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What If Manning Is Done In Indy?


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If I was Irsay, I would draft Luck then if Manning was healthy build an underground dungeon to store Luck in for 4-5-6 years. I'd lock him up & throw away the key for the appropriate amount of time. However, that dungeon would come equipted with a harem, swimming pool, work out room, full sized NFL field, HD TVs, PS3 along with Madden and whatever other games he wanted, smoothie king, ST. Elms steakhouse, ANY high quality necessities he could use. He would have a servant that could travel to the outside world to get him whatever he wanted, but he himself couldn't leave. It would probably be wise to have around a cool 100 million in a Swiss bank account waiting for him when he is released back into the world. Bam, problem solved.

Sounds a little bit drastic to me.

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Colts fan first and always. I'm surprised at the positive responses here, but of course there will be the negatives.

This is a business. Every business comes down to $$$$$. Its really hard to pay a guy $28 million when you have no idea if he will ever play again, and even if he does how well he'll play. If you take that chance and fail, this team is ruined financial for the next few years. Some say we owe it to Peyton... What? The money? Hes rich! Our respect? Hes got it. He'll go down as one of the best QBs of all time, and I'm sure one day he'll have his number and name hanging in the Ring of Honor. Heck, we could even rename it to the Peyton Manning Ring of Honor! But does that mean we should make dumb business decisions? NO. Some of the greats ended their careers with other teams (Montana to make room for Young & Favre to make room for Rodgers come to mind) because that was what was best for their team.

Also, for the person that wants to jump on Luck for every mistake, if thats the direction we go, calm down. Once upon a time, we drafted a QB from Tennessee named Peyton Manning. In his first year we went 3-13 again! He also led the league in interceptions with 28 (compare that to his 26 TDs). That turned out pretty well right? Rookie QBs will make mistakes no matter who it is. Its part of the learning process! You have to understand that its about the long term prospect of this team being competitive (and a playoff contender) for the next 10+ years, not necessarily about winning it all next year. Luck gives you a future, and at best (without injury) Peyton maybe has 3-4 years left.

You might not have the chance to draft a guy with this kind of talent again any time soon. You have to do it. Peyton Manning is the casualty of that decision.

No matter what happens, Colts fans will always be thankful to Peyton for what he brought to this team (the wins, the class, a superbowl championship, & Lucas Oil Stadium). Its not personal, otherwise he'd be a COLT for life.

Personally, I hope he decides to hang it up, and goes into coaching (maybe new QB coach). He'd be a fantastic mentor to a young QB like Luck. Although I doubt that will happen.

Well said
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I think one thing that the final third of the season showed is that the Colts CAN get by without Peyton, regardless of what people thought their 0-13 start 'proved' when they had Kerry Collings and Curtis Painter leading that team. I've been saying since the beginning that if the Colts had even a capable backup, they would remain competitive with the talent they still have on that team. You would still have the typical win drop off that one would expect by losing their quarterback, but it would not have been as bad as we witnessed this year.

Orlovsky came in and went 2-3...with two of those losses being his first two starts against the top two teams in the AFC. Over a 16 game season, thats a 6-10 or 7-9 pace...which, as mentioned before, would be a pretty standard and expected win differential when losing your quarterback...only a 3 or 4 win dropoff from the 10-6 record the Colts finished with a year before with Peyton. I'm on record as saying that Peyton means more to the Colts than any other player in the league means to their team, but thats only because of the franchise's inability to plan for life without him. Plenty of other teams in this league find ways to win with guys other than Peyton Manning....for some reason things just fell apart this year, and it was based around the fact that a 40+ year old retiree stepped in before giving way to a terrible, terrible backup.

But lets not act like this 'situation' is unheard of. As some have mentioned, theres precedent for this...whether you point to Montana and Young, or Favre and Rodgers...neither of those situations undermine what the first player did or what they meant to their respective franchises....but at some point every team has to plan for the future while maintaining their present expectations. Most of you are fans of the Colts first and Peyton second...and you will root for this team regardless of the direction they choose to go. It will certainly be interesting to watch over the next few months...but hang in there...the organization will do what they feel is best and they will be fine. They really cant go wrong with this one.

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Wow, how soon we forget and toss aside a 4 time mvp. Joe A caught passes from him last month and was excited!. Manning is amoung the top 5 Qbs in the nfl now and 3 years from now. Noone reads the D or makes changes at the line like Manning. How many close games did we have this year? With Manning, we win those.and make the playoffs. What about this? Colts trade pick and get RG3 and draft picks. Follow me here. Manning and RG3 together in wildcat looks. Special plays designed for RG3 at Qb? Maybe add 5-15 plays for him. Manning starts/plays most of game mix in RG3= recipe for victory. Manning stays upright and healthy and fresh/RG3 gets real time reps right from the start. Listen folks, with Manning were winning the south as long as he 's playing. In 2 years the next great Qb will be praised going into the draft just like this year and years before that Stafford/Bradford/Smith/McCoy/ Freeman/lgo. I want to win NOW. Manning wins now and for atleast a few more years. RG3 would be more than happy to learn from yoda for a couple years. Draft picks set the team up for the future. Win/ playoffs now/Win developed Qb down the road. This is the master plan and I told you here first.

