Richardson thread but he gave the interview where he said if other players had a good day then it was a good day for him. Would you rather have a player making plays and being angry and emtional or a guy who is happy to ride the bench and thinks he is having a good game because others are out there doing it ?

I would rather have the emotional angry player, as long as he keeps it in check enough not to make stupid mistake that lead to penalties then I am fine with him.

We have no way of knowing if Crabtree was telling Sherman that his team was about to go to the Superbowl and talking smack. I wouldn't be mad at crabtree if he was. Get a player worried or mad and he might make a mistake.

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With due respect to all the posters who don't like Richard Sherman ( and do you think he cares what you all think of him ), please take a minute and look at his performance all season. 


1.He is not here to win a personality contest. He is here to win football games.

2.Every incident with Sherman was provoked. In other words, player go and talk trash to him and he gives it back in a way which everyone can see ( Remember when Brady asked him to come see after the game, that was provoking and he paid the price ).

3.I am sure Crabtree would have said something similar or worse.

4.Sherman is an intelligent person who was given permission to write articles on MMQB and he went to Stanford.


He plays within the confinement and rules of the NFL. I think the hate has to stop.


Having said that, Peyton will light that defense in 2 weeks :).

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Its just a pervasive attitude in the NFL now. You make a tackle for a 2 yard gain, you have to posture, You make a first down, you have to stand up and give the 1st down sign. You tackle a guy on a kick return you have to stand over him and bark.  All this "hey look at me" attitude and antics are really tiresome but what are you going to do?


Frankly Im also tired of wide receivers ALWAYS calling for a flag for pass interference when they dont catch a pass as anything too.

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LOL - the guy made one decent play and BAM he is goes on a thug rage


Erin didn't know what to think - she didn't seem too impressed with his thug antics can really hear it in her voice with -"who was talking about you?"


I agree it was pathetic and the league should suspend him for behavior unbecoming to the NFL! ;)   HAHAHA

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2014 - inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2014 - inflammatory

This is thread is embarrassment....


"he's a thug"

"what about the children?!?!"

"Peyton doesn't act like that"

"NFL should suspend him!"


and someone even managed to get a shot in at both Sherman and Brady in the same post. Fantastic. 



Did anyone even watch the game? Sportsmanship got thrown out the window before the kickoff...The guy made the biggest play of his life, in what is the biggest stage he's ever had, against bitter rivals, in front of his home crowd, to help take his team to the biggest game in the world.....I know, lets stick a microphone in his face 2min after it happens, and see what he says!...


Some of you fans are so childish and petty, and look for any chance to be offended....Your watching a game where grown men hurl themselves at one another. Where men are grotesquely injured on a daily basis, for our enjoyment. And then you have the audacity to talk about 'class' and 'respect'. Shut up. 

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This is thread is embarrassment....


"he's a thug"

"what about the children?!?!"

"Peyton doesn't act like that"

"NFL should suspend him!"


and someone even managed to get a shot in at both Sherman and Brady in the same post. Fantastic. 



Did anyone even watch the game? Sportsmanship got thrown out the window before the kickoff...The guy made the biggest play of his life, in what is the biggest stage he's ever had, against bitter rivals, in front of his home crowd, to help take his team to the biggest game in the world.....I know, lets stick a microphone in his face 2min after it happens, and see what he says!...


Some of you fans are so childish and petty, and look for any chance to be offended....Your watching a game where grown men hurl themselves at one another. Where men are grotesquely injured on a daily basis, for our enjoyment. And then you have the audacity to talk about 'class' and 'respect'. Shut up. 

I generally like your posts and get what you are saying about the game and all but this is the not the first tough nosed football game to ever be played or a big game to end on one spectacular play. Can you imagine John Taylor saying something even remotely close to that after he beat the Bengals on the game winning TD in the SB or Adam Vinateri saying that after hitting the GW FG vs the Rams?


 Did you really have no issue with his comments and prefer instead to blame the media and hypocrital fans?

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Sherman is an excellent db, he is smart, athletic and the play he made at the end of the game was outstanding. My understanding is that he is also very good in the community with his time and money. Having said all that, he is also a colossal jerk on the football field. It does not make him look good, not that he cares, and the fact that he probably doesn't care is his biggest personal flaw IMO.

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I would take Sherman in a second if he was available. The class act mentality is overrated IMO. I watch football to see my team win not to make sure they dont put their elbows on the table and sip their tea with their pinkies out.

