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Anyone else leave at halftime.


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I heard on Mike and Mike that one of Greenies "friends" was at the game. He is a huge Colts fan and had his grandson with him. They left at half time and watched the end on their coach. He said he should be jailed for leaving.

I drove 4.5hrs to get to the game so My Wife and I weren't leaving no matter what. We were staying the night and watching the late game at Champs. So leaving was not happening. I could see leaving if the game was outside and the conditions were like the other 3 games this weekend. Ofcourse if that was the case I wouldn't have season tickets and been anywhere near the game.

On a side note the drive from Indy to western ILL was interesting Sunday. It took us 3hrs to get from Indy to the Ill stateline and 3 more hours to get from there to Peoria. Then the roads and blowing snow got alot better. We were on the road over 8hrs on the drive home. Near Champaign we saw 2-3 cars in the ditch east bound. There was 1 car going slowly down I74 with a guy about 50yds behind chasing the car on foot. Wife said that car had no one in it. That poor guy must have stopped to see if any one needed help and forgot to put the car in park. I hope he was OK cause about a mile from that scene there was a semi and a bunch of cars heading towards them.

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After the Chiefs went up 38-10 to couple sitting next to my wife and I got up and the guy said, "if Manning were still the QB maybe I'd stay but..." and they left.  I drove from KC to go to the game so I was staying, although I did tell my wife (who is a Chiefs fan) that if the Colts didn't score by on the next drive we may leave to get ahead of the weather.  Well the Colts scored on their next drive, so we were there until the end.

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This may have been the first game I have EVER watched where we were down 31-10....and had a feeling that we were at LEAST going to claw and scratch and make a game of it.  That includes the great comeback by Peyton Manning and the boys on that special night in Tampa Bay   :)  I was teaching the next morning...and went to bed....could not sleep....turned it on to at least see the win.... :)


I learned my lesson not to leave a game early in around 1981.....Larry Bird and the Celtics were blowing out the Pacers at MSA....we left in the third qtr,  Pacers came back to win in triple overtime.....I was listening to no other than Bob Lamey make the call on WIBC AM at my kitchen table as Billy Knight scorched the Celtics for 52....and Larry had around 48......I have never used this emoticon until now.... :sigh:


BTW....Go Colts!!!!   :)

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I was at the game on an unexpected, last-minute receiving of some tickets.

We stayed all the way to the end. The thought had crossed my mind that, if we were down by 30 or so at the end of the 3rd quarter, we might leave because we had a two-hour drive home and it would have genuinely been over at that point.

But, going into halftime, I kept thinking about that 2007 AFCCG and how it looked like the game was over at the half and how it turned into the greatest game in Indianapolis Colts history. Not to mention the fact that I was there for that train wreck of a game against the Rams.

I'll never forget being there for this game. I watched the '07 AFCCG at home, but I got some sense of what it was like in the stadium that night. I've never seen a more amped up crowd or a more electric atmosphere. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed.

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The two guys sitting next to us left. My family drove from Louisville so we didn't have the option to watch the rest at home. I told my wife that I have seen them come back from worse (which was an exaggeration). Boy am I glad we stayed. My wife and I were dating when I took her to the 06 AFCCG and that is the only comparison to what we witnessed Saturday.

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Me and my buddy contemplated taking off after the halftime and then seeing the pick out of the gate, it was hard to sit there and watch what had been a pretty crappy defense and some spotty offense up to that point. But I have never left a game just because they are behind or ahead and I'm glad we stuck to it Saturday. All I could think was we would start scoring but would we stop them from scoring with enough time left to pass them up and making it meaningful. Top 3 games I have ever seen from these colts and the crowd was loud most of the night and certainly loud in the 4th quarter when it finally became apparent this game could be won.

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Yes I left a half but only to use the bathroom and refill my snack bowl!  lol!  I've told people that I haven't left since the years of Berry, Moore, Johnny U, Horse Ameche, Big Daddy, Parker, Mutz, Gino nor have I left my wife!  Why should I leave during a game!  I'm in it to the end!

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I went to the Jags game the week before and watched the whole game (although we crushed the Jags but still a lot of people were leaving when Hasselbeck came in).  I would never leave a game whether the Colts were getting blown out or doing the blowing out.


I sat and watched the entire game on tv without missing a play even though it looked hopeless after the interception to start the second half.

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I was home watching the game and when we didn't score right before halftime I got real frustrated to say the least. After halftime Luck threw another interception and I had to go outside and get some fresh air. For some reason I never felt like we were our of the game but I wondered if we could stop them.. So glad they did and I wish they would stop making my head hurt so BADD! I am so proud of them.

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In fact after the game was over, I was unable to leave my seat!!! I just sat there with my wife repeatedly saying C'mon let's go, and I was just like hold one more minute and kept sitting there in awe of what had just transpired!!! lol, Im sure I looked like a real * but man what a rush that game was!!!!!!!

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I was at work listening to people come in from break saying the colts are getting blown out 31to 10. At first I thought they were messing around. Then someone else came in and said we were getting beat 38 to 17 but noone told me what quarter it was. I was thinking maybe charles ran wild on us and it was late in 4th. Then the last person told me it was 31 41 at start of forth. I knew we had a chance then.

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I was pretty disgusted by half time but never considered leaving.  My friend and I went out to bathroom and to get beers.  Lamey sounded so dejected on the monitors in the concourse which even made me more depressed not to mention that, as usual, I found myself in the SLOW line at the concession. 


But was that second half freaking awsome. :)

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I went from "Wooh let's win this game!" at the beginning to "We're stinking it up I'm going to get drunk n drown my sorrows" at the half. Then we started streaking back and I was fighting breaking the seal so as to not miss the rest of the game. As Luck took his final knee the only thought I had was "Time to get drunker and celebrate!". Yep

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Wasn't able to get there, but did watch from home.  I'll admit, I turned the TV off about 30 times, for a grand total of about 75 seconds.  Got frustrated over and over, but hope, confidence or morbid curiosity got the best of me for a while.  Then the points started to even out, momentum swung, and I was glued to the set for the rest of the spectacle.

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I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal


I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go


Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks

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I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal


That's a little harsh.  It's more like ordering a pizza because she isn't making a good meal.

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I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal


I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go


Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks


Leaving a game early is nothing like leaving your wife because she cant cook.  Not even close.

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I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal

I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go

Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks

Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

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I have never left a game early including the St Louis game and games in the past that were unwatchable. If you "love" a team you dont give up on them. Its like leaving your wife because she is not making a good meal

I also dont like fans that sell their tickets for profit or because they dont want to go

Either you are a fan or just have a crush on the team, There is no in between folks

Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

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I never turn the games off nor leave. We were @ BW3s downtown and my cousin was wanting to leave but I wasn't. Watched the epic comeback then ran into a couple people @ Kilroys who said they left during the beginning of the third. They seemed very ticked and came to the conclusion that it was a very bad idea.

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Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

someone that leaves early is less of a man, a worse human, and most definitely less loyal
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I don't understand the people that leave early.  Back when we used to have season tickets, we stayed to the bitter end (and there were a lot of those during the Pagel/Hogeboom/Trudeau/Tupa years) every time.  I suppose part of that was my insistence that we get the most out of the money we spent, but the other part was the love of the game.


In thirty years, I have never turned off the Colts early either, and have been rewarded for doing so on many occasions.  Sure, I get frustrated and angry with the Colts from time to time, but as long as they are a part of Indy, I will be watching (either cheering or cursing) unconditionally.

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