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Joe Lefeged Arrested...


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Lets all over react. He's a witch!


I wish he were a witch.


Unfortunately, he's not. He's an *, which really is worse for the team and his chances of continuing his NFL career as a member of the Colts. If criminal stupidity were a charge, he just committed it in the 1st degree.


C'mon ,Joe. Tons of people get away with concealing firearms without a license. It's called not bringing attention to yourself by committing stupid crimes that are easily avoidable. 

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I have to disagree with you, Gavin. No, they are not like us....as in the average poster on this board. Most players have been treated like they are special, outside of the rules in schools and requirements for graduation. This starts at the junior high level...preferencial treatment. Staying out too late and driving while tired is bad judgement, walking into a party that you don't know people, getting a nervous feeling but remaining is bad judgement. Loaning your car to a friend who has little to lose in their life is bad judgement.


Carrying multiple weapons and running from the law is displaying bad character.

Just because we prop them up on a pedestal dont mean they are any more worthy of being on one, Fact is they make the money they do because fans pay to see them play and for there merchandise, Those skills will fade away. I agree preferencial treatment is given to the best of the best of players(I call it Daddies little girl treatment). I think it all starts in the home, If you have structure in the home then I think the chances go down that you will do something extremely stupid as what Lefeged did, That dont mean it wont happen because obviously it does sometimes but if your taught to be humble from day 1 a guy like Lefeged will know how blessed he is, Now if your taught that but not willing to accept that then your probably a bad apple

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The fire arm charges suck, although it does not appear that the guns were shot at or against anyone. I suppose that will help him some, but what the heck was he or whomever was driving the car thinking with running from the police? I assume they were scared to get caught with the fire arms I guess.

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Nothing against the guy for owning a hand gun or carrying it if he is licensed to but if not...in DC...running away from the law....just stupid....you just don't put yourself in the position to have something bad like that happen. Dumb. Thing is it isn't like the kid is a star or going to probably get a second chance. He was barely on the team as it was....drawing a minimum salary and it isn't like he is EVER going to have a job that will earn him the money he threw away. He blew his chance...for some stupidity. He will be detailing cars at a car lot the rest of his life if he is lucky....he got a shot and decided he would rather be a dumb butt than make the most of it....no sympathy.

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Actually good?  Lefeged was our best special teams player and our 2nd string backup. I am not sticking up for him but keep the facts right.


The only fact I care about is that Lefeged is a below average safety who couldn't even beat out Tom Zbikowski.  When Lefeged did start in 2011, he was horrible.  It's telling that you can't cite any actual good safety work of his;  you merely say he was a 2nd string backup as a stand alone comment.....as though it's an accomplishment to not be as good as the worst starting safety in the NFL.


Lefeged can be replaced by an equal or better player special teams player in about 10 minutes.  I wouldn't worry too much about that one.  Bottom line:  losing Joe Lefeged doesn't make us a worse team, by even a tiny amount.


What's next?  Are people going to be on suicide watch if Weslye Saunders gets suspended/injured?  I'd hate to see you all if we lose a player who's actually key.

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The only fact I care about is that Lefeged is a below average safety who couldn't even beat out Tom Zbikowski.  When Lefeged did start in 2011, he was horrible.  It's telling that you can't cite any actual good safety work of his;  you merely say he was a 2nd string backup as a stand alone comment.....as though it's an accomplishment to not be as good as the worst starting safety in the NFL.


Lefeged can be replaced by an equal or better player special teams player in about 10 minutes.  I wouldn't worry too much about that one.  Bottom line:  losing Joe Lefeged doesn't make us a worse team, by even a tiny amount.


What's next?  Are people going to be on suicide watch if Weslye Saunders gets suspended/injured?  I'd hate to see you all if we lose a player who's actually key.

Were you hear when Manning went down in 11?  heeheee..   You haven't seen anything.

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Too bad he was in DC.


Joe is from Maryland, went to college in New Jersey. He should be familiar with stricter gun laws. And I'm not being a moralist, or anti-gun. Just saying that it's his responsibility to follow the law in the state he's in. Plaxico Burress wouldn't have done two years for shooting himself in the leg in any other city. 


Yeah. DC is one of the last places you want to get caught w/ an unregistered gun.  That's probably why they decided to make a run for it.  If the Indystar is right about the charges he's looking a felony charge and significant time. Up to a year each on the unregistered firearm and ammunition charges. And up to 5 years on the carrying a firearm outside w/o a license (a felony) and presence of a firearm in a vehicle charges. Serious stuff.

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Hey! I was just thinking. If we do cut Lefeged & Brazill...... why not TRADE Brazill to the 49ers who've been looking for a WR?

They may not take him, but why not kick the tires to see if they will?

I think the 49ers are smart enough to figure out if we are calling to trade him that we will probably release him and if they really want him they can get him then. 

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I have to disagree with you. I carry to protect me and my family from thugs like him plus its my american right to bare arms.

Too much time on their hands? We all make dumb mistakes? Poor judgement?

I am sorry fans, but the ONLY time you should be running around with gunsssssss...as in plural....is if you are a police officer....or you are going hunting.

