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What will be considered a successful season for Chuck and the Colts?


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Considering what Bruce did with a "pieced together" team last year vs a deeper improved team this year. The young skill players on offense should build on their success and continue to blossom. The Colts have the 3rd easiest schedule this year. Bruce had a more aggresive approach last year especially on offense but also on challenges and going for it on 4th downs. Now I know a lot had to do with the team playing over their heads for Chuckstrong but I feel the real key this year will be what Pep brings to the table. Didn't see much stretching the field in training camp or in preseason and I understand they want to run the ball more to protect Luck but a better o-line will accomplish that. The ground game should be solid with a healthy Bradshaw along with Ballard and Brown but the strength of the offense is still the passing game with Luck. I know Pep likes to pound the ball and favors a short passing game with a 2 sometime 3 te sets (Lucks % will go up) but with TY and DHB you must take your shots downfield. Hopefully he can mix his system but also cater to the talent at hand. The defense can only get better with added playmakers who also fit the scheme. Special teams so far remind me of Colts past. :facepalm:  Thoughts coltsnation?

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Considering what Bruce did with a "pieced together" team last year vs a deeper improved team this year. The young skill players on offense should build on their success and continue to blossom. The Colts have the 3rd easiest schedule this year. Bruce had a more aggresive approach last year especially on offense but also on challenges and going for it on 4th downs. Now I know a lot had to do with the team playing over their heads for Chuckstrong but I feel the real key this year will be what Pep brings to the table. Didn't see much stretching the field in training camp or in preseason and I understand they want to run the ball more to protect Luck but a better o-line will accomplish that. The ground game should be solid with a healthy Bradshaw along with Ballard and Brown but the strength of the offense is still the passing game with Luck. I know Pep likes to pound the ball and favors a short passing game with a 2 sometime 3 te sets (Lucks % will go up) but with TY and DHB you must take your shots downfield. Hopefully he can mix his system but also cater to the talent at hand. The defense can only get better with added playmakers who also fit the scheme. Special teams so far remind me of Colts past. :facepalm:  Thoughts coltsnation?


A winning record following up last year's miracle season would be a great accomplishment.

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A playoff berth. A playoff win or Division title, (preferably both) would be an outstanding season


Agree, playoffs is a minimum for this to be considered a good season. A playoff win or division title or both would be gravy, IMO.


Once year 3 comes along, expectations are bound to go up to a division title, IMO.


Yes, we Colts fans are spoiled but Luck did not let us temper our expectations last year, so why should he and the team do so this year? :)

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Making the playoffs is a successful season....    anything more than that is even more successful.


Anything less than that and it will be a long, Long, LONG off-season around here....  Colts.com will not be nearly as fun a place to hang out as it's been...


Here's hoping for the best....

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And don't buy into the 3rd easiest schedule thing.....that can be misleading


That third easiest schedule label is heavily skewed playing Jax twice, and the AFC west (KC, Oak, & SD)

Colts fans who don't have a short memory should remember how Jax games can go, KC has some talent on their roster as well, & who knows how SD will look with a new HC...

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Considering what Bruce did with a "pieced together" team last year vs a deeper improved team this year. The young skill players on offense should build on their success and continue to blossom. The Colts have the 3rd easiest schedule this year. Bruce had a more aggresive approach last year especially on offense but also on challenges and going for it on 4th downs. Now I know a lot had to do with the team playing over their heads for Chuckstrong but I feel the real key this year will be what Pep brings to the table. Didn't see much stretching the field in training camp or in preseason and I understand they want to run the ball more to protect Luck but a better o-line will accomplish that. The ground game should be solid with a healthy Bradshaw along with Ballard and Brown but the strength of the offense is still the passing game with Luck. I know Pep likes to pound the ball and favors a short passing game with a 2 sometime 3 te sets (Lucks % will go up) but with TY and DHB you must take your shots downfield. Hopefully he can mix his system but also cater to the talent at hand. The defense can only get better with added playmakers who also fit the scheme. Special teams so far remind me of Colts past. :facepalm:  Thoughts coltsnation?

