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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - shot at moderation
Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - shot at moderation

I think many of us on here, myself included, have suspected such in the past few years considering his behavior during locker room speeches, etc. There have been many threads started about this that have been quickly shot down by moderation. No longer can we "pull the wool" over the general publics eye. It's sad for the entire Colts organization.


With that said, everyone struggles with their own personal demons. Whether it's alcohol, rx abuse, cocaine, emotional eating, etc... We ALL have our battles. Therefore, I refuse to judge the man because his demon is different than mine. I hope he gets himself the help that he needs and gets things turned back around.



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This is so sad.  I  made a comment during the season here about Jim's drunken behavior on twitter, and was corrected by some here that he was sober, and past his previous addictions.....I guess my gut instinct was not so far off after all, unfortunately.  I hope Irsay gets some help, as the path he is on right now will not end well.


Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes.  While I am personally disappointed in Jim's behavior, I think he is a good person.  I hope he finds a way to beat this.

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So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization.  Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for.  How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues.  How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues?  As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this.  I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come  here.  It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?


Hyperbole much?

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Really sad to see this happen, but also glad that he was stopped before he or someone else could be hurt.  


Life is hard, whether you have one dollar or a million dollars.  I hope he gets the love and support he needs from his inner circle because the public is only ready to stand in judgement.  



I would still take Irsay over Jerry Jones ANY day.

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Can't wait for his tweets on this ....



I'm guessing his lawyer will suggest he stay off of twitter for awhile...lol



 I'd hope he doesn't tweet for awhile but I think we know he will



i wish i knew what tweets we would have seen if he would have made it home saturday night....  all those random ones we thought he was drunk/high and people said "he doesnt do that stuff anymore".... umm... im pretty sure his riddles have some help from some sort of substance...

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I've been a fan of Mr. Irsay. I sincerely appreciate what he has done for the Colts, for the team's fans, and for the City.

The man is an admitted addict.

He has recently gone through a divorce, he is constantly bashed by media and fans alike, and I'm sure he had to go on some kind of pain meds with his severe back problems last year. My guess is... huge shocker here, given the news this morning... he has relapsed.

It happens, unfortunately. Ultimately, I just hope he has the desire to fight his addiction again. It is a very difficult journey, especially after something as emotionally draining as divorce. I wish the man strength and courage to dig himself back out.

And I hope it blows over without too much affect on his team.


Excellent post Schwamm but I'm afraid that sort of common sense isn't popular on these here forums in this day and age :(

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - personal shot

This #toolbags I talked about?

So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization. Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for. How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues. How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues? As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this. I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come here. It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?


In the words of Carl Winslow:

"Go home, Steve. Go home."

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Did you just catch up that there are double standards in life?  You expect Boyett to be treated the same as if it were Luck or Wayne that did that?  You think they would have been kicked off the team?


If someone is deemed valuable to an organization or business, they will be granted leniency in behavior that others that aren't deemed as such won't.  That's how the world works.  I'm sure you treat family and friends different in their behavoir than you do strangers.


That's just how it goes.  It should have no affect on player discipline.


I'm not saying get rid of Irsay like we got rid of Boyett. But he should be disciplined in an appropriate fashion. What he did is anti-conductive to what the NFL is trying to teach. If anything it should be more serious than when a player does it. They're just players, a lot of which are still somewhat young when they do stuff like this. Not all of them, but a lot of them. My argument is for the people who are just trying to sweep it under the rug and saying stuff like "He's battling demons, he's had it rough lately, etc..."


If anything more people should be upset that they're Owner would do something like this. How are you supposed to push a team to win a championship when you're pulling something like this? That's demoralizing. Especially when people are complimenting your organization for being such a positive environment with a well ran front office.

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I'm not saying get rid of Irsay like we got rid of Boyett. But he should be disciplined in an appropriate fashion. What he did is anti-conductive to what the NFL is trying to teach. If anything it should be more serious than when a player does it. They're just players, a lot of which are still somewhat young when they do stuff like this. Not all of them, but a lot of them. My argument is for the people who are just trying to sweep it under the rug and saying stuff like "He's battling demons, he's had it rough lately, etc..."


If anything more people should be upset that they're Owner would do something like this. How are you supposed to push a team to win a championship when you're pulling something like this? That's demoralizing. Especially when people are complimenting your organization for being such a positive environment with a well ran front office.


I believe the NFL will likely punish him.  I'm not sure what the standard punishment for an owner in this situation is.

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That comment had nothing to do with him not building a great team. What are we supposed to say? "He may be a drunk and a drug user, but at least he doesn't make horrible front office decisions like Jones!!"


It's just selfish to me. The same way we are so quick to condemn players like Browner and Justin Blackmon for substance abuse, and now we have an OWNER. Not a player, or even a coach, but the owner of an NFL Franchise. That's just as bad as anything Jerry has done. At least he's  maintained professionalism. Its enough we have Irsay on Twitter rambling off like a lunatic at times, but now being arrested for the very thing you tell your players not to do?


John Boyett just got released last year for DUI, and a year later the owner does the same thing? That's a terrible message to send to the rest of your staff.