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I think one thing that the final third of the season showed is that the Colts CAN get by without Peyton, regardless of what people thought their 0-13 start 'proved' when they had Kerry Collings and Curtis Painter leading that team. I've been saying since the beginning that if the Colts had even a capable backup, they would remain competitive with the talent they still have on that team. You would still have the typical win drop off that one would expect by losing their quarterback, but it would not have been as bad as we witnessed this year.

Orlovsky came in and went 2-3...with two of those losses being his first two starts against the top two teams in the AFC. Over a 16 game season, thats a 6-10 or 7-9 pace...which, as mentioned before, would be a pretty standard and expected win differential when losing your quarterback...only a 3 or 4 win dropoff from the 10-6 record the Colts finished with a year before with Peyton. I'm on record as saying that Peyton means more to the Colts than any other player in the league means to their team, but thats only because of the franchise's inability to plan for life without him. Plenty of other teams in this league find ways to win with guys other than Peyton Manning....for some reason things just fell apart this year, and it was based around the fact that a 40+ year old retiree stepped in before giving way to a terrible, terrible backup.

But lets not act like this 'situation' is unheard of. As some have mentioned, theres precedent for this...whether you point to Montana and Young, or Favre and Rodgers...neither of those situations undermine what the first player did or what they meant to their respective franchises....but at some point every team has to plan for the future while maintaining their present expectations. Most of you are fans of the Colts first and Peyton second...and you will root for this team regardless of the direction they choose to go. It will certainly be interesting to watch over the next few months...but hang in there...the organization will do what they feel is best and they will be fine. They really cant go wrong with this one.

You have a better grasp on this than half of our fans! Well put. I'd add that if Polian was as good as he thinks he, is he would not allowed Painter to see the field. I'm glad he agrees that's what got him fired.

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I cannot find a single written word or spoken word that casts even the smallest of shadows on Luck. I personally know little of him. A huge majority are saying he is a greater prospect then Manning was at Tennessee. I will miss #18 like I miss #19 but time stops for no one. Memories have there place as does the present and the future. I think it would be fitting to give Luck #7 on his jersey even though that was Bert Jones's number.

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Luck is good. No doubt.

But is he better than a healthy Manning today or for the next few yrs, NO.

A healthy Manning should play for Colts ( based on what Irsay said to Rich ).

If a healthy Manning is traded or released, i want him to win multiple SBs and probably play a game against Luck led Colts and beat the C**P out of them at LOS.

Sorry Colts fans, i am not from USA so there is no city or hometown loyalty.

I started watching NFL for Manning, so there.

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I don't understand why some fans get so emotionally attached to certain players. Maybe its a maturity thing, but you should root for the laundry and not so much who is wearing the laundry. I understand people liking certain players and there's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of people take there admiration way too far.

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I don't understand why some fans get so emotionally attached to certain players. Maybe its a maturity thing, but you should root for the laundry and not so much who is wearing the laundry. I understand people liking certain players and there's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of people take there admiration way too far.

Exactly. I'm a colts fan first then I'm a fan of certain players on the team. People actually suggesting the people who want to move forward with luck are not real colts fans need to take a step back and look in the mirror.

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I just hope that if we do have to part ways that Manning just calls it quits. I just cannot imagine seeing Manning in NY green or San Fran red. I remember this team without Manning and people just did not give a crap about this team. What he has done for this team and city is almost immeasurable. It would just be so hard to see him gone.

With that said I was a fan of the Colts before Manning and I will be a fan after Manning. I will fully embrace the new coaching staff, front office and Luck.

What I would be worried about is that fellow fans will not see it that way. It is so hard to replace a HOF QB, but it is even harder if the fan base is not fully behind the young guy.

The Bills have not replaced Kelley, San Fran has not replaced Young, Miami has not replaced Marino, and Denver has not replaced Elway. The only team to successfully replace their HOF QB is the Packers.

I can just see Luck struggling a bit, which a lot of young QBs do, and the fans being impatient or not supportive given how spoiled we have been with Manning.

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What makes me sick is hearing Dungy say he would pick RG3 if he had the choice ... RG3 was a nobody until this season and racked up stats against cupcake teams. IMO in his bowl game he was not very impressive at all!

Tony Dungy and Jamele Hill are the ONLY two mainstream people I've heard say take RG3 over Luck. It's absurd. On the contrary everyone else thinks Luck is the greatest prospect since Elway. It kind of scares me wondering if Dungy was still the coach, would he really pull the trigger or is this just the media side of him talking?

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Tony Dungy and Jamele Hill are the ONLY two mainstream people I've heard say take RG3 over Luck. It's absurd. On the contrary everyone else thinks Luck is the greatest prospect since Elway. It kind of scares me wondering if Dungy was still the coach, would he really pull the trigger or is this just the media side of him talking?

