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Will This Turn Long Time Fans Away?

Ryan Pelley

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Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

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Won't change a thing about how I feel about the Colts, me being a fan, how I feel about Manning, or Irsay. If I could survive being a young kid living in Marlyand, getting to go to Memorial Stadium to watch games, only to have them leave, I can survive this. Being a fan to me will be a lifetime, so I know going into it that I will see favorite players come and go, watch stretches of success and failure, feel like the organization made brilliant decisions, and horrible ones. That's sports.

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Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

If Luck works out and the Colts win a Superbowl in the next 14 years, will you come back?

I cant imagine the Colts fans who have been fans for life would be 'turned off' to the point of not supporting their team anymore. Everyone is emotional about this, and people deal with their emotions differently and thats perfectly fine...who is anyone to question that... but life-long fans and die-hards love their teams unconditionally. And if its 'that easy' to just pack up and leave, well those people are only 'lifelong fans' if they are between 20-30 years old. The rest will support their team no matter what.

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I can't speak for everyone else. But I am staying put, I will still bleed blue and still cheer on the Colts and also cheer on Manning wherever he may land. I think some people will probably need a few weeks or a few months to reflect back and take in what everything is going on. That is normal its also normal for fans to leave and follow that player. Its normal for any sports fan. I think me I have knowing this time would come and I have accepted it, long time ago. I wish we could have kept Manning. But it did not work out that way. I am excited for the new chapter of the Colts and I will continue to cheer on the Colts. This stuff happens a lot around the sports world, some teams have to say goodbye to their star players and there always will be heartache. But, for me I will still bleed blue that is life in the pro sports world and will always be.

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Long time fans have been with the team through the good and the bad. This is the bad, so you have to think that the oldies are going to stick around. That's just what I think though, I can't consider myself an oldie fan as I'm only 27, and been a fan of the Colts for almost 20 years. If we're talking about fans that have loved the Colts for 45+ years, then no, as they've gone through the Unitas breakup and some pretty bad stuff. So no is my answer to the thread title.

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If Luck works out and the Colts win a Superbowl in the next 14 years, will you come back?

I cant imagine the Colts fans who have been fans for life would be 'turned off' to the point of not supporting their team anymore. Everyone is emotional about this, and people deal with their emotions differently and thats perfectly fine...who is anyone to question that... but life-long fans and die-hards love their teams unconditionally. And if its 'that easy' to just pack up and leave, well those people are only 'lifelong fans' if they are between 20-30 years old. The rest will support their team no matter what.

I didn't say I was going anywhere. If that was the case, it would have made sense to jump off the ship last season, when the post Manning reality was starting to take shape. Maybe it's the grief, the sadness of the reality setting in, and the fact that I'm still a little bothered by seeing Peyton in that emotional state at the press conference. I am a Colts fan, not just a Manning fan and through the tough losses, I've stayed 100% loyal.

I guess, thinking on the bright side, there's still plenty to be looking forward to. The 3-4 defense transformation will certainly be fun to watch (probably later than sooner). And for the first time in over 10 years, an NFL draft that means everything for the Colts from a rebuilding standpoint. And seeing a young quarterback (hopefully) mature and progress before our eyes. (As I was 10 years old during Manning's rookie season... Of course I didn't notice this kind of stuff as far as his talents go)

Tough pill to swallow... But I guess with time, I'll get over the harsh reality and be ready for rebuilding by the time the draft rolls around. Maybe some group therapy with Favre / Montana fans...

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People do realize that he does have to retire eventually right? Were they gonna leave in 4 years anyways? I for one am happy for Peyton that he can attach himself to an organization primed for a title run and cement his legacy because that wasn't going to happen in his final years in Indy. It would have been just like Marino in Miami where he just kinda faded away on some mediocre teams. I will never forget Peyton and what he did for this team and town and would have loved to see him back, but it was time and I will move on and cheer my heart out for Luck and the Colts.

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Would it be even lighter if the Colts skipped Luck in the draft for RGIII?

Sorry, couldn't resist... :)

Yes you hit the nail on the head. I became a fan of the Colts because of a player who is not a Colt yet. Makes complete sense.

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I can only hope that Colts fans would be more resilient than that. I'm sure that Manning himself would tell fans not to quit on the Colts. There will be those that will leave now and there will be those that join once Luck gets drafted. The ones that have always been here will always be here.

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Let me preface this by saying, as I've recently divulged in another thread, that I'm a Pittsburgh Pirates fan.

I'm a long time fan of both teams, thus my user name.

I'm not giving up on either.

I was not a 'Suck for Lucker', as I always want a win on Sunday.

I'm not against Luck coming here either. We're fortunate we're in this position, under the circumstances. Now it's a matter of him developing into a QB at least close to what he's projected to be.

Today was a BAD day, and I blame neither party.

I blame the '3rd person in the room'.

There are two things that make this day harder than it might have been.

- The suddenness of it all. No, I'm not talking about today, but when Peyton was ruled out for week one, with no real time table for his return.

