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Odell Beckham Situation

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54 minutes ago, Luck12-to-Hilton13 said:

Most ppl on this forum don't want a player unless they're squeaky clean. It's always no because of their attitudes or they're a headcase, or a "drama queen", etc. Fact is sometimes you're gonna have to take the bad with the good.

Right! The amount of high and might ppl on this forum is hilarious 

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15 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


Do you take the good with the bad when some of the bad includes having to pay him to be the highest paid WR in the game?  That is what comes with this proposal.  


Ballard seems to have, and to me rightfully so, an aversion to making such financial commitments to guys who are not homegrown Colts.  

If he or whoever it is have earned the right to be the highest paid player at their position, then yes i would pay them.


However i wrote the comment not with the idea of Ballard going after ODB, cause we all know that is not gonna happen. I'm just trying to make a point that not every playe have to be squeaky clean in order to play for the colts.

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4 hours ago, Nate! said:

I created an account for the sole purpose of saying OBJ is night and day superior to TY on the football field.  Not even close.  TY has yo yo stats.  Blows up in a game just to disappear for others.  OBJ is consistently elite.  Think his injury last year is leading folks to forget how good he is.  He propped Eli Manning up as respectable for the past two years prior to his injury.  Scope out how Eli does without OBJ.  Eli has been done for a few years.   Andrew Luck and OBJ would be almost unfair. 


If want to bring up off the field stuff or his character, OK, that’s fair if using that as the reason.  On the field though, OBJ in a landslide.  


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A lot of people on this forum are gonna look really, really stupid at the end of this season when TY has an incredible year.


Keep on doubting him and making up false stats to to try to push your own narrative. 


It's pretty obvious that a lot of "Colts fans" here don't even watch the actual games, they just play fantasy and listen to sports radio.

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16 minutes ago, Legend of Luck said:

A lot of people on this forum are gonna look really, really stupid at the end of this season when TY has an incredible year.


Keep on doubting him and making up false stats to to try to push your own narrative. 


It's pretty obvious that a lot of "Colts fans" here don't even watch the actual games, they just play fantasy and listen to sports radio.


T.Y is a good-to-really-good receiver. I hope he does have a monster year. I’m a big fan of his.


But, he has never been , nor ever will be, on OBJ’s level. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Odell is one of the most talented receivers I’ve ever seen.


Just because I say OBJ is better than TY (it’s not even close) , doesn’t mean I’m “doubting” TY. Not in the slightest.


It’s possible to rate players on other teams higher , yet remain happy with your own. Objectivity is a hell of a drug.


Here’s another one : Gronkowski is better than Jack Doyle. Whew.. that was tough.


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7 hours ago, AddaiStillTruckedYou said:

It appears that Giants John Mara is beginning to be tired of OBJ’s antics.  He stated that obj recently hasn’t been helping his contract situation.


 "I guess my response to that is I'm tired of answering questions about Odell's behavior," Mara added. "He knows what’s expected of him and now it's up to him."


Now I know we have TY, and I also know that we would have to carry two WR’s with heavy contracts.  We all know that TY disappears in games here and there, so what do you all think about swapping him and a 5th for OBJ?  We get a monster of a threat; being able to pay him what he wants.  We would basically be giving up a 5th rd for an elite impact player

He want contract close to 20m per yr , no thanks 

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11 minutes ago, Trueman said:


T.Y is a good-to-really-good receiver. I hope he does have a monster year. I’m a big fan of his.


But, he has never been , nor ever will be, on OBJ’s level. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Odell is one of the most talented receivers I’ve ever seen.


Just because I say OBJ is better than TY (it’s not even close) , doesn’t mean I’m “doubting” TY. Not in the slightest.


It’s possible to rate players on other teams higher , yet remain happy with your own. Objectivity is a hell of a drug.


Here’s another one : Gronkowski is better than Jack Doyle. Whew.. that was tough.



Yea obviously no one in their right mind would say Jack is better than Gronk. 


