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Ranting thread: Titans at Colts .


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His play should be no surprise. It's what he has done his entire career.  Thats why when people saw it happening day after day in camp this year, they complained.  Some people here wanted to take shots and tell us to wait for the regular season to complain.   Fair enough.   Can we criticize his play now?

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His play should be no surprise. It's what he has done his entire career.  Thats why when people saw it happening day after day in camp this year, they complained.  Some people here wanted to take shots and tell us to wait for the regular season to complain.   Fair enough.   Can we criticize his play now?


He got his opportunity to prove himself and he failed. Time to move on.

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Gabby Johnson is right. (not a jab, just trying to think of a way to say essentially the same thing....blazing saddle reference for you whippersnappers.)

DHB needs to go.

Fergson Johnson's right about Gabby Johnson being right! Let's wire the Governor for help!

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I matched Ralphie in A Christmas Story for curse words per second when DHB dropped that wide open pass around the 20 yard line. I have been very quiet lately, and I am a very optimistic Colts fan. I am usually an even keel person and rarely will anything get me upset. I admit that I was beyond PO'ed when DHB dropped that pass. He took at least 3 points off the board with that drop.

Get DHB Out Of The Game! I don't care what we have to do to save the Colts coaches from them selves, but someone needs to make sure DHB is not active for another game this season. I have seen enough, and like I pointed out before, this is coming from a very optimistic person and Colts fan. The DHB experiment has failed, and we need to move on immediately. There is no need to try and fix this situation with him, because the dude plain and simple could not catch a cold.

Jim Irsay, how about you spend a few less minutes tweeting this week and demand that DHB never be active for another Colts game again. If it means demanding he is cut tomorrow then it is what it is. We have to do something in the front office to save these coaches from them selves. If it walks like a duck, then guess what folks? It is a duck. DHB cannot catch a darn thing and he will only continue to drop big pass after big pass; week in and week out. Just cut his butt already and move on.


Merge this one and I will never post here again.

Surprising that this one was merged, yet the worthless thread about firing Vinnie is allowed to stand......

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For some reason the WR screen seems to have been totally cut out of the offense. I don't know why, as it was something DHB was actually decent at.

No clue bro. I have been trying to give Pep the benefit of doubt being a rookie oc and all. But he has really been making me scratch my head. He doesn't get out offense in any kind of flow or rhythm. His playing calling is predictable and very frustrating. Instead of playing to our strengths and throwing more short passes and taking advantage of teams rush and blitzes.

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The Pats have a guy that had a fumbling issue. Against the Broncos the guy fumbled early in the 1st quarter, didnt play the rest of the game. Yet DHB is put out there time and time again to drop wide open passes. Maybe we just literally dont have another body to put out there in his place?

or maybe it is coaching and we are being OUT COACHED !! Ouch

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I have been holding back on the play of our beloved COLTS, I just have to make this comment. If we don,! Improve our online, we are going to creat another uDavid Carriiii remember him, Luck has been missing quite a few passes. Bad throws. It was good to see Pag sit down DHB after that last drop of his. I was hoping to see more of Da Rick today, what do we have to lose! Will get off my box now. Go COLTS

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Everything went wrong...  and Indy won.


But there are issues with this team.


OL, WR, and play calling is really suspect right now.

Honestly I don't think the defense went wrong they played as well as they have played in a long time. 


Offensively they are just struggling right now but with the number of key injuries they have on that side of the ball that's not all that shocking at least to me.  Still that 92 yard drive was just awesome to watch, what's more amazing/frustrating is that it came out of no where. 

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Darick comes in a play a couple plays get;s a great PI and doesn't come back in...


DHN continue's to drop critical passes and yet he stays in  why????


PEP Hamilton !!


I was all for Pep when he came here, thought the experience with Luck, Fleener, Whalen would be a huge positive but really questioning him now... 


wasn't an Arians fan, because he kills his QB's,(IMO) but Pep has hurt Luck nearly as much and his Offense seems to be taking Andrew back or at least limiting his progress... 

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hypocritical isn't ?  you saw the title of the thread, but yet you chose to come in and throw darts in the post post.... Really 

Actually, my response was to a thread titled "* off" or somewhere along those lines. You'd be surprised how pointless that thread was. They have merged all the ranting threads into this one though...

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My belief was if you roll the QB out, you are essentially allowing the D to only defend 1/2 of the field.  So an occasional bootleg is OK, but not every play.

I agree, but seeing half the field is still 100% better than seeing none of it.

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Line is pathetic and probably will be next year because I really don't think we will make big changes to the offensive line. Maybe drafting a few lineman, but I doubt bringing any FAs in.


Cassius looked better as a nickel back, and Darius looked ok as #2, and should be a good stop gap tip Toler returns.


We will win the division and get bounced within the first couple playoff games, probably.

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I will start on a positive note.

1. We won the game and are in the drivers seat to reclaim the division and into the playoffs.

2. Da'Rick finally got into the game and burned a NFL cb for a huge PI call and appeared to get separation from his defenders on his other few routes he was in on.

3. Vaugn turned his head around finally and look what happens, 2 picks. I wonder if the coaches put a remote controlled nerve stimulator in his neck so they could zap him just at the right time and his head would turn cause thats just crazy. 2 picks in a game?

4. AV was a machine today at 41 years of age. Not little chip shots, big kicks +40 yards outs dead middle mostly. Congrats to him and I think he has earned a final contract with this season too.

5. Coaches finally stepping up and making personnel decisions and sitting guys for under performing, stillneed to make more.

Now for the negatives I see


2. Oline was terrible again today and even the tackels were in on the bad. Constanza got beat too many times.

3. Sitting Mcfly was the right thing to do but Satele is 50% worse than our worst player (mcfly). I would hope they allow Satele the bench this week and put Mcfly in all week at center. Try it, what will it hurt, both suck but it seems Mcfly sucks a little less at the Center position.

