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It's a copy cat league right?


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Looking at the Seahawks Defense.. I was thinking of copying it for the colts in the up coming years... A Fs like Earl Thomas with his ball hawking instincts and run stuffing ability as well as a safety the size of Kam Chancellor (sp) 6ft 4 and 235... and a corner like Sherman size and the next piece is someone like Bobby Wagner (imo the 3rd best linebacker in the game)

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The Seahawks have arguably the greatest defense ever were not gonna be able to be that great. It's not just their secondary but their interior defense has good players as well like Mebane, and Bryant. We could become a top 10 defense which is good enough but Grigson has to hit on the draft and free agency.

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Yep. If we can get players the caliber of Earl Thomas, Kam Chancellor, Richard Sherman, and Bobby Wagner we'de have a great defense.


Problem is saying that is a lot easier than doing it. 


All we need is a some DNA and a 3D printer.  Easy peezy.

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Looking at the Seahawks Defense.. I was thinking of copying it for the colts in the up coming years... A Fs like Earl Thomas with his ball hawking instincts and run stuffing ability as well as a safety the size of Kam Chancellor (sp) 6ft 4 and 235... and a corner like Sherman size and the next piece is someone like Bobby Wagner (imo the 3rd best linebacker in the game)

They built their team BEFORE they got their QB instead of the other way around. That is the big difference.

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Yep. If we can get players the caliber of Earl Thomas, Kam Chancellor, Richard Sherman, and Bobby Wagner we'de have a great defense.


Problem is saying that is a lot easier than doing it. 

What do you mean?  Don't you know those type of players just fall out of the sky into the Colts training camp?

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there's no way to copy what Seattle has....


..they worked some less-than-1st round drafts into a title team.


That's not a blueprint...its just a streak of good picks


In other words, it's a blueprint for good drafting. Come on Mark, it's a well run team with a good amount of money to spread out because of a cheap QB position. The Colts are in the same situation currently, but need some injury luck, another good draft, and impact FA signing or two to be really legit. I don't think the Colts should become the Hawks, but I do think we are in a similar position with a young, relatively cheap QB that enables us to invest in the other 51 players. Seattle made Denver's lack of depth overly clear last night...

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there's no way to copy what Seattle has....


..they worked some less-than-1st round drafts into a title team.


That's not a blueprint...its just a streak of good picks


It cannot be stated enough how hard it is to get things right in the draft even with superb talent evaluators and coaches on staff.  You'll certainly have better odds with those guys in place than you will by hiring the law firm of Millen, Ireland, Davis, and Cerrato to run your team... but at the end of the day a lucky two or three year acquisition streak is what makes dynasties.


Quality evaluation helps get you guys who fit the system and have the kind of character you can work with.  Getting those truly special, cornerstone players requires being in the right place at the right time while fostering the right kind of environment for those specific talents to flourish.  If you can find a meager 5 or 6 special talents in a few years (and have a passable QB if he isn't one of the 5 or 6), your team is going to contend.

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The Seahawks have arguably the greatest defense ever were not gonna be able to be that great. It's not just their secondary but their interior defense has good players as well like Mebane, and Bryant. We could become a top 10 defense which is good enough but Grigson has to hit on the draft and free agency.


They also have an awesome DE in Cliff Avril. That guy was getting after Peyton a lot, and he was involved in the tip pass play resulting in the Malcolm Smith INT return for a TD.

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Don't forget the Seahawks also have the luxury of having a lot of young players on their rookie contracts.  So they were able to trade for Harvin and sign free agents.  Next year they have to start paying the piper and their great depth and overall skills will erode.  Just as it does with every team that has talent.   We will have same thing happen when Luck, TY Hilton, Allen, Fleener, and Richardson ( I think he will be good) need new contracts.

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They are definitely more talented than the Colts at a lot of positions and i wouldn't mind copying some of what the Seahawks do.  On the flip side though I think the Colts game plan/win over the Broncos was a big building block for Seattle's game plan.


Odds are we are never going to have the level defensive talent that they had this season.  But, with some good defensive player choices in FA and Draft I don't think the gap between the Seahawks and the Colts overall is that much ... and definitely not as much as the media will make it out to be in the off season. 

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In other words, it's a blueprint for good drafting. Come on Mark, it's a well run team with a good amount of money to spread out because of a cheap QB position. The Colts are in the same situation currently, but need some injury luck, another good draft, and impact FA signing or two to be really legit. I don't think the Colts should become the Hawks, but I do think we are in a similar position with a young, relatively cheap QB that enables us to invest in the other 51 players. Seattle made Denver's lack of depth overly clear last night...

The Hawks were very fortunate with some of those picks..and they made a mistake signing a free agent QB that they believed would start until Wilson beat him out..


You cannot always score with sub-1st round picks and you cant blame management if they don't find Richard Sherman in the 3rd round...


or Russell Wilson.....Don't kid a kidder.....Seattle didn't beat Denver due to lack of depth...it was the starting defense


You simply cant copy what Seattle did...and we shouldn't try...


You can get O-linemen beyond the first round..lets just do that and resign the guys we have


Its weak thinking to look at the champion every year and try to mimmick them....