I agree. Makes me wonder why anybody would even suggest getting Dungy to be our GM. He would absolutely ruin this team and Caldwell would have a job for life. The further Dungy is away from the Colts org. the better off they'll be.

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hey, i am a homer, i root for the indianapolis colts. that being said, if they had went to LA a few years ago, i would not be a fan.


i also follow players.

boiler fan, so i follow my players from school, and yes, former colts players.

the superbowl loss was tough for me-- conflicted as to who i should be rooting for. brees has made me a happy camper i think that took a lot of the disappointment out of it for me.

if we really 'rebuild' , the colts will not be any good for a few seasons. plus-- manning, being a free agent is gonna pick a perfect situation, and probably set up a series of superbowl wins if we let him go. he WONT want to play his bro much-- so that means an afc team-- maybe even a division team. we might well get pasted twice a year by him for letting him go!

put manning on any of our division rivals-- pair him with any of the rbs in this division.....

maybe mathis and wayne take a one season 'look what you let go' ride with him too, tennessee and jax love colts salary cap victims already.

i bet you would hear 'reggie reggie reggie' after a td pass too.

ugly, lopsided buttwhuppins. this years saints ugly.

the bandwagon would empty pretty darn fast.

remember the titans the first few years? all the manning orange in the stands?? he got a lot of cheers against the home team then.

i could see lucas chock full of 18 jerseys from both teams. him getting cheered by everyone and the 'Colts' nickname coming back.....

maybe a slightly different version of 'suck for luck' during his growing pains too.

it would be hard to NOT cheer for him wouldnt it? sort of hope for a great game and let the chips fall where they may?

i could see a lot of colts fans knowing the near term was bleak for the colts following manning, even against the home team.

probably me too.

edit-- the 'colts nickname' had a D instead of a C, but it wont let that stand....

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I just hope that if we do have to part ways that Manning just calls it quits. I just cannot imagine seeing Manning in NY green or San Fran red. I remember this team without Manning and people just did not give a crap about this team. What he has done for this team and city is almost immeasurable. It would just be so hard to see him gone.

With that said I was a fan of the Colts before Manning and I will be a fan after Manning. I will fully embrace the new coaching staff, front office and Luck.

What I would be worried about is that fellow fans will not see it that way. It is so hard to replace a HOF QB, but it is even harder if the fan base is not fully behind the young guy.

The Bills have not replaced Kelley, San Fran has not replaced Young, Miami has not replaced Marino, and Denver has not replaced Elway. The only team to successfully replace their HOF QB is the Packers.

I can just see Luck struggling a bit, which a lot of young QBs do, and the fans being impatient or not supportive given how spoiled we have been with Manning.

The 49ers did replace Montana, but I get your point.

Also, the Patriots replaced Bledsoe. Not a HOF but pretty good at the time.

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He's going to call his own shots. If he decides to leave, we have to respect his decision. But, the bottom line is going to be money. I hope he has at least 3 yrs left with us. Andrew Luck is a fine QB, but do we bet everything we have on one who's never thrown a pass in the NFL? But, by the same token do you let a #1 draft choice go. Guess we'll have to wait on Mannings evaluation, & the combine. These topics are creating too much speculation. But, reading all of the posts are very interesting.

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I agree. Makes me wonder why anybody would even suggest getting Dungy to be our GM. He would absolutely ruin this team and Caldwell would have a job for life. The further Dungy is away from the Colts org. the better off they'll be.

I really liked Dungy, but some of his football philosophies drive me bonkers (not just the philosophy, but also his rigid attachment to them). I would never want him to be our GM.

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I don't understand why some fans get so emotionally attached to certain players. Maybe its a maturity thing, but you should root for the laundry and not so much who is wearing the laundry. I understand people liking certain players and there's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of people take there admiration way too far.

how is it "immature" to think that if Manning is healthy we're right back in contention? I'm SOOOO tired of all the "he'll never be the same" cr*p! If he's not at the top of his game, he'll be the first to say so. And then he'll retire, if he's not able to play at a top level. Anybody that lets go of a healthy Manning is as dumb as a box of rocks. If Irsay lets go of a healthy Manning, I'll be the first in line to cheer every time he kicks our butts.

I'm a Colts fan, have a TON of local pride. But players like manning only come along a few times a century. No matter the team. So to disrespect that would be the WORST thing the Colts could do the the game itself. If that means I'm immature, then I'd rather be immature than be so jaded to think that the colts would be better off without him. Or the city. Or the NFL, for that matter.

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This is one really good question. I have always been and will always be a Colts fan (since 1969). BUT......... I have grown to almost like manning more than my team loyalty. I think I would follow peyton and root for him over the colts if for example the colts played a peyton led team...... Except if it was the Jets, then he's dead to me.

I mean this, if they trade him then it becomes that story of "can he revive his career". I would root for a comeback story over a team that abandond a player that put thier town on the map. If Peyton never existed, how many people would even know the Colts existed. Not many.

