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Colts QB Watch Party


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I’ll say this, until a move is announced I’d be skeptical about EVERYTHING.  I don’t care if it comes from twitter, radio, tv, your two best friends at the bar, there is a lot of false information getting out there right now.  Sometimes teams do it on purpose to throw people off sometimes someone wants you to believe they are more connected than they are to try to make a name for themselves.  Unless one of us is directly talking to Ballard, which I highly doubt,  we are at best playing a game of telephone and we all know how that goes.  

As hard as it is stay patient.  Being frustrated because you want something to happen isn’t going to make it happen faster.  This is a very important decision and frankly one if Ballard doesn’t get right will probably cost him his job and I think it’s safe to say there is no obvious answer so he’s going to take his time to get the best option he can.  Thats also before you factor in things like other teams maybe holding out for a better deal or maybe not wanting to trade with the Colts for some reason.  We all want to know who the QB will be but its going to happen when it happens.  It might be tomorrow it might be next week it might not be until the draft.  

Also, I’d say layoff people posting things from twitter because if they don’t post it someone else is going too.  Just take it with a grain of salt and don’t assume it’s fact until it’s confirmed somehow.  I’d also stop assuming every story posted means that’s exactly whats going on like I said there is ALOT of fake information out there right now.  

Lastly, I’d also suggest stop assuming the worst.  Ballard has proven to be pretty good at his job.  No he’s not perfect and yes he has to get the QB spot answered, trust me no one wants to find the right answer there more than him and Frank because they are the ones who will lose their jobs if he can’t.  However, this is still a good roster.  Yes it has holes but even with those holes they should have made the playoffs last year had they had a little better QB play.  Heck the year before if Buckner doesn’t go on the Covid list before the Titans game maybe they win the division and the playoffs go differently.  This team is a lot closer to being a Super Bowl team than the worst team in the league.  Yes they have holes to fill, and QB is the biggest one, to ultimately get there but this is not a bad team and the guys running it do know what they are doing even if it’s not what we want them to do.

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34 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

Mod Note:


This free agency period has made many fans antsy and people here are taking shots at each other. 


There would be fewer hard feelings and less bickering if people addressed/attacked the message/the argument, not the person who wrote the comment. And absolutely no jokes about peoples' display names.


Attack the message/argument, not the writer of the post.


Thank you.

Please. It's funny sometimes seeing some people freak out over nothing but some of y'all seem to be here just to insult them as if they did something to you personally. We are all wrong about our opinions on here 99.99% of the time.

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39 minutes ago, NFLfan said:

Mod Note:


This free agency period has made many fans antsy and people here are taking shots at each other. 


There would be fewer hard feelings and less bickering if people addressed/attacked the message/the argument, not the person who wrote the comment. And absolutely no jokes about peoples' display names.


Attack the message/argument, not the writer of the post.


Thank you.

Fat Chance...

thanks for the effort though. :D

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2 hours ago, PRnum1 said:

Looking at Turays stats, he played in 13 games and had 5.5 sacks with 8 qb hits.


That isn't terrible. I wonder why Ballard isn't calling him ?


Couldn't say for certain, but imo Turay was not consistent enough to bring back. He's a third and long situational pass rusher. Nothing wrong with that, but I think the colts want more diversity from their pass rushers.

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Just now, CR91 said:


Didn't Irsay quit drinking?

He's in recovery, so no drugs or drinking, which makes me think the post is a lie. That or Irsay relapsed, which isn't a good thing for him or the organization. I'm going to go with the story being made up unless someone with some legitimacy confirms it.

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7 minutes ago, CR91 said:


Didn't Irsay quit drinking?

A long time ago that and the fact that I am pretty sure, although not certain (maybe @Superman could chime in) if this was true it would be tampering since he’s under contract to the Browns makes me think this is like “Lucks meeting with Jimmy from the Colts” in that it’s someone who made it up wanting attention.  Like I said before be skeptical of everything right now.

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6 hours ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I deleted eveyrhing. I won’t be posting any tweets anymore so if you want any info you will have to go find.

