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why I believe bradshaw and not brown will be resigned


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ok before everyone calls me * hear me out. bradshaw is a proven commidty just has durability issues which can work to our advantage as we can keep him for cheap something like 2 year 3 million. brown in the other hand will cost us a pretty penny after this season and there will be teams that will give him the pay day he wants. we cant afford to overpay brown when we have guys like davis bethea pat vinny connor mathews/moala link/reitz that need to be resigned. you also have to think long term about once andrew's contract is up and when we really have to pay him. bradshaw has already proven he can be productive for us and even if he goes down again we still have ballard. an acl tear isnt the death sentence it use to be and there will be no rush to bring ballard back so he can return when hes ready if you guys are scared he'll pull a rg3 and not be as effective. trent I honestly believe will floruish in our offense with a full off-season and camp and with the better line we'll have next year. im ready for the abuse

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I don't think we'll re-sign either one. Someone will throw Brown some decent money and Bradshaw isn't worth the risk. It'll be Ballard/Richardson imo

I really hope we keep Brown. If anything as the change of pace back. 


Seems me might have a problem though of having too many productive or at least serviceable running backs

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I think we are the ones who throw decent money at Brown, Bradshaw definitely isnt worth the risk.  Richardson/Brown/Ballard


Don't get me wrong, I hope he somehow stays, but I just don't see us winning the bidding war. I don't know how Brown feels, but there has to be some ill feelings towards management for not seeing him as a #1..(just a guess)

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I don't think we'll re-sign either one. Someone will throw Brown some decent money and Bradshaw isn't worth the risk. It'll be Ballard/Richardson imo

Agree. Personally, I don't think any RB should get a second contract unless he's elite.

It would be nice to have Brown back, but he's not going to give us the hometown discount. Nor should he.

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I don't think either will be back but if we did sign one, it will be Brown IMO. Sorry but resigning Bradshaw would be ignorant IMO. Brown is a change of pace guy and Richardson and Bradshaw are exactly alike except Rich can stay healthy at least. Like I said though, IMO neither will be back.

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I really hope we resign Brown, a true pro, keeps his mouth shut and does whatever he is asked to do, he sets a great example for the younger guys and is a great locker room presence. You can tell his teammates really respect him and the way he has handled himself and a pretty good football player too.

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Just interjecting something here...


IF(a big if...) we are able to keep Brown on the roster and TRich falls short again next season we are gonna have a problem on our hands. TRich needs to play better and NOT be out-shined so the powers that be can save face.


Now, as I see it... with the right personnel upgrades... both can be in the stud conversation in different ways. Just hope it doesn't fizzle out like DWill and Stewart. After Stewart got his payday... they BOTH went into the crapper.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 24, 2013 - No reason given
Hidden by Superman, December 24, 2013 - No reason given

I don't think either will be back but if we did sign one, it will be Brown IMO. Sorry but resigning Bradshaw would be ignorant IMO. Brown is a change of pace guy and Richardson and Bradshaw are exactly alike except Rich can stay healthy at least. Like I said though, IMO neither will be back.

There is one big difference. Bradshaw gains yardage.  :D

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I don't think we sign D Brown , but for different reasons that most of you have. The only way we sign D Brown to a new contract is of his agent realizes he's not going to get a big contract. What normally happens in these type situations is the Colts might offer him a reasonable , decent type deal. The agent and or player thinks he's worth more and go out and test the market. More often than not, that player will sign something that was no better than what he was offered in the first place, For some reason , more often than not that player doesn't go back and sign with the original team. Maybe some hard feelings or that team had moved on and filled his spot ? 


So while I don't think any team will make D Brown a significant offer , I think he probably signs elsewhere.

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Given how injuries are in this league and what happened to the Colts this year, I believe you make signing Donald Brown a priority this off-season. He shouldn't be too expensive and we are one injury to either Ballard or Richardson away from being back to square one.

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I would like to interject one more thing...


The RB market in the past couple of years has been really stale and rightfully so. Why pay top dollar for a dying position NOW when teams could get someone much cheaper in the draft just around the corner?


I don't see many teams lining up to sign Donald Brown... I just don't. Maybe 3. Of course, anything can happen but, a quick glance at the league and almost every team is set with 1 or 2 serviceable RBs.

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I would think the odds of re-signing Bradshaw would be somewhere between 5-10% tops....  more likely, no chance.  

Just too injury prone.   Getting him at a good price doesn't help if he can't play.


Brown's odds I'd put at best at 50-50, if not less....  we'll have to see if he accepts an offer before he becomes a total FA...  I think there's a 3-day window where FA's can re-sign with their own team,  but I'm not 100% sure on that.    Superman??


If he goes totally free,  we'll have to see what the market holds for him and then we'll find out how much we truly value Donald Brown.......


These will be off-season decisions worth watching closely....

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Couple things here... First, can we stop calling Brown a "change of pace back?" It's insulting at this point, dude was running all over the one of the best D's in the league yesterday, and those weren't garbage yards.


Second, why does everyone want Brown gone now that he's coming into his own?


Third, Bradshaw's career as an NFL running back is over. Grigs gave him a 1-year deal and he got IR'd 5 games in, Colts will cut him loose.

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Couple things here... First, can we stop calling Brown a "change of pace back?" It's insulting at this point, dude was running all over the one of the best D's in the league yesterday, and those weren't garbage yards.


Second, why does everyone want Brown gone now that he's coming into his own?


Third, Bradshaw's career as an NFL running back is over. Grigs gave him a 1-year deal and he got IR'd 5 games in, Colts will cut him loose.

1. He was a change of pace back because he is explosive, which is different from the running styles of Richardson and Ballard. How is that insulting? Unless you mean it implies coming off the bench?

2. No one wants Brown gone. Everyone is saying that Brown will probably not stay because of the amount of money he wants.

3. Agree with this point.

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I think that guy from the CFL that played at purdue is more likely than Brown or Bradshaw next season he'll be cheap and play that change of pace back we will be looking for . Would like to keep Brown and Bradshaw around Brown is running with reckless abandonment so he can get that big pay day IMO . Maybe they will take a hit on money for superbowl chances but who knows could you imagine what Brown could do behind a good run blocking line scary .

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I would love to keep DB, now that he is finally being used in a manner which utilizes his talents.  However, $ facts are $ facts. 


If $'s are driving the transaction, there must be a very good interior offensive lineman who's in his contract year who would be a major asset addition for us, but whose team doesn't want to pony-up for him, but would love to pony-up for DB.  Let's go find that trade, or work for a late 2 or early 3 draft.

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Couple things here... First, can we stop calling Brown a "change of pace back?" It's insulting at this point, dude was running all over the one of the best D's in the league yesterday, and those weren't garbage yards.

Second, why does everyone want Brown gone now that he's coming into his own?

Third, Bradshaw's career as an NFL running back is over. Grigs gave him a 1-year deal and he got IR'd 5 games in, Colts will cut him loose.

running all over the chiefs? Did you watch a different game than me
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Brown coming back here will all depend on Brown himself. If he wants to come back he will come back. I don't see Grigs being scared to pay that man. Only question is will he accept what we give him or take the largest bidder out there.

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did you read my reasons why


I don't think so. From his initial reply his I don't think his comprehension is the best, so it is highly doubtful.





Bradshaw is gone. I think he has trouble getting a job period next year. I'm sure Brown goes elsewhere, because someone is going to think he's the answer. (I'm looking at you here, Atlanta.)


Sure he's been our best back. But his production? Totally replaceable. So I'm really not worried about him going elsewhere,. 

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