There are a lot of great receivers in the league. I'm not arguing that TY is the best of them all. My only point is people act like he's some middle of the road, average receiver and talk up OBJ like he's actually worth $60 million more than TY. 


Their stats have been nearly identical for 3 years and OBJ missed most of this year (unlike TY who's never missed extended time). My point is you can say OBJ  is better and you'd have a very valid argument, just don't act like the space between them is the difference between Andrew Luck and Jay Cutler.

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26 minutes ago, Legend of Luck said:


Yea obviously no one in their right mind would say Jack is better than Gronk. 


There are a lot of great receivers in the league. I'm not arguing that TY is the best of them all. My only point is people act like he's some middle of the road, average receiver and talk up OBJ like he's actually worth $60 million more than TY. 


Their stats have been nearly identical for 3 years and OBJ missed most of this year (unlike TY who's never missed extended time). My point is you can say OBJ  is better and you'd have a very valid argument, just don't act like the space between them is the difference between Andrew Luck and Jay Cutler.


Yeah, I’m never going to slag on T.Y and call him a “ghost” , but stats can be extremely deceiving. Especially in today’s NFL.


So much factors into a receiver’s stats : his QB , his coaches, what kind of offence they run , the level of his teammates, indoor or outdoor stadiums, how often they play with a lead , how often they get double teamed , health , their division,  and on and on and on.


Suffice it to say, OBJ with Luck would just be unfair ; Two beyond exceptionally gifted players.


I haven’t actually taken the time to rank the receivers in the NFL , but for me, I can safely say that OBJ is a tier (or two) above T.Y. 


If OBJ keeps his head on straight and stays injury free, with even just an above QB the majority of his career , he’ll be in the hall of fame. Like I said, just on pure raw ability, he’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.


T.Y is not that. He just isn’t. I don’t care what the stats say.


But you’re right, he isn’t chopped liver either , and we’re lucky to have him. He’s one of the few guys we have capable of making the Pro Bowl.




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 OBJ would open things up that the Colts with Hilton don't currently have.   I wouldn't want to swap them though.  OBJ would cost more, be a headache and probably miss more games.    I would like to see Luck have a big WR though.  

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13 hours ago, Mr.Debonair said:

Lol ppl passing on Odell? Thought I’ve seen it all


First of all, the Giants are tired of him. That should tell you something right there. 


Which should tell you why the Colts should pass on him. We’re not working with advance astrophysics here, the guy packs more problems than a paper boat. 

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13 hours ago, Mr.Debonair said:

Lol ppl passing on Odell? Thought I’ve seen it all


First of all, the Giants are tired of him. That should tell you something right there. 


Which should tell you why the Colts should pass on him. We’re not working with advance astrophysics here, the guy packs more problems than a paper boat. 

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18 hours ago, AddaiStillTruckedYou said:

It appears that Giants John Mara is beginning to be tired of OBJ’s antics.  He stated that obj recently hasn’t been helping his contract situation.


 "I guess my response to that is I'm tired of answering questions about Odell's behavior," Mara added. "He knows what’s expected of him and now it's up to him."


Now I know we have TY, and I also know that we would have to carry two WR’s with heavy contracts.  We all know that TY disappears in games here and there, so what do you all think about swapping him and a 5th for OBJ?  We get a monster of a threat; being able to pay him what he wants.  We would basically be giving up a 5th rd for an elite impact player

I’ll never understand the logic used to make you or anyone else believe TY isn’t Top 10 in the league. Literally just led the NFL in receiving yards a season ago. 


And any WR will disappear when they’re not getting the ball. Go look at Antonio Brown against the Colts, :flyingelvis: , and Ravens this past season, he technically “disappeared”. 


But hey, to each their own:sigh:

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19 hours ago, AddaiStillTruckedYou said:

It appears that Giants John Mara is beginning to be tired of OBJ’s antics.  He stated that obj recently hasn’t been helping his contract situation.


 "I guess my response to that is I'm tired of answering questions about Odell's behavior," Mara added. "He knows what’s expected of him and now it's up to him."


