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You know what is the most disappointing about this season


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The constant incessant threads about fire this coach, bench this player, our team sucks.


I understand that as fans we have a right to vent our frustrations about things that we don't like but my god people can we just take a break from all this negativity?


This team has its problems, i'm not saying were world beaters by any stretch but these threads on this forum are getting to the point that its not even fun coming here anymore.  


IMO here are a couple of things us as fans need to keep in mind:



1.  As much as you think you know, its not more than the FO staff.  

2.  Not much can be done in terms of signing players and have them integrated enough into our scheme to have them be successful.

3.  Our (and I use the term "Our" loosely considering the negativity on this board) team is who they are.  They aren't perfect and in all probability wont reach NY come Feb.  but neither will 30 other teams.

4.  No matter how much you like or dislike the transactions that have occurred this season, constant complaining isn't going to change it so stop  :deadhorse: .

5.  This is only our HC's 2nd year, last year he spent most of it laying in a hospital fighting for his life.  Not to mention our OC's first year.  Nobody is perfect and they are in essence learning on the job.  Stop being so quick to want to fire these people.  Remember that when you were beginning your job your were new once too and i'm sure you made some mistakes.

6.  Consider the fact that for the better portion of the last decade we were the most winning team in the NFL.  Yes we only have 1 Lombardi to show for it but I can give you a plethora of other teams/fans that would have loved to been in our shoes(no pun intended) for the last decade.



Here is a wild idea, instead of all the negativity and it being so close to Christmas and the Holidays, give one reason why your thankful for this team.


I'll start:


I'm thankful for the Colts because it allows myself and my children time to sit down for a couple of hours and cheer for our team.  


I'm also thankful that the Colts have such a great owner.  Yes, he is the owner but he is also a fan first, which means he bleeds blue more than anyone else on this forum.


Really! its not that hard, I'll go again


I'm thankful for the Colts because they have brought me so much joy when it comes to watching sports.


You try now.



BTW if your gonna come into this thread and start with "We can't vent about whats wrong with this team?" or "We should just all fall in line and follow blindly" that's not even close to what i'm saying.  What I'm saying is be appreciative of the things we do have and the team we do have.  Heck LA is the second biggest market in the US and don't even have a football team.  I'm sure a lot of other cities would love to have a football team.





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ok, let's try this.. i'm thankful for having peyton on the team for a decade+, and now having andrew for present and future..


i'm thankful he (and the whole colts team) beat the broncos, and seahawks and 49'ers wins were just the icing on the cake..


no matter how this season turns out, when i remember those wins, i'll be smiling ;)


p.s. thanks to jags and texans for sucking :thmup:  we are afc south champions! 

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You do make a valid point Coltfanmilyman. To quote Tony Dungy "Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?" 


Okay, I will play along too. 


I am thankful for an owner willing to open up his checkbook in order to attract & retain premier player talent on our active roster. 


I am thankful for a GM who can tap into hidden gems inside the CFL like ILB Jerrell Freeman.


I am thankful for a GM who secured a quality backup QB in Matthew Hasselbeck. 


I am thankful for Corey Redding on defense with a nonstop motor & I hope he just pulled something minor yesterday. 


And finally all the other bloggers on this site are thankful that I decided to shut up now to allow other Colts fans to speak & let their voices be heard. LOL! 

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The constant incessant threads about fire this coach, bench this player, our team sucks.


I understand that as fans we have a right to vent our frustrations about things that we don't like but my god people can we just take a break from all this negativity?


This team has its problems, i'm not saying were world beaters by any stretch but these threads on this forum are getting to the point that its not even fun coming here anymore.  


IMO here are a couple of things us as fans need to keep in mind:



1.  As much as you think you know, its not more than the FO staff.  

2.  Not much can be done in terms of signing players and have them integrated enough into our scheme to have them be successful.

3.  Our (and I use the term "Our" loosely considering the negativity on this board) team is who they are.  They aren't perfect and in all probability wont reach NY come Feb.  but neither will 30 other teams.

4.  No matter how much you like or dislike the transactions that have occurred this season, constant complaining isn't going to change it so stop  :deadhorse: .

