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Colts Rivals.

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Patriots and Texans I hate but like at the same time cause they were or are now what we could have been for the last 14 years, Pats had a great defense in the days of Rodney Harrison and Tedy Bruschi, Ty Law, Richard Seymour among others they were loaded and the Pats had a good offense not great at that time Brady was still young and the Texans cause they have the whole package, great all around offense and defense, we never got the defense to compliment the offense, so either one of them two

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Peyton Manning SUCKED against the Chargers...he ALWAYS stunk it up on the field with them....that being said with such a new team I don't know if the Pats rivalry is going to be anything like it was before without Manning. It was really a Manning/Brady rivalry than it was a Colts/Pats deal.

Our biggest rivalry is going to have to be "born" again ... with whom I have no clue...I think time will tell and we'll see. Obviously division foes are always a rival but with our team becoming so "new" often times rivalries die when players/teams change.

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I gotta say the Saints have become my most hated team. They beat us in the SB, they smoked us by 59 points in 2011 and now they've smeared the league with their horrid behavior.

Hard to argue with that. Good point.

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Patriots I didn't like when the tickets were given out for free on the Navy base in Groton Ct. and it only got worse until it was a full fledged dna level regurge reflex but I do respect the coaching mastery of Bill Belichick.

The Chargers aren't so bad but Philip Rivers is.

The Saints have shifted 180 degrees to full fledged reprobates.

The Bears because I live in the Chicago TV broadcast area and almost everyone around here is a Bears fan so I don't like them much either.

The rest of the NFL is tolerable.

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Colts don't have a rival as long as we aren't competing with anybody for swag. I can see something new developing with the Bengals and Broncos, though. If we are talking hate versus opposing teams/fans, top of my list is Steelers and Chargers.

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Maybe we have a rivalry with the Skins in the future? Because of Luck RG3? We have a rivalry with the Chargers, who took Leaf after Manning (granted Leaf wasnt the reason) Yeah... AFC vs NFC so we wouldn't play a lot, but maybe what we had with the Giants? A small rivalry thats a big deal when they finally play. Just my two cents.

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I hate the Patriots or rather envy them, not sure. What I do hate though is people claiming that Brady is better than Manning just because Brady was lucky to be on better teams than Manning. That's why I hope this Broncos team that they are building is good enough to give Peyton the chance to win a couple of more rings.

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Hate- Patriots, Chargers, Saints, Jets, Texans

Patriots, mostly because of Spygate and most of their fans are obnoxiously full of themselves and their team. Them trademarking 19-0 before they actually went 19-0 really irked me the wrong way, definite sense of entitlement and total lack of respect for the Giants.

Chargers, can't stand Rivers and they always seemed to have our number for some reason.

Saints, SB loss, got tired of hearing about them being the feel good team because of Katrina, and now the bounty program

Jets, the list is long and distinguished and just got longer with the addition of Tebow. When will Rex learn that he needs to shut his mouth and get a better than mediocre QB if he wants to win a SB? The Jets circus just got worse with TT there now, not even the power of Christ can save that team.

Texans, they are the only division rival that I actually had some fear of the last couple years.

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Right now the only rivalries that will carry over are the AFC South ones: Texans, Jags, Titans. The rivalries with the Pats, Chargers, etc. were products of the Manning era and will likely fade away. The Luck era will forge new rivalries of its own depending on the team's success.

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Gotta say I hate the pats in a loving way lol. I don't like the titans or the jags. Don't mind the texans. But..... I absolutely hate with a burning fire the chargers with the saints a close second.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I respect Kraft and the org, and now that we're not on their level I don't mind if they win.

Oh, throw the Jets into that list too.

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Hate: Bears, Steelers, Saints, Patriots, Cowboys, & Jets. Pretty much in that order.

I used to hate the Dolphins & the Raiders, but now I just feel sorry for them.

Jets & Cowboys are moving in the same direction. They just can't seem to get out of their own way.

I really enjoy seeing the Patriots lose, especially against the Colts, but I admire them at the same time.

The Bears & Steelers will be a constant for me.

Perhaps the Saints also due to what's come to light lately.

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The Texans?! No way.

No interesting storylines; no bad blood; no history between the two. I think the Texans the last few years liked to tell themselves that we were rivals so they could feel significant, but the Colts have always viewed them as any other team.

Nobody makes it a point to tune into a Colt-Texan game, unless they are a Colt or Texan fan.

Plus, Colts-Texans is about as one sided as it gets in the NFL: we're 17-3 against them....lol

Our only real rival was NE, and that was because Manning-Brady. That is over now.

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I hate to say it, but I feel like our Patriots rivalry is all but done for now. We played a surprisingly tight game against them last year, but the rivalry was birthed from several Peyton vs. Brady conference championship battles. Now we're going to be a whole new team.

The exciting thing, however, is now we're in position to see some fresh new rivalries. I can't predict what team will be our next big rival, but if we take Andrew Luck I can see the following as some sweet QB rivalries:

Jack Locker: Play him twice a year, may be the Titans franchise QB if he can prove himself.

Gabbert- Go ahead. Laugh. Get it out of your system. Okay. Gabbert still has some time to prove himself. If he can then we're in for some exciting games each time we meet with rivals Jacksonville.

Tannehill?- God knows for sure where he's going, but perhaps he'll land with a team we're familiar with playing.

RG3- This one is obvious. We won't play him very much ever, but anytime they'll meet it'll have massive media hype.

Matt Flynn- Again, we won't see this too much, but rivalries can come out of left field.

HONORABLE MENTION: Brandon Weedon- Who knows if he'll ever even start an NFL game. He may be more than a handful of years older than Luck, but they both played in their final college bowl games against each other and Weedon came out on top. Weedon is an exceptional, mature QB who could make a big splash in the NFL.

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I hate to say it, but I feel like our Patriots rivalry is all but done for now. We played a surprisingly tight game against them last year, but the rivalry was birthed from several Peyton vs. Brady conference championship battles. Now we're going to be a whole new team.

Gotta agree here. I think the Patriots were our only 'real' rival and that was due in large part to the 'Manning vs Brady' aspect of it and now Manning is gone.

And that brings me back to 2002 when the NFL realigned into the eight divisions and placed Indy in the AFC South. I Remember watching WTHR that day at that owners meeting and Irsay saying the big reason the Colts were placed in the South was so that Manning could go to Tennessee once a year and 'create' some kind rivalry there, obviously because of his college ties to the state. I remember being ticked about the Colts being put in that division because I thought for sure we'd be in the North with Cincy just up the interstate, and with Cleveland and Pittsburgh also being so close. I think there's a lot to be said for geographically close rivals because they outlast specific players, like the teams in the NFC North, which brought me to a question on that day - What happens when Manning is gone, either retired, traded, etc...? Then that 'rivalry's' reason for exisiting in the first place is gone and then you're left with what?

I'm sorry, but I just have never gotten the true 'rival' feeling between Indy and far away cities like Jacksonville and Houston and I don't think things ever really got heated between a somewhat closer Tennessee and Indy.

I always have felt that Indy got the shaft when they were put in the South when they should have been in the North.

I'm not saying that long distance rivalries don't happen. All you have to do is look at some like Washington/Dallas and Oakland/Kansas City for example, but I just don't see this happening yet within our own division.

Who knows, maybe when L.A. gets a team (Either through relocation, or expansion) the NFL will feel the need for another realignment. Maybe then the Colts will get put in a division with cities that are close.

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