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Was Reitz left alone to block Miller with 1:55 left in the 4th?


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If so, my next question is, why would you leave an average RT on an island to block one of the greatest pass rushers in the last decade?


No tight end chip?  No RB chip?


The coaching staff had wayyy too much faith in Reitz in that critical, obvious passing situation at that point in the game.


It's not rocket science, either.

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26 minutes ago, zibby43 said:

If so, my next question is, why would you leave an average RT on an island to block one of the greatest pass rushers in the last decade?


No tight end chip?  No RB chip?


The coaching staff had wayyy too much faith in Reitz in that critical, obvious passing situation at that point in the game.


It's not rocket science, either.


You have made a very good point zibby, and this is exactly the reason why I have little faith in Pagano.  Isn't Belichick's rule "take away there best player". I think that is words to play football by, and on a obvious passing play you would think you would want to do just that!  Without Ware, make the side with Miller the strong side and help Reitz!

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44 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:

Not only that, I was told Reitz was playing injured, although who knows what that means. Maybe he stubbed his finger playing Costanzo in Mortal Kombat. Less gaming, more grinding fellas.


Wow.  That only makes the situational management in that situation worse, which I didn't think it was possible to get worse than that.  Good info. lmao at the Mortal Kombat comment.


40 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:


As the Joker said, "It was all part of the plan."




22 minutes ago, TheEdgeis1 said:


You have made a very good point zibby, and this is exactly the reason why I have little faith in Pagano.  Isn't Belichick's rule "take away there best player". I think that is words to play football by, and on a obvious passing play you would think you would want to do just that!  Without Ware, make the side with Miller the strong side and help Reitz!


Thanks.  It's something I didn't notice until I had the stomach to re-watch the play.  Luck didn't have a chance there.  


And you're absolutely right re: BB and the proper strategy there.  Max protect against that pass rush in an obvious passing situation, particularly already down your most physical receiver in Moncrief.


16 minutes ago, GoColts00 said:

Why didn't Luck change the protection??? That's his responsibility! 


Fair question but Luck can't change to the proper protection if he doesn't have the personnel or formation that will enable him to do so.  


Before the play was run, I was expecting 2 TEs or 2 RBs at that juncture, with at least 1 helping to chip an edge rusher with the other RB/TE releasing as a safety valve to catch a short check down and get out of bounds if the pressure dictated such or if nothing downfield was available.


Apparently Chud went full riverboat gambler in that situation. 

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2 hours ago, zibby43 said:

If so, my next question is, why would you leave an average RT on an island to block one of the greatest pass rushers in the last decade?


No tight end chip?  No RB chip?


The coaching staff had wayyy too much faith in Reitz in that critical, obvious passing situation at that point in the game.


It's not rocket science, either.

The worst part is that we've seen them take JJ Watt out of the game by utilizing TE chips and double teaming him. So it's not like they couldn't do it with Miller. I've said a bunch about Grigson post game but that was just bad coaching.

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2 hours ago, GoColts00 said:

Why didn't Luck change the protection??? That's his responsibility! 



I believe Luck's job is to change the protection if he's sees a blitz coming. That's where Miller lines up very play.. no ? Why would it be up to Luck to put a formation in that gives Reitz help ? 

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9 minutes ago, dw49 said:



I believe Luck's job is to change the protection if he's sees a blitz coming. That's where Miller lines up very play.. no ? Why would it be up to Luck to put a formation in that gives Reitz help ? 


So maybe he don't get killed and stripped of ball and fumble. haha

Just messing with you, I get what you say.

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But maybe, just maybe a more vocal qb who would want a say on offensive  playcalling would go to coaches and say "hey coach it's risky leaving our RT alone on Miller with no help from rb or te".

If your truly a franchise qb like Peyton, Brady, Rogers etc. and your coaches around you are failing you need to help them out.

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32 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

The worst part is that we've seen them take JJ Watt out of the game by utilizing TE chips and double teaming him. So it's not like they couldn't do it with Miller. I've said a bunch about Grigson post game but that was just bad coaching.


That's one of the first examples that came to mind after I re-watched the play.  Great point.  Could not agree more.


Even good coaches make mistakes.  But . . . this one by Chud was just mind-boggling.  Less than 2 minutes left, down 6, no timeouts available, and you need to put 7 on the board to win (obvious, obvious passing situation).


You open with a long-developing, deep dropping play in which your worst OL is left by himself to deal with with one of the best (if not the best) pass rushers in the league.  


Furthermore, Ware is out at this point, so it's not like Chud is limited by how much help he can offer on either the left or right side. :pokerface:


25 minutes ago, dw49 said:



I believe Luck's job is to change the protection if he's sees a blitz coming. That's where Miller lines up very play.. no ? Why would it be up to Luck to put a formation in that gives Reitz help ? 


Correct.  Luck's checks, protection setting, etc. will always be limited by plays available, formation(s) available, personnel groupings available.


2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

It was dumb.  At some point you have to stop seeing things the way you want them to be and see them as they really are.  Yes you want your right tackle to be able to handle Miller one-on-one but that doesn't mean he really can.


That goes on Chud he's the one who called the play.


Could not have said it better myself.

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It's not the coaches fault, it's not Luck's fault, it's Reitz's fault. Sure it would've been smart to have help over there, but the colts needed all the weapons they could to catch a pass. If Reitz had MAYBE just put a finger on Miller then he could've changed that outcome of that play. Reitz didn't do his job. 

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7 minutes ago, corgi said:

It's not the coaches fault, it's not Luck's fault, it's Reitz's fault. Sure it would've been smart to have help over there, but the colts needed all the weapons they could to catch a pass. If Reitz had MAYBE just put a finger on Miller then he could've changed that outcome of that play. Reitz didn't do his job. 

