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Satele getting mad on twitter?


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Sure, most agree he was better than Satele. As was Shipley last season.

You make NO POINT!

McGlynn should have never been in position to play 1 down as a guard therefore you cut him and find someone who CAN Play the position. GM FIXES the line with all the Freedom he had to do so.

He could have kept Shipley as the backup Center, who ended up starting at Guard for the Ravens after injuries,

Donald Thomas had played Center for the Patriots.

Do you Follow this game?


You are a riot. Keep it up.

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When the entire forum agrees that a certain player sucks, it's invalid to call it nonsense. It's officially a fact



Oh God,  PLEASE tell me you were under the influence of something very strong when you wrote that?!


The only fact is that the entire forum has the same opinion.   That's a fact.


Doesn't make that opinion correct...........


And you should know that.....


And, by the way,  I'm not a Satele fan...


But, he should NOT be on twitter.     He should close his account immediately.   

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On my TV... Satele and McGlynn are both "B" team players. They're both decent backups and should only ever play in that capacity. Linkenbach is "C" team player. The Colts lack "A" team players at those positions, so they are forced to field the best they have.


Add two "blue chip" players and cut 2 of those three. Done...

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Wow that twitter convo was brutal. Not far from the truth but still brutal. Maybe he would look better with better guards to his left and right? But he should still be able to hold his own. If we are in the position you should always want to upgrade and improve your team no matter the position he plays. You should never feel safe and always earn your spot on the team

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Its more frustrating that Satele KEPT playing than the fact he didn't turn out to be very good. Some players don`t work out, that's football and life but to refuse to make a change as the coaches/front office did, especially when you had other options was so frustrating to watch this year and even last year with Shipley. Best of luck Samson in the future

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if we still have satele at the start of next season(unless for vet minimum, which wont happen), then i will question grigson's aptitude... and i'm a huge supporter of his. can't we save like 4 million towards the cap next year if we cut him? do it! 5.1 million for the worst center in the NFL is just downright stupid. you can get twice the center for half as much. the guy is a terrible center, this experiment failed. admit it and move on.

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On my TV... Satele and McGlynn are both "B" team players. They're both decent backups and should only ever play in that capacity. Linkenbach is "C" team player. The Colts lack "A" team players at those positions, so they are forced to field the best they have.


Add two "blue chip" players and cut 2 of those three. Done...


Excellent way to put this.  I really wanted Satele, at some point this past season, to have a stellar, career changing game.   That, or they tried him out at guard in camp and he rocked it.  I like to believe in people-maybe that's the optimist in me. 


I suppose with Satele, maybe he'd thrive under a different blocking scheme and another team.  I agree, he's a really solid backup but I don't see him (from what I've seen) as a starter for the Colts.

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In defense of Samson.... that EBlack guy saying that he's watched every Colts snap since he was 7 years old doesn't make him an expert at playing professional football. The kid is probably 10 the way he's arguing with Satele. But on the other hand... Satele is keeping it going..... ugh. I'm done. haha

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I don't have time to read all the negative comments, and I have no right to judge a player since I've never played football. I must say, he plays center better than 99.9999% of the people who post on this board. It would be 100%, but never know who is lurking.

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On my TV... Satele and McGlynn are both "B" team players. They're both decent backups and should only ever play in that capacity. Linkenbach is "C" team player. The Colts lack "A" team players at those positions, so they are forced to field the best they have.


Add two "blue chip" players and cut 2 of those three. Done...

Almost too much to hope for.

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I don't have time to read all the negative comments, and I have no right to judge a player since I've never played football. I must say, he plays center better than 99.9999% of the people who post on this board. It would be 100%, but never know who is lurking.

99.9 percent of the people that post on this board don't get paid millions of dollars to do it 

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if we still have satele at the start of next season(unless for vet minimum, which wont happen), then i will question grigson's aptitude... and i'm a huge supporter of his. can't we save like 4 million towards the cap next year if we cut him? do it! 5.1 million for the worst center in the NFL is just downright stupid. you can get twice the center for half as much. the guy is a terrible center, this experiment failed. admit it and move on.