The problem is not that you post tweets. A lot of what you post is good info for us to discuss. The problem is that you have almost zero filter! Along with the valuable information from reputable reporters you post some of the wildest stuff from people that have no record of breaking ANY news EVER. Lawrence has no sources. No idea what he's doing and who he thinks he's fooling. He told you it's done deal 3-4 days ago. It wasn't. Remember when he was like "oh Ballard is really good keeping this thing under wraps... nobody but me knew we are going after Baker." then when asked about his sources he said he had 3(!!!!!!!) sources about that. So Ballard is so good keeping it secret, but a random fan who in the past has shared ZERO inside information all of a sudden had THREE different sources for the secretest of secret Ballard deals in the making? This is insanity. Just think about it and ask yourself what's the chance this is all true? Yesterday after the Watson trade he renewed his insistance that it's done. And again nothing was done and still nothing is done. Why do you continue trusting him and posting his tweets here? If a supposed insider tells me something is done deal I expect it to happen officially/or one of the big time reporters to get a hold of it within the hour. Lawrence is throwing % at the wall and hoping something sticks. 


The funniest thing is... Mayfield is one of 4 or thereabout players that are legit candidates for us... so legitimately there is about 20-25% chance we indeed trade for him. And if it happens in a few days you will attribute the % that stuck on the wall as a sourced information that Lawrence actually had. Even though, he missed like 5 times before that with his done deal nonsense. 

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4 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

A long time ago that and the fact that I am pretty sure, although not certain (maybe @Superman could chime in) if this was true it would be tampering since he’s under contract to the Browns makes me think this is like “Lucks meeting with Jimmy from the Colts” in that it’s someone who made it up wanting attention.  Like I said before be skeptical of everything right now.

If the Browns give their permission it's not tampering. Example - how teams were meeting with Watson before trading for him. 

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6 hours ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I deleted eveyrhing. I won’t be posting any tweets anymore so if you want any info you will have to go find.

Hey...you can't quit on us! We are about to find out soon who our qb1 is. The last time someone quit on us abruptly just before the season started.....well ..let's just say things haven't been quite the same since.

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The spotting stories without photos are almost assuredly made up.   Near everybody has a phone with a camera but despite this, the story includes no pictures of any kind.  Irsay and Baker, two very recognizable dudes at a restaurant that is regularly packed there long enough for three bottles of wine yet no pictures.  The guy telling the story is so pumped about it to share it online yet didn’t think of taking one picture.  Apparently nobody else at the restaurant decided to take a photo.  I’m not even a big take out my phone and take a photo guy BUT if I saw Irsay and Baker pounding down some wine together,  best believe my phone is coming out for the photo opportunity.

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5 hours ago, CR91 said:


Drunk Irsay - Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey buddy. You get me one of those quar hiccup quar hiccup Peyton yet?



On the Turay topic. We gave him plenty of chances. I remember they really liked his potential but injuries just kinda ruined him. He can go play 3-4 games for another team then. 

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I can’t believe Irsay would take Baker to St. Elmo’s , of all places, to have a meeting out in public with the whole world to see.  I think a meeting as important as it might be would be at his person residence where they would have complete privacy.  I think it’s a false report unless proven otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I can’t believe Irsay would take Baker to St. Elmo’s , of all places, to have a meeting out in public with the whole world to see.  I think a meeting as important as it might be would be at his person residence where they would have complete privacy.  I think it’s a false report unless proven otherwise.

TMZ be like


I spotted Colts owner Jim Irsay wasted and trying to do karaoke. Baker Mayfield was there looking annoyed.

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10 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I can’t believe Irsay would take Baker to St. Elmo’s , of all places, to have a meeting out in public with the whole world to see.  I think a meeting as important as it might be would be at his person residence where they would have complete privacy.  I think it’s a false report unless proven otherwise.

It’s most likely false. The OP on Reddit nearly all but confirms it to be false, he’s “just restating what a friend told him”. 

