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Chuck Pagano will be made available to the media at 1:30 today.


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5 minutes ago, RomanianColtsFan said:

OK, I don't see any major changes on GM, head coach front at this point. 

Probably their thinking\hope is that the offensive line is likely going to improve just based on increasing experience. Luck definitely needs to stop having up and down moments so frequently. On defense they probably expect to improve through the draft.

Looking at it that way it seems logical to continue what they started last year with contracts extension followed by a good draft, and avoid knee jerk reactions. 

Knee jerk reactions?  Where do people get this?

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7 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:

No.  Irsay said he didn't anticipate any changes, immediately following it with the caveat that things are always subject to change.

so many fans on here are hanging on to a tiny sliver of hope for change.


they are coming back

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I will hope for the best if Pagano and Grigson are brought back, but it'll be the first time in years that I won't have any faith in the people running the team. 


By God, I would be thrilled if they proved me wrong, but I don't see it happening. Probably another 8-8 year or worse next season. 

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2 hours ago, tfunky14 said:

Yes with 2-10 win seasons.  

Take away 9-3 from interim coach Bruce Arians when Chuck Pagano sick in 2012, #Colts coach is 20-6 vs. AFC South, 20-24 vs. rest of NFL.


Chuck is 40-30, half of those wins are against really meh teams, to his credit there are a handful of wins against good teams.

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20 minutes ago, YourTearinApartLisa! said:

I think so too, I believe if it was going to be done it would have been done already. Probably early this morning or last night. It was something I thought last year when we were all in limbo. I still believe now is the time to do it considering our draft position and cap space. They should have been on 1 year prove it contracts. Multi year contracts made zero sense.


That's a matter of perspective. To me, the only reason to keep them is if you think they really can be the guys, and in that case, a prove-it deal isn't appropriate. Irsay preaches continuity, not because he's afraid of making changes, but because he believes in it. He doesn't want his guys looking over their shoulders, wondering about their next contract, he wants them doing their jobs without fear of being fired the moment something goes wrong. So, from his perspective, committing to his guys was the right thing to do.


Where most of us take issue with his approach is that we're done with these guys, and he's not. Evidently... But from a management standpoint, I understand why he'd give them multi year contract extensions.

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He's the owner of the freaking team. If he was going to fire pagano he A) would have done so by now, and B) came to work this morning and said "uh, hey, we're gonna fire Chuck, so let's go ahead and not let him talk to the media at 1:30 like he has every Monday this season."

You think Irsay came to work this morning with intent of firing pagano, but waiting until later in the afternoon to do it?

Just what in the hell would he have been doing to this point in the day that would take precedent over the future of his franchise? Reading over reports from yesterday's game?

Come on. Get real.



Just like you, no one knows what Irsay is thinking and there is not set way to fire a coach. 

As I was saying earlier:

Now some of you are upset and just beside yourselves with grief and you have no one to blame but yourselves. The writing has been on the wall for weeks that this was exactly what was going to happen today. Irsay even point blank said he didn't expect any changes. But many of you had to try to read more into it than there really was, and get your hopes up when there was never any reason to, and now your feelings are hurt because you acted a fool.



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1 minute ago, RockThatBlue said:

I will hope for the best if Pagano and Grigson are brought back, but it'll be the first time in years that I won't have any faith in the people running the team. 


By God, I would be thrilled if they proved me wrong, but I don't see it happening. Probably another 8-8 year or worse next season. 

I'm right there with you, if they come back, I hope they win 13 games......  with next years schedule, heck, they just might...   but man, so could many other combinations

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3 minutes ago, cbear said:


You're welcome.  Now tell me, do you think with even half those players healthy, we would have still gone 8-8?


My prediction was 8-8 with a mostly healthy team because most of the team was mediocre at best and we were relying on a bunch of rookies. Also, I didn't see anything I free agency that showed the team was better than the previous season. 

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2 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

I will hope for the best if Pagano and Grigson are brought back, but it'll be the first time in years that I won't have any faith in the people running the team. 


By God, I would be thrilled if they proved me wrong, but I don't see it happening. Probably another 8-8 year or worse next season. 

No doubt in my mind.

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7 minutes ago, YourTearinApartLisa! said:

He had Peyton and a quite a few HOF players, GM and a coach and still managed only one.

Which is exactly the point. You won 1 SB with a HOF coach, QB, GM, WR, and RB. What the hell makes him think he's winning anything with Grigs and Pagano?


Im not dismissing winning a Super Bowl because some franchises don't have any, but Irsay himself said they should've won more. You're not going to win any with lesser front office people. 

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29 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Speak for yourself. Lots of us get grilled everyday at our job. We have to answer for our work and our companies decisions everyday and we don't compitulate or make excuses. I know chuck is a coach first but he was making excuses while saying he doesn't make excuses. Fans deserve honesty especially when a team underachieves. I don't think he holds people accountable very well...including himself.




But it's not the same when you're facing a battery of reporters with cameras and lights.    It just isn't.


When you see people go on game shows and suddenly they say or do something silly or foolish,  it's because they're infant of cameras and lights.      They're not used to it.


There aren't many coaches who are good at it.    Almost all of it is coach speak.    It's what they do.


As for speaking for myself?     Remember, as a member of the media I've literally been in 100's of these press conferences.     For the Dodgers,  Angels,  Rams, Raiders,  Lakers,  Clippers,  USC and UCLA and others....

