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Ok , Are the Jaquars as bad as they seem or they viewed as a potential trap game at home?


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As long as we keep winning don't get lost in the debate about is their a such game as a trap game. It's only meant as,  just because a team is down that we have to treat every game as though they are the division leaders. This will be difficult one to win. Remember, they were supposed to be in the mix to go to the Super Bowl this year. Just pride alone is enough to be worried about. If we can pull this off, we will be way ahead of the learning curve.  A win here will speak volumes on our progress  for the future. At home the Jaguars will be tough.  

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Jacksonville is poorly coached and benching a QB that has dominated our defense in the past.


Is it a trap game? 


Of course, however, I would assume Jaguars would want to start losing to get a better draft pick to select a QB. 

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2 minutes ago, MTC said:

Jacksonville is poorly coached and benching a QB that has dominated our defense in the past.


Is it a trap game? 


Of course, however, I would assume Jaguars would want to start losing to get a better draft pick to select a QB. 

If they are ready to tank the rest of the season for a draft choice


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lol , I don't think anything triggers me more than the term "trap game" this season.

That aside, the Jags will love nothing more than to ruin our recent run of success. Again, as I said before the Dolphins game, lets respect the ability of the opposition (they are a talented squad- I don't care what their record says).

I feel like their vindictive spirit will get them up for one last game , and then they'll tank the rest of the way.

Lets break them , but understand there's every chance this won't be easy.

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2 minutes ago, KelownaColtsFan said:

Can we all stop saying trap game. This is ridiculous. The Colt a making a push for the playoffs, if they can't beat a 3-8 team than they really aren't a playoff team.

If you read the thread you would see that it is only referring to don't let up on you competition based on their record.  If that was the case then nobody would have thought much of us after the start of our season.

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Stop with the “Trap Game” nonsense. Lol


The Colts are not a top level football team smashing everyone in their way. They are 6-5 not undefeated. Yeah they are winning but their is no such thing as a trap game for them. They have to play their butts off to win every game the rest of the year.

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The Jags are bad, but they're totally capable of making life suck for Luck, which could translate into a win for the Jags. It could be a trap game, but I think the Cody Kessler factor swings this towards the Colts, even if they're not firing on all cylinders.

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1 minute ago, bravo4460 said:

,Stop with the “Trap Game” nonsense. Lol


The Colts are not a top level football team smashing everyone in their way. They are 6-5 not undefeated. Yeah they are winning but their is no such thing as a trap game for them. They have to play their butts off to win every game the rest of the year.

Trap game doesn't have anything to due with just top level teams, It's only meant to, don't treat teams that you assume you should win against , to don't play you competitively.  It's not only meant for elite teams.

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5 minutes ago, horseshoecrabs said:

Trap game doesn't have anything to due with just top level teams, It's only meant to, don't treat teams that you assume you should win against , to don't play you competitively.  It's not only meant for elite teams.


The Colts shouldn’t assume they are going to beat anyone.


Thats what I’m saying. 

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As I said earlier, I find the idea of a trap game as a concept in a fans mind. Over 50 different individuals on the roster are quite literally playing for their livelihood every time they step on the field. Some of them could care less about the color of the helmet they are playing....it's just another game. Some could truly follow the rivalry mentality theme, "Get up for a game". Some are tying to set records before they retire...and yet others are trying to not get cut tomorrow. 


I find the idea that a team....as a whole...doesn't give another NFL team the respect they are due when preparing, as a false narrative. 


But, to each their own. 

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Their coach is desperate.  He fired his long time friend and OC to save his job,  I assume ,  and he's benching his QB.   I actually told my fellow Colts's fans at the sports bar yesterday that I thought Marone would get fired today.  It was his OC who took the fall instead.  He is pulling out all stops to stop the bleeding and save his job.  How will his team respond?  That is the big question.  Will they play hard for him?  We will find out Sunday.   Gotta be ready for anything. 

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I watched the Jags / Bills game.

In the first half the Jags were running the ball down the bills throats with Fournette and Hyde.

And it looked like they would end up winning easily.


Then it got all crazy once the fight broke out, and the Jags (with Bortles) imploded.


Still, I would not underestimate Jacksonville.

Especially considering how the Colts played yesterday.

















Jags / Bills agme.

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1 hour ago, horseshoecrabs said:

Trap game doesn't have anything to due with just top level teams, It's only meant to, don't treat teams that you assume you should win against , to don't play you competitively.  It's not only meant for elite teams.

What?... I can't for the life of me make any sense out of this comment.

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they were one play from beating us at home, now the colts are favored by 3.  they are not even that big of an underdog, but i think its the closest thing to a trap game we will see this year


i expect the texans to be favored over the colts

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2 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

If you read the thread you would see that it is only referring to don't let up on you competition based on their record.  If that was the case then nobody would have thought much of us after the start of our season.

Most didn't think much of the colts after the 1-5 start 

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If the team you play has a worse record then yes you should be concerned on a mental effort for your team. Your getting to wrapped up in what you think the definition of what a trap game means.  It's  just a figure of speech. Your not grasping the basic concept. Your over thinking

the concept. 

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3 minutes ago, horseshoecrabs said:


Forget the  trap game concept, Just think , we need to beat this team that is playing at home that almost got to the Super Bowl last year and is 3 and what ever. Are they going to tank or give us their best game. 


TBH, I was thinking they’re tanking to get a better draft pick for their QB of the future.  But, no NFL teams would ever do that.



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Isn't it great. At the beginning of the season it is fair to say that around 80% of all media (ESPN, NFL Network, CBS, FOX, USA Today, etc.) had the Jags in the SB or winning it at 12-4 or so, they had us on average 5-11. That is why they play the games folks :thmup:. Here we are sitting pretty for a final Playoff spot at 6-5 and the Jags are a hot mess at 3-8.

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