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I Told You So.....Media Related


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I should have been more vocal about this in the several threads I posted this....

Last night Mike Wells called Pep Hamilton a "Scapegoat".  Today Mike an Mike said the same thing. Big Media just can't admit that Pep Hamilton was incompetent, they have to protect him.


They are all over Ryan Grigson, but not their chosen OC, or the QB that they investested time in promoting.


I saw it coming a mile away...unsubstantiated reports about "rifts", unsubstantiated reports about hiring one OC over another, all directed at casting a control freak label on to Grigson.


Now the narrative is complete..same ol story...same ol ideas.


"The Man" kept Pep down, and a corrupt, misguided, control freak boss fired a fired a decent hard working man to protect himself.


Saw it coming about a month ago.  It was a set up.  It was obvious and transparent


All of you Grigson haters have been duped, from the first Bob Kravitz article back near the beginning of the season.  Big Media knows who you are, and knows how you think, and writes unsubstantiated stories because they know people will run with it.


Now, on the backside of the firing, they are using the word scapegoat.  Still trying to show people how to think.....


Yeah, and Colin Kaepernick and RGIII were good QBs who regressed because of coaching..sure.

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I should have been more vocal about this in the several threads I posted this....

Last night Mike Wells called Pep Hamilton a "Scapegoat".  Today Mike an Mike said the same thing. Big Media just can't admit that Pep Hamilton was incompetent, they have to protect him.


They are all over Ryan Grigson, but not their chosen OC, or the QB that they investested time in promoting.


I saw it coming a mile away...unsubstantiated reports about "rifts", unsubstantiated reports about hiring one OC over another, all directed at casting a control freak label on to Grigson.


Now the narrative is complete..same ol story...same ol ideas.


"The Man" kept Pep down, and a corrupt, misguided, control freak boss fired a fired a decent hard working man to protect himself.


Saw it coming about a month ago.  It was a set up.  It was obvious and transparent


All of you Grigson haters have been duped, from the first Bob Kravitz article back near the beginning of the season.  Big Media knows who you are, and knows how you think, and writes unsubstantiated stories because they know people will run with it.


Now, on the backside of the firing, they are using the word scapegoat.  Still trying to show people how to think.....


Yeah, and Colin Kaepernick and RGIII were good QBs who regressed because of coaching..sure.



I saw an article on stampede blue what's dealing with why Pep Hamilton was fired, and I agree with that article:

On one hand Pep wasn't the best fit as OC here, not utilizing properly the talent he had, and Luck's regression suggests coaching problems. On the other hand Grigson is meddling deeply into coaching duties, so Pep's share in this mess can't be measured.

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And Jon Gruden just said....(The Colts) have good players, but as a team, they are not on the same page, and that's not Pep Hamilton's fault.  They don't have an offensive identity and they don't know the most effective personnel groupings.




They have good players (Meaning Grigson is doing his job)  but its not Pep's fault that they don't have an offensive identity and don't know their best personnel groupings?


He then mentioned Andrew Luck's decision making, but failed to mention a coaches responsibility in that.


Even an objective analyst like Gruden can't come to the conclusion that Pep is likely MOST of the problem with the offense.  He's been corrupted too.

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I saw the Mike & Mike comments, they really should watch a team more often before commenting. It was clear they had not watch much more than highlights of Colts games.

What they did was the easy thing.  And little Greenberg went on a big rant against the establishment.  Its low hanging ratings fruit for a lot of their viewers/listeners.

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People who don't watch this team play other than an occasional MNF or SNF game really don't have a valid opinion.

This whole Pep is the scapegoat thing is dumb. He's just the first of more people who will likely see their tenure end in INDY. Grigs, Manusky, and the OL coach should right behind him. Sports media ESPN in general has gone straight down the tubes. It's become more reality TV as oppose to factual content

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I saw an article on stampede blue what's dealing with why Pep Hamilton was fired, and I agree with that article:

On one hand Pep wasn't the best fit as OC here, not utilizing properly the talent he had, and Luck's regression suggests coaching problems. On the other hand Grigson is meddling deeply into coaching duties, so Pep's share in this mess can't be measured.

