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Chuck Pagano will be made available to the media at 1:30 today.


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

 You've got to have super status like Bellichick to be able to say what you want,  and even he doesn't say all that much....


he never says anything either, like chuck


they use slightly different cliches, but both spew out a lot of words that say nothing

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15 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:

"We Don't make excuses here"  followed by the question "Does this team have better than 8-8 talent"  his response..... "We played without a lot of our guys due to injury"  THAT'S AN EXCUSE CHUCK

Lmao. What a joke. At least now I see where some of the fans get their excuse making from. Never change Chuck, just keep on chopping wood.

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5 minutes ago, Superman said:

I really dislike Holder and Wells, they do a terrible job at pressers and then get mad when, the fourth time they ask the same question the answer gets cut short...

I don't think they're great but I'm glad they didn't just lob softballs to him.

But yeah, that was an awkward exchange where the reporter was asking if Irsay had talked to him yet. Chuck already said pretty clearly that he talked with Jim only after the game, just seemed like he was baiting him.

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Now some of you are upset and just beside yourselves with grief and you have no one to blame but yourselves. The writing has been on the wall for weeks that this was exactly what was going to happen today. Irsay even point blank said he didn't expect any changes. But many of you had to try to read more into it than there really was, and get your hopes up when there was never any reason to, and now your feelings are hurt because you acted a fool.


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6 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I think he's struggling because he doesn't wan to say anything publicly that might sound like he's (A) throwing Grigson under the bus, or (B) throwing any of his players under the bus.


It puts the coach in an awkward spot and Pagano has never been great at answering those kind of questions.   Few coaches are.      You've got to have super status like Bellichick to be able to say what you want,  and even he doesn't say all that much....


I understand not blaming players or the GM for the lack of progress, but he went the step further of saying that the team is moving forward.   He didn't have to go that far.  Then the reporter asked him about the record since the AFCCG getting worse.  They went 8-8 last year w/o their best player and 8-8 this year with their best player.


The reporters question showed Pagano was just talking on the cuff and has no basis or thinking the team is making progress.  He sounded foolish by mentioning how the team is getting better.  That's what you say if you went 6-10 the year before.



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There was a very good question in the presser (I think Wells asked it...highly unlikely if true).  "Do you think this team has enough talent to be better than 8-8".  Chuck dodged it a bit, but his answer was essentially "no".  


His response deserves some analysis.  That's about the only thing in the presser that does.

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I really believe that it will probably play out like the Caldwell situation. I have this feeling Grigson is gone. If that is the case the new GM would more than likely fire Pagano. You see I've had this idea that maybe Irsay sees firing a cancer survivor with a inspirational story and genuinely likeable guy as a P.R. nightmare. Not to mention having to admit his own mistakes. Hiring a new GM gives him the perfect scapegoat in allowing him to say that Pagano and the new GM have different visions for the team and that his GM feels as though a change is necessary. All of this is hypothetical of course but it would make some sense as to why we have not heard any word on Grigson. It's the same result but makes the whole firing thing more palatable to the general public. 

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4 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:

Clear cut sure fire GM's without risk do not become available most years.  You go find someone you think can do the job better, and trust your interview process and instincts.

There are other veteran GMs out there. To me Irsay would go that route if he makes a change. He watched Bill build a great decade of success. He saw a great veteran coach that got let go because of circumstances in Dungy. If he saw that out there he would jump on it. I don't see that out there...and I think getting Payton from NO would be too costly since I think LA wants him so bad. But there are guys like Balke out there if Irsay thought he was the right answer.

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4 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Lmao. What a joke. At least now I see where some of the fans get their excuse making from. Never change Chuck, just keep on chopping wood.


Coaches get put into a damned if they do, and damned if they don't position.     There's no good answer.


You can't say the full truth,   but you have to say.....   something.


There's nobody here on this website --- nobody --- who would do well standing there as Pagano does.    It's not as easy as people here think it is.



NOTE:   Sorry to Defjamz.     I don't think I was responding to you.    I clicked on someone else's post and your post is what comes up.     I was not responding to you.      Sorry,  it's the computer system here.



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9 minutes ago, Superman said:

I really dislike Holder and Wells, they do a terrible job at pressers and then get mad when, the fourth time they ask the same question the answer gets cut short...

Yeah.  That last question about his job security was born from nonacceptance of the answers he gave the three previous times he answered the question.

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This team, even with it's shortcomings, has enough talent to be 10-6 at least.  Trouble is, we never got that team on the field consistently.  I know injuries are a part of the game, but I do not recall a year where we had so many of them to people we were counting on.  Moncrief, HA, Vontae, Peterson, Langford, Geathers, DQ, Butler.  The Oline was a turnstile.  Did I miss anyone?  For a while we had a secondary we signed off the street.  Andrew stayed healthy, but look at the rest of the team.  So, yes, I'll make that excuse for him.

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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I guess what I'm saying is that if I'm Irsay or Grigson (assuming he still has his job)  that I wouldn't let Chuck go out and talk without having met with me.    He'd wait to meet with the owner,   or the owner would make sure he'd have met with Chuck already before he went out and met with the press.


It just makes things more awkward.


And if Grigson is getting the axe,  I wouldn't let Chuck speak until that was done.


And before I'd let Chuck speak,  I'd come out and say what I've decided.    Who is staying and who is going before I'd let Chuck speak.      But maybe that's just me......