I have nightmares about this scenario playing out and Grigson keeping Satele since it was one of his first moves and he wants to prove everyone wrong. I don't get that kind of vibe from Grigs, but it's already a shock to me that he's been on team for this long. I've already started to question Grigson after last offseason and this one is BIG for him and this franchise. I definitely still support Grigson, I just hope he learned his lesson from last year.


I also think Toler should be cut for same reason, saves money where you can spend on a better replacement.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 24, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, January 24, 2014 - personal argument

Pathetic observation. Pagano takes 100% of the blame for starting Satele and using McGlynn as his backup.

Grigson takes 100% of the blame for McGlynn being on the roster THIS season. BAD Job GM!


ummm okay your cool. pathetic reading comprehension skills more like it....


I said he is probably the worst center in the league, and I didnt even say anything about coaching, grigson, or their decisions on interior offensive line personnel. 

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People with no knowledge of football shouldn't have any opinion... everyone has there opinion and there's mine...




    Based on his abilities its a toss up which has made him look worse his play on the field or on twitter .



 Opinions should not be confused for knowledge or taken too seriously  ...

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Funny how people don't want Satele bashed by someone on twitter but they're down talking the same person thats down talking Satele. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. *shakes head*

We're not sending messages to his personal twitter feed, as in its a discussion amongst fans. This anonymous guy was attacking and down talking to him personally, while hiding behind an avatar.

Satele shouldn't have engaged in this either.

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Satele did make it into the NFL.  He is part of an elite club.  He may be lower tier in the hierarchy of that club, but he is in nonetheless.  He gets a level of respect based upon that alone.  OTOH, I can be supportive of replacing a lower tier player with one higher up on the charts.  But telling one player directly in public media he is the worst of the best is rude at worst, and somewhat oxymoronic at best.

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Gotta feel kind of bad for the guy. I wonder if I was a pro athlete if I would care if I sucked at the pro level? Seems like a decent family man from twitter, but he's the weakest link on our line, and seeing as how pep never calls outside runs, stretch plays, or tosses some change needs to be made.

Here's a thought, if satele is the worst c in the nfl, and Holmes can't start over him is Holmes our guy? Yeah yeah I know it takes rookies time to develop, but come on. If you can't start over the worst center in the league what do u bring to the table. Center and guard positions need to be addressed in free agency. Use the draft for defense since chuck is supposed to be great at coaching developing them.

The bolded is more an indictment of the coaching staff than anything else. Pagano plays favorites, we know this. There were more capable players on the roster for a number of positions, riding the bench all year. Satele and McGlynn should've been benched, if for no other reason than to convey to them that their play is not cutting it, and to maybe light a fire under them. But nope, Pagano plays "his guys" regardless how bad they are

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i think you misspelled awesome

What's awesome about it? I never thought I'd be sticking up for Satele but I really don't understand the mindset of how its awesome to attack someone's profession directly while hiding behind anonymity. In short, my belief is if one wants to personally attack someone's worth, do it in person. Even then it's a " jerk " move and beyond ridiculous considering the profession is football.

On the other hand Satele shouldn't have engaged in this back and forth. He gave that EBlack guy a voice. I also dont think it's the best idea to have a twitter account when one is an average professional athlete.

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I have nightmares about this scenario playing out and Grigson keeping Satele since it was one of his first moves and he wants to prove everyone wrong. I don't get that kind of vibe from Grigs, but it's already a shock to me that he's been on team for this long. I've already started to question Grigson after last offseason and this one is BIG for him and this franchise. I definitely still support Grigson, I just hope he learned his lesson from last year.


I also think Toler should be cut for same reason, saves money where you can spend on a better replacement.

Toler should stay when healthy he played well. I can just feel it Satele is going to stay!

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What's awesome about it? I never thought I'd be sticking up for Satele but I really don't understand the mindset of how its awesome to attack someone's profession directly while hiding behind anonymity. In short, my belief is if one wants to personally attack someone's worth, do it in person. Even then it's a " jerk " move and beyond ridiculous considering the profession is football.

On the other hand Satele shouldn't have engaged in this back and forth. He gave that EBlack guy a voice. I also dont think it's the best idea to have a twitter account when one is an average professional athlete.

its absolutely hilarious


if satele doesn't want to be mocked for his bad play then he should change it. 

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