The article supports me.  It calls Hamilton a "scapegoat" in the second line of the article.


What, in a matter of minutes does some Central Big Media software program spit out how its minions in the news media should spin a situation?...because since  overnight, I've counted three Big Media outlets using the same word to describe Pep Hamilton.


And its only 7 AM.

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The article supports me.  It calls Hamilton a "scapegoat" in the second line of the article.


What, in a matter of minutes does some Central Big Media software program spit out how its minions in the news media should spin a situation?...because since  overnight, I've counted three Big Media outlets using the same word to describe Pep Hamilton.


And its only 7 AM.


scapegoat...in a sense.


the article also lists shortcomings those led to firing Pep. From poor coaching of Luck to bad playcalling, and stubborn attitude toward that (ignoring calls for switching up the tempo of the offense). And they didn't mention those silly offensive penalties killing big plays. 


So this change has several layers and aspects. 


NB! I don't hate anyone in this organization, I'd just like to see it functioning properly. This team was described in 2012 as well-coached...now it is everything but well coached.

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Anyone who watches the games, who knows a little about football, knows that Pep was part of the problem. Luck is not playing well. Finding out why is the difficult part. Almost everyone who has seen the games, yes even Gruden and other analysts have been critical of the play calling(see post game comments by Steve Young), don't have an answer to why Luck is playing as badly as he has been. However, Steve Young hit the nail on the head- "Can we simplify things on offense just a little bit so that Andrew Luck can find a rythem?" "When a QB is struggling things need to be stripped down and simplified so they can get some confidence back".

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The media has been liberal trash for years

I'm not going that far.  I think the media, like any big company, has the recourses to perform product research, and caters its product to its customers.


People like to read things that support's their position and will see facts where there are none.  Because they see it in an official website or news outlet, it has the appearance of being based upon objective research.


The Bleacher Report article over in the other thread is an opinionated hit piece on Grigson (The Man) disguised as a news-ish based piece.

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Anyone who watches the games, who knows a little about football, knows that Pep was part of the problem. Luck is not playing well. Finding out why is the difficult part. Almost everyone who has seen the games, yes even Gruden and other analysts have been critical of the play calling(see post game comments by Steve Young), don't have an answer to why Luck is playing as badly as he has been. However, Steve Young hit the nail on the head- "Can we simplify things on offense just a little bit so that Andrew Luck can find a rythem?" "When a QB is struggling things need to be stripped down and simplified so they can get some confidence back".

Mike Wells and Stephen Holder have not blamed the play calling.

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Mike Wells and Stephen Holder have not blamed the play calling.

I'll trust Steve Young's word over Holder and Wells.


I think removing Hamilton was the right thing to do at this point. I'd like to see what Chud can do now and give him a few weeks to see results.


I'm not saying that Grigson isn't complicit in this teams struggles either. I've been saying that Grigson needs knocked down a few pegs by Irsay but the longer I look at things the more I start thinking he needs to go too.

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I'm not going that far. I think the media, like any big company, has the recourses to perform product research, and caters its product to its customers.

People like to read things that support's their position and will see facts where there are none. Because they see it in an official website or news outlet, it has the appearance of being based upon objective research.

The Bleacher Report article over in the other thread is an opinionated hit piece on Grigson (The Man) disguised as a news-ish based piece.

Lol I'm touchy about media in general now days. Seems like they're more worried about getting stories out than having the actual truth. It's usually twisted or skewed for more hit, likes and ratings as well

Imo of course

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I'll trust Steve Young's word over Holder and Wells.


I think removing Hamilton was the right thing to do at this point. I'd like to see what Chud can do now and give him a few weeks to see results.


I'm not saying that Grigson isn't complicit in this teams struggles either. I've been saying that Grigson needs knocked down a few pegs by Irsay but the longer I look at things the more I start thinking he needs to go too.

I still don't understand the "reports" that say Grigson was involved in the offense's decision making.  The "reports" just leave it hanging with the reader forming their own conclusion.


The next logical question would be..why did he meddle in the O?  Why did he NOT meddle in the D? 


Obviously, a person would have to conclude he had more confidence in the defensive coaches ability to deploy personnel than he did the O's coaches.  Why is that?


