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Report: D'Qwell Jackson arrested


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i keep saying the one thing I don't like about Pagano is that his guys are a little too undisciplined. The days that Colts fans could play the holier than thou because our team is such class is over. That started and ended with Dungy. With that said they are no different than most teams in the league where guys will do something stupid now and then and have a bad apple or two.

Horse feathers.

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i keep saying the one thing I don't like about Pagano is that his guys are a little too undisciplined. The days that Colts fans could play the holier than thou because our team is such class is over. That started and ended with Dungy. With that said they are no different than most teams in the league where guys will do something stupid now and then and have a bad apple or two.


Just to refresh...    Do you know how many posters here complained when Rodgers was cut?    People complained we were too strict and too hard.     And why is this now a Pagano thing?    Most of the complaints when it comes to this are with Grigson.   He's the one who checks their character,  he's the one who decides to bring them in.


After every game,  the locker-room video has Pagano talking to the players about staying out of trouble and doing the right thing.  The guy beats the drum all the time.


I have no idea why this is a Pagano issue for you?

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It speaks to a general lack of discipline in the organization that these kinds of things keep happening. It speaks to the type of player that Grigson brings in.

I don't remember this kind of thing happening when Dungy/Polian were running the show...Disappointing to say the least.


On the bright side, team portraits will be a lot less expensive, all you need to do it go to the police sites and download the mugshots.

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Just to refresh... Do you know how many posters here complained when Rodgers was cut? People complained we were too strict and too hard. And why is this now a Pagano thing? Most of the complaints when it comes to this are with Grigson. He's the one who checks their character, he's the one who decides to bring them in.

After every game, the locker-room video has Pagano talking to the players about staying out of trouble and doing the right thing. The guy beats the drum all the time.

I have no idea why this is a Pagano issue for you?

players getting in trouble on and off the field is a sign of a lack discipline and that starts with the head coach. Saying stay out of trouble is not really a sign of a coach putting discipline in. It's like when a parent says now make sure you stay out of trouble at school today. If that's all you do it doesn't mean much.

With that said we don't know if that's all the colts do but seeing as this is the third Colts player to get arrested in a month plus they suspended a fourth and had another miss the flight to the AFC title game what the Colts doing is not working. Add in the fact they went from leading the league is terms of being penalized on the field to being one of the more flagged teams on the field then yes I think the team has a lack of discipline. Those are the areas that shows up in and that falls on the head coach.

With that said am I calling for Pagano to be fired over it? No. I am just saying its the one area I find honest fault with him.

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Doesn't matter. It's an organizational issue now, and it starts at the top with an owner that doesn't think the law applies to him.

yeah I don't buy the idea Irsay doesn't think the law applies to him. Yes he ran a foul of the law but that doesn't mean he thinks it doesn't apply to him but I am not really shocked you would try to take it to that extreme.
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Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice would fit right in as teammates; getting out of hand with series of off-field players issues. I cannot recall this happening so much and I've been following this team since the early 70's. I mean there have ben players who had contract issues Lydall Mitchell, Dickerson, but the new generation jerks I mean jocks, think they can do anything.

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I don't remember this kind of thing happening when Dungy/Polian were running the show...Disappointing to say the least.


On the bright side, team portraits will be a lot less expensive, all you need to do it go to the police sites and download the mugshots.

Dominic Rhodes was busted for DUI after SB41, and Dexter Reid was busted for drugs that offseason, too. Granted, neither player was on the team in 2007. Darrell Reid was charged with hitting a guy with his car at a club in Castleton, if memory serves. Remember Big Ed Johnson and his pot issues?

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yeah I don't buy the idea Irsay doesn't think the law applies to him. Yes he ran a foul of the law but that doesn't mean he thinks it doesn't apply to him but I am not really shocked you would try to take it to that extreme.

If the owner doesn't think he has to follow the law, why would anyone else in the organization?

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If the owner doesn't think he has to follow the law, why would anyone else in the organization?

Again, from where do you come up with this? Irsay was charged. He lawyered up and copped a plea the same way anyone else with any sense would. Irsay has been punished under the law and by the NFL. He did not fight these punishments. He accepted responsibility for his actions. The only difference is that Irsay can afford better lawyers.

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If the owner doesn't think he has to follow the law, why would anyone else in the organization?

yeah what you are saying is not a fact and I would dare say is flat out not true. Running a foul of the law doesn't mean one think he doesn't have to follow the law. Again you are trying to take something to extreme point of view and present that extreme point of view as fact to pretty much tick people off. They have a term for that on forums it's called trolling.
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Misdemeanor assault is punishable by up to 180 days in jail.

ABC7 in D.C. reporting he was issued a citation. If it is a simple citation, like that issued for a civil offense such as speeding, this matter may be over. Hopefully local news sources will clear this up for us fans.

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I heard the same thing. Apparently Jackson went to tackle him, but luckily for the pizza guy, he was wearing a Patriots jersey under his jacket and D'Qwell completely missed him.

Beautifully scribed sir. Very well done. Classic.


How cool would it be if we could have an Annual Forum Awards Ceremony, with perhaps 3/4 four categories? Funniest Post, Best Put Down (as long it was a friendly one), Best Colts Football related Post, and best General Football related Post.


Either add a nomination button (with a maximum set for each poster), or just set a benchmark for the number of likes required to qualify for a nomination, then use voting buttons to find the winners for each category! Come on Mods.....!


Or rather than an run it as an annual competition, perhaps just run it as an 'off-season' competition, from February to August, (inclusive) while there is less real football to discuss? Well, apart from Vance and Quizboy, they could enter from January to August, inclusive....

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Beautifully scribed sir. Very well done. Classic.


How cool would it be if we could have an Annual Forum Awards Ceremony, with perhaps 3/4 four categories? Funniest Post, Best Put Down (as long it was a friendly one), Best Colts Football related Post, and best General Football related Post.


Either add a nomination button (with a maximum set for each poster), or just set a benchmark for the number of likes required to qualify for a nomination, then use voting buttons to find the winners for each category! Come on Mods.....!


Or rather than an run it as an annual competition, perhaps just run it as an 'off-season' competition, from February to August, (inclusive) while there is less real football to discuss? Well, apart from Vance and Quizboy, they could enter from January to August, inclusive....


I agree. That would be an awesome off-season type thing.

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It speaks to a general lack of discipline in the organization that these kinds of things keep happening. It speaks to the type of player that Grigson brings in.


It possibly speaks towards the type of players that Grigson brings in, if said player has a history of such offenses.  I don't recall any such history with Jackson but I could be wrong.  If there was no history of run-ins with the law then how is Grigson supposed to know that a player may wind up getting in trouble with the law?  And it has nothing to do with the discipline of the organization.  Play on the field speaks to organizational discipline, but when a player has a run-in with the law...that's on the player, not the colts organization.

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