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how is it "immature" to think that if Manning is healthy we're right back in contention? I'm SOOOO tired of all the "he'll never be the same" cr*p! If he's not at the top of his game, he'll be the first to say so. And then he'll retire, if he's not able to play at a top level. Anybody that lets go of a healthy Manning is as dumb as a box of rocks. If Irsay lets go of a healthy Manning, I'll be the first in line to cheer every time he kicks our butts.

I'm a Colts fan, have a TON of local pride. But players like manning only come along a few times a century. No matter the team. So to disrespect that would be the WORST thing the Colts could do the the game itself. If that means I'm immature, then I'd rather be immature than be so jaded to think that the colts would be better off without him. Or the city. Or the NFL, for that matter.

Im talking about those who wish failure on Luck because he may take over for their beloved Manning. I've said before that I love Manning too and everything he's done for the team and the city, but if Irsay decides that it would be better for the org. to release Manning and look to the future then I will support him fully.

It is immature to wish failure on anybody and I've seen a lot of it here. Just like your sick of seeing "Manning will never be the same" there are also some that are sick of hearing that Manning will be back and play 5 or 6 more yrs.. I've even seen up to 10 more yrs. Either of those assumptions are flat ridiculous. Even Manning said after he signed his new contract, that it would be his last. That is 4 yrs. tops and no matter whether you like it or not, he very well might not make that.

Also, have you even considered releasing Manning may be in Mannings best interest too. Maybe he don't want to be part of a rebuilding process which the Colts are in the midst of. New GM and probably new coach, plus there is no way they can afford to keep some FA's they have even if they didn't draft Luck.

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Im talking about those who wish failure on Luck because he may take over for their beloved Manning. I've said before that I love Manning too and everything he's done for the team and the city, but if Irsay decides that it would be better for the org. to release Manning and look to the future then I will support him fully.

It is immature to wish failure on anybody and I've seen a lot of it here. Just like your sick of seeing "Manning will never be the same" there are also some that are sick of hearing that Manning will be back and play 5 or 6 more yrs.. I've even seen up to 10 more yrs. Either of those assumptions are flat ridiculous. Even Manning said after he signed his new contract, that it would be his last. That is 4 yrs. tops and no matter whether you like it or not, he very well might not make that.

Also, have you even considered releasing Manning may be in Mannings best interest too. Maybe he don't want to be part of a rebuilding process which the Colts are in the midst of. New GM and probably new coach, plus there is no way they can afford to keep some FA's they have even if they didn't draft Luck.

Agreed that those that think Manning will play another 5-10 years aren't being realistic. But Manning has already said that he wants to retire a Colt, that's what he thinks is in his best interest. Irsay has said multiple times that Manning will retire a Colt. So for Irsay to go back on his word, on a healthy Manning, that I cannot abide. Yes, I'm a colts fan. But I'm most of all a fan of the game. And Manning has done more for this game than anyone in recent (30+ years) history!

In my opinion the most "mature" perspective would be that if you have one of the greatest of all time healthy, you ride the train til the end. Of course we want a backup. The hard part comes in this day in age, when you it isn't realistic to draft a #1 pick as a backup. Especially for more than a year. It's almost impossible to have your cake and eat it too. If it works out, I'd be thrilled. I just don't want to throw Manning under the bus for the possibility of another great QB til we're done with the first one. Seems like a little bit of premature ejac..... to me! :)

But we'll have SOOOO much time to discuss this ad nauseum hopefully with a little more info in a few weeks. My guess is that before the cut date, Manning himself will let us know if he's able to return. Until we know that one way or the other, we're just wildly speculating on the "what ifs."

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I will be critical of every mistake Andrew Luck makes,and if his stats didn't surpass Peytons',then he's an outright failure in my eyes.I expect many will say 'THAT'S UNFAIR',but so is life.If we replace the G.O.A.T with this guy,then he better have the goods to deliver...with no excuses.He must be successful from day one...rookie or not.He'll receive no 'get out of jail free card',just because of this.He's different and so is this situation.The only reason the 'COLTS' would ever do such a thing,is if we feel he can become the next G.O.A.T.

So this will be the case if Manning can't pass the physical in March or if he gets injured playing in the next couple of seasons and is forced to retire early? You realize Manning can't play forever right?

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So this will be the case if Manning can't pass the physical in March or if he gets injured playing in the next couple of seasons and is forced to retire early? You realize Manning can't play forever right?

no.... I dont. Please dont make me.

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It's not the ending we all wanted but the NFL being what it is.....a business of violent sport....doesn't always give fans and deserving great players like Peyton a fairy tale ending. Jim Irsay has become a fine NFL owner and looking back he fully adopted Indianapolis and committed to having a great football team....what more could a fan ask?

2012 marks the 50th year I'm a fan and I know there are Colts fans older and some who became fans last month that are just as fervent.....and whoever the new GM / Coach / QB / last guy on the practice squad is.....we all gotta support them even if we don't always agree on everything.

Whether its Andrew Luck who I like alot....or 5 or 6 guys we trade the pick for.....I support the team from top to bottom.

