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He was released by the Lions earlier today. He has talent but continually has maturity issues and character problems. Of course, that was with the Lions franchise in which well let's just say nobody's mother Theresa. I feel our beloved Colts franchise can straighten him out to some extent and if we picked him up he'd serve as another great slot receiver along with TY. 


What do you guys think?

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If you want two words,  then Heck No!


He was moody and crazy when the Lions drafted him.    And nothing since then has changed.    And he hasn't played up to his potential.     Too much down-side and not nearly enough up-side.


Stay away.    Stay far, far away!!!

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If you want two words, then Heck No!

He was moody and crazy when the Lions drafted him. And nothing since then has changed. And he hasn't played up to his potential. Too much down-side and not nearly enough up-side.

Stay away. Stay far, far away!!!

I agree with not picking him up but the reason why he hasn't played to his potential was because they look only to Calvin Johnson whether he has all the dbs and lbs covering him id be * if I didn't get the ball when I have the speed and hands to take it the distance.

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I like him more than most here, but if his problem is lack of targets on an extremely pass heavy team where he is option 2 or 3, I don't see it getting much better for him with Wayne, Fleener, TY, Allen, and Whalen around.

I do think Luck could/would make him a star, but he can do that with almost anyone.

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He was released by the Lions earlier today. He has talent but continually has maturity issues and character problems. Of course, that was with the Lions franchise in which well let's just say nobody's mother Theresa. I feel our beloved Colts franchise can straighten him out to some extent and if we picked him up he'd serve as another great slot receiver along with TY. 


What do you guys think?

def. not a WR that needs to be in indy. I would much rather sign Wallace or Bowe to a huge contract then sign a guy who could bring locker room issues with him. 

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He was released by the Lions earlier today. He has talent but continually has maturity issues and character problems. Of course, that was with the Lions franchise in which well let's just say nobody's mother Theresa. I feel our beloved Colts franchise can straighten him out to some extent and if we picked him up he'd serve as another great slot receiver along with TY. 


What do you guys think?

Talk about a chemistry killer. That dude is like inviting a young T.O. from the Mariucci days into our family atmosphere to sew nothing but division. Heck to the NO! Let him take his behind to the Bengals, they'll take him.
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The WR threads need to stop. The next time anyone feels the need to speculate on bringing in a WR do this instead:


Whatever team said player is on... make a thread about a different member on that team that could possibly come to indy... like a defensive player or an O lineman.



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The WR threads need to stop. The next time anyone feels the need to speculate on bringing in a WR do this instead:

Whatever team said player is on... make a thread about a different member on that team that could possibly come to indy... like a defensive player or an O lineman.


Im totally against any thought of bringing Titus Young to the Colts, but y'all are a little nuts with the idea that there isn't room to improve at WR. Reggie is getting close to retirement, Avery is likely to be allowed to go, Brazill is more ??? than !!!, and other than TY, nobody else has any kind of real game experience.

I'm not saying it is a top priority. Obviously other positions need attention more urgently, especially in the trenches and D backfield. But if money is spent wisely in FA, and the draft is managed well, there is room to improve at WR too.

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As for Titus, he's a screwed up, poor man's TY Hilton. In fact, I'm inclined to say an unproven Brazill looks to have as much promise and less drama. And I'm joining many on this forum who feel like the Colts can easily afford to let Avery go.

So why would we think another smurf would be of use or benefit?

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I will be the first here in all the threads to admit, that yes I am a little sad that the NFL season has come to an end. Now lets all admit there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about until I don't know maybe the end of April. Starting all of these crazy threads about ohhhhh guess who was released, we should sign him, or no we shouldn't , really, I would almost bet my life the Colts don't go after any of these guys being released, we never do. I get a kick out of people in some of these threads though who get so worked up over the latest team to release a player or the person who knows a person of a persons friend that said he won't be signing with his said team and we should sign him. The Colts organization are smart people, I'm not saying any of us are *s in here but they aren't listening to any of us, that's why none of us are working for them. I would be very scared if you put us in charge of the organization, our roster would be filled with Chad Johnson's, T.O.'s & used up Ed Reed's. I think Grigs will do a fine job, (which he has proven) through the draft and yes we will have to spend some of that 46 mil on FA, but it won't be on yahoos like Titus Young or Mike Wallace etc, etc etc....... Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent. I think I have just been reading too much......Go Colts!