Thank you,  great post. reitz failed point blank. He is not some rookie 7th round pick he has bin in the league for years.  Block him for a second or 2 that's all they asked a starting rt to do

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All three sacks were on Reitz. Just bad technique, over set on one play. never got his hands up or extended in proper position on any of the sacks allowed. When he got his hands up he was fine on multiple other plays. He had some good blocks one on one with Miller. I think Simms had it right that Miller lined up so wide that it gave Reitz trouble. When an End lines up so wide like Miller did that's just an invitation to run through the gapping hole. Broncos really just have so much speed and athleticism they are hard to match up against any offensive line. Broncos played a lot of good coverage to



Keep in mind this is without the benefit of the all 22 yet but that's how it appears going back on DVR

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2 minutes ago, Gavin said:

All three sacks were on Reitz. Just bad technique, over set on one play. never got his hands up or extended in proper position on any of the sacks allowed. When he got his hands up he was fine on multiple othe rplays. He had some good blocks one on one with Miller. I think Simms had it right that Miller lined up so wide that it gave Reitz trouble. When an End lines up so wide like Miller did that's just an invitation to run through the gapping hole. Broncos really just have so much speed and athleticism they are hard to match up against any offensive line. Broncos played a lot of good coverage to



Keep in mind this is without the benefit of the all 22 yet but that's how it appears going back on DVR

My eyes saw the same, also no one has said it yet but the refs.... Smh 

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Teams double up on JJ Watt but no such thing for Von Miller in the minds of the Colts of the coach and offensive coordinator. Luck should have screamed for it early on. Remarkably with no secondary three TDs were scored by the Denver D . I heard this morning San Diego is also riddled with injuries and with a win and a Texans loss to NE regardless of who is their QB it could be a different future.

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3 minutes ago, King Colt said:

Teams double up on JJ Watt but no such thing for Von Miller in the minds of the Colts of the coach and offensive coordinator. Luck should have screamed for it early on. Remarkably with no secondary three TDs were scored by the Denver D . I heard this morning San Diego is also riddled with injuries and with a win and a Texans loss to NE regardless of who is their QB it could be a different future.

Miller had never sacked Luck before yesterday. Probably why he wasn't double teamed.

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32 minutes ago, jbaron04 said:

Thank you,  great post. reitz failed point blank. He is not some rookie 7th round pick he has bin in the league for years.  Block him for a second or 2 that's all they asked a starting rt to do

Rietz is the RT because they tried Mewhort there, and he couldn't handle RT without help. Reitz should be a guard. We have the players we have, there's no help coming. Mewhort is a better guard than Joe- Joe's a better tackle than Jack. Neither can handle Miller alone. Expect perfection from imperfect player, you'll be disappointed.

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I think we all know that Reitz isn't, or at least shouldn't be, an every game starter. He just isn't that good but he is good enough to fill in to multiple spots for short periods of time. Yesterday though is as bad as I've ever seen him play. He was just getting tossed around. 


Wasnt Reitz the guy who was shown being picked up and shoved into the QB a few years ago as a RG by a defender?

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6 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

Some good points here.....on that play it's more so the coaches fault than luck fault because they saw reitz getting beat just about the whole game


Exactly!!! It is not just the absolute metrics of sacks, it was also the pressures that pushed Reitz back that did not allow Luck to step into throws that factored into his completion rates as well. So yes, Reitz was playing banged up and was brave enough to accept the 1-on-1 role vs Miller but the coaches should have not put him in a situation to fail. If it was Belichick, he'd be constantly RB or TE chipping Von to frustrate him. That is what teams did vs Freeney and Mathis, go max. protect and take advantage of 1-on-1s they got on the outside by trusting our DB cushions :). In the case of T.Y. and Dorsett, their CBs had to respect the speed and play off a bit. All our coaches had to do is give Luck a little bit more time.

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44 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

I think we all know that Reitz isn't, or at least shouldn't be, an every game starter. He just isn't that good but he is good enough to fill in to multiple spots for short periods of time. Yesterday though is as bad as I've ever seen him play. He was just getting tossed around. 


Wasnt Reitz the guy who was shown being picked up and shoved into the QB a few years ago as a RG by a defender?


That was Linkenbach vs Antonio Garay of the Chargers on SNF. It was brutal to watch.

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2 hours ago, corgi said:

It's not the coaches fault, it's not Luck's fault, it's Reitz's fault. Sure it would've been smart to have help over there, but the colts needed all the weapons they could to catch a pass. If Reitz had MAYBE just put a finger on Miller then he could've changed that outcome of that play. Reitz didn't do his job. 


And it've Von Miller's job to knock Luck to the ground.  


Now if you are a coach you have to look at which one of them is better at doing his job, your guy or the guy he's going up against.  


Fact is that Von Miller is one of the best guys at doing his job in the NFL and Reitz is just ok at his job.  There is a reason that Von Miller gets like 15 million dollars a year to do his job and Reitz gets less then 3 million.  


It's ridiculous for the coach to know there is that vast of a difference in talent, leave them 1 on 1 and then just sit there and blame Reitz for not blocking him.  


When we've played the Pats, Belicheck would bracket Hilton between a corner and a safety all game long.  He wouldn't just leave someone on an island against Hilton and then blame that guy for getting beat.  Maybe that's why Belicheck's teams seem to win no matter what personnel they have while we have nearly our entire offense healthy and Luck still gets plastered.  


Because if you havn't looked, Belicheck's offense isn't healthy/active.  They've lost starting OL, Gronk's out, Dion Lewis injured, Brady's suspended, and now Garrapolo is out.  

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