- The steadiness of the organization during the past 14 years. One turnover in coaches, but the systems stayed the same. Players came and went, but we kept a core for the most part. Peyton never missed a game. We grew to expect come back wins. Being down 17 points in the 1st quarter wasn't scary AT ALL.

And then.......................it was over. All over.

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This changes nothing about being a Colts fan. i think its a great move for both parties. I am soooo sad that Irsay did not make these kinds of moves 5 years ago when they should have. I think Luck wins more SB's for Indy just because they are dumping Pollians stupid small ball. I will always root for the Colts because Ive been doing it for 45 years. I will how ever also root for Peyton to win a SB with AZ. He is the greatest of all time.

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Nope. Anyone who leaves are just unloyal kind of people who just want to fit in with liking a certain team or player. He is gone and you can be ticked but if you are any kind of loyal person, you will stay put for your team, unless your just a manning fan and if you are then don't let the door hit you on the way out

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Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

Curious what is considered long term? Manning was with the colts for 14 seasons.. ie:14 years. thats a long time.

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I started rooting for the Colts in 1958. I hated to see Unitas leave. I hated to see Bert Jones leave. I hated to see Carrol Rosenbloom swap the team for the Rams. I hated to see Don Shula leave but at least Miami gave us a 1st round draft pick for him. I hated watching the Colts leave Baltimore. I wanted Bob Sanders to be healthy and stay but things happen. I will always remain a Colt fan.

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Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

People left netflix for horrible changes; Bank of America customers threatened to leave and they listened. It's unfair that some fans be called bandwagon fans for leaving after a very unpopular decision by the owner. If Luck doesn't pan out, then Irsay should let his daughters take over.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults
Hidden by Peytongirl, March 8, 2012 - insults

Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

I'm sure you've been dumped more than once. So, you're use to it then, right?
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I started rooting for the Colts in 1958. I hated to see Unitas leave. I hated to see Bert Jones leave. I hated to see Carrol Rosenbloom swap the team for the Rams. I hated to see Don Shula leave but at least Miami gave us a 1st round draft pick for him. I hated watching the Colts leave Baltimore. I wanted Bob Sanders to be healthy and stay but things happen. I will always remain a Colt fan.

I can't follow Irsay if he lies to fans again. If he can't foresee his cap problems again. If he doesn't listen to fans.

How do I separate my dislike for an owner and still root for his product? If this was any other business, his stock would be dropping by the hundreds!

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Note that I included long time into the title, because I am pretty sure that plenty of "fans" that started jumping off the bandwagon will continue to leave... Anyway.

Whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, it seems completely opinionated, since there are plenty of reasons for each side. Looking back to mid season, when the "Suck for Luck" talk started to come out, there were plenty of people ready to draft Luck and say goodbye to Manning. Some of those people, I'd assume, are the ones who have nothing but negative things to say about Jim Irsay and the Colts organization for letting Peyton go.

I didn't want Andrew Luck then, and I don't want him now. But maybe that's me just being stubborn and not wanting to see Peyton end his career elsewhere. Sure, I am aware of the several neck injuries, and I am aware of the $28 million that could essentially be flushed down the toilet if Peyton Manning can't play anywhere close to the level that he once did... But still, I thought he deserved the chance to pull this team back together and end his career the way that he wanted to... The way he should have.

For as long as I've had an understanding of the game of football, I have been a Colts' fan. Growing up in central Indiana, as my dad was a fan since they day they moved here, I grew into loving this team and being very proud to be part of their fan base, win or loss. And in these many years, I have not once questioned my loyalty to the team or questioned my degree of fan-liness. I always said "Colts fan for life"...

And now, I'm struggling to wonder if I will feel the same way about the team now that I once did. And I know that I'm not alone. Seeing Peyton go out like this, it really hurt. Hurt worse than I ever expected, even knowing that this is probably what was going to happen, for the past couple of months. It almost like that aching feeling in your stomach, being dumped for the first time...

As far as the "die hards" go, I'm wondering how this decision is going to affect them long term... And how many of them are going to be turned away from the franchise, because Peyton wasn't wanted anymore. It's just business, right?

Well as a long-time Colts fan who survived the move from Baltimore on the Mayflower bus, I must say that Peyton's departure is a sad day but it doesn't compare to the loss I felt as a Baltimore Colts fan at that time. Not even close. If I can remain true to the Shoe through that then I can continue to support the team in the post-Manning era. The sun will come out again in Indiana.

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Been a fan since 95. one thing about the fan base is we are very loyal to our team and very loyal to our players. this is a very dark day for us. But this decision was coming eventually. i am very excited for what Peyton has done for us and looking forward to having Luck or RG3 to take over. I wish it was under different circumstances, but of all the possible people to take over i assume Luck is the pick... i can't explain how excited i am about that. Change is very difficult to handle for most people and it will be for majority of us on here. i just hope we welcome our pick with open arms like we did with Peyton in 98

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I will always be a Colt's fan, but I will definitely root for any team that Peyton joins. If it turns out that he ends up playing against the Colts, I'll just have to root against my Colts for a day because I think Peyton will always be my favorite player! He deserves to have another shot at victory, and I hope more than ever that he can come back and win another Super Bowl. :blueshoe: Good luck, Peyton!