5.  This is only our HC's 2nd year, last year he spent most of it laying in a hospital fighting for his life.  Not to mention our OC's first year.  Nobody is perfect and they are in essence learning on the job.  Stop being so quick to want to fire these people.  Remember that when you were beginning your job your were new once too and i'm sure you made some mistakes.

6.  Consider the fact that for the better portion of the last decade we were the most winning team in the NFL.  Yes we only have 1 Lombardi to show for it but I can give you a plethora of other teams/fans that would have loved to been in our shoes(no pun intended) for the last decade.



Here is a wild idea, instead of all the negativity and it being so close to Christmas and the Holidays, give one reason why your thankful for this team.


I'll start:


I'm thankful for the Colts because it allows myself and my children time to sit down for a couple of hours and cheer for our team.  


I'm also thankful that the Colts have such a great owner.  Yes, he is the owner but he is also a fan first, which means he bleeds blue more than anyone else on this forum.


Really! its not that hard, I'll go again


I'm thankful for the Colts because they have brought me so much joy when it comes to watching sports.


You try now.



BTW if your gonna come into this thread and start with "We can't vent about whats wrong with this team?" or "We should just all fall in line and follow blindly" that's not even close to what i'm saying.  What I'm saying is be appreciative of the things we do have and the team we do have.  Heck LA is the second biggest market in the US and don't even have a football team.  I'm sure a lot of other cities would love to have a football team.




Wow this is so not the direction I thought this thread was going when I clicked on the title and that's a GREAT thing.  Thank you for this post!

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We're 3-3 since Reggie Wayne has left the field with his injury

1st place in the AFC South (wasn't pretty but a division championship is a division championship)

Found 2 hidden gems in the offense ( Da'Rick Rogers & Lavon Brazill)

Our TE that MOST people wanted to trade has become his old Stanford self and has reestablished the Stanford connection with Andrew Luck

Trent Richardson has been humbled by his benching and I expect a better performance from him once January comes around

That's my list of positives. Now if we can just get our offensive line on board with the plan we'd be in good shape

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also re: the coaches....you know we give rookie players the benefit and a chance to grow as players but for some reason, the coaches don't seem to get that luxury. There are 2 rookie coaches on this team (yes I count Pagano as a rookie, since it's his first full season). As with all rookies, they're going to make mistakes. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt this season. Now if the same mistakes are being made 2-3 years from now, then all the fire the coaches rants would be justified.


But right now, I'm greatful to have a team to root for and one that has been a playoff/ super bowl contender for the better part of my adult life


even if they stunk, I'm still greatful to have a team to root for.

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Nice thread! Here are some of the reasons I'm thankful:


Our owner. He may be addicted to twitter, and sometimes gets into trouble with tweets, but overall does a good job with the organization.


Head coach. Pagano is being criticized by some for his coaching abilities, but he overcame leukemia and returned to the job. That itself is a great thing.


Andrew Luck. Need I say more?


Signing of Da"Rick  Rogers. If he performs well the rest of the season, he looks to be a break out star.


DHB. Just kidding. But he does provide entertainment for the forums.

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Appreciate this thread very much.

I think what is important here is context. After the debacle that was 2011, to be where they are now it is a remarkable turnaround. Playoffs last year, division champs this year - those are amazing accomplishments.

More context - the complaining about backing into the playoffs and so forth when the fact is if someone had said at the start of the season would you take 8-5 after 13 games - the answer would have been somewhere between yes and hell yes.

They have a future great QB if he is not great already. Frankly the rest after is kind of not so important because unless you have the great QB, you are not winning so they have the most important piece in place.

I said this last week - going into the playoffs the most important thing is to be hot. Certainly they are not there yet but they can get there. Now my suspicion is that they lack talent & playmakers I think to truly make a run, but ya never know...

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I'm thankful that as a kid, my Dad introduced me to the Colts, and over the years I have had the pleasure of watching and rooting for:


  • Johnny Unitas, John Mackey, Tom Matte, Mike Curtis, Bubba Smith - a Super Bowl win
  • Bert Jones, Lydell Mitchell, the Sack Pack
  • Jim Harbaugh, Marshall Faulk, and the failed hail mary.
  • Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison, etal - a Super Bowl win, the comeback against Tampa Bay, the comeback against the Pats...
  • Curtis Painter (without him, we don't draft Andrew)
  • Andrew Luck, Reggie Wayne, Robert Mathis - the many wining seasons to come

Lastly, I am thankful in advance for the upset win in the first round of the playoffs that allows us to play Peyton again in the second round.  Because, as much as we all love what Peyton did for us as a Colt, if we are being honest, he typically does not play his best games when the pressure is on (last year's interception in OT).

