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Colts trying to re-sign Powers....


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This is about as public as the Colts can make this.   A cover of the website story filled with glowing quotes from Pagano.


And though it's not addressed,  judging by the quotes, they're not looking to bring him back as the nickel corner, they want him as the numbers two.    That's my read at least.....


Read on, and see if you agree....




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I see it as Powers played a big part last year off the field with his work ethic, and they want him back. Although it is strange to me that he hasn't signed a deal yet.


Personally, I don't think he fits the defense, but I think he really sparked our season with the pick against Aaron Rodgers.


I would much rather have a DRC or Antoine Cason, but Powers could be the wild card next year for the team.

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Please no! Why as a number 2?

Weird idea- I think he'd be a good safety. Great in zone, good tackler, and defends the deep ball beautifully.


It'd be better that Zbikowski. I've always liked Powers a lot. I thought he'd be a Pro Bowl corner, honestly, but the injuries have hurt him time and time again. I like the idea of bringing him back, but as the #2?... Does that mean that they aren't going to try getting someone better? 

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Hey....   I could easily be entirely wrong.   Maybe they're trying to sign him as the nickel and not the #2?   It just didn't strike me that they'd do a cover story for a guy that want to sign as the nickel?   Again,  I could easily be reading the tea leaves incorrectly.


But, a quick re-read did find this interesting sentence....


Indianapolis has an interest in retaining as many players as possible, one being Jerraud Powersicon-article-link.gif.


For me, the interesting part is publicly saying Indy has an interest in retaining as many players as possible.    That's not something Craig Kelly writes from his own opinion.    That comes straight from Grigson and Pagano.   Kelly would not write this otherwise.   And this is something I've been addressing for a while.   You can't preach 'family' and then not bring back many of the players that helped you to an 11-5 season.


So, expect many of the same faces back next year.   Now, what role they'll play is to be determined.  Some starters last year will be back-ups this year.   And some back-ups will still be back-ups...   But they'll be back.   And, I think that's the right thing to do...

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I get why they want to re-sign him, and I hope they can reach terms on a reasonable deal. But I don't think they're planning to lock him in to the #2 spot. The article doesn't really suggest that.



You're right.   The article doesn't suggest it.   But, thinking out loud,  would you devote a front page story to a guy you view as the nickel corner and not the starter?? 


I'm asking, not saying.     Struck me that to devote the story to the front page, and have so many glowing comments they want him back in a prominent role.   Maybe they're trying to woo him to come back in the lesser position?   Maybe they want him back, but at a smaller contract than he wants?   All part of the courtship....


Again,  this is just my hunch, and I think it's quite possible I'm off on this....

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Hey....   I could easily be entirely wrong.   Maybe they're trying to sign him as the nickel and not the #2?   It just didn't strike me that they'd do a cover story for a guy that want to sign as the nickel?   Again,  I could easily be reading the tea leaves incorrectly.


But, a quick re-read did find this interesting sentence....


Indianapolis has an interest in retaining as many players as possible, one being Jerraud Powersicon-article-link.gif.


For me, the interesting part is publicly saying Indy has an interest in retaining as many players as possible.    That's not something Craig Kelly writes from his own opinion.    That comes straight from Grigson and Pagano.   Kelly would not write this otherwise.   And this is something I've been addressing for a while.   You can't preach 'family' and then not bring back many of the players that helped you to an 11-5 season.


So, expect many of the same faces back next year.   Now, what role they'll play is to be determined.  Some starters last year will be back-ups this year.   And some back-ups will still be back-ups...   But they'll be back.   And, I think that's the right thing to do...

Apparently Grigs said that re-signing Powers was a priority. He still has to earn his play time. I think he was already hurt when they were abusing him before he went on IR.

We'll know between Saturday and next Tuesday how serious they are on re-signing our UFAs.

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You're right.   The article doesn't suggest it.   But, thinking out loud,  would you devote a front page story to a guy you view as the nickel corner and not the starter?? 


