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Patriots may have a copy of the Jets playbook.


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not based on this, it's just off season gossip to stir things up


At Wes Welker's wedding, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady bragged to Mike Smith, another former Jets assistant who is now the co-defensive coordinator at Texas Tech, that they may or may not have had a copy of the Jets' playbook, according to Pettine. 


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If the story is true and Rex Ryan is just handing them out to anyone, that's his fault.  Not only that, but you can get a good idea of what a team's playbook looks like from film study.  The advantage comes in when you call certain plays, how you disguise them, and if you can execute.  I've heard that the Colts offensive playbook during Peyton's time here was not very extensive, but the offense could execute the plays perfectly.  Teams may know what you have, but if they don't know how to stop it or when it's coming, they can't do anything

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The Jets offense sure is a tough one to figure out!  You can't put a price on having their high powered, elite offensive playbook!


i like how some posters who are so quick to jump on the Pats and call them cheaters forgot that Mangini was caught by security in the parking lot with boxes of files, playbooks, video etc of the Patriots entire inner operations in his car.  This rivalry is one of bitterness and jealousy, and i hope it continues that way for the next 100 years.

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It might be Rex's fault, and yes he said the playbook changes from week to week anyways, but even so it's classless of Brady to brag about it. Meanwhile, Bill Belichick had a chance to refute the claim, but instead he just says, "Talk to Mike Pettine. I don't know." Typical.

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It might be Rex's fault, and yes he said the playbook changes from week to week anyways, but even so it's classless of Brady to brag about it. Meanwhile, Bill Belichick had a chance to refute the claim, but instead he just says, "Talk to Mike Pettine. I don't know." Typical.

Depends if you believe Brady actually would say something like that. Does not sound like Brady at all IMO. But rather a disgruntled former Jets coordinator lashing out. What else is new? And why should Bill give any response to such a ridiculous claim? I think his response pretty much says what he thinks of the "story."

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My first few thoughts upon reading this story...


  1. The Jets have a playbook?
  2. Are you sure?
  3. Because it doesn't seem like their players know that.
  4. What page is the "Buttfumble" on? 
  5. Does having another team's playbook really matter? (From what I've seen in other articles so far, not much.)
  6. Can't wait until the haters crawl out of their holes to get behind this third-hand-speculation being passed off as "news."


So... a (possibly) drunken Brady says something to Smith like, "Man we beat you so hard it's like we have your playbook" at Wes Welker's wedding. That story is told at some point to Pettine. Then Pettine speculates that Saban is enough of a groveling sycophant to just hand over the playbook Rex Ryan gave him to Belichick. 


OK sure, that sounds legit. 


BTW, want the 2010 Jets' playbook? It's available online for download! (I'm dead serious.) 




The one thing I will acknowledge here, as a Pats fan, is that Belichick has brought this kind of nonsensical garbage upon himself. It's too bad though, because it's weak sauce at its worst.  

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Even if they were given one, how could it considered cheating?  We throw that word around way too quickly, IMO.  The only issue I would take with this is IF Brady was being a meany pants about it, which...I doubt.  It was probably in a joking, merry sense, being that they were at a wedding.  This isn't much of a story to me... Pats are better than the Jets with or without a playbook.

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My first few thoughts upon reading this story...


  1. The Jets have a playbook?
  2. Are you sure?
  3. Because it doesn't seem like their players know that.
  4. What page is the "Buttfumble" on? 
  5. Does having another team's playbook really matter? (From what I've seen in other articles so far, not much.)
  6. Can't wait until the haters crawl out of their holes to get behind this third-hand-speculation being passed off as "news."


So... a (possibly) drunken Brady says something to Smith like, "Man we beat you so hard it's like we have your playbook" at Wes Welker's wedding. That story is told at some point to Pettine. Then Pettine speculates that Saban is enough of a groveling sycophant to just hand over the playbook Rex Ryan gave him to Belichick. 


OK sure, that sounds legit. 