This is not poor judgement from being too young or without good examples, this is a bad decision maker. If you are scared that you are a target for your 15K bling in your ear, or hanging around your neck...hire a body guard. If you can't afford a body guard, don't try to run around in 15K bling.

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I think the 49ers are smart enough to figure out if we are calling to trade him that we will probably release him and if they really want him they can get him then.

Yeah..... there is that factor. Stupid 49ers and their smart and talented team & organization

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The only fact I care about is that Lefeged is a below average safety who couldn't even beat out Tom Zbikowski.  When Lefeged did start in 2011, he was horrible.  It's telling that you can't cite any actual good safety work of his;  you merely say he was a 2nd string backup as a stand alone comment.....as though it's an accomplishment to not be as good as the worst starting safety in the NFL.


Lefeged can be replaced by an equal or better player special teams player in about 10 minutes.  I wouldn't worry too much about that one.  Bottom line:  losing Joe Lefeged doesn't make us a worse team, by even a tiny amount.


What's next?  Are people going to be on suicide watch if Weslye Saunders gets suspended/injured?  I'd hate to see you all if we lose a player who's actually key.


Lefeged is the team's best gunner. And we're a team that hasn't had a good gunner for about a decade. So it does kind of suck, assuming he gets cut. 


It doesn't cripple the team. I'm sure we have other candidates on the roster, and Sergio Brown was pretty good on special teams last year also. Neither of them figured to play significant snaps at safety, as we now have Landry and Bethea. But losing your best gunner stings a little.

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I have to disagree with you. I carry to protect me and my family from thugs like him plus its my american right to bare arms.



Let's not turn this into a debate on gun rights.


Besides, at the risk of speaking for someone else, I think you misunderstood what Warhorse was saying.

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Lefeged is the team's best gunner. And we're a team that hasn't had a good gunner for about a decade. So it does kind of suck, assuming he gets cut. 


It doesn't cripple the team. I'm sure we have other candidates on the roster, and Sergio Brown was pretty good on special teams last year also. Neither of them figured to play significant snaps at safety, as we now have Landry and Bethea. But losing your best gunner stings a little.


Best gunner....lol irony at its best.


You know I don't understand why the players feel the need to have a gun?  If you saw Joe Lefeged out on the street nobody would be able to point him out..You don't see Manning carrying a weapon..I am positive that we all have been around athletes and didn't know it...I was at a mall one time time waiting to see the Colts superbowl trophy and Tony Stewart asked me what I was in line for...I had no idea who he was until a lady and her husband was like Oh my god it was Tony Stewart

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the gun possession wouldn't mean a thing in indiana. all you need is a carry permit

And doesn't mean squat when he crosses a line on a map into VA where we can walk around openly carrying weapons. All this gun stuff is nonsense. Now, running from the cops (probably neccesitated by the laughable gun "laws" in DC) that to me is the serious issue. But even then probably a 1st offense pled out to community service.

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LOL u nancies need to calm down. So he had an evil gun. Big whoop. Let's get all of the details before we go Patriots* on him. ;/

They fled from the cops. The driver bolted on foot, open containers and an unlicensed firearm were found. They havent identified the driver of the vehicle yet. Hardly your typical run of the mill traffic stop with a registered firearm. Sure as heck sounds like he is at the very least running with some serious dbags.

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I'm waiting to get a bit more info on the story. Lefegeds' been here for about 2 or 3 years now and we've had no trouble out of him. He doesn't have any sort of troublesome background, and he wasn't the one driving the car. I feel like we wouldn't miss a whole lot without Joe when looking at the football side of things I think. However I don't see how you are going to call him a thug and he didn't shoot or steal anything from anyone? You don't even know if he told the guy to put his foot on the gas. Are you doing that because he supposedly had an unregistered fire arm? How do we know that the gun you say you carry to protect your family is legal? Can we see your permit? Probably the pot calling the kettle black!

It says there was a bottle of alcohol in the car, but exactly whose bottle was it? There's very little evidence at this point. Even the Colts Organization is waiting to get more info. Even with Hernandez I waited a couple of days before I started saying I'd seen enough to feel like he definitely and likely played a major role in the crimes.

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I looked...did not see the ESPN article posted.....and he ran too?  And his buddy was standing up in the back of the convertible....South Beach?  Nope DC......Ya can't fix stupid......




As far as I can see from the article, Lefeged can't be linked to the gun yet, only if his fingerprints are on it. Lets see how this thing pans out before condemn him. We will be much smarter after Tuesday, I bet he would be released after the court hearing, but he must be a very good boy from now.

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And doesn't mean squat when he crosses a line on a map into VA where we can walk around openly carrying weapons. All this gun stuff is nonsense. Now, running from the cops (probably neccesitated by the laughable gun "laws" in DC) that to me is the serious issue. But even then probably a 1st offense pled out to community service.

I guess it all depends on your perspective, in a country where it's right to bear arms your probably going to think what's th big deal. In a country where owning a firearm is out the norm your more likely to not worry about his rights and think what an * for putting yourself in this position in THIS week of all weeks. SMH.