I'm asking, not saying.     Struck me that to devote the story to the front page, and have so many glowing comments they want him back in a prominent role.   Maybe they're trying to woo him to come back in the lesser position?   Maybe they want him back, but at a smaller contract than he wants?   All part of the courtship....


Again,  this is just my hunch, and I think it's quite possible I'm off on this....


The web guys don't have anything to do with what the personnel guys are trying to accomplish. At least I hope they don't... So front page or not, full biography or not, I don't think it's really a clue as to what the front office and coaching staff has in mind for Powers, if he's re-signed. I think that, on the heels of Pagano and Grigson saying that they'd like to keep Powers, the web guys decided to do a piece on him.


I could see them playing the media relations game in order to get Powers re-signed before full free agency starts. But I still don't know if that has any bearing on his potential place on the depth chart.


If we re-sign Powers and add a few other players at the position -- which we will, since we only have two corners under contract right now -- I would anticipate that the hierarchy will be determined in camp. Not in March, prior to free agency and the draft.


Lastly, these days, being a nickel corner isn't necessarily a reserve role. Teams play a ton of nickel anymore.

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You're right.   The article doesn't suggest it.   But, thinking out loud,  would you devote a front page story to a guy you view as the nickel corner and not the starter?? 


I'm asking, not saying.     Struck me that to devote the story to the front page, and have so many glowing comments they want him back in a prominent role.   Maybe they're trying to woo him to come back in the lesser position?   Maybe they want him back, but at a smaller contract than he wants?   All part of the courtship....


Again,  this is just my hunch, and I think it's quite possible I'm off on this....




Yeah, you can easily come to that conclusion. What I would like to know, but it wasn't really addressed in the article, is if Pagano was asked directly about Powers specifically or did Pagano bring up his name on his own.


If Pagano was asked specifically about Powers, I could see Pagano saying the right things to the media and just being complimentary about Powers. After all, I don't think he would come out and tell the media that the team didn't think Powers was anything more than a nickle corner.


The answer Pagano gives depends on the context of the question he was asked, and unfortunately we just don't know.

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I don't see anything in there that means that he will be a #2.  Not saying he won't.


My guess is they are re-signing him so they have some depth at corner.  This gives us the ability to take the BPA in the draft.  


Powers should come cheap.  


If you go into FA and get a really expensive corner and then the corner you like (say Rhodes) is sitting there at 24, you've either got to leave your top rookie on the bench or you have to waste a bunch of money on a FA you signed and are leaving on the bench.


If you don't go get one in FA, and Rhodes goes off the board then you either have to reach for the next corner on your draft board or you have to draft BPA and get a even worse CB that's left after all the big names have been signed to play your #2.


Sign Powers on as small contract and you havn't lost a lot if you draft your CB and move Powers to #3.  And if you don't get the CB in the draft, then we just have a similar secondary to what we had last year. 

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Powers is ok but i would be clamoring to re-sign butler as a nickel.. We should get a #2 cb via fa i would like for us To get toller or DRC subsequently we should take a SS in the first... Matt elam, cyprien, vaccarro, thomas(maybe a reach). My choice is and will be Matt Elam this due has that it factor that we didn't have with zibs....

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The web guys don't have anything to do with what the personnel guys are trying to accomplish. At least I hope they don't... So front page or not, full biography or not, I don't think it's really a clue as to what the front office and coaching staff has in mind for Powers, if he's re-signed. I think that, on the heels of Pagano and Grigson saying that they'd like to keep Powers, the web guys decided to do a piece on him.


I could see them playing the media relations game in order to get Powers re-signed before full free agency starts. But I still don't know if that has any bearing on his potential place on the depth chart.


If we re-sign Powers and add a few other players at the position -- which we will, since we only have two corners under contract right now -- I would anticipate that the hierarchy will be determined in camp. Not in March, prior to free agency and the draft.


