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Dark Superman

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I don't know about you all, but I can personally see the Colts making a move at this years trade deadline or even prior to the deadline. Grigson and Pagano have their backs against the wall and this team desperately could use some help (A pass rusher or MLB or make the most sense right now) If the Colts can get someone on this team who can line up opposite of Mathis, or even someone younger in the middle who can actually make a difference, I think once the defense gets healthier and guys like Jones and Anderson return, this can actually be a half decent defense. The lack of pass-rush and poor inside linebacker play is really killing us.. So I'm hoping the Colts make a trade this year and I don't even care if we give up a first or second rounder for someone. Thoughts? This defense needs some talent and I'm praying Grigson can pull off some 2012 magic when he brought Vontae Davis here.

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I don't think we will be seeing any more big time trades, besides maybe using mid to late round picks.


We took our chances when we thought we were close to winning the big one, now we are slowly going back to building a team with young guys, draft picks, and resigning who we have taken that can be cornerstones of our team. 


If that means losing this year and building for the future, then I think that's what they are willing to do..

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Can't give up draft picks, especially in the early rounds, and we don't have the people to pull a player for player trade.  So I believe that those options won't work.  Trying to find an option on a practice squad, every team in the NFL is doing that as we speak, so that's a long shot, so I doubt that would happen.  Even if it did, they are on the practice squad for a reason.


An option, but not liked by many, but if it worked would pay huge for us.  Give Mr. Hardy a call and "kick the tires".  Look at it like this, he comes in and we sign him, Mathis and some of the other aged veterans help him out on and off the field.  Hardy is signed to a 3yr. production based contract, with clauses in place that say, you screw up you get nothing.  Next years draft class is supposed to be full of pass rushers, we grab one in an early round, and that would solve a huge hole as far as pass rushes.  Not only for this year possibly, but also for several years to come.  Not condoning Hardy's past, but he alone is the only person minus a huge trade of sorts, that would give us the biggest impact.   

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We will not --- repeat, NOT --- be trading a 1st or a 2nd pick for a player before the trade deadline.


The sooner you get that out of your mind,  the better off we will all be.........


We're not one very good player away from being a very good team.       We are a lot of good players away from being a good team,  and many of them are already on the roster.......    they're just hurt or suspended right now.


Have a little patience....


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I guess it depends on where we are in the standings and health wise.  I don't know when the deadline is but the longer away it is doesn't leave much time for a player to get a new system down and make a meaningful difference.  I think the players we have returning from injury would be a major boost.  Maybe a team that believes they are out of it or are rebuilding might be willing to part with a player that could fill a major need.  Right now I don't see it happening but GMs are trying to improve their teams all the time so I wouldn't rule it out.  Jim is a fan as well as the owner.  Given the right circumstances I could see him going along with an attention grabbing blockbuster like the TR trade.  That one didn't work but the Davis one did.  All it takes is a phone call.  

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The MAIN REASON I mentioned the Colts could be looking to make a trade because if they fail to make the playoffs, Grigson and Pagano could both be fired.


I can't see the Colts missing the playoffs two years in a row and having Irsay keep both of these guys, especially Grigson. If these guys become desperate, heck anything is possible especially when jobs are on the line.

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1 hour ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

The MAIN REASON I mentioned the Colts could be looking to make a trade because if they fail to make the playoffs, Grigson and Pagano could both be fired.


I can't see the Colts missing the playoffs two years in a row and having Irsay keep both of these guys, especially Grigson. If these guys become desperate, heck anything is possible especially when jobs are on the line.

That's another reason to not be excited about the possibility of Grigson and Pagano doing any deals in the panic of trying to save their jobs and selling the future of this team for quick returns. I firmly believe both should be on their way out and I want whoever the next GM-head coach pair is, to have the full collection of assets to build this team up in their vision, rather than inheriting the hasty acquisitions of a management that has proven to not be able to build a solid roster.

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If you take a look at our draft picks 2-4. Are there any info them you wouldn't trade for a difference maker to help the team right now?    Other than Kelly I think the Colts wasted picks on the online this year.  They all are projects IMO 


so trading draft picks is not a bad idea 

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3 hours ago, Superman said:


What about the way they approached this offseason makes you think Grigson and Pagano have their backs against the wall?

Things can change quickly. I really think they managed to convince themselves that they will be alright with healthy Luck and we will just win the division by default like in the good old times. With that said I generally liked what they did in the off-season. I'm just not sure if it was by accident because their record doesn't really inspire confidence.


The results are not what's the most concerning. It's the way this team has looked in both pre-season and the first 2 games. This team looks horribly coached, horribly built and assembled. The first two losses are not what's the most concerning - we've been starting 0-2 for years now. The more troubling thing is that we don't look like we can make a comeback. I fully expect us to be ~8-8 team or worse. I am really not sure this would save Grigson and Pagano's jobs this time around.