To be pedantic I don't believe it was for a DUI.

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Do not worry. He is rich so he will get off with a slap on the wrist.

Hopefully he gets what help he needs. Many of us can sit here and look down on him, but none of us have walked a mile in his shoes. Divorce, hip replacement, and the stress of being a NFL owner can be a recipe for disaster. Hopefully this is a wake up call to him and his family to get him the help he needs.

As I said before, I'm a JI fan. But I hope you are wrong about the slap on the wrist. If he committed a felony, I hope he gets and accepts fair punishment. He can overcome a jail term, but as you suggest, his bigger issue is overcoming his addiction (again).
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Just because I have serious questions and doubts about this franchise going forwards doesn't detract from the man's and the organization's past accomplishments.

You're selling this team short. I cannot think of a better team to sign with given the locker room, the potential for future success, and yes, the owner who will do what is necessary to build a winner. I wish I could say the same for my team.

I hope Mr. Irsay gets treatment for whatever is ailing him.

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You absolutely cannot without being a huge hypocrite.

Irsay needs to be punished, by the league, the team, his family, maybe himself, for the good of him and the team.

I guess I don't see how you don't have a driver Jim.. That's another thing, his family needs to take his keys and make him get a driver. This isn't okay.

As for players? Players get DWIs all the time. I don't think this would impact our ability to get some free agents, but it might create some problems with discipline. We have some young guys we need to be careful with (Da'Rick, Lavonn, etc) and this isn't setting a good example.

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Do not worry. He is rich so he will get off with a slap on the wrist.

Hopefully he gets what help he needs. Many of us can sit here and look down on him, but none of us have walked a mile in his shoes. Divorce, hip replacement, and the stress of being a NFL owner can be a recipe for disaster. Hopefully this is a wake up call to him and his family to get him the help he needs.

If its a first offense, all dui's are a slap on the wrist

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I'm not saying get rid of Irsay like we got rid of Boyett. But he should be disciplined in an appropriate fashion. What he did is anti-conductive to what the NFL is trying to teach. If anything it should be more serious than when a player does it. They're just players, a lot of which are still somewhat young when they do stuff like this. Not all of them, but a lot of them. My argument is for the people who are just trying to sweep it under the rug and saying stuff like "He's battling demons, he's had it rough lately, etc..."

If anything more people should be upset that they're Owner would do something like this. How are you supposed to push a team to win a championship when you're pulling something like this? That's demoralizing. Especially when people are complimenting your organization for being such a positive environment with a well ran front office.

Personally I think it's possible to acknowledge human weakness without the motivating factor being an intention to sweep the issue under the rug. I think we all know he screwed up and will have to deal with that. I have the same hope for Jim I do all good people who make mistakes which is that they learn from them and come out a better person because of it.

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Are you kidding me? Are you hearing yourself? This guy is one of the best owners in the NFL. So what he was caught drunk driving, most everybody gets popped at some point. Just be thankful there was no accident where anyone was injured. I'm not condoning this but REALLY!! Role model? I'm tired of that crap too. Yes in hindsight he shoulda had a driver however that's always the case when someone gets popped. Stop taking pot shots at this guy and give support and understanding. I for one am incredibly thankful for him as the owner of our Colts. I support him 100% percent... Now lets get Mack so his celebratory night out arrest won't be in vain.. :thmup:

Sad thing is, he probably wasn't celebrating anything and this was just a normal night for him.

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That comment had nothing to do with him not building a great team. What are we supposed to say? "He may be a drunk and a drug user, but at least he doesn't make horrible front office decisions like Jones!!"

It's just selfish to me. The same way we are so quick to condemn players like Browner and Justin Blackmon for substance abuse, and now we have an OWNER. Not a player, or even a coach, but the owner of an NFL Franchise. That's just as bad as anything Jerry has done. At least he's maintained professionalism. Its enough we have Irsay on Twitter rambling off like a lunatic at times, but now being arrested for the very thing you tell your players not to do?

John Boyett just got released last year for DUI, and a year later the owner does the same thing? That's a terrible message to send to the rest of your staff.

"Boyett allegedly told the arresting officers that they couldn’t arrest him because he was on the Colts and told one officer that he would “come back and break your jaw” while making fun of the hair and nose of another officer."
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I hope Mr. Irsay does a few things:


  • Gets the help he apparently needs with his addiction.
  • Accepts responsibility (including punishment) for his actions.
  • Demonstrates true leadership by applying the same rules to himself that he applies to players.
  • Recoginzes that this is not the end of the world.
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Little bit of a double-standard going on in this thread. Were this a player, I'm sure he'd be called everything from a "thug" to people demanding his release. But since it's the owner, we're supposed to have sympathy now? If anything, he should know better.

"It's about protecting the horseshoe...," remember that, Jim?

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None that I can recall....but Denver execs had some problems this past year (not the owner) and they were disciplined..


Cant really suspend an owner


I know it's baseball, but wasn't Steinbrenner suspended quite some time ago?

I don't recall what he did though.