Nice........., I am a 41 year fan. Great job and way to hang in there.

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<p class="posted_info desc lighter ipsType_small">Posted <abbr class="published" title="2012-01-04T16:36:27+00:00">Yesterday, 09:36 AM</abbr></p>

<p class="citation"><a class="snapback" href="index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=102480" rel="citation"><img alt="View Post" src="public/style_images/master/snapback.png" /></a>jedi.creech, on 04 January 2012 - 09:23 AM, said:</p>

<div class="blockquote">

<div class="quote">You are right, those guys have NFL experience... Luck has nothing but HYPE</div>


<p><br />

<br />

heck...luck isn't even near dan fouts.He'll be lucky if he becomes dan fouts.I've seem luck play ALOT,and i keep seeing another big ben.The similarities between the two are scary.However,big ben was lucky(no pun intended)to get drafted by the steelers,a defense first team.This lead to big ben's success.I doubt ANDREW will get so LUCKY(Once again,no pun intended).He'll just be a solid type of player.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I saw Ben play @ Miami of Ohio  best QB they have ever had and he is good, but  I have also seen ALOT of Luck  and what I have seen is... he reads defenses similar to GOAT.. ( may be because he has been in the GOATS camps the last 2 years ) he passes like him.. his CFB ratio is better and he is bigger, runs more... I want PETYON.. IF He can play without hurting himself ! Best scenario Peyton is back and Luck learns from him for couple years..</p>

<p>arthletic pic.. RG3  is better.. long term maybe RG who knows it is changing, but the best choice to have a nice seemless move is Luck bar none ( with keeping the same program we have); however we all ahve to realize that Luck as great as he is had a very strong running game ! Do We?</p>

<p>We have issues who ever is the QB.. OL  needs to be more secure.. secondary... WILB.. etc..</p>

<p>If you look at pure talent RG3 is by far better ..talent isn't everything</p>

<p> </p>

<p>OBTW Hoosiers won again!!</p>

<p> </p>

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I think one thing that the final third of the season showed is that the Colts CAN get by without Peyton, regardless of what people thought their 0-13 start 'proved' when they had Kerry Collings and Curtis Painter leading that team. I've been saying since the beginning that if the Colts had even a capable backup, they would remain competitive with the talent they still have on that team. You would still have the typical win drop off that one would expect by losing their quarterback, but it would not have been as bad as we witnessed this year.

Orlovsky came in and went 2-3...with two of those losses being his first two starts against the top two teams in the AFC. Over a 16 game season, thats a 6-10 or 7-9 pace...which, as mentioned before, would be a pretty standard and expected win differential when losing your quarterback...only a 3 or 4 win dropoff from the 10-6 record the Colts finished with a year before with Peyton. I'm on record as saying that Peyton means more to the Colts than any other player in the league means to their team, but thats only because of the franchise's inability to plan for life without him. Plenty of other teams in this league find ways to win with guys other than Peyton Manning....for some reason things just fell apart this year, and it was based around the fact that a 40+ year old retiree stepped in before giving way to a terrible, terrible backup.

But lets not act like this 'situation' is unheard of. As some have mentioned, theres precedent for this...whether you point to Montana and Young, or Favre and Rodgers...neither of those situations undermine what the first player did or what they meant to their respective franchises....but at some point every team has to plan for the future while maintaining their present expectations. Most of you are fans of the Colts first and Peyton second...and you will root for this team regardless of the direction they choose to go. It will certainly be interesting to watch over the next few months...but hang in there...the organization will do what they feel is best and they will be fine. They really cant go wrong with this one.

The Montana/Young and Favre/Rodgers scenarios aren't valid comparisons to what we have in Indianapolis.

For one, those situations didn't cost either team a whole lot. A free agent picked up for nothing, and a 24th overall pick who needed the work don't set a team back.

Second, those teams didn't fall apart without their legendary starters; they were still 11+ win teams without a decent QB - for example: the 49ers were still winning with Bono, and the Packers just had a back up QB out-perform Rodgers' best ever against a team that was fighting desperately for playoff position and momentum. Those teams were THAT loaded with talent.

Third, the whole front office is in upheaval in Indianapolis, while that wasn't the case at all with the 49ers and Packers, respectively. While the core nucleus of players remains here, many of them may be gone in less than 3 months, setting this team back even farther. That means that Luck would come in, and potentially not sniff a winning season for 6 or 7 years. If that's the case, he'll be run out of town long before that's a factor.

We have the highest paid QB in NFL history, and potentially a rookie who would be the first overall pick costing another $6+ million per year, with $15 million in bonuses. Neither the dynastic 49ers, or the contemporary Packers had to face that sort of "transition." They also handed the replacement QB the keys to a Ferrari. This is a Jalopy.

This team went 2-14 because they were bad; yes the QB situation was poorly managed, but Tom Brady wouldn't have won 6 games with this team. Now the front office is gone, the coaches will likely be gone (ST and DefCo are already out), and people are hailing Andrew Luck from Stanford as the answer to smooth the transition.

