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We cant be the team that loses to Miami and beats SF


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Not only can we we did. It's the NFL this stuff happens. Last year we beat the Vikings at home the lost to the Jags at home and came back and beat the Packers the next game and then got thumped by the Jets.

But teams aren't really that good if they beat superior teams and lose to lesser ones, right?

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But teams aren't really that good if they beat superior teams and lose to lesser ones, right?

mark I am not going to argue with you. This a young team. Young teams tend to play to the level of their opponent. Mannings teams did it too when he was young. My guess is they grow out of it at some point if that's not good enough for you and you want to be concerned about it by all means please be so.
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 I Like how Pep isn`t making Andrew read the defenses.

All 17 throws in the first half to his primary receiver. Just quick stuff. One bomb to Hilton that wasn`t close and only 3 passes beyond 10 yards (became nice catches by DHB).

 Scheme is like the old Steelers, and what allowed Roth to win his SB. Building it!!

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Miami is better than 8-8 ,but IMO we gave that game away.Vin. missed another yesterday good thing it wasn't a close game.


I won't put that one on Vinny. Normally I'm good with him trying a 50-52 yd or less FG.  But no way do I let him try a 50+ in Candlestick Park.  I've attended a couple baseball games there (my Reds vs. Giants) while visiting, and the winds are swirling and relentless.  The fact that thing had to hook left so many feet just to my by only a foot or so was somewhat expected by me, yet still mind boggling.  Any other stadium, that's on AV.  


Fortunately, Candlestick will be no more next year and 49'ers will play in Santa Clara.  The Giants had already moved out after 1999.  The park wind gusts even cause a baseball pitcher to balk once.  But it held up well in the 1989 earthquake.  No injuries there back then, which I could only wish was the same closer to town. But, I digress...

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The win is great, just win in accordance with a fans view of the teams ability. Right? Winning a certain number of games is not as important as winning the right games.



I honestly have no way to even dissect this view. Most of the time you cant get me to shut up. This does.

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I just hope its that simple this coming week, is my point


 Some people just are not happy unless "Rome is built in a day" it seems.


 The "Baltimore Defensive Scheme" has a proven history, and I think Chuck has his hands on our D.

 All we were able to do this off season was use $$ to Buy as many good "likely" fits as we could afford.


 Chuck needs time to develope the players he has into his scheme & for Griggs to hit on his next additions.

 I would expect by the end of next season we will feel like we have a D that can play with the best Offenses week in and week out.


 And with Peps ball/time control Offense keeping our D rested up... well that is as good as it gets for any D.


We need to have Faith & enjoy the "Build".


 Andrew has Bradshaw taking a load off and Saving some "career" carries off of Richardson. So much to appreciate.

What a Gynormous Turnaround. Tweet! Tweet! haha!

  :thmup:  Road wins are extra fun! yeeha


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Me too, Buck....you probably know how I feel about the pass-first truth of today's NFL

..and how good a passer Andrew is...

But 'Chuck and Pep' (sounds like a steakhouse) want to be run-first and SF struggled to stop it .....we executed the game plan..

..Now, against somebody like Denver.....we'll have to channel our inner passing gene


You have an over-simplistic view of the Colts' offense, and the NFL in general. We aren't going to run it more than we pass it every week. That isn't what "power running" or run first necessarily is--I firmly believe we want to always be able to run the ball, but will game plan on run/pass ratio based on opponent and how things unfold during a game. Pep has talked about that since he was hired. His play calling was much better yesterday than the previous two weeks. If the offense can control the clock and impose its will on the defense, I for one, don't care how that is accomplished. Some weeks it will be by running the ball 39 times, others it will be by passing 45 times.


Against Denver, you are totally off--we should try to control the clock by running and short passes to keeping PM off the field. Did you forget how teams beat us in the Manning era?


Luck can throw the ball 40-50 times a game and put up big stats when needed. The new Colts philosophy is that they don't want to do that every week but when the opponents plan dictates we should. The offense wants to be able to dominant both by running and passing, forcing opponents to play one or the other and get burnt by the one they don't play. Like it or not,  you should get used to it because this team has a different approach than under Arians and the PM era. 

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Don't get why we're dismissing Miami so quickly.  If they beat the Saints are the Saints suddenly a mediocre squad?


It's way, way, way too early to know for sure who the good teams are.  Maybe the Niners were vastly overrated now that Kaep has been solved by the Seahawks and Colts.  Maybe the Dolphins are the elite team out of the AFC East.  They certainly look it thru 3 weeks.  Maybe Oakland isn't as bad as we all thought they were.


