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A. Q. Shipley traded

Marcio James

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Well he had his chance to take the starting job and the staff felt like he didn't do enough to take the job from Satele.

Are we going under the assumption that staff is always right, Because There are plenty of other franchises out there that have been losing for years now whos GM (and in some cases plural) have made alot of head scratchers over the years, Hey Im not saying Shipley was a lock for the future but unlike some I wont be the least bit surprised if Satele blows again this year, He is not that good and I dont need last years performance to prove that, That was just icing on the cake, I just disagree with the move, It happens, we wont understand or like all of the moves our GM makes, I would just like to know why this decision was made

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seeing fumbled snaps in the ravens future

The best Centers ever to play the game have had a bad snap once in a while, I would rather have that then a Center that whiffs on his man and watch our QB pay the price for it

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If one of the two (Shipley/Samson) weren't cut or traded I would be more Pi**ed off that we used a pick on a center in the 4th when there were other players that I thought would have been better selections. At least they are committing to their FA signing and draft pick, all the while getting something for a UDFA.

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Are we going under the assumption that staff is always right, Because There are plenty of other franchises out there that have been losing for years now whos GM (and in some cases plural) have made alot of head scratchers over the years, Hey Im not saying Shipley was a lock for the future but unlike some I wont be the least bit surprised if Satele blows again this year, He is not that good and I dont need last years performance to prove that, That was just icing on the cake, I just disagree with the move, It happens, we wont understand or like all of the moves our GM makes, I would just like to know why this decision was made

Satele will blow you are correct and we better figure it out fast or luck will be running for his life again
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I just can't fathom people on this board. Looking at these reactions you'd think AQ Shipley was Nick Mangold or some pro bowl center. He has never gonna be anything more than average, and we don't settle for average around here anymore. It's obvious that Grigson and the coaches prefer talented guys with size on the o-line, something Shipley doesn't have. Satele and Holmes have that. Shipley played okay last year, but man people have been hyping him way too much.

Last year people questioned the moves made by Grigson, he proved them wrong. This year is the same song. I think he'll prove every naysayer wrong again.

Inb4 everyone mention Saturday as if Shipley was going to be Saturday 2.0

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I liked him as a backup. Was he expendable? Yes, but I would have rather kept him then traded him. Hopefully, he has a good career in Baltimore and the Colts can get a relatively good pick out of it (5th is what I'm hoping, and expecting).


I think with the Colts drafting Holmes, it made him expendable.

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How in the world did this board survive Peyton being let go?

How do people have the energy to meltdown over EVERY little move this front office makes?

I think the reason ppl are upset is cause it was Shipley over Satele cause Shipley played good and Satele of course blows I don't really care I just hope Holmes starts now cause I don't want Satele blowing his blocks and getting pushed around like a punk
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I don't see the point in doing it now.  Wait to see how camp goes.  See how Holmes does; see if any injuries pop up.  Why trade away what little depth and experience you have on your O-line in May? 

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I think the reason ppl are upset is cause it was Shipley over Satele cause Shipley played good and Satele of course blows I don't really care I just hope Holmes starts now cause I don't want Satele blowing his blocks and getting pushed around like a punk

Maybe, but in the scheme of things this was such a marginal move.

It just feels like it would be exhausting getting so worked up over things this small.

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Not surprised that they let someone go, possibly pick up some kind of extra pick next year.  We don't need 3 Centers,  they drafted Holmes, makes sense in that they get a young Center to grow and develop with Luck and form a long time bond.

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Highly disagree with this move. Shipley would only be worth around a 6th maybe a 4/5 to not the best GMs which Ozzie isn't. Really hope Grigs proves me wrong which he very well may he is the GM and I do trust him. Just have this bad feeling it might bite us in the pooper.

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Grigs has nothing to prove to anyone. All you ATM chair gm's need to give it a rest. He didn't win gm of the year to turn into a bust the other. Sorry he makes moves which are best for the TEAM and not for the arm chair gm's.


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well, uncertainty & question marks at the center position really makes one miss Saturday... He was a lock at the position & for 18's career in the horseshoe you never had to question the center position, too bad the Pollock pick never worked out, as he seemed to be drafted to be Saturdays eventual replacement...

Either way seems like a weird trade so early in the off season as Shipley seemed like decent depth, but glad Grigs got something for him if he was on his way out anyways...

Here's to hoping Satele can bounce back to form & Holmes shows up in a big way!!!

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Maybe, but in the scheme of things this was such a marginal move.

It just feels like it would be exhausting getting so worked up over things this small.

Perhaps, on another team, with an established and elite O-line it could be considered a marginal move.  With the talent level and lack of experience of this O-line, I wouldn't characterize it as such. 

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Grigs has nothing to prove to anyone. All you ATM chair gm's need to give it a rest. He didn't win gm of the year to turn into a bust the other. Sorry he makes moves which are best for the TEAM and not for the arm chair gm's.


So fans are not allowed to have an opinion? Im feeling to lazy to go back over every post from the beginning of last year till now but I bet I can find at least 1 or 2 that shows that you have not agreed with all of Grigsons moves, I could probably even go back and find one that you said about Sateles negative play

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Well I am peeved, not as much as some here, I think the depth chart should have went Holmes, Shipley , Satele but it appears the FO disagrees about the 2nd and 3rd string, either way not much of a problem since we knew we were getting a new center when they traded up for him. I still think we shoulda looked elsewhere for that pick, and have Shipley be the starter.

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Perhaps, on another team, with an established and elite O-line it could be considered a marginal move. With the talent level and lack of experience of this O-line, I wouldn't characterize it as such.

It's not like Shipley was an anchor for this line.

IMO. He's being vastly overhyped.

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How in the world did this board survive Peyton being let go?

How do people have the energy to meltdown over EVERY little move this front office makes?


Out of likes, so I will quote you instead.


Shipley was ok at best.  I wish him well, but he won't be missed in the lineup.  If the rest of the changes solidify the line either Satele or Holmes will look better then fine.

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This is terrible news.

AQ Shipley was one of my favorite players.

Samson Satele is one of my least favorite.

However, I am not surprised.

Time after time, last year, the Colts managment continued to play Satele over Shipley regardless of the fact that Satele was clearly being outplayed on the field by AQ

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I just can't fathom people on this board. Looking at these reactions you'd think AQ Shipley was Nick Mangold or some pro bowl center. He has never gonna be anything more than average, and we don't settle for average around here anymore. It's obvious that Grigson and the coaches prefer talented guys with size on the o-line, something Shipley doesn't have. Satele and Holmes have that. Shipley played okay last year, but man people have been hyping him way too much.

Last year people questioned the moves made by Grigson, he proved them wrong. This year is the same song. I think he'll prove every naysayer wrong again.

Inb4 everyone mention Saturday as if Shipley was going to be Saturday 2.0



I'm sorry James,  but you have it backwards....


Shipley is bigger than Satele.     Shipley was 305.    Satele is 285.     Satele might be an inch taller.   But all in all, he's smaller than A.Q.

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I don't get the sense that that draft pick is conditional meaning we may or may not get a pick.


I get the sense we're getting a pick no matter what, and the condition is simply what pick we are getting.


I suspect we're getting a 7 even if he doesn't make the roster,  and perhaps a 6 if he plays a certain percentage of snaps.


That would be my hunch.....

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