Every team that has ever had a great QB has had a plan for succession. Most of the time, it fails, that's why the Young/Rodgers stories are so well-known. They are the only relevant ones in NFL history, and the circumstances were pretty ridiculous for those teams. We shouldn't expect that to happen, as it usually doesn't. Manning can still put us in championship contention, while Luck (and anyone else, for that matter) will flounder with this mess. Being in contention is all that matters. If we go all-in on Andrew Luck, we will be looking for a new QB in 3 years...and then again 2-3 years after that...then a Free Agent, and perhaps another QB. After a bunch of losing, and "almost-playoff-bound" seasons, we will have more firings, more mess. We become the next generations' Dolphins.

If Manning can play out his contract, the Colts would be stupid to let him go. Winning Super Bowls will help a franchise secure it's future. The 49ers haven't been relevant for 14 years, yet they never stopped packing their stadium. The Packers waited almost 30 years between championships, but filled their stadium every week in between. The Steelers waited almost 20 years to get back there, and the list goes on. If Manning is given that chance - an 80% Peyton gives us a better chance than a fresh Andrew Luck, by the way - his winning more trophies will ensure the franchise lives to see glory in the future again. If he walks out, or they release him, we may be loading the bus for LA in 10 years.

Taking Luck isn't a bad choice, it just makes winning difficult because it contributes nothing to that cause, while costing a fortune. Manning's progression is going exactly as the optimists predicted, but people are too caught up in the Rodgers story to see the reality of what's taking place in Indy.

I was a Colts fan first, but it's a flat-out crime to not do everything possible to send Manning off in a blaze of glory if he can play this thing out. He's the best QB to ever take a snap, and his career was robbed by front-office and sideline incompetence. He's still got a chance to make it more than special; more than a legacy. He's got a chance to be the first name mentioned in football lore. Like Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan, it could be Peyton.

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What makes me sick is hearing Dungy say he would pick RG3 if he had the choice ... RG3 was a nobody until this season and racked up stats against cupcake teams. IMO in his bowl game he was not very impressive at all!

That makes you sick? I think I might get out more.

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Peyton played last year and the Colt's record was 10-6.

Without Dallas Clark, Austin Collie and MANY MANY MANY more key pieces.

FWIW If Manning was cut today released and signed with another team I would still be a Colts fan and I wouldn't give 2 craps about what manning was doing at his other team... Manning is a great QB for the Colts but to be upset if he left or be sour about it is absurd. He is just 1/40th of this team and to write off the other 39 players is just unspeakable.

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The Montana/Young and Favre/Rodgers scenarios aren't valid comparisons to what we have in Indianapolis.

For one, those situations didn't cost either team a whole lot. A free agent picked up for nothing, and a 24th overall pick who needed the work don't set a team back.

Second, those teams didn't fall apart without their legendary starters; they were still 11+ win teams without a decent QB - for example: the 49ers were still winning with Bono, and the Packers just had a back up QB out-perform Rodgers' best ever against a team that was fighting desperately for playoff position and momentum. Those teams were THAT loaded with talent.

Third, the whole front office is in upheaval in Indianapolis, while that wasn't the case at all with the 49ers and Packers, respectively. While the core nucleus of players remains here, many of them may be gone in less than 3 months, setting this team back even farther. That means that Luck would come in, and potentially not sniff a winning season for 6 or 7 years. If that's the case, he'll be run out of town long before that's a factor.

We have the highest paid QB in NFL history, and potentially a rookie who would be the first overall pick costing another $6+ million per year, with $15 million in bonuses. Neither the dynastic 49ers, or the contemporary Packers had to face that sort of "transition." They also handed the replacement QB the keys to a Ferrari. This is a Jalopy.

This team went 2-14 because they were bad; yes the QB situation was poorly managed, but Tom Brady wouldn't have won 6 games with this team. Now the front office is gone, the coaches will likely be gone (ST and DefCo are already out), and people are hailing Andrew Luck from Stanford as the answer to smooth the transition.

Every team that has ever had a great QB has had a plan for succession. Most of the time, it fails, that's why the Young/Rodgers stories are so well-known. They are the only relevant ones in NFL history, and the circumstances were pretty ridiculous for those teams. We shouldn't expect that to happen, as it usually doesn't. Manning can still put us in championship contention, while Luck (and anyone else, for that matter) will flounder with this mess. Being in contention is all that matters. If we go all-in on Andrew Luck, we will be looking for a new QB in 3 years...and then again 2-3 years after that...then a Free Agent, and perhaps another QB. After a bunch of losing, and "almost-playoff-bound" seasons, we will have more firings, more mess. We become the next generations' Dolphins.

If Manning can play out his contract, the Colts would be stupid to let him go. Winning Super Bowls will help a franchise secure it's future. The 49ers haven't been relevant for 14 years, yet they never stopped packing their stadium. The Packers waited almost 30 years between championships, but filled their stadium every week in between. The Steelers waited almost 20 years to get back there, and the list goes on. If Manning is given that chance - an 80% Peyton gives us a better chance than a fresh Andrew Luck, by the way - his winning more trophies will ensure the franchise lives to see glory in the future again. If he walks out, or they release him, we may be loading the bus for LA in 10 years.