I won't go into anymore depth for risk of taking this off topic, but still.... He deserves to be cut out of sheer studity and I'm a fan of his abilities as a player.

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Tell me how misunderstood what he had to say.

And im not trying to turn it into a gun right debate I am just stating a fact. I carry mutiple guns sometimes. Just trying to state I dont have problem with him carrying if he is abiding by the law and in this case he wasnt... Most people who carry with out the proper registration and such is probabaly looking for trouble. So i do agree and diagree with warhorse....

Let's not turn this into a debate on gun rights.

Besides, at the risk of speaking for someone else, I think you misunderstood what Warhorse was saying.

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Too much time on their hands? They aren't 13 years old.


No,  it's worse.    They're entitled celebrities.     They're rarely told 'no'....   they're always told how great they are.  


They're surrounded by people who don't have their best interest at heart....    plus, during the off-season,   they have time and money.     Which is why so many of these issues surface at this time of year.    They typically surface during the off-season, and not as often as when they're in a routine during the regular season.


What happened to Lefeged last night has happened to countless other players over the years...


This is not hard to understand.....      The world they live in bares no resemblance to the one you and I live in.

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As far as I can see from the article, Lefeged can't be linked to the gun yet, only if his fingerprints are on it. Lets see how this thing pans out before condemn him. We will be much smarter after Tuesday, I bet he would be released after the court hearing, but he must be a very good boy from now.

The 900 dollar gun was purchased by Lefeged....I think that is what it said....

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If that gun thing is true then goodbye Lefeged

I use to feel sorry for these players and try to stick up for them when they did wrong, But now I'm just sick of it. Every time you turn around someone is in trouble. They need to cancel the off-season and instead of MiniCamp and OTA, you send the players to football boot camp until their team goes to Training Camp. NFL is turning into a wild zoo and it's looking like things aren't gonna get any better

less than one percent of nfl players have spent time in jail. less than the American average

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Grigson said to the team, right after the last practice. Don't get into trouble. Here's 2 people that can't follow a simple request from your coach aka your "boss". If your employer tells you not to do something, and you do it anyway, that's terms for immediate dismissal. Not to mention the fact that it brings embarrassing and negative publicity to your employer, which costs them and everyone in the company money. People, not just in sports, but everywhere need to realize that with illegal behavior comes with consequences. There are codes of conduct in every job, things you can, and cannot do. If you choose to hang around with the wrong crowd, you absolutely have a right to associate with whomever you want. But, if you are arrested with them, when they and/or you are involved with illegal activities, then you need to pay the price. If this had happened to most of us at our jobs, we would already be in the unemployment line, with a record that will follow us for the rest of our lives. Just because people are in the limelight, shouldn't make them not be accountable for their actions.


Even if you are in a car with someone that commits a crime, such as robbery or murder, while you are in the car, you are also guilty or robbery and murder, even if you did not steal anything, or pull the trigger. When you get a high profile job, such as athletes, etc..you need to avoid people, places, and things that you know deep in your heart are wrong. If that means leaving your so-called friends, etc behind, thats what you need to do. If they were truly your friends, they wouldn't let you be put into that position.


Now, as for the drug issue with Brazill...if its a truly illegal drug, such as weed, etc..I believe in giving a second chance...I have seem way too many times what addiction is and often how hard it is to break free. If he truly seeks help, then I'm all for giving him another shot.


As for carrying illegal weapons, I have zero tolerance. If they are registered and he has the permits, then why run from the police, (even if he wasn't driving). Why be in that situation in the first place. And please don't give the excuse that "Oh he didn't know about them" I'm sure that he has a pretty good idea of whom he is hanging out with, and what they do. Its not like he was picked up by a stranger, and he got into the car, and then the stranger was pulled over and arrested.


People need to be accountable..Lets see these people know what its like to have to earn a real paycheck. Let them see what its like to have to live week to week, with barely enough to get by..maybe then, will they realize what they had was truly a blessing. But I guess the old saying is true..Some people will never learn...

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  1. Apparently, he wasn't driving which is good...
  2. He can blame it on his buddies and get off light..nobody got hurt here.
  3. He'll get a few games of a suspension (maybe 4-8) and he should be glad that's all he'll get
  4. They could cut him but he'll get a second chance I would think if there's no more to the story

But the larger issue is...


A week after the Hernandez murder, what is an NFL player doing cruising the streets,.

drinking with a handgun in the car after midnight...?

That's very immature hoodlum stuff.....This cant be his idea of a life....


  Very disappointing.

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less than one percent of nfl players have spent time in jail. less than the American average

That's misleading.....Far more NFL players get arrested than any other sport...even the percentage is higher


..and there is a surge in football=player arrests.


Roger Goddell isnt going to let this slide...


The other shoe is about to drop...

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The 900 dollar gun was purchased by Lefeged....I think that is what it said....

If its Joe's gun Brent....that's a bigger problem....but there should be no jail if that's all...and its registered


Hopefully, no crimes were committed by that gun....That's a ticket to slammer city


I suggest that because they ran from the cops....

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