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9 minutes ago, gacoop1 said:

Believe me, we'll get Garret or Fournette b/c our record is going to be 3-13 anyway.

Are you willing to make a bet on the Colts having a record of 3-13 or worse? Let see you put your money where your mouth is. If the Colts end up with a record better that 3-13 you have to change your avatar to Grigson for 90 days. If not I will change mine to one that is reasonable. You have been talking smack for so long about Grigson well here is your chance to take serious what you been talking.

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2 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

The MAIN REASON I mentioned the Colts could be looking to make a trade because if they fail to make the playoffs, Grigson and Pagano could both be fired.


I can't see the Colts missing the playoffs two years in a row and having Irsay keep both of these guys, especially Grigson. If these guys become desperate, heck anything is possible especially when jobs are on the line.



Both guys are under contract for 3 more years. Pretty unusual to extend for 4 years and fire the following year. Would cost Irsay a very large chunk of change.

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4 hours ago, Superman said:


What about the way they approached this offseason makes you think Grigson and Pagano have their backs against the wall?


Nothing ...and each has a spanking new 4 year extension. On a slightly different note , how do you think the natives will react if the Colts lose Sunday ? I'm thinking they will be calling for heads that are not going to roll if we go 0-3 with two very bad home losses.  

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2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Depends on how the contracts are worded. 


Yes it does and all the terms and money was not disclosed so we can only surmise.


But for the most part , you can't fire a coach 1 year into a 4 year deal and not pay a pretty penny. I would think there is a good amount of money guaranteed to Chuck and Ryan or what good is the extension to them ?


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24 minutes ago, dw49 said:


Nothing ...and each has a spanking new 4 year extension. On a slightly different note , how do you think the natives will react if the Colts lose Sunday ? I'm thinking they will be calling for heads that are not going to roll if we go 0-3 with two very bad home losses.  


We think similarly. Just a louder, busier, more frantic version of what's been going on since preseason, IMO.


I think Irsay hit the reset button, and I think people should be looking at this as if it were a new regime. I know that's not fancy and doesn't inspire confidence, but it's my impression. Unless this team goes 6-10, maybe worse, depending on the circumstances, I don't think any staff changes are in the works for this season. I think Irsay gave them a directive to build it the right way, stop trying to take shortcuts, and build a sustainable winner. It would take an epic meltdown for him to abandon that course.


So I don't think they'll be making any desperation moves this year. And besides, all moves that go to the league office are cleared by the owner or his designated officer. He's not going to allow a management team that he isn't committed to to make silly midseason trades in a last ditch effort to save their jobs.

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1 hour ago, stitches said:

With that said I generally liked what they did in the off-season. I'm just not sure if it was by accident because their record doesn't really inspire confidence.


Meh. I liked the offseason enough, it wasn't great, but it was steady and disciplined. And I think that's a sign that Irsay told them to rein in the risky stuff, build it as if they're going to be here the next decade instead of trying to take shortcuts. 


I personally don't think Grigson has been as bad as people say. I think 2013 was dreadful, all things considered, and that colors what's happened since. And I agree that he's probably missed a number of opportunities to make good moves -- another poster said 'he's left a lot of meat on the bone.' Probably. But he's not as bad as people say. The 2014 offseason was about as steady and disciplined as 2016 was, but with way fewer draft picks. The 2015 draft was pretty good, despite the Dorsett freakout (could have had a better player there, I think, but Dorsett isn't a bad pick, IMO). The FA frenzy wound up being a bust, though; but still, that's a result of them trying to shortcut their way to a SB with older vets.

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1 minute ago, Superman said:


Meh. I liked the offseason enough, it wasn't great, but it was steady and disciplined. And I think that's a sign that Irsay told them to rein in the risky stuff, build it as if they're going to be here the next decade instead of trying to take shortcuts. 


I personally don't think Grigson has been as bad as people say. I think 2013 was dreadful, all things considered, and that colors what's happened since. And I agree that he's probably missed a number of opportunities to make good moves -- another poster said 'he's left a lot of meat on the bone.' Probably. But he's not as bad as people say. The 2014 offseason was about as steady and disciplined as 2016 was, but with way fewer draft picks. The 2015 draft was pretty good, despite the Dorsett freakout (could have had a better player there, I think, but Dorsett isn't a bad pick, IMO). The FA frenzy wound up being a bust, though; but still, that's a result of them trying to shortcut their way to a SB with older vets.



Free agency is such a crapshoot. When you boil it all down , you are bidding against multiple teams for a guy that the team that knows him best chose not to resign.