Taking Luck isn't a bad choice, it just makes winning difficult because it contributes nothing to that cause, while costing a fortune. Manning's progression is going exactly as the optimists predicted, but people are too caught up in the Rodgers story to see the reality of what's taking place in Indy.

I was a Colts fan first, but it's a flat-out crime to not do everything possible to send Manning off in a blaze of glory if he can play this thing out. He's the best QB to ever take a snap, and his career was robbed by front-office and sideline incompetence. He's still got a chance to make it more than special; more than a legacy. He's got a chance to be the first name mentioned in football lore. Like Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan, it could be Peyton.

While I agree with everything you said, I was referring less to the circumstances surrounding each situation and more about the fans and organization's perception of how to treat it. Regardless of how Montana ended up in Kansas City, it was still a case of the fans in San Francisco loving this guy and not being able to believe that he wasnt 'theirs' anymore. They still followed Montana and rooted for him...but they were fans of the 49ers first and they extended the relevance of their team by moving on.

I'm seeing a back and forth going on with Colts fans. Over the last few years, we've had countless threads and comments about how its going to be a sad day when Manning is done and how you only had 3 or 4 more years of relevance in this league. Well, the Colts have a chance to avoid that downfall, but as soon as its realized it may come at the expense of the guy they were already mentally preparing to be without, all of a sudden its blasphemy. One thing that Colts fans dont understand is that loyalty only takes you so far in this business....and theres nothing wrong with that point of view, but its also making it more difficult for many of you to understand that there IS life after Manning. If the Colts had a capable backup this year they could have won 7 games...and thats just with a capable backup, not even an actual starter.

This situation should have nothing to do with Manning's 'legacy'...it should be solely about doing whats best for the future of the franchise. Your last paragraph sums up perfectly the mental struggle many Colts fans are having. Many are still more concerned about Manning's legacy and how history will judge him than they are about the overall well being of the Colts.

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Without Dallas Clark, Austin Collie and MANY MANY MANY more key pieces.

FWIW If Manning was cut today released and signed with another team I would still be a Colts fan and I wouldn't give 2 craps about what manning was doing at his other team... Manning is a great QB for the Colts but to be upset if he left or be sour about it is absurd. He is just 1/40th of this team and to write off the other 39 players is just unspeakable.

I'm too much of a ditz to know if we are on the same page here or not.

In case we are not, my reply was made to someone who said that wherever Peyton plays next year he will go 12-4 just like always because the guy is that good.

So, I was pointing out that the recent past shows us that he is not that good. No QB is that good. They all need a good supporting cast. It was amazing that the Colts went 10-6 with so many injuries and that was largely accomplished because Peyton is so good.

I was just disagreeing with the blanket statement that with Peyton any team can go 12-4 just because they have him as a QB.

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I'm too much of a ditz to know if we are on the same page here or not.

In case we are not, my reply was made to someone who said that wherever Peyton plays next year he will go 12-4 just like always because the guy is that good.

So, I was pointing out that the recent past shows us that he is not that good. No QB is that good. They all need a good supporting cast. It was amazing that the Colts went 10-6 with so many injuries and that was largely accomplished because Peyton is so good.

I was just disagreeing with the blanket statement that with Peyton any team can go 12-4 just because they have him as a QB.

Well they can, if they are healthy. lol

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I've said repeatedly if he's not in a colts uniform the least distateful scenario is San Fransisco. The fact that I have a man crush on Jim Harbaugh probably has something to do with it.

I live in the Bay Area....and agree with you. SF fans are wishing....what if..OMG......send him this way...

Will always root for the colts....AND whichever team Manning ends up to will root for as well..(please please don't let it be the jets..)

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He's going to call his own shots. If he decides to leave, we have to respect his decision. But, the bottom line is going to be money. I hope he has at least 3 yrs left with us. Andrew Luck is a fine QB, but do we bet everything we have on one who's never thrown a pass in the NFL? But, by the same token do you let a #1 draft choice go. Guess we'll have to wait on Mannings evaluation, & the combine. These topics are creating too much speculation. But, reading all of the posts are very interesting.

But do you bet everything that Manning is going to be 100% healthy on opening day -- following 3 surgeries and not taking a snap in 18 months??? And that he'll stay healthy all year??

There are plenty of risks no matter what direction the Colts take....and regardless, they are sure to anger a decent % of the fan base.

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I feel if they finally release him healthy, they must be doing him a huge favor, one that is even better than the money they pay him. Not getting him involved in the rebuilding and let him have a free 3-4 years to pursue another superbowl. nothing is bigger than this.


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The Montana/Young and Favre/Rodgers scenarios aren't valid comparisons to what we have in Indianapolis.

For one, those situations didn't cost either team a whole lot. A free agent picked up for nothing, and a 24th overall pick who needed the work don't set a team back.