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I have been a fan since their first season in Indy........14 years or whatever before Manning was even here. I was a fan when then sucked then and will be a fan when they suck now. I just hope I never have to deal with blackouts again. Keep buying those tickets Colts fans!

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I was always a Cincinnati Reds and IU Basketball fan. Football never held much interest for me. Then the Colts came in '84. My dad was so excited because we finally had an NFL franchise. He set about teaching his un-football savy daughter all about the game! We spent many happy Sundays watching the games - yes even when we lost which of course was alot LOL. He patiently explained about the different penalties and yards assessed. I was in LOVE with Jim Harbaugh (sorry sweet husband).

My dad passed away before Peyton could bring the Lombardy trophy home to Indy but I know he was watching. So my answer to this thread topic is NO. I will root for Peyton wherever he goes but when his team meets the COLTS - no holds barred - I will be screaming for the defense to get after him. GO COLTS!!! :coltshorse:

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Nope. Anyone who leaves are just unloyal kind of people who just want to fit in with liking a certain team or player. He is gone and you can be ticked but if you are any kind of loyal person, you will stay put for your team, unless your just a manning fan and if you are then don't let the door hit you on the way out

This is a sad day for this organization. If the press conference did not move you, not much would. People will need some time to pass to let it all make sense. Now is not the time to figure out who are the real fans and who are not. 50 years or 1 year, if your a fan, you are a fan. Loyalty is for the important parts of life, friends, family, sometimes your job. Why some people want to berate others for being less loyal than they feel they are?. With Peyton gone, I'm going to drop the sunday ticket, save a little money. Probably loose track of the game for a little while. If I come back to the game, eventually I always do, I will watch the Colts no matter what city they call home. That door can't hit me with your face in the way!
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Won't change a thing about how I feel about the Colts, me being a fan, how I feel about Manning, or Irsay. If I could survive being a young kid living in Marlyand, getting to go to Memorial Stadium to watch games, only to have them leave, I can survive this. Being a fan to me will be a lifetime, so I know going into it that I will see favorite players come and go, watch stretches of success and failure, feel like the organization made brilliant decisions, and horrible ones. That's sports.


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Nope. Anyone who leaves are just unloyal kind of people who just want to fit in with liking a certain team or player. He is gone and you can be ticked but if you are any kind of loyal person, you will stay put for your team, unless your just a manning fan and if you are then don't let the door hit you on the way out

i became a colts fan due to Peyton Manning. I grew to being a die hard Colts fan not in indy. Its been hard watching this team at times due to the horrible defense, special teams, and O-Line over the years. The way this has all happened is ridiculous. I am very ticked off. To the point that I can not stand to look at the Colts stickers on my car or the huge colts flag in my room. It makes me want to denounce them as being my team. I'm ticked at Irsay. So its not a matter of being loyal. I'm mad at the Colts just like Baltimore is at this organization. I hope Peyton signs with Baltimore. It will be revenge like know other and an immediate Superbowl favorite team. We Peyton Manning Fans will kick your door on the way our.

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I have grown up living on the Mason Dixon Line in Pennsylvania. I followed the Colts since 1972 when they were in Baltimore.It was only by newspaper, radio and news excerpts. I lived in Indy for 3 years and then relocated to South Dakota. I am a Colt Fan for life. Peyton is a great quarterback but unfortunately as a team we must move on. Its part of life. I have read this forum for a long time and am now glad speculationstrings will stop with the what ifs and if we did this or that. Everyone is a fan not one more than another. If you follow Peyton thats fine, I will still watch him with Sunday ticket but the team I have followed for 40 years will be my main focus and that is the Colts. I love football not just our players but also players from other teams but I will always want a W in that column each week for the Colts.

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This is a sad day for this organization. If the press conference did not move you, not much would. People will need some time to pass to let it all make sense. Now is not the time to figure out who are the real fans and who are not. 50 years or 1 year, if your a fan, you are a fan. Loyalty is for the important parts of life, friends, family, sometimes your job. Why some people want to berate others for being less loyal than they feel they are?. With Peyton gone, I'm going to drop the sunday ticket, save a little money. Probably loose track of the game for a little while. If I come back to the game, eventually I always do, I will watch the Colts no matter what city they call home. That door can't hit me with your face in the way!

This is a sad day for this organization. If the press conference did not move you, not much would. People will need some time to pass to let it all make sense. Now is not the time to figure out who are the real fans and who are not. 50 years or 1 year, if your a fan, you are a fan. Loyalty is for the important parts of life, friends, family, sometimes your job. Why some people want to berate others for being less loyal than they feel they are?. With Peyton gone, I'm going to drop the sunday ticket, save a little money. Probably loose track of the game for a little while. If I come back to the game, eventually I always do, I will watch the Colts no matter what city they call home. That door can't hit me with your face in the way!

Never said you don't need to care as much... It's people who drop the team in general that grinded my gears a little. It is a hurtful time and trust me this fricken sucks for me too, but i just hate it when someone leaves a team they proclaimed they loved for just one(albeit great) player.. The colts community should be coming together now more then having people jump the ship

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