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Not looking foward to Denver game


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not really because welker cant do anything but play the slot. welker was a nobody before he went the patriots. you expect him to have the same production at 32 with a weak armed qb.

A weak armed qb who is still putting up his normal numbers and a slot receiver who has an excellent short game. Ya a terrible combo IMO, good call. Not!

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Sissy! Seriously though, that's what people said about GB last year

Oh I know I know.. But GB didn't have the defense of SF and SEA. Still a lot of time obviously, but we didn't face any read option qbs in our 3-4 last year. We face Kap and Wilson. Wonder how we handle that??


Still hoping for a little help on D

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Mods, please review this thread and be wise to all future tactics like this to get the Broncos on the Colts Football front page. The Manning 'lifeline' lives on.....


I've seen so many good teams sign up 'big players' in FA, only to see them backfire in ridiculous fashion. I'm more revved up on Luck having the possibility of getting decent protection to be worried about any other AFC team not in our division....

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Oh I know I know.. But GB didn't have the defense of SF and SEA. Still a lot of time obviously, but we didn't face any read option qbs in our 3-4 last year. We face Kap and Wilson. Wonder how we handle that??


Still hoping for a little help on D

Well, no matter what the colts did they were not going to catch up with those teams roster wise in one off season.

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Well, no matter what the colts did they were not going to catch up with those teams roster wise in one off season.

and I agree with that completely. Even though we finished 11-5 last year, plus potential additions to the team for this season.. We are not yet a Super Bowl threat which is the ultimate goal.. That will come with another season or 2 IMO

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Your only other post pertaining to receivers was blocking Thomas, decker, or stokely. Only now we have to worry about blocking weller over stokely who is way better than stokely. Again, makes perfect sense, Not!


read all my posts.

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an average guard and a old slot wr yea im scared.

Wait, did you see what Peyton did with Stokley? And you are saying Welker is too old to be effective with Peyton? I must be misunderstanding you.

Also if the Colts sign Vasquez (like 90% of this forum wanted) than I guarantee you are not on here posting that he is nothing more then a average guard.

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From a ratings perspective, it will be huge. But from a game perspective, I dont think it will even be close. Especially after they signed Wes Welker and Louis Vasquez and we really havent gotten much better in free agency in my opinion.



hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahha... goober

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So, they sign a G & Welker and people fear Denver? If you feel it'll be a blowout, then don't watch it. I don't get many of our games so blowout or not, I'll be sitting there with my apple juice cheering for my team while in the chat room on here with my Colts family like I did all last year

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I very good Denver team got considerably better. Guard was a need for them, they filled it with a good player. And Welker... probably the only place he could go and be as successful as he was at the Pats was Denver. Two great players outside and now one of the best slot guys in the game. I think it's a serious upgrade the the offense. Arguably the most complete offense Peyton has ever had round him, bar maybe 06/07.

God forbid anyone call any team except the Colts a good team around here.

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Wait, did you see what Peyton did with Stokley? And you are saying Welker is too old to be effective with Peyton? I must be misunderstanding you.

Also if the Colts sign Vasquez (like 90% of this forum wanted) than I guarantee you are not on here posting that he is nothing more then a average guard.


so because a bunch of people wanted him that makes him good? stokley and peyton have worked together for years and its not like he put up top 5 wr numbers.

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For all that we know, Welker might not be in rhythm the first few games and we get them early in the schedule at home and beat them with our underrated but efficient CBs and the "Lucky" prince???


Yes, Welker is clearly an upgrade but until they improve their TE coverage, if I am Pep Hamilton, I give them a heavy dose of Fleener and Allen down the middle till they overcompensate and then go TY/Reggie on them on the outside. Heck, I might even go TY on Champ on a skinny post based on what Champ showed vs Torrey Smith (TY is just as fast, if not faster IMO).


I still have not seen the Broncos make safety or coverage LB moves to improve their TE coverage, just saying. There are always matchups to exploit, no matter what team we will play. Plus, Peyton is not going to get silent treatment while he is on offense at LOS.

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I still think Peyton needs a running back there. Without that inside runner it greatly affects the play action pass. If Mcgahee isn't healthy they need to address that.


On the defense they need LB help and secondary help. I'm sure they will look into LB in the draft because there are some to be had there...but secondary there are still a lot of viable options and they may get one cheap. Their window is 3 yrs tops....GOING FOR IT.



I expect a high scoring fun game....can't wait!

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Some of you guys have no faith at all. It's shameful! The minute you don't understand what is going on you start screaming about the sky falling apart. Quit being chicken littles and let the man finish putting the roster together.... Geeeeesh!

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I'm looking forward to seeing Manning again in LOS, gut feeling is that it will be a very long day for us. Who knows, it is only March though and WOW we signed 5 really average players so far to help us out. Hopefully the draft will be much better.

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You know how Peyton Manning had a practically retired, 36 year old Brandon Stokley making impact plays for the Broncos? Yeah... a 31 year old Wes Welker still at the top of his game is going to be awfully dangerous in Denver.

So long as he doesn't drop the ball while contemplating all the yards he could get. I for one look forward to seeing this epic match up... it will be like being in the thunderdome minus one Tina Turner.

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I'm looking forward to seeing Manning again in LOS, gut feeling is that it will be a very long day for us. Who knows, it is only March though and WOW we signed 5 really average players so far to help us out. Hopefully the draft will be much better.

With 5 really average players replacing 5 really very well below average players that went 11-5, I think the future is brighter.....

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And god forbid anyone not geting excited about another team other than the Colts on a Colts forum.


No one realistically thinks that the Broncos are not a good team, but all this gushing about them is way over the top. Rave all you like once they start marching towards the Super Bowl, but not now, because 'on paper', they might be better.  



I very good Denver team got considerably better. Guard was a need for them, they filled it with a good player. And Welker... probably the only place he could go and be as successful as he was at the Pats was Denver. Two great players outside and now one of the best slot guys in the game. I think it's a serious upgrade the the offense. Arguably the most complete offense Peyton has ever had round him, bar maybe 06/07.

God forbid anyone call any team except the Colts a good team around here.

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Mods, please review this thread and be wise to all future tactics like this to get the Broncos on the Colts Football front page. The Manning 'lifeline' lives on.....


I've seen so many good teams sign up 'big players' in FA, only to see them backfire in ridiculous fashion. I'm more revved up on Luck having the possibility of getting decent protection to be worried about any other AFC team not in our division....


Oh this irks you I bet.


How dare someone talk about a future Colts game on the Colts forum. Because we all know the real plan was just to get a Manning topic back in the Colts section. I find it funny more than 50% of your posts cry about others with concerns to Manning.


There is a Manning-Brady topic floating around here. Might want to start crying in there. Here I'll even help you out:



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WE will get eaten alive by manning and welker.  I think thats a foregone conclusion.  i am just cringing at the thought of Welker and Manning.  Dude eats peoples b-fast, lunch, and din-din.  yee-gads why couldn't we have made an impact in FA with all the money we had.  (hiding face).  say it aint so.

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WE will get eaten alive by manning and welker. I think thats a foregone conclusion. i am just cringing at the thought of Welker and Manning. Dude eats peoples b-fast, lunch, and din-din. yee-gads why couldn't we have made an impact in FA with all the money we had. (hiding face). say it aint so.

We'll be fine once LaRon Landry blasts Welker outta the league...

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Some of you guys have no faith at all. It's shameful! The minute you don't understand what is going on you start screaming about the sky falling apart. Quit being chicken littles and let the man finish putting the roster together.... Geeeeesh!



It looks like your avy was saying this for you lol

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