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Donte Whitner Takes A Swipe At T Rich


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Is it even possible to fire up ,TRich? I guess this will be the week to see but I have zero faith that we will get anything more than 2-3 yards per carry avg from him ever. Boom on the other hand could break off another long one of two this week. I just hope we don't have the same crappy game plan we carried against the supposed bad run defense pats. They were supposed to be weak against the run and we tried to play off of that. The pats game planned to defend that and did a fantastic job while our planners just didn't know how to react. We need to play our strength and get ahead (passing) and then try to get the run moving while up.

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For his sake and ours, I hope he runs wild. Breaking 100 yards and a couple scores would do this kid good for confidence. Our oline needs to find some schemes to get him out in the open. I swear though, Trich tips off the defense that it's a run somehow because they are always ready for him but any other runner gets through same type plays. I just don't get how he can be as bad as he has appeared.

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Pretty stupid.

Yeah, I never understand why former teammates call into question another athlete's toughness or game production on a different squad. Generally, it's never a good idea to tick another player off & give them added ammunition to steamroll over the Browns collectively speaking. Just keep it to yourself Whitner & worry about your own TD production/ prevention man. 


I remember going to the Browns site once our GM picked Richardson up & a lot of fans were pretty miffed that they got rid of such a potent weapon in Cleveland. Trent was highly regarded in the dog pound & it's ironic to see Browns safety undercut him now.  I'm not that thrilled about TR's lack of yardage either, but you never wanna solidify the opposing team against you as a rallying cry. Talk about a lame, bone headed move. Not smart at all Donte. SMH. 

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Donte Whitner trash talking about TR is like a 5 ft. 4 inches tall, 98 pound weakling, bookworm geek getting in the face of  a 6 ft. 4 240 pound well toned body builder & then wondering why you got your caboose kicked. 


I won't claim that TR is gonna play lights out this weekend, but he is a Colt right now & when you slam 1 of us, we're coming after you & it won't end pretty for you Mr. Whitner; I'm just saying dude. 

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For his sake and ours, I hope he runs wild. Breaking 100 yards and a couple scores would do this kid good for confidence. Our oline needs to find some schemes to get him out in the open. I swear though, Trich tips off the defense that it's a run somehow because they are always ready for him but any other runner gets through same type plays. I just don't get how he can be as bad as he has appeared.

Great post.  I feel the exact same way!  I think it's very unfortunate but the guy has really bad luck lol.  I'm not giving up on him until the interior line gets better though.  With time he will be better, because of the line, but I just hope it's not too late and the Colts get rid of him!

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Yeah, I never understand why former teammates call into question another athlete's toughness or game production on a different squad. Generally, it's never a good idea to tick another player off & give them added ammunition to steamroll over the Browns collectively speaking. Just keep it to yourself Whitner & worry about your own TD production/ prevention man. 


I remember going to the Browns site once our GM picked Richardson up & a lot of fans were pretty miffed that they got rid of such a potent weapon in Cleveland. Trent was highly regarded in the dog pound & it's ironic to see Browns safety undercut him now.  I'm not that thrilled about TR's lack of yardage either, but you never wanna solidify the opposing team against you as a rallying cry. Talk about a lame, bone headed move. Not smart at all Donte. SMH. 

Whitner isn't a former teammate. He was a free agent acquisition from SF this year. I absolutely agree with the rest of your sentiments, though.

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ya know......For most of the last 2 years now Richardson has taken ALOT of heat and venom spewed at him for his lack of production and much of it rightly deserved...Not all, Many games he has been awful......But at what point do we realize that this kids confidence is clearly broken and that his comment he made about jumping into the dawg pound was in my opinion a front?


Does that mean disregard his lack of overall production? Does that mean not call a spade a spade on a bad run or not give opinions on what he needs to improve on? No. But it does mean acknowledging that this kid is a human being and just like almost every other human beings the more confidence you built with having a few successes then the possibility that that trend develops,


Bad confidence for Trent looks to affect his play a lot, The coaches also need to realize IN MY OPINION.......That Richardson was having some good games this year and you cant just quit running him all of a sudden, Were there a lot of games? Absolutely not, 3 games but that's 3 games where he could have continued to produce and build confidence:


Bengals: 14 carries 77 yards

Giants: 7 carries 33 yards

Jax: 14 carries 57 yards

Baltimore: 9 carries 37 yards


Does any of this mean run him into the ground at the expense of the rest of our offense or Herron if he is doing better? Absolutely not, That would be foolish, All I am saying is that he is on the roster..That wont change this year...That likely wont change next year either.....


Call a bad run a bad run no question....But this kid NEEDS not only a vote of confidence by our coaches but by a lot of the fan base, He has the physical talent, He needs to work on some issues.....Do I think all of those issues will be fixed this year or even next year? Probably not BUT I think it has to start with giving this kid a vote of confidence, He in turn has to hit that hole HARD AND DECISIVE....No stuttering. But right now I believe this kid clearly needs confidence

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I'm with you on taking multiple rushing attempts.  I hate it when we take little sips out of the cup, but never any big gulps!  We need to pound that running game sometimes. You gotta get a little momentum going sometimes and then the lineman and the backs can get a feel going for what works the best. 


I know we aren't anywhere close to how good the Cowboys are at running the football, but they just keep pounding until something breaks. Obviously we have so many weapons in the passing game where it makes it less feasible, but a couple drives a game I would like to see us make several attempts at running the football.  I think Trent is more adept to that style of running perhaps.

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I really don't know what to make of Trent anymore. I was a supporter thought he would get it together this year. He could be used more effectively in the passing game sure but man for the next AP coming out what the heck has happened. It is even more perplexing if you look at his rookie year. I had him on my fantasy team he wasn't horrible I don't get it.

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And to think a person is taking cheap shots at TRich.....  and he's not even a member of Colts.com?!?!?   


Shocking!!!        :thmup:

Does that mean it's too easy to do like shooting fish in a barrel or simply anunwarranted action against a blue Horseshoe teammate that ethically should never be done? It's a clarification inquiry more than anything else. 


No need to answer. We will just chill & remain neutral like Switzerland then. Works for me man. 

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Pretty sure Richardson had 11 TDs as a rookie. Plenty of shots you can take at him, but that's pretty weak...


I took that quote to suggest that maybe he never jumped into the stands when he scored his 12 TDs his rookie year.  More of a reaction to Trent saying that he Browns fans still love him and he would treat them by jumping into the stands next week (something he didn't do as a Brown).   That's the way I took it, but I could be way off.

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For his sake and ours, I hope he runs wild. Breaking 100 yards and a couple scores would do this kid good for confidence. Our oline needs to find some schemes to get him out in the open. I swear though, Trich tips off the defense that it's a run somehow because they are always ready for him but any other runner gets through same type plays. I just don't get how he can be as bad as he has appeared.


Yeah, I've felt for quite some time, that someone has a 'tell' on run plays, but you're right, it must be Trich himself.

I don't watch close enough to see what it could be. The Oline still needs improvement, though.

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Does that mean it's too easy to do like shooting fish in a barrel or simply anunwarranted action against a blue Horseshoe teammate that ethically should never be done? It's a clarification inquiry more than anything else. 


No need to answer. We will just chill & remain neutral like Switzerland then. Works for me man. 


I wouldn't over-think this too much, my friend.....


Just my weird sense of humor at work....    

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Does anyone really believe he still has fans in Cleveland ? He is losing more and more fans in Indy with each carry, I dont think anyone in Cleveland will be.wanting him in their lap. He had one season there, he didn't play there for years and build any kind of relationship with the fans.

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