He took a lot of grief for Cherlius and Landry. Granted they were horrible signings but if you look at the high priced OL and Safeties signed in free agency , the "bust" rate is just plain astounding. 

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12 minutes ago, Superman said:


We think similarly. Just a louder, busier, more frantic version of what's been going on since preseason, IMO.


I think Irsay hit the reset button, and I think people should be looking at this as if it were a new regime. I know that's not fancy and doesn't inspire confidence, but it's my impression. Unless this team goes 6-10, maybe worse, depending on the circumstances, I don't think any staff changes are in the works for this season. I think Irsay gave them a directive to build it the right way, stop trying to take shortcuts, and build a sustainable winner. It would take an epic meltdown for him to abandon that course.


So I don't think they'll be making any desperation moves this year. And besides, all moves that go to the league office are cleared by the owner or his designated officer. He's not going to allow a management team that he isn't committed to to make silly midseason trades in a last ditch effort to save their jobs.


I agree .  Besides, you have pretty much an all new staff under Pagano . Pretty unlikely anything more than a "tweak" or two is going to happen after 2016. This IMO is a huge game Sunday .

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3 minutes ago, dw49 said:

Free agency is such a crapshoot. When you boil it all down , you are bidding against multiple teams for a guy that the team that knows him best chose not to resign.

He took a lot of grief for Cherlius and Landry. Granted they were horrible signings but if you look at the high priced OL and Safeties signed in free agency , the "bust" rate is just plain astounding. 


If we're talking about 2013 free agency, I agree. They got some value out of that class -- Walden is still around, Toler wasn't expensive and had a decent 2014, Bradshaw had some goo half seasons -- but overall, the free agency period was disappointing.


The problem is the draft. Three years later, there's nothing to show for it. Werner is gone, Thornton is on IR (we'll see what happens after Week 8), Holmes is gone, Hughes is gone, everyone is gone. Dreadful draft. Of course, that draft class was ugly for everyone, but one of the stars for the Patriots last night went 52nd in that draft -- 20 picks after Werner. (Our coaching staff probably wouldn't know how to use Jamie Collins, though.)


And don't forget the Richardson trade. 


That offseason was ugly enough to turn most of the Colts fan base against Grigson. 

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2 hours ago, Superman said:


If we're talking about 2013 free agency, I agree. They got some value out of that class -- Walden is still around, Toler wasn't expensive and had a decent 2014, Bradshaw had some goo half seasons -- but overall, the free agency period was disappointing.


The problem is the draft. Three years later, there's nothing to show for it. Werner is gone, Thornton is on IR (we'll see what happens after Week 8), Holmes is gone, Hughes is gone, everyone is gone. Dreadful draft. Of course, that draft class was ugly for everyone, but one of the stars for the Patriots last night went 52nd in that draft -- 20 picks after Werner. (Our coaching staff probably wouldn't know how to use Jamie Collins, though.)


And don't forget the Richardson trade. 


That offseason was ugly enough to turn most of the Colts fan base against Grigson. 



Good points. The only saving grace to that 2013 draft is Grigson traded our 2nd for V Davis. Funny you mentioned Collins . I used to buy Kiper's book and another (Pro Football Weekly)  draft publication every year. With the internet , they stopped printing them a couple years ago. Anyway , when you look at the write ups on Collins , you had to scratch your head trying to figure out why he went that late. He had all the measurables and very good production. 

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I have no idea.  If you don't you are stuck with draft picks and you don't know how they're gonna pan out.  Are they going to be T.Y. Hilton?  Or Bjoern Werner?  On the other hand, if you do you get someone to help your defense immediately but you may be passing on the next great player.  Either way it is 100% guaranteed to get torn to pieces by everybody if it doesn't work out.

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Koa Misi from the Dolphins for a 4th and/or Kyle Van Noy from the Lions for a 5th??? Just a thought. Would you do that?


Otherwise, two guys who may be on the wrong side of 30 but could help for a year or two would be Elvis Dumervil and Cameron Wake. Their teams may want to move on from them and unload their contracts if they deem they'd be useful for just a year or two. If that provides our team some veteran leadership and pass rush, I may be OK with that. I'd rather do 1 or 2 year contracts for pass rush than for offensive skill positions. 

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41 minutes ago, chad72 said:

Koa Misi from the Dolphins for a 4th and/or Kyle Van Noy from the Lions for a 5th??? Just a thought. Would you do that?


Otherwise, two guys who may be on the wrong side of 30 but could help for a year or two would be Elvis Dumervil and Cameron Wake. Their teams may want to move on from them and unload their contracts if they deem they'd be useful for just a year or two. If that provides our team some veteran leadership and pass rush, I may be OK with that. I'd rather do 1 or 2 year contracts for pass rush than for offensive skill positions. 

Yes to Dumervil and Wake in a rotational role

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