Our 'plan' is working...we dont have a No.1 ....lets just go forward with the young players we have and get healthy

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Seattle Legion of Boom is not all its cracked up to be... every NFL team would have the legion of boom if their defensive line could get pressure in the blink of an eye like the seahawks do it always seems like their entire defensive line is in the back field in under 3 seconds... if you ask me we are fine at the corner position right now. What i wanna see this off season is a pass rushing RE and a pass rushing LE and another pass rushing OLB with a middle line backer that can Cover.. then we to will have the legion of boom...

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Additions mandatory to make our D a top 10: One stud ILB, One stud hybrid DE/DT, One good safety, One good OLB, One good CB


The ILB and DE positions are the ones where the upgrade has to be significant, it will bolster our DL pressure, our run D and coverage of TEs.


Then, safety, CB and OLB will be for quality depth reasons. Safety will change from depth to must have if we let Bethea go.

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Looking at the Seahawks Defense.. I was thinking of copying it for the colts in the up coming years... A Fs like Earl Thomas with his ball hawking instincts and run stuffing ability as well as a safety the size of Kam Chancellor (sp) 6ft 4 and 235... and a corner like Sherman size and the next piece is someone like Bobby Wagner (imo the 3rd best linebacker in the game)


Yeah they have a great defense there quick to the ball hitting hard dominating the line of scrimmage & terrorizing the QB .


Kinda like Past Ravens teams we were supposed to be copying yes it is a copycat league but to just copy is not good enough .


Seattle was punching balls out & creating pressure on 18 that resulted in points for the defense .


The coaching in that game stood out to me  Seattle was hitting on all cylinders that day but ...


Andrew Luck beat that defense . So there not the greatest like some might think . Copy the coaching & look for players that fit what your trying to do .


It is a copycat league & the irony is Denver now knows how Colts fans have felt for years records are nice great seasons are nice but the playoffs can be painful & its a long off season .

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Seattle Legion of Boom is not all its cracked up to be...

Yes they are.  They have without a doubbt the best defensive backfield in the NFL.  Their CB's are complete shut-down corners and their safeties are phenominal.  They may be the very best defensive back field of all time considering the rule changes that favor the offense.


They are so good, it's almost cheating.

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I can gaurentee you sir that if we tookthe colts pass rush and put it on that seahawks team... the legion of "boom". Will no longer exist. I agree that they have talent but that defensive front is the only reason why they are soo good. You saw the superbowl right?. I swear manning had less than 2 seconds before someone on that seattle defense was right in his lap.. now you put andrew luck/ben rothlesburger in there and you will see that the legion of boom will get there butts handed to them because of those to guys ability to buy time in the pocket.... no defensive backfield is that good without some sorta of help AKA pass rush..

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Brandon Browner is a FA...so is Michael Bennett. One thing is that before this year people weren't sold on the players Seattle were piecing together...and they got them late in the draft or for cheap in FA. Seattle's future free agents will likely come at a premium because many will push up the value on them in bidding wars if Seattle wants to retain guys. They also have a lot of guys in that secondary with mutliple suspensions for PEDs and drugs....risky...because that whole secondary could be suspended in a matter of weeks if the NFL decided to test them all lol.

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I look at the postseason and what strikes me is that only 7 PI calls were made in the entire playoffs. I heard that on the radio, don't quote me on the exact number, but it was much lower than the per game rate in the regular season. When the Seattle DBs were allowed to drape themselves all over the opposing teams' WRs without penalty, that's going to help them. I heard a great interview with a guy (I am sorry I can't remember his name but he was a GM type) and he said Seattle's DBs "test" the refs every game to see what they can get away with. And in the playoffs it paid off. The refs kept their flags in their pockets. I am not taking anything away from their defense...they were incredibly physical. But let's not forget that they were allowed to play like it was 2003 again...which is surprising given the trend towards giving the penalties to the offense. I think the league sent out a memo before the playoffs telling the refs to "let them play."

So in summary, I am sure there will be a number of teams that try to copy Seattle's defense. But it can't be replicated that simply.

Keep in mind, when the Colts were humming they were pretty good at shutting teams down. Then Toler went out, the offense got banged up, and the rest is history. But at one time they were ranked fairly high in points allowed. Just need a few key pieces, IMO

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Brandon Browner is a FA...so is Michael Bennett. One thing is that before this year people weren't sold on the players Seattle were piecing together...and they got them late in the draft or for cheap in FA. Seattle's future free agents will likely come at a premium because many will push up the value on them in bidding wars if Seattle wants to retain guys. They also have a lot of guys in that secondary with mutliple suspensions for PEDs and drugs....risky...because that whole secondary could be suspended in a matter of weeks if the NFL decided to test them all lol.

Browner may be suspended all of next season...even if he wins his appeal he has a TON of baggage. Even the Colts, who have given several players 2nd chances, won't take that kind of risk.

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Browner may be suspended all of next season...even if he wins his appeal he has a TON of baggage. Even the Colts, who have given several players 2nd chances, won't take that kind of risk.

Oh I don't want either one...just saying if we just want to copy them then those are two of their guys that are FA. I think that is just one way to win a SB...with a few upgrades and some healthy guys back I think we can compete with anyone....it just takes 3 maybe 4 wins in a row.

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