BTW, want the 2010 Jets' playbook? It's available online for download! (I'm dead serious.) 




The one thing I will acknowledge here, as a Pats fan, is that Belichick has brought this kind of nonsensical garbage upon himself. It's too bad though, because it's weak sauce at its worst.  


Good post.


I'll just say, it's not hard to imagine that the Pats had a copy of the Jets playbook. I think teams have other teams' playbooks. As you demonstrate, you can find some of them online. 

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Not only that but its not even against NFL rules. If you can sneak into opponents HQ and get playbook more power to you.

Only been going on for since the NFL started.


I wouldn't try Gillette tho- it's like Fort Knox :)

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Good post.


I'll just say, it's not hard to imagine that the Pats had a copy of the Jets playbook. I think teams have other teams' playbooks. As you demonstrate, you can find some of them online. 


Or you can buy it on amazon as with my earlier post.  

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Good post.


I'll just say, it's not hard to imagine that the Pats had a copy of the Jets playbook. I think teams have other teams' playbooks. As you demonstrate, you can find some of them online. 


I also wonder... how many actual plays does an average NFL playbook have in it? Hundreds, right? So in any given game, a team is probably using no more than 5% of the overall plays they have scripted out on paper (and that might be generous). I would also bet that at least half of every NFL playbook is nearly identical... same schemes or routes, etc. Just different terminology and nuances. It'd be like taking a foreign language you don't speak, getting a dictionary in that language, and then trying to interpret a conversation two other people are having in it. 


It'd be one thing if this was "Madden" and the Jets ran 12 plays total out of their nickel package. But it's not. 

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It might be Rex's fault, and yes he said the playbook changes from week to week anyways, but even so it's classless of Brady to brag about it. Meanwhile, Bill Belichick had a chance to refute the claim, but instead he just says, "Talk to Mike Pettine. I don't know." Typical.

Not getting your facts right , eh?

Not only is that not what Brady is rumored to have said, it's only hearsay at the 2nd or 3rd degree.

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What page is the "Buttfumble" on? 




It's on Page 3, right before the squib punt on Page 4. You don't need a playbook to figure out what the Jets are doing, though. They tip off every play.  When they break the huddle, ten guys are laughing their butts off and one guy is white as a ghost.

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My first few thoughts upon reading this story...


  1. The Jets have a playbook?
  2. Are you sure?
  3. Because it doesn't seem like their players know that.
  4. What page is the "Buttfumble" on? 
  5. Does having another team's playbook really matter? (From what I've seen in other articles so far, not much.)
  6. Can't wait until the haters crawl out of their holes to get behind this third-hand-speculation being passed off as "news."


So... a (possibly) drunken Brady says something to Smith like, "Man we beat you so hard it's like we have your playbook" at Wes Welker's wedding. That story is told at some point to Pettine. Then Pettine speculates that Saban is enough of a groveling sycophant to just hand over the playbook Rex Ryan gave him to Belichick. 


OK sure, that sounds legit. 


BTW, want the 2010 Jets' playbook? It's available online for download! (I'm dead serious.) 




The one thing I will acknowledge here, as a Pats fan, is that Belichick has brought this kind of nonsensical garbage upon himself. It's too bad though, because it's weak sauce at its worst.  

Great post. Sadly, all this hoopla is the result of spygate. Who ever knew it would go on for this long or be this far reaching? I really believe it has been the most over blown sports story of the past 30 years BUT that does not change perception. As long as Belichick is coaching and coaching in NE, this will haunt him and us the fans. It is a total bummer. I wonder when Mangini sees these stories if he gets sick to his stomach as he has said that he never could have imagined how out of control spygate got when he blew the whistle all those years ago. It tarnished his time in NE as well as he was a part of some of those teams. A real shame.


While I try to chuckle at these stories as anything with the Jets always makes me laugh, I do find the human condition interesting. We know there is no love lost between NE and NY and yet here is this former Jets coordinator who clearly has a bone to pick with Ryan just taking a swipe at Belichick and NE in a story that was really more about his time with the Jets than anything else and yet the whole focus has been the playbook. The hate sure does run deep.