Second, those teams didn't fall apart without their legendary starters; they were still 11+ win teams without a decent QB - for example: the 49ers were still winning with Bono, and the Packers just had a back up QB out-perform Rodgers' best ever against a team that was fighting desperately for playoff position and momentum. Those teams were THAT loaded with talent.

Third, the whole front office is in upheaval in Indianapolis, while that wasn't the case at all with the 49ers and Packers, respectively. While the core nucleus of players remains here, many of them may be gone in less than 3 months, setting this team back even farther. That means that Luck would come in, and potentially not sniff a winning season for 6 or 7 years. If that's the case, he'll be run out of town long before that's a factor.

We have the highest paid QB in NFL history, and potentially a rookie who would be the first overall pick costing another $6+ million per year, with $15 million in bonuses. Neither the dynastic 49ers, or the contemporary Packers had to face that sort of "transition." They also handed the replacement QB the keys to a Ferrari. This is a Jalopy.

This team went 2-14 because they were bad; yes the QB situation was poorly managed, but Tom Brady wouldn't have won 6 games with this team. Now the front office is gone, the coaches will likely be gone (ST and DefCo are already out), and people are hailing Andrew Luck from Stanford as the answer to smooth the transition.

Every team that has ever had a great QB has had a plan for succession. Most of the time, it fails, that's why the Young/Rodgers stories are so well-known. They are the only relevant ones in NFL history, and the circumstances were pretty ridiculous for those teams. We shouldn't expect that to happen, as it usually doesn't. Manning can still put us in championship contention, while Luck (and anyone else, for that matter) will flounder with this mess. Being in contention is all that matters. If we go all-in on Andrew Luck, we will be looking for a new QB in 3 years...and then again 2-3 years after that...then a Free Agent, and perhaps another QB. After a bunch of losing, and "almost-playoff-bound" seasons, we will have more firings, more mess. We become the next generations' Dolphins.

If Manning can play out his contract, the Colts would be stupid to let him go. Winning Super Bowls will help a franchise secure it's future. The 49ers haven't been relevant for 14 years, yet they never stopped packing their stadium. The Packers waited almost 30 years between championships, but filled their stadium every week in between. The Steelers waited almost 20 years to get back there, and the list goes on. If Manning is given that chance - an 80% Peyton gives us a better chance than a fresh Andrew Luck, by the way - his winning more trophies will ensure the franchise lives to see glory in the future again. If he walks out, or they release him, we may be loading the bus for LA in 10 years.

Taking Luck isn't a bad choice, it just makes winning difficult because it contributes nothing to that cause, while costing a fortune. Manning's progression is going exactly as the optimists predicted, but people are too caught up in the Rodgers story to see the reality of what's taking place in Indy.

I was a Colts fan first, but it's a flat-out crime to not do everything possible to send Manning off in a blaze of glory if he can play this thing out. He's the best QB to ever take a snap, and his career was robbed by front-office and sideline incompetence. He's still got a chance to make it more than special; more than a legacy. He's got a chance to be the first name mentioned in football lore. Like Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan, it could be Peyton.

DQ,it will be peyton.Its almost him now.If you ask the majority of people to say who's the G.O.A.T. and most will say either elway,montana or manning.That's of right now!So if he can add to this legacy,then its a shoein'.

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DQ,it will be peyton.Its almost him now.If you ask the majority of people to say who's the G.O.A.T. and most will say either elway,montana or manning.That's of right now!So if he can add to this legacy,then its a shoein'.

What in your opinion makes PM the greatest of all time. What makes him better then Montana elway Marino and so on. Not saying he isn't just wondering what u guys think makes him the goat

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    • Id like to see more QB designed runs and stuff with options to run or pass. However I don't half way blame them for pressing pocket passing either bc at some point you know JT is going to get hurt. Might as well let AR get his feel for the pocket early in the season. Say what you want but plenty of guys are open. He's just got to place and complete the pass properly. So far hasn't been happening but we will keep trying until things improve I guess 
    • But I think Adebaware is a better 3T than him. He's getting better and better.
    • Do people really think his progression should be a graph line going steadily upward? Really? Seven games. It's going to be up and down. Two steps forward, one step back. Sometines, one step forward, three steps back. Especially for a guy who is about as raw as they come. Fans better expect it. 
    • I’m glad our team didn’t have the bears body language. At least they were encouraging AR on his mistakes. Williams on the other seemed like he is already on the hot seat and teammates are getting tired of it.
    • I will say this. AR imo threw the ball much MUCH better in his 4 games last year compared to his first 3 this year.  Not even close.   I have to believe a lot of that is due to him being unable to practice much on his mechanics until August or so.  Remember even during spring practice he was complaining of a sore shoulder and had to take some time off.   I fully believe that once he is totally over his injury that he will be able to take the extra reps needed to get back into a way of throwing without having to think so much.   I play a sport at a highly competitive level, won't say which one, but I broke my thumb this spring and I just now am start to get back into the swing of things.  But I am not even close to where I was before I broke it. 
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