In 2022 there would be pictures and news stories if they were indeed out in public together.

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8 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

It’s most likely false. The OP on Reddit nearly all but confirms it to be false, he’s “just restating what a friend told him”. 

In 2022 there would be pictures and news stories if they were indeed out in public together.

Irsay tried showing up in disguise as Batman but you can't fool me

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22 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I can’t believe Irsay would take Baker to St. Elmo’s , of all places, to have a meeting out in public with the whole world to see.  I think a meeting as important as it might be would be at his person residence where they would have complete privacy.  I think it’s a false report unless proven otherwise.

There is a private entrance and private room there but that being said, its a totally bogus report.

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9 hours ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I deleted eveyrhing. I won’t be posting any tweets anymore so if you want any info you will have to go find.

I like your posts.  If readers care enough about the tweets, I would think they should be astute enough to distinguish what they call legitimate rumor spreaders...like Schefter or anybody paid by ESPN...and other less professional rumor spreaders/opinionators, like Lawrence Owen.   A reader can have the opinion that a rumor spreader with a press credential is a better form of rumor spreader, if they want.  I like to have multiple sources of news/rumors/opinionators and not to be told which ones are legit and which ones aren't, and prefer to make that decision myself.   I just don't see the big deal.  


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2 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:




Skip Bayless latches on to every bad QB. He thought Tebow would be great, he thought RGIII would be better than Luck, he thought Johnny Manziel should of gone first overall in the draft. Bayless is CLUELESS when it comes to football QBs.

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8 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Skip Bayless latches on to every bad QB. He thought Tebow would be great, he thought RGIII would be better than Luck, he thought Johnny Manziel should of gone first overall in the draft. Bayless is CLUELESS when it comes to football QBs.


I think some of those talking heads get so wrapped up in preparing for their TV "performances" that they don't watch the games.  I quit watching Bayless a long time ago.


However, as far as Baker, he does have talent.  He can be wild, and maybe that can be coached.  He played hurt last year, which is my concern with him.  Except for Brees, there aren't many smaller QBs (I know, Murray) that have had very long careers in the NFL.



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13 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Skip Bayless latches on to every bad QB. He thought Tebow would be great, he thought RGIII would be better than Luck, he thought Johnny Manziel should of gone first overall in the draft. Bayless is CLUELESS when it comes to football QBs.

Skip hates the Colts. It would almost be worth it to see him squirm as he’s forced to say something nice about us. 

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42 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I can’t believe Irsay would take Baker to St. Elmo’s , of all places, to have a meeting out in public with the whole world to see.  I think a meeting as important as it might be would be at his person residence where they would have complete privacy.  I think it’s a false report unless proven otherwise.


 Isn't this where Peyton said he went after games to watch tape?
With all those people around. What was he thinking?  :lol:
 Imagine Baker given time to sit with Frank for a couple hours at Colts headquarters, some time with Ballard, and time with Irsay that turned into dinner. Meeting along these lines would be a must for such a huge decision.

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7 hours ago, CR91 said:


Couldn't say for certain, but imo Turay was not consistent enough to bring back. He's a third and long situational pass rusher. Nothing wrong with that, but I think the colts want more diversity from their pass rushers.


 He gets an F for Availability. A shame. He did sign Lewis though who failed it too..

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4 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

Skip hates the Colts. It would almost be worth it to see him squirm as he’s forced to say something nice about us. 


1 minute ago, danlhart87 said:

Skip next week after Colts trade for Baker


"Last week I said Baker would be a star well that was a lie, he's in Indy now and will immediately become a joke"

Yeah, Skip's two bandwagon boys are Brady and Lebron. He always touts them as the two GOAT's and he always tried to discredit Peyton all the time. I don't even think Lebron is top 3 all-time, but that's for another discussion. Baker is good, and probably the best option left besides the draft IMO (better than Matt Ryan because of his age), but at this point, if I'm Ballard, I'm trying to get him for a late round day 3 pick (the Browns have Watson and Brissett, and they have to get rid of him at this point).

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