It's not nearly as easy as you think.      What happens at your job is not the same as what happens in a major press conference.


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16 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

When has any coach ever publicly given their plan to improve the team?  

It wouldn't be hard to address the things that even the fans can see is wrong with this team. The lack of pass rush and what he might do to fix it. The poor play from the secondary (his forte) the inconsistencies in starting games. He can be optimistic...he can point to an OL with 3 rookies that was making strides at the end of the season. But no reason he couldn't address the fact that at LB we were to slow to recognize plays and get to the ball..that our DL wasn't stout and how we can address that. The gosh darn play calling. Maybe going a little faster...dang it things every fan can see and how he may do things differently. Otherwise what hope does fans have that we are going to turn this around. It's fine if he comes back but at least give us something to grasp on to. Chopping wood ain't cutting it....literally. Maybe we need to break out s chainsaw. It just feeds the narrative that he he is a nice guy...players coach but doesn't have the grasp on the x and o  to make the adjustments to fix the team. If he is just waiting on more talented players...well I've seen tons of coaches do more with less. He isn't showing me he is a great coach. Tells me he had rode talent to where he is today...and he had a ton at Baltimore. Well I'd hope he can raise our level of play...get more out of our talent...coach up some guys. Honestly I haven't seen one guy progress into something special since he has been here. He can give a lot more. He isn't helping his or the organizations cause in the media and fan base with his comments. Fans want a reason to be optimistic and that things will be different but when you give the same canned responses over and over...that isn't helping.

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3 minutes ago, tfunky14 said:

Yes with 2-10 win seasons.  

Take away the 9 wins he wasn't even coaching and his record is 32-21 that's weak as hell when you coach in the AFC South. His record outside the division is putrid and many of those losses were blowouts.

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2 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

I will hope for the best if Pagano and Grigson are brought back, but it'll be the first time in years that I won't have any faith in the people running the team. 


By God, I would be thrilled if they proved me wrong, but I don't see it happening. Probably another 8-8 year or worse next season. 

I doubt we can do any worse, our Division still has teams in it that are very beatable. The Mariota injury was pretty serious as well and the Texans still don't have a Good QB. If we have a Good Draft regarding Defense and pickup an impact player in Free Agency I could see us around 10-6 and winning the Division. I had us at 10-6 this season and we could've been very easily had we not given away games to the Texans and Lions. If Luck plays all 16 games I cant see us being worse than 8-8 no matter the Coach.

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1 minute ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Take away the 9 wins he wasn't even coaching and his record is 32-21 that's weak as hell when you coach in the AFC South. His record outside the division is putrid and many of those losses were blowouts.

Sorry I don't believe that AFC south crap. This is the NFL football. 

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2 minutes ago, dgambill said:

It wouldn't be hard to address the things that even the fans can see is wrong with this team. The lack of pass rush and what he might do to fix it. The poor play from the secondary (his forte) the inconsistencies in starting games. He can be optimistic...he can point to an OL with 3 rookies that was making strides at the end of the season. But no reason he couldn't address the fact that at LB we were to slow to recognize plays and get to the ball..that our DL wasn't stout and how we can address that. The gosh darn play calling. Maybe going a little faster...dang it things every fan can see and how he may do things differently. Otherwise what hope does fans have that we are going to turn this around. It's fine if he comes back but at least give us something to grasp on to. Chopping wood ain't cutting it....literally. Maybe we need to break out s chainsaw. It just feeds the narrative that he he is a nice guy...players coach but doesn't have the grasp on the x and o  to make the adjustments to fix the team. If he is just waiting on more talented players...well I've seen tons of coaches do more with less. He isn't showing me he is a great coach. Tells me he had rode talent to where he is today...and he had a ton at Baltimore. Well I'd hope he can raise our level of play...get more out of our talent...coach up some guys. Honestly I haven't seen one guy progress into something special since he has been here. He can give a lot more. He isn't helping his or the organizations cause in the media and fan base with his comments. Fans want a reason to be optimistic and that things will be different but when you give the same canned responses over and over...that isn't helping.

Again  I ask,  When was the last time any coach did that at a press conference

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53 minutes ago, dgambill said:

The first go round was a rookie GM that looked scared to make mistakes playing it safe. Perhaps this time he has learned on the job and will realize what it takes to build it right. I'm not thrilled with either guy. They aren't awful but neither has shown me enough that I would be confident in placing the future of my franchise with them. If I had identified my own guys and confident I could bring them in...I'd move on. But i think this year will be like last year...no clear cut replacements that would dramatically change the direction of this team. I expect them both retained.


He looked scared to be in a press conference.     But he did NOT look scared to make mistakes by playing it safe.


In fact the opposite.    He completely gutted the roster so he could rebuild.    That meant he knew there was a good chance the Colts would have a losing record his first year.     No way he told Irsay we could gut the roster and go 11-5 the first year.     Not a chance.     He'd have set him self up to fail right out of the gate if he had done that.


He signed a bunch of hard working no names and won.     That spoiled this fan base from jump street.


He made a great draft day trade to get Hilton.      He drafted not one, but two tight ends back to back 2nd and 3rd rounds.....     who does that if they're afraid of making a mistake.


Don't confuse flops sweat in a press conference for what happens behind the scenes doing his job.   Grigson had a tremendous first year.


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