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Why are we so quiet?

Irish Colt

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The four teams on another level to us are Sea, Denver, NE and SF. The first three are still busy in FA and adding a lot of pieces to already talented rosters while SF have done a bit of business and are absolutely loaded with draft picks which we are not. Way too quiet for my liking when we have 2 serious holes to fill and numerous depth issues at other positions. 



I thought its been a productive off-season so far with a new starting linebacker and new starting receiver...


we resigned several including our kickers and top corner...


We didn't LOSE a lot like SF, Seattle and Denver did...


If our injured are healthy.....I like where we are....

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The four teams on another level to us are Sea, Denver, NE and SF. The first three are still busy in FA and adding a lot of pieces to already talented rosters while SF have done a bit of business and are absolutely loaded with draft picks which we are not. Way too quiet for my liking when we have 2 serious holes to fill and numerous depth issues at other positions.

The premise here is absolutely so flawed.

1) They have been plenty active - Costa, Jackson, Jones & Nicks all address team needs to say nothing of signing their own players most notably Davis.

2) The notion that they need to do more to keep up with those other teams is simply not accurate. It is like poker - sometimes the best move is the one you don't make.

3) There is the draft to address needs

4) It is likely there will be signings post draft as well once they fully grasp their roster.

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Injuries can only go so far. Sure we could have made it to the title game without injuries and there's just as good of a chance we still wouldn't have made it. We'll never know. Beating them head to head still doesn't change the fact they made it to the conference game and we didn't. I never said they were head and shoulders above us. You said that and to be clear I said they were on a different level. 

You are correct, you did not say that, that's merely what I interpreted. I apologize for that. I hate to speak in hypotheticals, but before Reggie got hurt we were playing as well as anybody in the league, when he got hurt we struggled to find an identity. If we had won one more game, we would have been the #2 seed and I would have liked our chances of making the AFC title game. 


If the argument is who has a better team on paper today, then I would agree with the 4 teams mentioned above. However, I do wholeheartedly believe we have the better future at the QB position than those other 4. Peyton and Tom have maybe 3 years left max, and who knows when age will catch up to them. The Broncos will be in cap hell when Manning leaves and Brady has been carrying that team of so-so talent for years. The other teams are going to be in cap trouble too once the QB's need to get paid and I'm not sold that Kaep and Wilson can carry the entire load quite yet.


So, if we're talking today, sure. If were talking over the next few years, I like our chances against anybody.


I just don't think the gap is that large between us and the top teams. But that's just my two cents.

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OP and others that agree, who exactly do you want us to go after right now? There's very few options at the positions we need and I think we have started to spend most of our time focusing on draft. Grigson said he would spend smart this offseason and with how much we have spent already, I just don't see many FA moves in the near future. 


I personally think Grigs is highly considering moving up in the draft this year to snag a talented safety and/or center. I would love to see Calvin Pryor or Ha-ha clinton dix in a Colts uniform next season. 

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I truly do believe they will make a run at Mack. just a waiting game with the transition tag and stuff. if not, I think they draft one. but I think I read somewhere we have approximately 13 mil left. plenty of wiggle room. just be patient

I read all the hype about mack, if he is so good why didn't Cleveland have a good running game?

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We've been loud the past 2 years rebuilding the entire franchise. This offseason is more about holding onto our good players. It's good that we've been quiet, it shows that the organization is happy with their personnel and have few holes to fill.

There are still some holes and unanswered questions. Big holes at FS and Center. You could argue that SS is a hole because Landry isn't that good. CB is honestly a priority because Toler is always injured (and has been since he was on the Cardinals) and he isn't that good when he's healthy. Also have to look at the pass rush which only consisted of Mathis last season.


There are a considerable number of holes to fill. I hope most of them will be addressed in the draft, but there might be one more position they could be looking at fixing now.

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I have liked Grigs work this offseason and happy with all his moves but there still is a serious amount of work to be done on the team, cant believe people cant see that. We only have 5 picks in the draft, 2 in the first 100, we wont get much if anything to fill our holes, max 2 first day starters at best. C and G still need addressing on the line and we definitely need depth at NT,CB and OLB to go along with a starting S. 

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The four teams on another level to us are Sea, Denver, NE and SF. The first three are still busy in FA and adding a lot of pieces to already talented rosters while SF have done a bit of business and are absolutely loaded with draft picks which we are not. Way too quiet for my liking when we have 2 serious holes to fill and numerous depth issues at other positions. 


 Good News, there are not two serious holes to fill and depth at corner and safety can be addressed in the draft.

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I would definitely like us to pick up depth at G, a decent cb and of course a good coverage safety, all preferably on short term contracts. Then we can draft a good pass rusher in the second and a safety to develop.

We have more Guards NOW than we know what to do with. An upgrade to McGlynn or missing Link


Guards        Tackles                   Centers                 53 man Castonzo, D Thomas, Holmes, Thornton, Cherilus, Reitz, Nixon, Costa, with Louis or a drafted Center.

Thomas        Castonzo                Holmes

Thornton      Cherilus                  Costa

Nixon            Reitz                       Thomas

Louis            Nixon                       Austin




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Dont get me wrong. I think we can compete.  But i think they are being smart.  Just cause we have cap space doesnt mean we have to spend it.  Thats how you get in trouble.  And get past the next couple years.  Manning and Brady retire.  And colts take over.  Let them go nuts and spend all this money.  Be smart,  get our team ready for a long run.  And dominate.