I just think if Irsay brought the axe down he wouldn't even waste the time with a conference.  He'd just can the guy.  Any meeting after this I think will be about what specific moves they have to right the ship in 2017

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8 minutes ago, ztboiler said:

There was a very good question in the presser (I think Wells asked it...highly unlikely if true).  "Do you think this team has enough talent to be better than 8-8".  Chuck dodged it a bit, but his answer was essentially "no".  


His response deserves some analysis.  That's about the only thing in the presser that does.

The problem is, Irsay may think he's wrong....that yes it does have the talent to be better than 8-8.

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4 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

Now some of you are upset and just beside yourselves with grief and you have no one to blame but yourselves. The writing has been on the wall for weeks that this was exactly what was going to happen today. Irsay even point blank said he didn't expect any changes. But many of you had to try to read more into it than there really was, and get your hopes up when there was never any reason to, and now your feelings are hurt because you acted a fool.


I believe in being positive in my negativity.....

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4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I understand not blaming players or the GM for the lack of progress, but he went the step further of saying that the team is moving forward.   He didn't have to go that far.  Then the reporter asked him about the record since the AFCCG getting worse.  They went 8-8 last year w/o their best player and 8-8 this year with their best player.


The reporters question showed Pagano was just talking on the cuff and has no basis or thinking the team is making progress.  He sounded foolish by mentioning how the team is getting better.  That's what you say if you went 6-10 the year before.




He's speaking to an owner,  a GM,  his players and coaches,  and the fan base.


He's trying to say something optimistic.      


I don't think it's healthy to parse every sentence like the man is on trial and fighting for his life.


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3 minutes ago, ztboiler said:

There was a very good question in the presser (I think Wells asked it...highly unlikely if true).  "Do you think this team has enough talent to be better than 8-8".  Chuck dodged it a bit, but his answer was essentially "no".  


His response deserves some analysis.  That's about the only thing in the presser that does.


He should have said, "yes, if that team was ever on the field."  But that very logical answer would have been shot down as just an excuse, so I can see why he was hesitant to go all the way there.

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3 minutes ago, YourTearinApartLisa! said:

I really believe that it will probably play out like the Caldwell situation. I have this feeling Grigson is gone. If that is the case the new GM would more than likely fire Pagano. You see I've had this idea that maybe Irsay sees firing a cancer survivor with a inspirational story and genuinely likeable guy as a P.R. nightmare. Not to mention having to admit his own mistakes. Hiring a new GM gives him the perfect scapegoat in allowing him to say that Pagano and the new GM have different visions for the team and that his GM feels as though a change is necessary. All of this is hypothetical of course but it would make some sense as to why we have not heard any word on Grigson. It's the same result but makes the whole firing thing more palatable to the general public. 


You have a legitimate point, but I think we're grasping at straws now. Irsay committed to these guys a year ago. He reiterated that commitment a couple weeks ago. I think we should take him at his word and get ready for another year of Grigson and Pagano.

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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Coaches get put into a damned if they do, and damned if they don't position.     There's no good answer.


You can't say the full truth,   but you have to say.....   something.


There's nobody here on this website --- nobody --- who would do well standing there as Pagano does.    It's not as easy as people here think it is.



We wouldn't do well because, much like Chuck Pagano, we aren't NFL head coach material



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2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

The problem is, Irsay may think he's wrong....that yes it does have the talent to be better than 8-8.

I didn't mean to imply that I agreed with what Pagano said....in fact, I found it to be intellectually dishonest - first time I remember him doing something to protect himself.  


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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Coaches get put into a damned if they do, and damned if they don't position.     There's no good answer.


You can't say the full truth,   but you have to say.....   something.


There's nobody here on this website --- nobody --- who would do well standing there as Pagano does.    It's not as easy as people here think it is.



NOTE:   Sorry to Defjamz.     I don't think I was responding to you.    I clicked on someone else's post and your post is what comes up.     I was not responding to you.      Sorry,  it's the computer system here.



Speak for yourself. Lots of us get grilled everyday at our job. We have to answer for our work and our companies decisions everyday and we don't compitulate or make excuses. I know chuck is a coach first but he was making excuses while saying he doesn't make excuses. Fans deserve honesty especially when a team underachieves. I don't think he holds people accountable very well...including himself.

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1 minute ago, Superman said:


You have a legitimate point, but I think we're grasping at straws now. Irsay committed to these guys a year ago. He reiterated that commitment a couple weeks ago. I think we should take him at his word and get ready for another year of Grigson and Pagano.

"Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things"

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How embarrassing Chuck. Using the local media to beg for your job. Did Irsay even know Chuck was having this presser?

He's the owner of the freaking team. If he was going to fire pagano he A) would have done so by now, and B) came to work this morning and said "uh, hey, we're gonna fire Chuck, so let's go ahead and not let him talk to the media at 1:30 like he has every Monday this season."

You think Irsay came to work this morning with intent of firing pagano, but waiting until later in the afternoon to do it?

Just what in the hell would he have been doing to this point in the day that would take precedent over the future of his franchise? Reading over reports from yesterday's game?

Come on. Get real.


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Just now, BOTT said:

Lol. What did he say?  I know he has been killing Chuck for a while now.


Caller accused him of knowing about cheating and he blew up, said he was there at 3 and was gonna beat his butt, and urinate on him. In much more, exlpicit terms. I was calm before that. Glad I have an off switch. 

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