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    Born Hoosier outside Portland.

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  1. I voted 7. I'm super stoked for this season. Still think we'll get 10 wins and wildcard. We have an offense than can secure wins. We don't have a Nascar D line, it's an F1 D line. Regardless of wins and losses I want to make sure AR is our QB. I'm not a huge fan of Franklin. He's more old school ILB, than new age LB. Was hoping for a more athletic LB in the draft. Would like to see Blackmon at FS and Cross at SS. Not sure if Blackmon can cover sideline to sideline.
  2. My thinking behind was if Smith is that good at RT he must be even better at RG. Out of the 5 spots RG is our weakest. But yea your right I'm not a coach or coordinator. Someone asked my opinion and I gave it. So Freeland is still my answer.
  3. You are wrong he has, didn't take. Most players improve year 1 to year 2. In Raimann's improvement was alot. If Freeland can improve as much, he'll hold his own at RT. He is more athletic than Smith, but weaker to bull rush. While Smith struggles against speedsters, Freeland excelled. So if Freeland can put on some strength he would be fine. Moving Smith to RG he can go back to being a mauler, and maybe add 2 more years to his career. Should've done it for Diem sooner.
  4. I remember that different. He was plugged into RT because of injury and out performed every in camp that year at RT. Never remember Ballard saying they drafted him to play RT, just that he had position flexibility.
  5. Nm, don't know how else to explain it to you.
  6. It's not about Freeland out performing Smith, that's not happening. If he comes close would be great, if he takes the trajectory that Raimann did, it puts him close. I think Freeland can out perform Fries. This will give us ProBowlers in the middle of the line.
  7. Let me put this another way. If you rate the O lineman 0-5, Q obviously being 5. Our current starting 5 how I see it is: LT Raimann 4 LG Q 5 C Kelley 4 RG Fries 3 RT Smith 4 What I see moving Smith and adding Freeland: LT Raimann 4 LG Q 5 C Kelley 4 RG Smith 5 or 4.9(perennial pro bowler at this spot) RT Freeland 4(last year started at a 2 ended at a 3, projecting close to Smith. He is more athletic) I think with my lineup we added .2 avg/carry and maybe more time to throw. Not huge difference but a difference.
  8. Best 5, that's what they say. Freeland only needs to play better at RT than Fries at RG. It's not about beating out Smith, don't think he could either.
  9. Contract is paid, that's the past. Fries did play well, but if Smith is better guard and Freeland is just as good as Smith at RT. Your telling me you wouldn't do it because of a contract that has already been signed? It's not about his current contract, it's about his next.
  10. Blake Freeland!! Because Smith moved to RG with Freeland's major improvement.
  11. I'm excited about our future. I think Ballard put together 2 very nice drafts in a row. Never thought we would get Latu, thought we had a better chance at Bowers. Still holding out hope for Cross, he flashes greatness than dissappears, hope he's consistent. Hope Woods takes lead in TE room. I keep writing off Granson, but he keeps impressing. Even if Richardson has a mediocre season I think the team around him could get us to 10-7.
  12. I noticed that too, his over the shoulder motion looks alot better.
  13. Not to jump the gun, but Ballard took 7 years to get us like this. We have alot of position groups that are good with few depth issues at positions. If we get a good run at the playoffs we could be there for a longtime. Last 2 drafts were great, finally a good head coach, I'm stoked.
  14. I'm stoked what Ballard has done with these past 2 drafts. I went into the draft of how are we going to beat Jags and Texans. My thought has changed to how are they going to stop us. The rest of this draft I don't see a better TE than what we got. OL and DL stacked. Maybe need another RB. Other than that go all out defense. Lbs, and secondary. Side note, I still have hope for Cross, he shows real good flashes that get me excited than he dissappears.
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