I would like Holder and Wells to explain that to us rather than call Pep a scapegoat.

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And Jon Gruden just said....(The Colts) have good players, but as a team, they are not on the same page, and that's not Pep Hamilton's fault.  They don't have an offensive identity and they don't know the most effective personnel groupings.




They have good players (Meaning Grigson is doing his job)  but its not Pep's fault that they don't have an offensive identity and don't know their best personnel groupings?


He then mentioned Andrew Luck's decision making, but failed to mention a coaches responsibility in that.


Even an objective analyst like Gruden can't come to the conclusion that Pep is likely MOST of the problem with the offense.  He's been corrupted too.


 You may be sitting too far from the TV.

 Scoot up and rewatch to see those terrible throws to the open receivers that our dainbramaged QB was able to find?

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And Jon Gruden just said....(The Colts) have good players, but as a team, they are not on the same page, and that's not Pep Hamilton's fault. They don't have an offensive identity and they don't know the most effective personnel groupings.


They have good players (Meaning Grigson is doing his job) but its not Pep's fault that they don't have an offensive identity and don't know their best personnel groupings?

He then mentioned Andrew Luck's decision making, but failed to mention a coaches responsibility in that.

Even an objective analyst like Gruden can't come to the conclusion that Pep is likely MOST of the problem with the offense. He's been corrupted too.

Thats what i see ... No offensive identity.

Even the players were confused and frustrated .

It wasnt all pep's fault. But its the logical change AT THIS TIME otherwise you are throwing away the season.

I expect to see a spark and more life offensively. If not this week, after the bye.

If we can limit penaties and stupidity, and get SOME production out of all these offensive weapons, we can still turn it around and be a team NO ONE wants to face in the playoffs.

Lets hope.

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And Jon Gruden just said....(The Colts) have good players, but as a team, they are not on the same page, and that's not Pep Hamilton's fault.  They don't have an offensive identity and they don't know the most effective personnel groupings.




They have good players (Meaning Grigson is doing his job)  but its not Pep's fault that they don't have an offensive identity and don't know their best personnel groupings?


He then mentioned Andrew Luck's decision making, but failed to mention a coaches responsibility in that.


Even an objective analyst like Gruden can't come to the conclusion that Pep is likely MOST of the problem with the offense.  He's been corrupted too.


Gruden also said Toler was an amazing CB.


So, yeah.....Chucky's been smoking something. 

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I should have been more vocal about this in the several threads I posted this....

Last night Mike Wells called Pep Hamilton a "Scapegoat".  Today Mike an Mike said the same thing. Big Media just can't admit that Pep Hamilton was incompetent, they have to protect him.


They are all over Ryan Grigson, but not their chosen OC, or the QB that they investested time in promoting.


I saw it coming a mile away...unsubstantiated reports about "rifts", unsubstantiated reports about hiring one OC over another, all directed at casting a control freak label on to Grigson.


Now the narrative is complete..same ol story...same ol ideas.


"The Man" kept Pep down, and a corrupt, misguided, control freak boss fired a fired a decent hard working man to protect himself.


Saw it coming about a month ago.  It was a set up.  It was obvious and transparent


All of you Grigson haters have been duped, from the first Bob Kravitz article back near the beginning of the season.  Big Media knows who you are, and knows how you think, and writes unsubstantiated stories because they know people will run with it.


Now, on the backside of the firing, they are using the word scapegoat.  Still trying to show people how to think.....


Yeah, and Colin Kaepernick and RGIII were good QBs who regressed because of coaching..sure.


Stop blowing that "dog whistle."  Next thing will hear is that Pep came out during a team meeting...


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I saw the Mike & Mike comments, they really should watch a team more often before commenting. It was clear they had not watch much more than highlights of Colts games.

That's the problem I have with ESPN, I don't think they watch our team and they give opinions when they have no clue what they are talking about. We follow this team 24/7 and know Pep should've been fired. Skip and Stephen A are doing the same thing, protecting Pep.

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I should have been more vocal about this in the several threads I posted this....

Last night Mike Wells called Pep Hamilton a "Scapegoat".  Today Mike an Mike said the same thing. Big Media just can't admit that Pep Hamilton was incompetent, they have to protect him.