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Word on the street is Rex will trade playbooks for pics of feet.

Can we ask Wes Welker to put "his best foot forward" again & see who the big toe is in this scandal? No need to get anyone's little pinkies in a twist over this story again.


Okay fine, I'll ask. Is there a podiatrist [foot doctor] in the house? Hey, I'm just trying to be useful & put 1 foot before the other you know. 


It's not any easy feet I mean feat to pull off because we all know you must walk before you can run right?  :P

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My first few thoughts upon reading this story...


  1. The Jets have a playbook?
  2. Are you sure?
  3. Because it doesn't seem like their players know that.
  4. What page is the "Buttfumble" on? 
  5. Does having another team's playbook really matter? (From what I've seen in other articles so far, not much.)
  6. Can't wait until the haters crawl out of their holes to get behind this third-hand-speculation being passed off as "news."


So... a (possibly) drunken Brady says something to Smith like, "Man we beat you so hard it's like we have your playbook" at Wes Welker's wedding. That story is told at some point to Pettine. Then Pettine speculates that Saban is enough of a groveling sycophant to just hand over the playbook Rex Ryan gave him to Belichick. 


OK sure, that sounds legit. 


BTW, want the 2010 Jets' playbook? It's available online for download! (I'm dead serious.) 




The one thing I will acknowledge here, as a Pats fan, is that Belichick has brought this kind of nonsensical garbage upon himself. It's too bad though, because it's weak sauce at its worst.  

1 & 4 in your post made me laugh so hard that I spit up my beverage. You are a comic treasure man!


Besides, we all know that Rex Ryan names his best plays after sandwiches he used to stuff his face with prior to his weight loss operation. Okay, maybe that line was a tad bit harsh. My bad. 


It was cool to see Rex Ryan defend the Patriots organization from any unnecessary cheating criticisms in light of Spy Gate. A far cry from Rex not wanting to kiss BB's SB rings when he was 1st hired in NY isn't it? 

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Great post. Sadly, all this hoopla is the result of spygate. Who ever knew it would go on for this long or be this far reaching? I really believe it has been the most over blown sports story of the past 30 years BUT that does not change perception. As long as Belichick is coaching and coaching in NE, this will haunt him and us the fans. It is a total bummer. I wonder when Mangini sees these stories if he gets sick to his stomach as he has said that he never could have imagined how out of control spygate got when he blew the whistle all those years ago. It tarnished his time in NE as well as he was a part of some of those teams. A real shame.


While I try to chuckle at these stories as anything with the Jets always makes me laugh, I do find the human condition interesting. We know there is no love lost between NE and NY and yet here is this former Jets coordinator who clearly has a bone to pick with Ryan just taking a swipe at Belichick and NE in a story that was really more about his time with the Jets than anything else and yet the whole focus has been the playbook. The hate sure does run deep.

You have no need to hate the Jets AMF because you usually clean their clock in NE very easily. Now the Dolphins on the other hand always gives Foxboro fits for some reason & I can never figure out why. A real enigma there. I can't explain it. 

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You have no need to hate the Jets AMF because you usually clean their clock in NE very easily. Now the Dolphins on the other hand always gives Foxboro fits for some reason & I can never figure out why. A real enigma there. I can't explain it. 

Boston/NY hate runs deep SW1. :)   I used to think I hated the Yankees more but now that the Sox have more championships than them this millennium, I actually pity them. The Jets on the other hand have always been somewhat underhanded throughout their history with the Pats. Once Parcells left and went there and began poaching Pats players, it was on and then of course when Belichick resigned after one day as HC to come to NE it was really on but spygate took everything to a new level.


I will admit though that I do like Rex Ryan. He is a great personality for the game and he makes Jets week every year the best two weeks of the season. He is the perfect complement to the stoic Bill.

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