And I agree with Larry about the Denver game.  We need to do what other teams always did to the Manning Colts, keep him off the field.

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Don't get why we're dismissing Miami so quickly.  If they beat the Saints are the Saints suddenly a mediocre squad?


It's way, way, way too early to know for sure who the good teams are.  Maybe the Niners were vastly overrated now that Kaep has been solved by the Seahawks and Colts.  Maybe the Dolphins are the elite team out of the AFC East.  They certainly look it thru 3 weeks.  Maybe Oakland isn't as bad as we all thought they were.


And I agree with Larry about the Denver game.  We need to do what other teams always did to the Manning Colts, keep him off the field.



Luck had to have the game of his life last year to beat Miami, and they made many changes and upgrades on both sides of the ball this year.  I think Miami is legit and won't fold late like they did last year after we beat them.  They may even take the division and make Pats fight for a wildcard.


As far as playing Manning, yes, we watched teams effectively use up clock and shorten the games and limit Manning's touches.  That didn't always work though; as well know.  And the game vs Miami.... legendary stuff.



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There's a reason that everyone says it takes time for the [name your group of player positions here] to "gel."  Other than QB, WR and TE, literally every position group has had substantial changes over this past offseason.  DL, OL, LB, Secondary.  It must be taken into account how young of a team this is and that it takes some time and experience to get acclimated not only to the team philosophy and playbook of their team, but also to one another's individual tendencies and how it all comes together to produce the intended effect.  Then you throw in the ebbs and flows of the game, individual matchups, and anything else trying to throw you off your game, and in the first handful of weeks, there will be both inconsistencies and failures in general.  And this isn't even to mention injuries, good/bad weekly game plan, coaching, etc.  This is a very young team that, while getting there, isn't going to be a model of consistency, no matter how much it's expected of them.  Heck, even the best teams aren't consistent over the course of an entire year except the 72 Miami Dolphins - and even that is apparently debatable amonst some experts. 

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Miami's going to lose at NOLA...and they'll have trouble with Baltimore..

The Dolphins will have major problems with Cincinnatti...

I dont see a division team they'll sweep...and I dont see them beating NE at all...

the game at Pittsburgh wont go well..

////Arizona was 4-0 last year

dolphins will destroy steelers the way they are playing. Baltimore and bengals might get them.

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If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team

...going by yards allowed despite the record..

..we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...

I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.

Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?

I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...


Really ??  What do you mean 'we'?  You are a Ravens fan and now your going to jump on the Colts wagon by saying 'we'? You can think and say what you want but Miami has a pretty good team. It would not surprise me at all to see them win the AFC east or end up a wild card. As far as being mediocre how many other NFL teams play that way in their first game of the season? Even your Ravens played what you call a mediocre game in week 2 against the Browns. If my memory serve me correct your Ravens played a few mediocre games last season before catching on fire and winning the super bowl. Judging the way things go in the NFL it's not really possible with only 3 games deep into the season. 

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Luck lost that mia gm and looked like a game manager yesterday. The passing gm concerns me.

This has to be sarcasm, right? 



Miami's going to lose at NOLA...and they'll have trouble with Baltimore..

The Dolphins will have major problems with Cincinnatti...

I dont see a division team they'll sweep...and I dont see them beating NE at all...

the game at Pittsburgh wont go well..

////Arizona was 4-0 last year

I'm undecided on Baltimore.  They get absolutely annihiliated by Denver, but then embarass Houston, and squeek by the Browns.  They are a fringe team to me.  Dolphins are good enough to sweep both NYJ and BUF, and will probably split with NE.  Pittsburgh has shown that its' anything but a tough opponent, thus far.  Miami is certainly capable of being a playoff team. 

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a good point..If Miami is an 11-5 team....that wasn't a bad loss.

But I dont think they're good..we'll see..

By the way..we need someone to take them down...we lose any tiebreaker with Miami

If we don't win the division...we need Miami to take some hits....starting next week at NOLA

This Colts team can win the division. Heck for all we know the Dolphins may be the class of the AFC East and neither team has to fall back to the wildcard slot. Much too early to start assume anything at this point.

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Not at all unusual


If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team
...going by yards allowed despite the record..

..we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...

I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.
Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?

I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...



Not at all unusual to play down (or up was the case yesterday) to an opponent.    Coaching and leadership from those ranks has a lot to do with consistency from one week to the next regardless of opponent.   Who do we fire?   :scratch:

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I understand what you're saying but its the NFL and I'll take a win any way we can.  I don't think its like college where you can just blow teams out that you are supposed to.  Even the worst teams in the NFL have their own strengths that for some teams just find it hard to defend or score on.  But with that being said id like to see us continue of pounding the rock down teams throats!!