Super Bowl Win

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Last season, we were able to make the playoffs.  This year, I think a playoff win would be successful.  The team is still developing and Grigson is still trying to add all the right pieces.  We aren't perennial contenders yet, but we are close

So true 21isSuperman and Grigs is trying like crazy to make sure the Colts are perennial contenders now. For conversation piece if the Colts did miss the playoffs or had a losing record barring injuries do you think that coaching will be the problem or style of play on offense will have more to do with it? I understand there can be many reasons but I'm focusing on those two based on the fact that most defensive coaches as hcs have the tendency to be more conservative relying on strong running games and are satisfied with fgs because they believe their defense can limit the opposing team from scoring. Not saying Chuck will be that way (haven't seen enough of him yet) but which would you lean more towards?

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Not being a smarty pants but SUPER BOWL victory.  Your goal every season is to win it all, from Irsay all the way down to the hot dog vendor, win the Super Bowl.  If you lose in the SB or play-offs, you did good but in reality you didn't reach your goal - SB victory. No, no, no I'm not saying we didn't have a good/successful season by getting beat in the play-offs/SB but are we setting the bar at the play-offs? Conference? Division?  Setting the bar at the play-offs is good or successful only during HAPPY HOUR!  GO COLTS!  Have a good one Colts fans!

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So true 21isSuperman and Grigs is trying like crazy to make sure the Colts are perennial contenders now. For conversation piece if the Colts did miss the playoffs or had a losing record barring injuries do you think that coaching will be the problem or style of play on offense will have more to do with it? I understand there can be many reasons but I'm focusing on those two based on the fact that most defensive coaches as hcs have the tendency to be more conservative relying on strong running games and are satisfied with fgs because they believe their defense can limit the opposing team from scoring. Not saying Chuck will be that way (haven't seen enough of him yet) but which would you lean more towards?

If the team takes a step back, I think it will be mostly because we caught a lot of breaks last year.  I think we were something like 5-1 in games decided by less than 7 points.  Plus, the emotional high we had with the ChuckStrong stuff going on really helped the team gel together.  If we go worse than .500, I think it would have to be the defense.  With Luck going back to his college coordinator, he will be very comfortable in the offense and will know where everyone should be.  On defense, we have a lot of new pieces.  So if the team doesn't do well (and like you said, it could be due to a million other reasons), I would guess it would be due to so many new faces on defense

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It would be a great season if we win the division and/or a playoff game.  But I'd be happy with a playoff berth.  I think it would be a failure, if we won less than 8 games. And when I say "failure," I use this term very loosely.  I mean it more as in we took a step back from last season.  With our schedule and moves we made in the offseason, I just don't think there's any reason that we should win less than that, unless we sustain major injuries to key components. 

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It would be a great season if we win the division and/or a playoff game.  But I'd be happy with a playoff berth.  I think it would be a failure, if we won less than 8 games. And when I say "failure," I use this term very loosely.  I mean it more as in we took a step back from last season.  With our schedule and moves we made in the offseason, I just don't think there's any reason that we should win less than that, unless we sustain major injuries to key components. 

If the Colts were to finish below .500 it would be a failure to me. I'm thinking a couple of major injuries like qb (NOOooo) would be the cause if not heads should roll. There's no reason this team should LOSE 9 or 10 games and judging by Irsays reaction after the first preseason game expectations are high.

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I just want the NFL pundit world to say "Huh, what do you know Chuck Pagano & the boys can make the Playoffs without Bruce Arians." I admire Bruce's keen offensive mind as much as anybody, but I'm getting sick & tired of NFL experts claiming that Mr. Arians is 95% responsible for our post season success last season. I wish Bruce well in AZ, but Chuck & Pep are no slouches either. I'm just saying...


I also want the AFC Division Title this season. I respect QuizBoy, Vance87, & the Houston Texans tremendously, but it's time to go head & head & see which team is standing when the dust settles...  

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If the team takes a step back, I think it will be mostly because we caught a lot of breaks last year.  I think we were something like 5-1 in games decided by less than 7 points.  Plus, the emotional high we had with the ChuckStrong stuff going on really helped the team gel together.  If we go worse than .500, I think it would have to be the defense.  With Luck going back to his college coordinator, he will be very comfortable in the offense and will know where everyone should be.  On defense, we have a lot of new pieces.  So if the team doesn't do well (and like you said, it could be due to a million other reasons), I would guess it would be due to so many new faces on defense

Ah man! Why you have to go & be reasonable & objective for 21isSuperman?! Just Kidding buddy!  :funny: In all seriousness, we do have several new pieces on D. So, you do raise a valid point. I tease because I like you man. When I don't kid around, then you know that something is really wrong with me...more than normal anyway.  ;)

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