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Nice thread! Here are some of the reasons I'm thankful:


Our owner. He may be addicted to twitter, and sometimes gets into trouble with tweets, but overall does a good job with the organization.


Head coach. Pagano is being criticized by some for his coaching abilities, but he overcame leukemia and returned to the job. That itself is a great thing.


Andrew Luck. Need I say more?


Signing of Da"Rick  Rogers. If he performs well the rest of the season, he looks to be a break out star.


DHB. Just kidding. But he does provide entertainment for the forums.

What makes you think DaRick Rogers will be any good?  Why didn't other teams see this guy?  Well, they did, he has a troubled past which I know all of you already know.  I don't think he is some secret that we got, he will end up regressing if he's not very careful.  Indianapolis is not necessarily a place in which that will be easy.  Reference Pacers' troubles, etc.  Too many of those "places" to get into trouble at.  Three-strike drug offender in college.  I hope he turns the corner and stays clean and humble.  Here's hoping for a good return on our investment.  The Bills let him go for a reason and I wish I was a fly on that GM's wall.

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I'm thankful for a wildly entertaining display every week.


I'm thankful for the place where fans can talk about the wildly entertaining performance each day.


I'm thankful this thread gives me an opportunity to address Vitriolic Venting posts-


I have brought up the notion of a "Vent Vault" sub-forum.  Any posts that contain Fire xxxx!!   Cut yyyy!!  etc. get moved to the Vault...  Unless... the OP backs up the statement with- specific incidents that require the firing, or thoughtful  reasons for the team being improved by the loss of xxxx or yyyy ; or provides solutions in the form of who is to replace xxxx and/or yyyy and why they would produce better in their new position than the outgoing folks.


I'm thankful to get that off my chest and look for the positives we saw from the second half of the last Colts game.

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We should all be thankful for a lot, being a colts fan has given us two great qbs! How many teams would give up everything for that luxury? Look at the Jags or browns fans. I'm sure their only pleasure is picking early in the draft each year whereas we keep having winning seasons; and on the bright side of Wayne's injury we get to see how blessed we are with him and we still have won games because of decisions that we've made since: next man up!

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I am thankful for a rational thread


I am thankful to have the freedom to post on this Colts board with people that have the same love for the :colts:as I do. 


I am thankful for all the great memories the Colts team have given us throughout the years.


I am thankful that THE MAN UPSTAIRS spared Chuck Pagano's life so he could fulfill his dream of coaching the Colts. And hopefully hoisting the Lombardi sometime in the near future.

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I'm Thankful for for so much when it comes to talking about, watching, reading about or even thinking about this Colts team.

I don't think I would be allowed to post it all here... Lucky for any of you that read this!


But truthfully, honestly, and passionately I believe in this Organization as a whole, and for the first time since they rode in on the moving trucks, I feel a part of the community and family that are the Colts. 


I used to rant, and point fingers and get really indignant when I saw we weren't winning against teams I thought we should. And this was way back when I knew very little about football. (In the late 80's/90's). I have learned a lot since then. Thanks to the Manning era and Football for Dummies (Yeah, I know, but it worked for me). 


I played basketball and softball in school, so when the Pacers, Fever or Indians are having it rough I can see and know why, and can deal. And now the Colts, who have had it really rough with injuries and personnel changes particularly this season, I now can see what they're doing and understand why. Do I agree with all of it? No. Do I still believe in our team, have a resounding YES! No, they're not going to win every game, and no, they're not going to make everybody happy all the time. Any given Sunday, right?


I lived next to the Colts complex for a couple of years, and got to hear a lot, even though the place is well secured and blocked so you can't see the outdoor practice field, and it was fun. I've watched games, listened to Bob Lamey's coverage, and even recorded games to watch over again to test my own IQ when it comes to picking apart plays. It's really cool when nothing analysts and experts say surprises me anymore. 