Now I know we have TY, and I also know that we would have to carry two WR’s with heavy contracts.  We all know that TY disappears in games here and there, so what do you all think about swapping him and a 5th for OBJ?  We get a monster of a threat; being able to pay him what he wants.  We would basically be giving up a 5th rd for an elite impact player


4 hours ago, CardiacColts said:

Why do all of these responses seem to indicate that the OP is suggesting we include TY in the trade? To me, it seems the OP is suggesting we trade the 5th to pair OBJ and TY, and that is an enticing fantasy with a healthy AL passing the rock lol. 

@CardiacColts the OP literally said “swap” meaning send TY to NY, Odell to Indy. 


“Swapping him (TY) and a 5th for Odell”


The OP exact words

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12 minutes ago, TKnight24 said:

I’ll never understand the logic used to make you or anyone else believe TY isn’t Top 10 in the league. Literally just led the NFL in receiving yards a season ago. 


And any WR will disappear when they’re not getting the ball. Go look at Antonio Brown against the Colts, :flyingelvis: , and Ravens this past season, he technically “disappeared”. 


But hey, to each their own:sigh:

Did I say he wasn’t top 10?  Yes he led the league, but does that make him better than Julio Jones? or Antonio Brown?  I look at it as we trade an older player for a younger more talented player.  If “you” or “anyone else” thinks that TY is more talented than OBJ, then you’re just riding him at that point.   I’ll always have TY’s back, but i’ll also be honest with reality

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14 minutes ago, TKnight24 said:


@CardiacColts the OP literally said “swap” meaning send TY to NY, Odell to Indy. 


“Swapping him (TY) and a 5th for Odell”


The OP exact words

Yes, I am stating the team would be swapping TY and a 5th for OBJ.  With OBJ’s attitude and contract situation, I think this would be an even trade.  Gives OBJ a new place to start over, and the Giants a team friendly contract.

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9 hours ago, shastamasta said:


OBJ is on a HOF trajectory. I love TY, but he's not OBJ.

At this rate, I actually am not sure that he'll be in the league long enough to have a HOF career. His on-field play is amazing, but his off-field direction is terrifying. If I am the Giants, I would have SERIOUS concerns about a huge, long-term contract.


To me, he can't be counted on as a leader, as evidenced by his choice to go party with Manzel in Miami before the playoffs instead of staying with his team preparing for the post-season. Add in the kicking net tantrum, general crap attitude, and the most recent video of him with a blunt in his hand and a chick with lines of cocaine next to him. I see him as a guy that skyrocketed to superstardom, but wasn't mentally prepared for it and doesn't know how to handle it.

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54 minutes ago, TKnight24 said:


@CardiacColts the OP literally said “swap” meaning send TY to NY, Odell to Indy. 


“Swapping him (TY) and a 5th for Odell”


The OP exact words

Fair enough. I went back and reread. I think perhaps I was misled by the sentence that preceded it, which indicated that we would have to carry two heavy WR contracts. I would have no interest in TY going anywhere, but pairing them is enticing. 

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35 minutes ago, Finball said:

Eli Manning, the past 3 seasons




OBJ is top notch but will demand elite money.


Plus, the Giants would not even let him sniff the open market. If they did, they are real foolish.


I am figuring a case like Kirk Cousins consecutively franchise tagged or at least franchise tagged for 1 year. If Julio Jones gets close to 5 yrs $72 mil., Beckham will demand 5 yrs. $80 mil. at least and he eventually will get it with the Giants, IMO. With OBJ and Landon Collins set to become FA, that is the reason they dumped JPP, for salary cap room.

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23 minutes ago, chad72 said:


OBJ is top notch but will demand elite money.


Plus, the Giants would not even let him sniff the open market. If they did, they are real foolish.


I am figuring a case like Kirk Cousins consecutively franchise tagged or at least franchise tagged for 1 year. If Julio Jones gets close to 5 yrs $72 mil., Beckham will demand 5 yrs. $80 mil. at least and he eventually will get it with the Giants, IMO. With OBJ and Landon Collins set to become FA, that is the reason they dumped JPP, for salary cap room.