They are all over Ryan Grigson, but not their chosen OC, or the QB that they investested time in promoting.


I saw it coming a mile away...unsubstantiated reports about "rifts", unsubstantiated reports about hiring one OC over another, all directed at casting a control freak label on to Grigson.


Now the narrative is complete..same ol story...same ol ideas.


"The Man" kept Pep down, and a corrupt, misguided, control freak boss fired a fired a decent hard working man to protect himself.


Saw it coming about a month ago.  It was a set up.  It was obvious and transparent


All of you Grigson haters have been duped, from the first Bob Kravitz article back near the beginning of the season.  Big Media knows who you are, and knows how you think, and writes unsubstantiated stories because they know people will run with it.


Now, on the backside of the firing, they are using the word scapegoat.  Still trying to show people how to think.....


Yeah, and Colin Kaepernick and RGIII were good QBs who regressed because of coaching..sure.


Personally,  I think you should switch to decaf coffee.    Less caffein would help calm you down.


There's no mass conspiracy.    Media types like Mike and Mike see Big Picture.   And, in their view,   they see Grigson mistakes.


Mike Wells covers the team.    Yes, he called Hamilton a "fall guy" but he also said Hamilton deserved to be fired.     All Wells is trying to say is that the problems of the Colts are much more than just Pep Hamilton.     And he's probably right.


This happens when a story unfolds over a period of months and not just a day or two.     Hamilton goes today.    Perhaps Pagano goes in January.    And perhaps Grigson goes at the same time,  or perhaps a week or two later if the coach that Irsay wants doesn't want to work with Grigson.


This is a slow moving story.    It's not done yet.    This will take time......

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I should have been more vocal about this in the several threads I posted this....

Last night Mike Wells called Pep Hamilton a "Scapegoat". Today Mike an Mike said the same thing. Big Media just can't admit that Pep Hamilton was incompetent, they have to protect him.

They are all over Ryan Grigson, but not their chosen OC, or the QB that they investested time in promoting.

I saw it coming a mile away...unsubstantiated reports about "rifts", unsubstantiated reports about hiring one OC over another, all directed at casting a control freak label on to Grigson.

Now the narrative is complete..same ol story...same ol ideas.

"The Man" kept Pep down, and a corrupt, misguided, control freak boss fired a fired a decent hard working man to protect himself.

Saw it coming about a month ago. It was a set up. It was obvious and transparent

All of you Grigson haters have been duped, from the first Bob Kravitz article back near the beginning of the season. Big Media knows who you are, and knows how you think, and writes unsubstantiated stories because they know people will run with it.

Now, on the backside of the firing, they are using the word scapegoat. Still trying to show people how to think.....

Yeah, and Colin Kaepernick and RGIII were good QBs who regressed because of coaching..sure.

I agree with them Pep was a scapegoat! Does that mean he wasn't part responsible? NO just that jettison him gives the GM and owner a "see we did something to try and fix this".

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Personally,  I think you should switch to decaf coffee.    Less caffein would help calm you down.


There's no mass conspiracy.    Media types like Mike and Mike see Big Picture.   And, in their view,   they see Grigson mistakes.


Mike Wells covers the team.    Yes, he called Hamilton a "fall guy" but he also said Hamilton deserved to be fired.     All Wells is trying to say is that the problems of the Colts are much more than just Pep Hamilton.     And he's probably right.


This happens when a story unfolds over a period of months and not just a day or two.     Hamilton goes today.    Perhaps Pagano goes in January.    And perhaps Grigson goes at the same time,  or perhaps a week or two later if the coach that Irsay wants doesn't want to work with Grigson.


This is a slow moving story.    It's not done yet.    This will take time......

You don't really have to take pot shots at me personally because you don't like what I said.


And of course, I was right.


The same "reporters" who put out the unsubstantiated hit pieces on Grigson are now the same ones using the term scapegoat.


I don't think there is a conspiracy.  I just know what certain people are going to say...before they even think of what to say themselves.  I know how they think and called it over a month ago. 