I've survived cancer myself, so a minor link to coach is something I feel, I've run into players out and about, and I've learned to participate in these forums, read and reply to blogs, join chats, jump on to Google Hangouts to hear what others think. I feel more a part of this community through football, and the Colts. 


Thanks coltsfanmilyman for your words today. Love hearing for people like you, and others that have responded!

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I'm thankful that the Colt's fans were able to properly say goodbye to Peyton in the stadium he built!


I'm thankful that we are the winner "again" of the AFC South!


I'm thankful that some of our wins were not pretty; however, they "were" wins that benefited the team!

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I am thankful for a rational thread


I am thankful to have the freedom to post on this Colts board with people that have the same love for the :colts:as I do. 


I am thankful for all the great memories the Colts team have given us throughout the years.


I am thankful that THE MAN UPSTAIRS spared Chuck Pagano's life so he could fulfill his dream of coaching the Colts. And hopefully hoisting the Lombardi sometime in the near future.

I'm thankful to be part of this thread where so many people said so many really cool things. Lots of great posts.

This one by Franklin County best reflects what I wanted to say, much better than I could say it.

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 I seem to recall before the season started that a majority of people on here had the Colts winning like 6 games or something. They have already exceeded expectations. I think once they won a few big games early in the year, people adjusted their expectations to one of the top teams in the league which is simply not the case yet. I said 9-7 before the season started and that's right where they are at. 10 wins with the schedule they have played would be awesome especially considering the injury hits we have taken. No, I'm not totally happy with the coaching staff, but I didn't expect this to be the year the Colts made a playoff run.(although it would be nice)

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I am thankful for the people who take the time to share their thoughts on the forum and in doing so have become individuals I want to know and spend time with.  Who have a common bond with me in caring about this team.  Who yell and scream, cry and rant with me.  Who so very often know what I want to say but say it better, or of course exactly right.

I am thankful for the joy this team has given me.  The excitement of a truly incredible play.  The unexpected plays that bring me jumping to my feet with my fists in the air yelling at the top of my lungs.

I am thankful for the pride I feel that the Colts are my team.  That this is an organization I care about and they do it the right way.  The good in the community, and the brotherhood of the team.  I am proud of these guys.

I am thankful that they have made me closer to my family.  The time we spend together during a game and talking about it afterward.

I am thankful that all those meals I have fixed for the game have been burnt up in calories during the game.  :)

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I will be thankful for a steady dose of dedicated Happy Threads for those Colts Fans to enjoy FB Fanship & threads their way.


One shouldn`t feel like they have to be run through the muck of FOOTBALL FANS observations & analysis of the play, the finer details, the Hard Reality of what happened on the field.


 I`m thankful for D Rogers, McNary, Hughes, Brazill, Reitz, Adongo, Nixon, FleenR, Cherilus, Donald, and all the sacrifice and great effort the players, coaches, and Management put forth to demonstrate the right way to do it.

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In response to the question about DaRick Rogers: I don't know that he's going to be any good, but I was thinking optimistically. I realize that he had alot of problems, and other teams didn't want him. There must have been a reason that the Colts took him, though. They must have seen some talent and decided to take a chance. Here's hoping that he can turn things around and contribute much to the team. This just could be the organization he needed. 


It might not work out, but I'm willing to give him a chance.

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This is my type of thread.  :thmup:


I am thankful that the Colts were able to have great success with Peyton Manning, and that he is still doing well in spite of his injury.

I am thankful that we were then able to draft Andrew Luck after Peyton. Seriously, we are so spoiled as a fan base with great QBs! Smart and professional!

Lastly, I am thankful for the professionalism and openness of the Colts organization as a whole.  


Indiana gets a great professional football team along with a great basketball team? I feel blessed as a sports fan.  :cheer2:

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In response to the question about DaRick Rogers: I don't know that he's going to be any good, but I was thinking optimistically. I realize that he had alot of problems, and other teams didn't want him. There must have been a reason that the Colts took him, though. They must have seen some talent and decided to take a chance. Here's hoping that he can turn things around and contribute much to the team. This just could be the organization he needed.

It might not work out, but I'm willing to give him a chance.

I think more specifically, having 87 around is the best cure for stupidity (I hope)

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