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What's Worse Than A Trip To The AFCCG?

John Waylon

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What's worse than going to the AFC Championship Game?


That missed tackle by Landry on the 4th and 1. He's the ONE GUY who hit Anderson that SHOULD have brought him down, and he just failed miserably at it. Good god.


What's worse than going to the AFC Championship Game?


The Ravens not beating New England. I'm not thrilled to be going there next week, but I keep remembering that there will be no Jonas Gray incident this time, and this team is SOOOOOO much like the 2006 team. 


What's worse than going to the AFC Championship Game?


How I feel right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm mega excited we are going, but I feel like we just saw the last game of Peyton Manning's career, and he went out with such a weak whimper. I know he said he wants to be back and all that, but lets face it: There just isn't enough left in the tank. Going in to this week I really wanted us to win and be the last team Peyton played. Now that it has happened though, I feel really bad. I guess it's just the whole "Old Yeller" thing. One of the most bittersweet moments I've ever experienced. As the week goes on I will get more and more excited for Sunday, but right now I'm just.... Somber.

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I hope he didn't swallow anything he shouldn't of.  My daughters dog is like a goat.  have to keep an eye out

Is this something Hoosiers should understand?  I mean, I don't know what it's like to have a dog that's like a goat, but when yo usay it like that, it sounds like it's much worse than just having a dog being a dog...lol

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Is this something Hoosiers should understand?  I mean, I don't know what it's like to have a dog that's like a goat, but when yo usay it like that, it sounds like it's much worse than just having a dog being a dog...lol

Goats will eat anything, or so they say.

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What's worse...you friggin NAYSAYERS about Manning. He's not done. He's better than 90% of the NFL players in the league today. He's still got it. He still puts up huge numbers year after year after year....he gives everything he's got and I guarantee you he's got more to give (at least 1 more year). 


Yes...the Broncos' bandwagon fans...only cheering the QB when he wins and booing him when they lose...as if it's all Mannings fault. He can't make his receivers catch the balls...how many drops did they have today sheesh?

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, January 12, 2015 - trolling
Hidden by Superman, January 12, 2015 - trolling

I am here today to inform you all that I BELIEVED IN LUCK vs. MANNING over 3 years ago. I was banned from this forum from an overzealous fat moderator named "PeytonsGirl", and was censored ever since. I am here today to brag that back then I said Luck was way better than Manning, and the Colts made the right decision to dump Manning for Luck. There have been multiple times to ban my account Super8todd for years.. but I am here to say I was always the COLTS Fan, and believed in the colts more than some of these biased moderators. They cannot handle the truth and will ban me once again, but truth, freedom, and MY LEGACY of BEING CORRECT CANNOT be refuted!!!! I was NOT popular at the time, and you will not here again from me again, because this flawed moderator is still in power.. but LUCK IS way BETTER THAN MANNING... and the future is HERE now. TRUE COLTS FANS will rejoice in LUCK over MANNING, and I called this many years ago. Enjoy.

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Being Trent Richardson whats next for him, Phil Simms commentary, the officiating in this game even though we won and finally * bag Den fans booing Manning on what may have been his last game

Yeah, Denver fans showed a lot of disrespect today IMO. Those boos were directed at Manning. It's not like he was doing it all purposely. He did all he could. The few times I remember boos in Indianapolis while Peyton was here, I'm pretty sure 99.999% of them were directed at jim Caldwell. Peyton legit left it all on the field in Denver (especially this season) and they booed him today.

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Goats will eat anything, or so they say.

To be fair, many dogs eat their own poop at a young age.  I about barfed the first time I saw my dog do it and I picked him up away from it and he immediately tried to start liking my face...I'm feeling sick just thinking about it.  So, while we're at it, I geuss taht's also worse than a trip to the AFCCG

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 12, 2015 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, January 12, 2015 - quoting removed post

I am here today to inform you all that I BELIEVED IN LUCK vs. MANNING over 3 years ago. I was banned from this forum from an overzealous fat moderator named "PeytonsGirl", and was censored ever since. I am here today to brag that back then I said Luck was way better than Manning, and the Colts made the right decision to dump Manning for Luck. There have been multiple times to ban my account Super8todd for years.. but I am here to say I was always the COLTS Fan, and believed in the colts more than some of these biased moderators. They cannot handle the truth and will ban me once again, but truth, freedom, and MY LEGACY of BEING CORRECT CANNOT be refuted!!!! I was NOT popular at the time, and you will not here again from me again, because this flawed moderator is still in power.. but LUCK IS way BETTER THAN MANNING... and the future is HERE now. TRUE COLTS FANS will rejoice in LUCK over MANNING, and I called this many years ago. Enjoy.


We already served the hero cookies. Sorry you missed them...

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What's worse...you friggin NAYSAYERS about Manning. He's not done. He's better than 90% of the NFL players in the league today. He's still got it. He still puts up huge numbers year after year after year....he gives everything he's got and I guarantee you he's got more to give (at least 1 more year).

Yes...the Broncos' bandwagon fans...only cheering the QB when he wins and booing him when they lose...as if it's all Mannings fault. He can't make his receivers catch the balls...how many drops did they have today sheesh?

That would probably have a bigger effect on a Broncos board really.

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