Also, its obvious that Dungy would complain about the firing..after all, he kept doing that same head scratching maneuver of signing the unqualified Shaun King to be the backup QB on his Tampa and Colts teams when he was coach.  The thought process he favors probably impairs objective judgment, which kept him from going to more superbowls.


You're right, these guys look at the big picture and not the details or the facts.  The problem is that not knowing the facts doesn't keep them from making adverse conclusions or statements about people like Grigson, but it does prevent them from accusing people like Pep. 


Not one has written about the possibility that Pep Hamilton may, in fact, be the ONLY incompetent person on the entire Colts management team.  Its just unfathomable to them that it could be a possibility.  But they won't hesitate to blame Grigson when they don't know the facts.  We don't know, but it is certainly possible that Pep was really incompetent, and that he is the only one.


Its not a conspiracy.  Its just group mindthink, which is why three different media outlets all used the word "scapegoat" by 7 AM. 

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You don't really have to take pot shots at me personally because you don't like what I said.


And of course, I was right.


The same "reporters" who put out the unsubstantiated hit pieces on Grigson are now the same ones using the term scapegoat.


I don't think there is a conspiracy.  I just know what certain people are going to say...before they even think of what to say themselves.  I know how they think and called it over a month ago. 


Also, its obvious that Dungy would complain about the firing..after all, he kept doing that same head scratching maneuver of signing the unqualified Shaun King to be the backup QB on his Tampa and Colts teams when he was coach.  The thought process he favors probably impairs objective judgment, which kept him from going to more superbowls.


You're right, these guys look at the big picture and not the details or the facts.  The problem is that not knowing the facts doesn't keep them from making adverse conclusions or statements about people like Grigson, but it does prevent them from accusing people like Pep. 


Not one has written about the possibility that Pep Hamilton may, in fact, be the ONLY incompetent person on the entire Colts management team.  Its just unfathomable to them that it could be a possibility.  But they won't hesitate to blame Grigson when they don't know the facts.  We don't know, but it is certainly possible that Pep was really incompetent, and that he is the only one.


Its not a conspiracy.  Its just group mindthink, which is why three different media outlets all used the word "scapegoat" by 7 AM. 




Not a single pot shot was taken.    I was being playful.    Light hearted.


I think you got way too worked up over very little.     You misread my comment like you've misread the media...


In case you haven't noticed,  and I don't think you have,  the media is not on the Ryan Grigson band wagon, AT ALL....


-- They think his last three drafts mostly suck.

-- They think the Trent trade was a disaster.

-- They think he's ignored the OL and put Luck at risk.

-- They think he hasn't paid enough attention to the defense.


The media is using the term "scapegoat" because they think the problems of the Colts are much bigger than just Pep Hamilton.   But the only thing that happened yesterday was that Pep Hamilton got fired.


I think you're reading way too much into way too little.


If Ryan Grigson gets fired this off-season,  no one is going to write a nice obit about his career with the Colts.     


If Chuck Pagano gets fired this off-season,  he'll take the blame for being the HC of a team that is struggling to win the easiest division in football.


Most media doesn't pay much attention at the coordinator level.   They pay attention to the GM and the HC.   Coordinators much less so.


There's no there -- there.    This is NOT what you think it is....

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Not a single pot shot was taken.    I was being playful.    Light hearted.


I think you got way too worked up over very little.     You misread my comment like you've misread the media...


In case you haven't noticed,  and I don't think you have,  the media is not on the Ryan Grigson band wagon, AT ALL....


-- They think his last three drafts mostly suck.

-- They think the Trent trade was a disaster.

-- They think he's ignored the OL and put Luck at risk.

-- They think he hasn't paid enough attention to the defense.


The media is using the term "scapegoat" because they think the problems of the Colts are much bigger than just Pep Hamilton.   But the only thing that happened yesterday was that Pep Hamilton got fired.


I think you're reading way too much into way too little.


If Ryan Grigson gets fired this off-season,  no one is going to write a nice obit about his career with the Colts.     


If Chuck Pagano gets fired this off-season,  he'll take the blame for being the HC of a team that is struggling to win the easiest division in football.


Most media doesn't pay much attention at the coordinator level.   They pay attention to the GM and the HC.   Coordinators much less so.


There's no there -- there.    This is NOT what you think it is....