Lastly, these days, being a nickel corner isn't necessarily a reserve role. Teams play a ton of nickel anymore.


I must be doing a poor job of getting my point across.    


Of course, the web guys have nothing to do with personnel and what the team is trying to accomplish.   But they're not putting out a glowing piece on Powers if the team has no interest.   Grigson and Pagano signed off on that story.   It's not the web guys I wonder about.    It's how Grigson and Powers are using the team website to make their views public...    That's what I find interesting...


Again,  I maybe reading way too much into this.   I grant you that.   But I still find it interesting, and I think a bit telling.


Just my hunch....   and I want to stress,  I could easily be wrong....

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I've been falling down, and not covering WR my whole life. I just didn't know I could go pro.

Yeah, that's how it is. How else do you think Finnegan got in the NFL? Simple play action pass then boom, he gets beat by Reggie at least 3 times in a game.... and plays him twice in a year smh

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I must be doing a poor job of getting my point across.    


Of course, the web guys have nothing to do with personnel and what the team is trying to accomplish.   But they're not putting out a glowing piece on Powers if the team has no interest.   Grigson and Pagano signed off on that story.   It's not the web guys I wonder about.    It's how Grigson and Powers are using the team website to make their views public...    That's what I find interesting...


Again,  I maybe reading way too much into this.   I grant you that.   But I still find it interesting, and I think a bit telling.


Just my hunch....   and I want to stress,  I could easily be wrong....


I get it.


I thought it was telling that Pagano and Grigson expressed very clearly that they want to re-sign Powers. The web article just affirms that. I think we can be certain that they want to re-sign him, and they apparently have an offer ready to submit to his people as soon as they are allowed to do so.


What I don't think is that they've determined that Powers is going to be the #2 guy. I didn't get that from the article; maybe that's just your editorial point of view.


Specific to Powers, I thought he had good games and bad games last year. I'd be more comfortable with him in the nickel role, but I think you'd get more bang for your buck with him at #2 rather than someone like Cary Williams. Then you can draft someone who can take that role from Powers, or who can rotate with him between #2 and nickel.

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This is about as public as the Colts can make this.   A cover of the website story filled with glowing quotes from Pagano.


And though it's not addressed,  judging by the quotes, they're not looking to bring him back as the nickel corner, they want him as the numbers two.    That's my read at least.....


Read on, and see if you agree....




Honestly listening to the local media that covers the Colts I've gotten the sense that the Colts want to keep Powers for a while now.  I don't think Powers will re-sign with the Colts if he was just going to be a nickel corner. 


I think Pagano and Grigson see the talented Powers we all saw coming into last year and banking on the idea he just had a bad year last year and was still learning the new defense.  Clearly they seem to think once he has it down he go back to being the good young player we all saw coming into last year. 

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I am truly surprised at how fans seem to dismiss corners in the NFL as if there are plenty of great players out there for cheap or reasonable prices. There is not. Powers is a good corner. He gets beat like many corners do in a league where offensive skill players get the advantage on calls most of the time. In addition, he not only knows the scheme, he had a great deal of time to see the game mentally while he was rehabbing, which many players have stated is a true advantage, although it comes at the price of not being able to contribute. Many here said similar things about our corner Jennings that went to the Bears and he outdid any of our corners stat wise last season.


Plug and play replacing has its cost. It is my opinion that our GM is not blind and unaware. If he is trying to sign the guy...he has serious value for this team based on his skill set and last contract.

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wow, i dont get all this crap about powers playing bad last year.  Powers was the one stand out good player on our defense before we had Davis.  We got no pressure on the QB and he had no help from the safeties.  If we resign him, i think you will all change ur tune about him next season.


This being said, I think you need at least 3 solid CBs in today's NFL and I would still like to see us sign another CB.   Davis, Powers, FA, and Butler at CB....draft S in the 1st round to go along with Bethea and we have a SOLID secondary.

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