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Who are you cheering for the Superbowl


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10 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I will be rooting for the Steelers, as unpopular as that may be. I like Roethlisberger, and I think they can beat the Pats this year. Would love to see Ben get another SB if Luck can't.

How can you root for them dang steelers?! Lol they beat up on us and I think it is in every Colts fan's blood to hate the steelers! 

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3 minutes ago, Colts1324 said:

How can you root for them dang steelers?! Lol they beat up on us and I think it is in every Colts fan's blood to hate the steelers! 

I don't really hate the Steelers, they are a very well run team, and they deserve it with how they are built. The top RB and WR in football along with an elite QB. Not my favorite team by any means, but I'm trying to think of someone realistic that can win. Also, I blame a certain someone else for not beating the Steelers, but we'll talk about that in a different section of this forum.

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10 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I don't really hate the Steelers, they are a very well run team, and they deserve it with how they are built. The top RB and WR in football along with an elite QB. Not my favorite team by any means, but I'm trying to think of someone realistic that can win. Also, I blame a certain someone else for not beating the Steelers, but we'll talk about that in a different section of this forum.

Yeah they are a very well run team. I agree with you. It's just one of those things you hate them because they are good and always beat your team. Kind of why I hate Lebron, he is good. He always beats my pacers when it matter. Not that they are any good this year lol.

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Just now, Colts1324 said:

Yeah they are a very well run team. I agree with you. It's just one of those things you hate them because they are good and always beat your team. Kind of why I hate Lebron, he is good. He always beats my pacers when it matter. Not that they are any good this year lol.

I hate Lebron because he's a coward. He is overhyped in the media for being a great player (which he is), but at the same time needed people at his skill level to lead him to a championship. He's a great player, but he's a terrible leader, and is nothing like a Jordan who wants to win a game. Lebron would rather pass to Wade, Bosh, Irving, Love or whoever and have them win it.

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I hate Lebron because he's a coward. He is overhyped in the media for being a great player (which he is), but at the same time needed people at his skill level to lead him to a championship. He's a great player, but he's a terrible leader, and is nothing like a Jordan who wants to win a game. Lebron would rather pass to Wade, Bosh, Irving, Love or whoever and have them win it.

Yeah that is when I started hating him honestly. The whole "Decision" on live television shows what kind of person he is. He wants the attention. I agree. Jordan achieved greatness with one team and didn't have to bring in multiple stars to help him. 

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Just now, Colts1324 said:

Yeah that is when I started hating him honestly. The whole "Decision" on live television shows what kind of person he is. He wants the attention. I agree. Jordan achieved greatness with one team and didn't have to bring in multiple stars to help him. 

I was an NBA fan as a kid, I quickly stopped watching it though. The inclusion of these "superteams" just makes things worse. Don't mind when it happens organically in Football or Baseball as it comes from great scouting and witty FA signings, but Basketball you can rig the system.

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I hate Lebron because he's a coward. He is overhyped in the media for being a great player (which he is), but at the same time needed people at his skill level to lead him to a championship. He's a great player, but he's a terrible leader, and is nothing like a Jordan who wants to win a game. Lebron would rather pass to Wade, Bosh, Irving, Love or whoever and have them win it.

I have LeBron in my Top 10 players ever but it is mainly because he is a rare type of athlete. His athleticism is nothing like we haven't seen before in the NBA IMO. He has a great resume as well with 4 League MVP's and 3 Championships. Having said that he isn't near the leader that Jordan, Magic, and Bird was and Bird was a Better Rebounder and Shooter than LeBron is. LeBron leaving Cleveland the 1st time to join Wade still sticks with me as a sore spot as well. If you are LeBron being hyped up by the media back in mid 2000's as the next Jordan wouldn't you want to beat players like Wade not join them? How some people don't look at that and scratch their head is mindboggling. I would take Jordan, Magic, Bird, and Kobe over him all-time. Centers I would take over him are Kareem, Wilt, Shaq, and Russell. That puts LeBron 9th or 10th because in reality Duncan has a better resume than LeBron does and played his whole career in San Antonio.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I have LeBron in my Top 10 players ever but it is mainly because he is a rare type of athlete. His athleticism is nothing like we haven't seen before in the NBA IMO. He has a great resume as well with 4 League MVP's and 3 Championships. Having said that he isn't near the leader that Jordan, Magic, and Bird was and Bird was a Better Rebounder and Shooter than LeBron is. LeBron leaving Cleveland the 1st time to join Wade still sticks with me as a sore spot as well. If you are LeBron being hyped up by the media back in mid 2000's as the next Jordan wouldn't you want to beat players like Wade not join them? How some people don't look at that and scratch their head is mindboggling. I would take Jordan, Magic, Bird, and Kobe over him all-time. Centers I would take over him are Kareem, Wilt, Shaq, and Russell. That puts LeBron 9th or 10th because in reality Duncan has a better resume than LeBron does and played his whole career in San Antonio.

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

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I'm gonna say Pat's and Cowboys rightnow...but I thing the Giants could beat the Cowboys. I really don't wanna pick NE, but at the end of the day, I just get the feeling the Pat's will be playing their best ball when it matters most, Bill will have the machine in high gear and primed for another run. It's just how it works for them. And they just execute and play with a consistency and discipline that really no other team matches. They very very rarely make the big mistakes or shoot themselves in the foot, they aren't gonna give you free points or extra opportunities, they just don't. So as much as I don't wanna pick them, I just have to be honest and say it is very likely they get back to the SB when all is said and done.

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I'll be one of the few colts voting for the pats because simply the playoffs in the afc run through them and they only lost to an afc team once and that's when Brady wasn't playing..I'm not a pats hater though other than us I liked how well structured they are (yes I know they cheated) but they never seem to have the dumb issues we have and still look good 

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I will be rooting for the Steelers, as unpopular as that may be. I like Roethlisberger, and I think they can beat the Pats this year. Would love to see Ben get another SB if Luck can't.

I don't like the steelers I hate the patriots if it comes down to those two teams in the AFC for the right to play in the superbowl I will root for the steelers even though I don't want either in there.

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1 minute ago, jameszeigler834 said:

I don't like the steelers I hate the patriots if it comes down to those two teams in the AFC for the right to play in the superbowl I will root for the steelers even though I don't want either in there.


Agreed.  On the NFC side I'll root for Zeke.  

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I havn't really given it much thought really.   I like watching Zeke...  So I guess I could pull for the Cowboys if they make it to the big Game.    I always pull for Eli,  so if the Giants make it,  I'll be for them.


If the Pats make it.... I will be rooting for the NFC, whoever it may be.

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13 minutes ago, Synthetic said:

Bandwagon for the Packers. 


Absolutely no Patriots, no Steelers, and NO Giants. Spare us another Giants/Patriots SB, and all is OK in the NFL world. 


I was all set and ready to bandwagon for the Raiders.......but now it looks hopeless.


Chiefs I will root for in the AFC but I have major doubts. I guess I can pull slightly for the Steelers but that still feels kinda dirty. Miami has no chance.


Pack still have to get in but who really thinks they won't? lol


Packers all the way!!!!!!!!! Maybe they can pull off a 2010.

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