You may be light hearted, that's fine.


But the people who were not inhibited to publically label the situation something it is not by 7AM are not being light hearted.  It is a very serious matter.  They don't even care if the facts support it or if they get confirmed as being wrong....later.  They think the message at the time is more important than the facts at the time. 


They may choose to pay attention to the top people, but when they get dragged into a discussion about the OC, when he gets fired, they should not immediately claim that the OC is not to blame....and instead that the people they choose to talk about are to blame.


Greenberg actually went a step higher in the organization and blamed Irsay.  That Pep got canned as a sacrifice because Irsay can't run a football team.  That's what he said...How can he get away with that...no fear of consequences?


That's not simply about not paying attention to details, that's about feeling comfortable to react a certain way when certain things happen.  That's really serious when professional media people are not inhibited by the possibility of being wrong.  Like there are no consequences for being wrong as long as the right message is delivered.

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This thread is desperately trying to avoid ... 



huh, what?

The thread is supposed to be about the media reaction to the Pep firing.  And I'll make sure it stays on topic.  It should die on its own shortly since media reaction will move on...

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I also found it funny how the media is reacting, they obviously don't watch the games, pep has been almost terrible for his entire tenure here, and if it wasn't for some late game heroics from Luck the last two seasons he would have been shown the door much sooner.


I mean he is probably a good guy outside of football, but how anyone can stand up for him when it comes to his job is beyond me. He was downright awful.

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That's the problem I have with ESPN, I don't think they watch our team and they give opinions when they have no clue what they are talking about. We follow this team 24/7 and know Pep should've been fired. Skip and Stephen A are doing the same thing, protecting Pep.

Exactly, I am not saying that Pep is the only problem, but he was one of the main ones.

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You may be light hearted, that's fine.


But the people who were not inhibited to publically label the situation something it is not by 7AM are not being light hearted.  It is a very serious matter.  They don't even care if the facts support it or if they get confirmed as being wrong....later.  They think the message at the time is more important than the facts at the time. 


They may choose to pay attention to the top people, but when they get dragged into a discussion about the OC, when he gets fired, they should not immediately claim that the OC is not to blame....and instead that the people they choose to talk about are to blame.


Greenberg actually went a step higher in the organization and blamed Irsay.  That Pep got canned as a sacrifice because Irsay can't run a football team.  That's what he said...How can he get away with that...no fear of consequences?


That's not simply about not paying attention to details, that's about feeling comfortable to react a certain way when certain things happen.  That's really serious when professional media people are not inhibited by the possibility of being wrong.  Like there are no consequences for being wrong as long as the right message is delivered.


Greenberg is a commentator....   that's all.     He's free to say whatever he wants.  


The consequences are if enough people stop watching/listening to him,  then eventually he'll lose his job.     Otherwise,  he keeps his job.


And Greenberg isn't the only one to say something less than flattering about Irsay.    Plenty of other media types have as well.


By the way,   I trade the start of the problem of this season to Irsay.    


In my opinion,  he mishandled the Pagano situation.    If the stories about Grigson are true,  then he's allowed his GM to Big Foot all over the head coach, making his job that much harder.      And when things began to spiral further out of control,   Irsay didn't do enough to right the ship.      Having a loud argument with your GM in a locker-room after the Saints game doesn't help matters any.


It looks like Pagano will go at the end of the year.    Many here will be thrilled with that.     I won't be one of them.    One, I think he's a good coach.   Two,  hiring another good coach is easier said than done.     Lots of franchise constantly struggle to hire a good head coach.     It aint easy...    Just saying....

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And Jon Gruden just said....(The Colts) have good players, but as a team, they are not on the same page, and that's not Pep Hamilton's fault.  They don't have an offensive identity and they don't know the most effective personnel groupings.




They have good players (Meaning Grigson is doing his job)  but its not Pep's fault that they don't have an offensive identity and don't know their best personnel groupings?


He then mentioned Andrew Luck's decision making, but failed to mention a coaches responsibility in that.


Even an objective analyst like Gruden can't come to the conclusion that Pep is likely MOST of the problem with the offense.  He's been corrupted too.

Ex coaches usually avoid criticism of current coaches.

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