I have zero problem with a player who just took my team to the playoffs running his mouth. Better to have a guy who does his job and then talks smack then a kicker who talks smack and misses the kick afterwards. Remember that game ?

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I generally like your posts but honestly I get what you are saying about the game and all but this is the not the first tough nosed football game to ever be played. Did you really have no issue with his comments?


None at all. Why would I? He just made the biggest play of his life, and of his teams season. A reporter runs to ask him (which is another ridiculous thing. Sideline reporter..) before the the guys sweat even drys about it. What kind of answer do people expect?


Fans have an disillusionment of whats 'supposed' to be said, and when that doesnt happen they become offended...Its ridiculous. "Well Peyton Manning answers it this way" "Tom Brady answers it this way" "Tony Romo answers it this way"....So what, none of them are Richard Sherman...I dont think its a stretch to claim that defensive mentality is probably a liiiiiitle bit different than offensive mentality in regards to pre/post game speaking... 


America used to celebrate brash, and loud mouth. Look at Ali or Namath or Bird...Heck Indiana celebrated it no less than 10 years ago with Reggie....But when its not 'your' guy thats when its just a tragedy......

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Sherman needs to grow up..


Its a minstrel show...its an act.....for his fans and teammates..


    In quiet moments he's highly intelligent.....he's clearly not like how he portrays himself...


...as soon as he gets the courage to not act like the stereotype he has created for himself


...he'll be better off

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With due respect to all the posters who don't like Richard Sherman ( and do you think he cares what you all think of him ), please take a minute and look at his performance all season. 


1.He is not here to win a personality contest. He is here to win football games.

2.Every incident with Sherman was provoked. In other words, player go and talk trash to him and he gives it back in a way which everyone can see ( Remember when Brady asked him to come see after the game, that was provoking and he paid the price ).

3.I am sure Crabtree would have said something similar or worse.

4.Sherman is an intelligent person who was given permission to write articles on MMQB and he went to Stanford.


He plays within the confinement and rules of the NFL. I think the hate has to stop.


Having said that, Peyton will light that defense in 2 weeks :).

Its degrading to him..


He's putting on a dog and pony show..because he feels it gets notice...

It doesn't matter whether he backs it up or not..


He has the righty to act any way he wants  but, if calmer interviews arer any indication.... Its a misrepresentatation of who he is......totally unsportsmanlike, embrassing to the game

......and it plays into a lot of darker stereoetypes.....he's punk twerking for his 'fans'


Bad in so many ways

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None at all. Why would I? He just made the biggest play of his life, and of his teams season. A reporter runs to ask him (which is another ridiculous thing. Sideline reporter..) before the the guys sweat even drys about it. What kind of answer do people expect?


Fans have an disillusionment of whats 'supposed' to be said, and when that doesnt happen they become offended...Its ridiculous. "Well Peyton Manning answers it this way" "Tom Brady answers it this way" "Tony Romo answers it this way"....So what, none of them are Richard Sherman...I dont think its a stretch to claim that defensive mentality is probably a liiiiiitle bit different than offensive mentality in regards to pre/post game speaking... 


America used to celebrate brash, and loud mouth. Look at Ali or Namath or Bird...Heck Indiana celebrated it no less than 10 years ago with Reggie....But when its not 'your' guy thats when its just a tragedy......

You are really losing me on this one. Sherman has been in the league for a few years now and the media is always coming to him precisely because he says these type of things. He has to be smarter. I have no issue with being brash and having bravado but to completely diss the other team and call one of their best WRs "lousy" is something I have never heard a player, much less a super star player who represents the league ever do. If he really could not control himself then walk away from the sideline reporter. This really isn't that hard.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2014 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, January 21, 2014 - quoting removed post

This is thread is embarrassment....


"he's a thug"

"what about the children?!?!"

"Peyton doesn't act like that"

"NFL should suspend him!"


and someone even managed to get a shot in at both Sherman and Brady in the same post. Fantastic. 



Did anyone even watch the game? Sportsmanship got thrown out the window before the kickoff...The guy made the biggest play of his life, in what is the biggest stage he's ever had, against bitter rivals, in front of his home crowd, to help take his team to the biggest game in the world.....I know, lets stick a microphone in his face 2min after it happens, and see what he says!...


Some of you fans are so childish and petty, and look for any chance to be offended....Your watching a game where grown men hurl themselves at one another. Where men are grotesquely injured on a daily basis, for our enjoyment. And then you have the audacity to talk about 'class' and 'respect'. Shut up. 

Great Post IndyTrav

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