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"Boyett allegedly told the arresting officers that they couldn’t arrest him because he was on the Colts and told one officer that he would “come back and break your jaw” while making fun of the hair and nose of another officer."

Exactly.........I would doubt that Jim went 'all Richard Sherman' on the cop

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Little bit of a double-standard going on in this thread. Were this a player, I'm sure he'd be called everything from a "thug" to people demanding his release. But since it's the owner, we're supposed to have sympathy now? If anything, he should know better.

"It's about protecting the horseshoe...," remember that, Jim?

Can't speak for anyone else, but I call for compassion (and due punishment) any time a Colt (or anyone, for that matter) finds themselves in trouble like this. I might have responded differently with cases like Ray Caruth, though. Thank goodness he wasn't a Colt.
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Irsay is a bum, cut him...oh wait!!! :)


On a serious note, there will be consequences that he will need to pay. He just has to distance himself from football visibility for a while and get things straightened out. An apology to his fans and team cannot hurt, might be the right thing to do.

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Personally I think it's possible to acknowledge human weakness without the motivating factor being an intention to sweep the issue under the rug. I think we all know he screwed up and will have to deal with that. I have the same hope for Jim I do all good people who make mistakes which is that they learn from them and come out a better person because of it.


My issue is that YES, its not okay when anyone does it. But if there is a time where you should make light of it, it's in the case of players. But an Owner? Granted he's human like everyone else and makes mistakes, but this is a 54 year old man we're talking about. When players do it we want them kicked off teams, suspended, forced into rehab, etc... With Irsay it's a lot of "Hope he gets help soon". I'm not saying he doesn't have demons to battle but there seems to be a lack of shock and appalled posters. There's a lot more sympathy than there is when it's a player.



I believe the NFL will likely punish him.  I'm not sure what the standard punishment for an owner in this situation is.


He should be forced into rehab, with someone assuming temporary ownership of the team. Make him pay a fine that is significant enough to affect a multi-millionaire. I'm sure that there might be some sanctions that affect the team as a whole like maybe taking away us being able to be on the ballot to host future Superbowls for a year or 2.


Don't let him off easy IMO. Send a message that it doesn't matter who you are in the NFL. If you don't follow the rules, you're subject to Just as serious disciplinary action.

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SF';s Eddie DeBartolo was suspended for a year but that was DUI..or smoking weed

Not sure if this is the incident you're referring to, but DeBartalo got into trouble trying to buy gambling permits on some real estate deal or something to that effect. Don't recall the exact details.
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"Boyett allegedly told the arresting officers that they couldn’t arrest him because he was on the Colts and told one officer that he would “come back and break your jaw” while making fun of the hair and nose of another officer."


On September 2, 2013, Boyett was arrested for charges of disorderly conduct, public intoxication and resisting law enforcement.


Not a DUI, but in the same field as it pertains to alcohol.

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So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization.  Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for.  How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues.  How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues?  As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this.  I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come  here.  It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?


Because no other owner of any other team has ever had any legal or personal issues... .Holy over reaction Batman...


Why don't we all just calm down until the full details of the situation come out.  Yes, it seems like a stupid thing for Jim to do and obviously if he was impared on pain medication then he should not have been driving.  But you can't seriously tell me that noone else on this forum has driven home from a bar after a couple drinks or drove a car after taking a vicodin? 


Stop being so dang high and mighty people.  He is human and we all make mistakes.

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My issue is that YES, its not okay when anyone does it. But if there is a time where you should make light of it, it's in the case of players. But an Owner? Granted he's human like everyone else and makes mistakes, but this is a 54 year old man we're talking about. When players do it we want them kicked off teams, suspended, forced into rehab, etc... With Irsay it's a lot of "Hope he gets help soon". I'm not saying he doesn't have demons to battle but there seems to be a lack of shock and appalled posters. There's a lot more sympathy than there is when it's a player.

He should be forced into rehab, with someone assuming temporary ownership of the team. Make him pay a fine that is significant enough to affect a multi-millionaire. I'm sure that there might be some sanctions that affect the team as a whole like maybe taking away us being able to be on the ballot to host future Superbowls for a year or 2.

Don't let him off easy IMO. Send a message that it doesn't matter who you are in the NFL. If you don't follow the rules, you're subject to Just as serious disciplinary action.

The difference, to my thinking, is that a player is PRIVILEGED to have an opportunity to play and get paid. They ought to behave in a way that demonstrates appreciation for the opportunity and money they receive for playing a game.

An owner, on the other hand, may live a privileged life, but they are providing opportunity, more so than accepting it.

Either way, I agree with your views on how Irsay should accept responsibility.

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What is wrong with Carmel? You are mad because they got an impaired drunk driver off of the street. Good for them and I hope they shadow Irsay every time he leaves his driveway.

I was just surprised they took a break from harassing minorities long enough to bother with it.


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On September 2, 2013, Boyett was arrested for charges of disorderly conduct, public intoxication and resisting law enforcement.

Not a DUI, but in the same field as it pertains to alcohol.

I guess you missed the resisting and disorderly charges

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