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Not at all unusual



Not at all unusual to play down (or up was the case yesterday) to an opponent.    Coaching and leadership from those ranks has a lot to do with consistency from one week to the next regardless of opponent.   Who do we fire?   :scratch:

I don't think coaching and leadership have as much to do with consistency as maturity as a group does../we need to display that now

...and lets fire that jamoke on TV who said all summer that the Colts would take a step back this year.

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Another one of these "we have to do this or we'll lose" type threads.


Let me tell you a story.


  I have a buddy I golf with that, every time we play, is trying something new with his swing.  This week, he saw an article that if you strengthen your left hand and press club forward at address, you'll gain 5 yards off the tee.  Guess what he's trying?  Next round he's trying to work a fade because he can control the roll,  He never has a chance.

  Me, on the other hand, play "safe" and conservative the first two holes to see if I'm getting a natural slight draw or fade.  Then I plan the rest of my round by that info. I'm a low single digit, so I can certainly play a fade or draw all day, or alternate holes if you like.  However, I choose to see what i'm  most comfortable with on that day (kinda like what the defense is giving you) and use that to my advantage.  Why work harder than you have to?


  How does this apply to run-first vs pass-first?  I have no idea!

Seriously tho,  too much hype is given to run-first vs pass-first.  What the heck does that really mean anyway?  Your FIRST offensive play is a run or pass?  You run or pass on first down?  You have a higher run or pass %?  Are passes (screens) behind the scrimmage considered passes or runs? Who knows.  And I would argue who cares.


  You have to think of it as a chess match.  You are probing your pawns looking for a strike.  An offense will mix passes and runs to try to gain advantage and create mismatches along with confusing or surprising your opponent.  .  Many (most) teams are heavily stronger at either passing or running so of course they FAVOR that and are more comfortable with that regardless of the defenses strength.  I guess that is probably where pass-first or run-first originated.  WE are in the rare position to possibly have a much better than average strength in both, compared to most teams,  So I would be run-first where we can and pass-first when we can, whatever that means.  This changes throughout a game anyway.  Do you still wanna be pass-"happy when leading in the fourth?  It is certainly easier to "control" the game when you can run. 



  Seriously, we all have to get off these "literal" translations of terms and philosophies.  Games are fluid.  Weather, turnovers, injuries, etc affect so much also.


  Out of ALL the teams fans in the league,  I find it amusing that it would be COLT fans saying passing is so much more important than running.  We were the greatest regular season passing team of all-time probably and the biggest "flop" of a passing game in the post-season.

  You need to control the game in the post season. 


  IMO, you only really need to be pass-happy (pass-first) if you have a crappy defense and need tons of points.  Otherwise run the ball, (if you can) control the clock, keep their offense off the field, shorten the game. Plus, alot less fumbles by runners than interception and drops.  Its a much "safer" approach.  Boring yes, but that damn game yesterday has really changed my point of view of wanting to see Luck air it out.  Just because we're favoring the run doesn't mean we can't switch on a dime either. 


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I happen to think that Miami is a better team than San Fran this season.  Miami has more weapons in the passing game this season.The major problem with the Niners right now is they have no one at the WR position who scares you other than Boldin and he's not that fast.  Their next fastest player is Davis who is a tight end.  The Niners lost a lot off their offense when you loose people like Mario Manningham and even Randy Moss.  It makes the job of stopping the Niners run game a whole heck of a lot harder when you have home run threats who the secondary definitely must account for.  We would have had a harder time yesterday if they did.

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I'm starting to think the Dolphins are a pretty good team.

And since it was brought up, didn't the Cardinals beat the Pats last year?

I think Miami and us are the best two young teams in the AFC.  I am starting to think Miami might be to us what New England used to be to us in terms of being our rival.  The good news is if that happens Luck has already beaten them in his career so we wont have to hear how Luck has never beaten Tannelhill. 

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Really ?? What do you mean 'we'? You are a Ravens fan and now your going to jump on the Colts wagon by saying 'we'? You can think and say what you want but Miami has a pretty good team. It would not surprise me at all to see them win the AFC east or end up a wild card. As far as being mediocre how many other NFL teams play that way in their first game of the season? Even your Ravens played what you call a mediocre game in week 2 against the Browns. If my memory serve me correct your Ravens played a few mediocre games last season before catching on fire and winning the super bowl. Judging the way things go in the NFL it's not really possible with only 3 games deep into the season.

I didn't know oldunclemark was a Ravens fan. We are up to three.

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