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The four teams on another level to us are Sea, Denver, NE and SF. The first three are still busy in FA and adding a lot of pieces to already talented rosters while SF have done a bit of business and are absolutely loaded with draft picks which we are not. Way too quiet for my liking when we have 2 serious holes to fill and numerous depth issues at other positions.

We spent our cap space on bailing our Owner our of jail.

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I highly doubt Pryor drops to us. If he does drop into the second, he's going to be a top second pick. Moving into the first to get Pryor would cots a lot.

Yeah I saw they had the Dix dude at 1. And Pryor at 1-2. But it would probably be top of 2nd. Haven't read up on the third best. They all seem to have decent size. I never realized Thomas from Seattle was only 5'10-200. Plays a lot bigger

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I know it's not easy,  but it's helpful.


The guys we want either aren't ready to sign yet for what we want to pay them,  or we're waiting out the situation (Mack)




I can always count of you for wisdom NCF. I never compare us to other squads. I respect other squads like the Patriots, the NY Giants, & the Broncos sure, but I don't measure their moves next to ours. INDY does it's own thing. I like that about Grigs. He doesn't follow trends. He just selects thumpers with a killer mindset. 

We did beat three out of those 4 last year. Wouldn't call them on another level.

Darn right BC! We can hang with the elite boys NFL club. 


Being quiet isn't a bad thing. It's not like every single day needs to have us in the news. There are times where it's good that things are quiet. 

Post of the day right there BH4. I love being a silent assassination squad slithering in the grass just waiting for the perfect time to strike & make INDY's presence known. 

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We did beat three out of those 4 last year. Wouldn't call them on another level.


Perhaps calling them on another level is not quite the right phrase...    yes, we did beat three out of those 4 last year.


That said....   it's one thing to win in the regular season.   It's another to win in the playoffs.    Different animal.


I don't think it would've been pretty in the playoffs against Seattle or San Francisco.   And I think we would've stood a better chance against Denver because their defense is not that great.  But on balance,  I think we're a playoff caliber team now,  but not a Championship caliber team....    at least,  not yet.


Hopefully that changes now in 2014!       :thmup:

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You are correct, you did not say that, that's merely what I interpreted. I apologize for that. I hate to speak in hypotheticals, but before Reggie got hurt we were playing as well as anybody in the league, when he got hurt we struggled to find an identity. If we had won one more game, we would have been the #2 seed and I would have liked our chances of making the AFC title game. 


If the argument is who has a better team on paper today, then I would agree with the 4 teams mentioned above. However, I do wholeheartedly believe we have the better future at the QB position than those other 4. Peyton and Tom have maybe 3 years left max, and who knows when age will catch up to them. The Broncos will be in cap hell when Manning leaves and Brady has been carrying that team of so-so talent for years. The other teams are going to be in cap trouble too once the QB's need to get paid and I'm not sold that Kaep and Wilson can carry the entire load quite yet.


So, if we're talking today, sure. If were talking over the next few years, I like our chances against anybody.


I just don't think the gap is that large between us and the top teams. But that's just my two cents.

I really like what you said BC especially where I bolded your text. Denver is pushing full throttle ahead to win a ring with #18 ASAP & if I were Elway's shoes I'd be doing the exact same thing. Also, you are 100% correct. Once CK & RW get paid their monster contracts & their elite depth on their roster departs, then I will start judging how good these 2 young guns really, truly are. 


Once Brady is gone, there will be a significant QB drop off that's true, but the way BB keeps accumulating draft picks year in year out, the Grey hoodie will find a capable replacement faster than most people think within 2 seasons after Tom retires I believe. 

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The four teams on another level to us are Sea, Denver, NE and SF. The first three are still busy in FA and adding a lot of pieces to already talented rosters while SF have done a bit of business and are absolutely loaded with draft picks which we are not. Way too quiet for my liking when we have 2 serious holes to fill and numerous depth issues at other positions. 



Regardless of whether I agree with your post or not is not relevant, I just like to see international INDY fans posting their concerns, commentary, & questions. Keep doing it my man. Why? I always want to encourage global fans outside North America & across the pond so to speak to speak up & drop some knowledge on me or opinions either way. 


That's another reason why I admire our Colts fan base because our following is very wide & very diverse. Besides, our international blue horseshoe brothers & sisters need a shout out of appreciation for their loyalty abroad. Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand, Germany, London, Hungary. The more foreign countrymen the better in my book.  :thmup: It makes our forum stronger & better.  Okay, SW1 will shut up now.  haha

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There are still some holes and unanswered questions. Big holes at FS and Center. You could argue that SS is a hole because Landry isn't that good. CB is honestly a priority because Toler is always injured (and has been since he was on the Cardinals) and he isn't that good when he's healthy. Also have to look at the pass rush which only consisted of Mathis last season.


There are a considerable number of holes to fill. I hope most of them will be addressed in the draft, but there might be one more position they could be looking at fixing now.

No Superbowl team is perfect at every single position. yes, C is a hole that needs to be filled, the rest aren't high priority, hence why I mentioned only a FEW holes need to be addressed. It mainly has to do with backup's in case of injury, which is a good problem to have rather than having holes in the starting lineup. Howell proved to be an above avg safety last year. I believe all the holes will be addressed during the draft.

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