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I will be the first here in all the threads to admit, that yes I am a little sad that the NFL season has come to an end. Now lets all admit there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about until I don't know maybe the end of April. Starting all of these crazy threads about ohhhhh guess who was released, we should sign him, or no we shouldn't , really, I would almost bet my life the Colts don't go after any of these guys being released, we never do. I get a kick out of people in some of these threads though who get so worked up over the latest team to release a player or the person who knows a person of a persons friend that said he won't be signing with his said team and we should sign him. The Colts organization are smart people, I'm not saying any of us are *s in here but they aren't listening to any of us, that's why none of us are working for them. I would be very scared if you put us in charge of the organization, our roster would be filled with Chad Johnson's, T.O.'s & used up Ed Reed's. I think Grigs will do a fine job, (which he has proven) through the draft and yes we will have to spend some of that 46 mil on FA, but it won't be on yahoos like Titus Young or Mike Wallace etc, etc etc....... Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent. I think I have just been reading too much......Go Colts!

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I will be the first here in all the threads to admit, that yes I am a little sad that the NFL season has come to an end. Now lets all admit there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about until I don't know maybe the end of April. Starting all of these crazy threads about ohhhhh guess who was released, we should sign him, or no we shouldn't , really, I would almost bet my life the Colts don't go after any of these guys being released, we never do. I get a kick out of people in some of these threads though who get so worked up over the latest team to release a player or the person who knows a person of a persons friend that said he won't be signing with his said team and we should sign him. The Colts organization are smart people, I'm not saying any of us are *s in here but they aren't listening to any of us, that's why none of us are working for them. I would be very scared if you put us in charge of the organization, our roster would be filled with Chad Johnson's, T.O.'s & used up Ed Reed's. I think Grigs will do a fine job, (which he has proven) through the draft and yes we will have to spend some of that 46 mil on FA, but it won't be on yahoos like Titus Young or Mike Wallace etc, etc etc....... Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent. I think I have just been reading too much......Go Colts!

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If we get a wr in FA then a low risk high reward type player whos name has been brought up by a poster or two here who we should look at hard would be Ramses Barden, if not then we could definitly look for a wr late in the draft with a low risk high reward type player, I have brought up several names up over the last couple weeks and months

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I will be the first here in all the threads to admit, that yes I am a little sad that the NFL season has come to an end. Now lets all admit there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about until I don't know maybe the end of April. Starting all of these crazy threads about ohhhhh guess who was released, we should sign him, or no we shouldn't , really, I would almost bet my life the Colts don't go after any of these guys being released, we never do. I get a kick out of people in some of these threads though who get so worked up over the latest team to release a player or the person who knows a person of a persons friend that said he won't be signing with his said team and we should sign him. The Colts organization are smart people, I'm not saying any of us are *s in here but they aren't listening to any of us, that's why none of us are working for them. I would be very scared if you put us in charge of the organization, our roster would be filled with Chad Johnson's, T.O.'s & used up Ed Reed's. I think Grigs will do a fine job, (which he has proven) through the draft and yes we will have to spend some of that 46 mil on FA, but it won't be on yahoos like Titus Young or Mike Wallace etc, etc etc....... Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent. I think I have just been reading too much......Go Colts!


I console with you.


This is my favorite time of the year it seems since our new era began last year. I LOVE the uncertainty of it all! We won't be the same team as last year but, we don't quite know what team we will be because everything in the league gets tossed up in the air. It is very exciting to me to read about players being released, renegotiating, singing reserves, making trades, and showing us what they do in camps.


I for one, know better than to suggest the Colts would be interested in Titus Young. I would quickly make a thread to discuss who might be interested in a nut like him before ever trying to tie him to our team. Somebody will make a move for this guy so lets turn this thread around instead of making a new one... WHO WILL TAKE A SHOT AT SIGNING TITUS YOUNG?


Buf, Mia, KC, Oak, Min, Cin, Cle and Ten maybe? Cleveland sticks out as a landing spot to me the most I think...

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