4. Coaching and game plans. I was watching some plays that I thought were brilliant and out of character for what we had witnessed over the season and then they would go right back into garbage calling plays and becoming predictable again. Pep devised a few nice plays, not enough though, he needs to do better. Manusky had some odd schemes at times as well. Having a lb out covering the fastest player in the nfl at times? The safety covering #13 their player that just keeps making plays on us and playing 7 yards off on him for that quick across the field slant for easy pickens? I was confused at what they are trying to do. Where are the exotic packages?

5. Da'Rick gets one ball tossed his way and doesn't see anything after that PI throw but DHB drops a ball thrown right to him with nobody near him and then gets the next ball tossed right back to him for an incompletion? Wth was Luck thinking on that? It was a bad pass and poor oline blocking but man, all the drops, quit looking at DHB!

6. 1 designed run for Luck late in this game while Harvard boy has 10, wth is wrong with our coaching staff that they can't utilize our QB's athleticism and speed? If nothing more, get him outside this pocket often to decrease this pressure up the middle and/or crashing in from the outsides.

I can't recall being in a season that I have been more frustrated watching this team, win or lose. I think I'm more frustrated at this coaching staff for the inept plans and utilizing the players. I get frustrated watching every team we play get wide open for their back up qb to throw strikes to them while Luck seemingly has to throw in a tight contested Window. It is frustrating knowing we have this defensive minded coach who was suposed to bring this baltimore swagger mentality to the defense and we keep running these vanilla schemes and we only have Mathis applying any pressure to the qb. We see these other teams having lesser talent on their team yet scheming us for much better results. Winning is great but knowing your team has so many fundamental flaws and coaching deficiencies, it does not give you warm fuzzy feeling that the team is on the right path for the long road, meaning years 3-5 of Lucks career. I don't want to see Luck having multiple coordinators like so many other qb's have had to deal with and struggled to adapt to.

Hopefully this coaching staff is learning and will quit their stubborn ways to loyalty to their players under performing and pep will learn to adjust more in game and add more wrinkles. He is young and new to the NFL so his leash is just a touch longer Imo.

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This OLIINE ( and I use the term loosely) is byond terrible, it is an embarassment....  and the root of all of the problems for the run and pass game.  We won't sniff a playoff win unless we figure it out SOON!  We didn't BEAT Tennessee, They beat themselves...thank you Mr. Fitzpatrick....

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Thats right, the cast is still in place. Good call, yeah I'd wait for that to come off too. I think starting Holmes at this point is just too risky. Argh!!


Yeah, they must not have any trust in Holmes, or Reitz for that matter.


You made a lot of good points.  A poster who was at the game brought up a good point about Rogers.  I couldn't find it right off, so I'll paraphrase - he said that after the PI, they did try to go back to Rogers and he wasn't looking for the ball. 


Sort of implies he doesn't have the offense down yet.  There are a lot of reads that a WR has to make on his own, and if he misses them it can cause a sack or an INT.  He certainly looks like he has the straight line speed.

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This OLIINE ( and I use the term loosely) is byond terrible, it is an embarassment....  and the root of all of the problems for the run and pass game.  We won't sniff a playoff win unless we figure it out SOON!  We didn't BEAT Tennessee, They beat themselves...thank you Mr. Fitzpatrick....


Yet, the Oline dominated on the last drive.  So there must be something there.


And the D had something to do with Fitz having a bad half.

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Yeah, they must not have any trust in Holmes, or Reitz for that matter.


You made a lot of good points.  A poster who was at the game brought up a good point about Rogers.  I couldn't find it right off, so I'll paraphrase - he said that after the PI, they did try to go back to Rogers and he wasn't looking for the ball. 


Sort of implies he doesn't have the offense down yet.  There are a lot of reads that a WR has to make on his own, and if he misses them it can cause a sack or an INT.  He certainly looks like he has the straight line speed.

I was there yesterday too and it possible I missed that second throw but quite honestly, I expected him to make an error with routes as he is new in the system pretty much and nerves . What I wanted from our OC was for him to draw up routes for him. Run 10 yards turn right, run 3 yards slant inside etc... nothing of these see what the defense does in passing off this guy or that guy and depending on what he does, do this or that. Those are the complicated patterns I would expect him to pick up during the offseason and into training camp. Just simplify 3-4 routes for him using timing while having the other guys use the whole play book. It shouldn't be so hard to get basic for Rogers IMO. Can Pep build that for him is the question? Obviously something has worked well for Gordon in Cleveland because he is a suplemental draft pick second in the league in yards so its possible for young guys to produce.
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AC is good, he's just not quick enough to anchor the blindside. He's a great run blocker, however. I wish we would look for a franchise LT. That would help the line immediately.


Exactly. It is a passing league.

AC is NOT even decent, at his current position of protecting a Franchise QB. 

Many think he could succeed as a RT. A better blocking Diem? About right IMO. He would still be an issue as a pass blocker.

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Exactly. It is a passing league.

AC is NOT even decent, at his current position of protecting a Franchise QB.

Many think he could succeed as a RT. A better blocking Diem? About right IMO. He would still be an issue as a pass blocker.

i disagree. AC is decent at lt
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It kinda does because it does nothing but further validate a broken product. We are still playing horrible football but at the same time, we're winning. Makes it harder to critically look at our team when everyone will just point to our record as an iron clad retort to any perceived weakness


Validate a broken product ? :spit: 

  While this Colts team resembles the Cardiac Colts  more than the Peyton Manning Colts  I'll give you that IMO the team finds a way to win  would you prefer pretty losses ? 


Yes it can seem ugly to the faint of heart but a Win Is A Win .  

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