I'm not suggesting we should go after him. Too risky considering the cost (both in money and assets) and character/attitude issues.


But there is no denying his talent. If Giants move on from him, they are probably taking QB early. As Eli has played like a backup in recent years when OBJ hasn't been on the field. If they want to keep Eli and make one last run(s) with him, they are keeping OBJ too.

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What part of Ballard's moves and apparent direction tells you we will be in play for a player with character questions who wants to be the best paid player(not just WR, player period) in the league and has threatened to not show up on the field until this happens? 



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5 hours ago, John Waylon said:


First of all, the Giants are tired of him. That should tell you something right there. 


Which should tell you why the Colts should pass on him. We’re not working with advance astrophysics here, the guy packs more problems than a paper boat. 

What problems? Please elaborate 

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35 minutes ago, Mr.Debonair said:

What problems? Please elaborate 

His overwhelming displays of immaturity:

  • The field goal net tantrum
  • Partying in Miami on a boat with Beiber instead of being in NY preparing for their upcoming playoff game against GB
  • Punching a hole in a wall after their playoff loss to GB, in a game that was one of his worst as a pro
  • The general "ME ME ME" attitude he has
  • The video that just surfaced with him sitting on a bed, holding what looks like a blunt, next to a girl holding a mirror with what looks to be lines of cocaine on it


I honestly am not sure if he will be in the league in a few more years if his personal life keeps going the way it is.

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1 hour ago, Shive said:

His overwhelming displays of immaturity:

  • The field goal net tantrum
  • Partying in Miami on a boat with Beiber instead of being in NY preparing for their upcoming playoff game against GB
  • Punching a hole in a wall after their playoff loss to GB, in a game that was one of his worst as a pro
  • The general "ME ME ME" attitude he has
  • The video that just surfaced with him sitting on a bed, holding what looks like a blunt, next to a girl holding a mirror with what looks to be lines of cocaine on it


I honestly am not sure if he will be in the league in a few more years if his personal life keeps going the way it is.

Lol the field goal thing is bull, blown up by media.

Eli was very average that game but I guess since he wasn’t on the boat it’s okay

punching something out of frustration after a loss is a distraction now?

The video is a bad look and that’s one thing I will agree with


You’re being super dramatic with talking about the best WR in the NFL along with AB, not being in the league. As long as he isn’t injured Odell will play 

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7 hours ago, Shive said:

At this rate, I actually am not sure that he'll be in the league long enough to have a HOF career. His on-field play is amazing, but his off-field direction is terrifying. If I am the Giants, I would have SERIOUS concerns about a huge, long-term contract.


To me, he can't be counted on as a leader, as evidenced by his choice to go party with Manzel in Miami before the playoffs instead of staying with his team preparing for the post-season. Add in the kicking net tantrum, general crap attitude, and the most recent video of him with a blunt in his hand and a chick with lines of cocaine next to him. I see him as a guy that skyrocketed to superstardom, but wasn't mentally prepared for it and doesn't know how to handle it.

Seems to me this is exactly what was said about Randy Moss, Terrell Owens and Dez Bryant. They were all media hounds with the me-me attitude. They turned out alright and will all be in the HOF.

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59 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Seems to me this is exactly what was said about Randy Moss, Terrell Owens and Dez Bryant. They were all media hounds with the me-me attitude. They turned out alright and will all be in the HOF.


I'm not sure if Dez makes it. He doesn't really stand out THAT much in this era along with wear and tear sapping his athleticism, he probably doesn't have any elite years in him.

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11 minutes ago, Finball said:


I'm not sure if Dez makes it. He doesn't really stand out THAT much in this era along with wear and tear sapping his athleticism, he probably doesn't have any elite years in him.

Prier to Dez's injury in 2015 he was on pace for a HOF mention. He is really not that old at 29 and still has time to put up some good numbers if his health permits him to. Only time will tell.

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