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New England @ Denver (Gday/Post Game - Merged)


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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

It wont be that, Denver's Defense has Ware, a healthy Miller, and Talib now.


And not John Fox, who came unprepared for crowd noise and looked like a deer in the headlights while the Broncos were self destructing.


Peyton tied Kurt Warner last time for the second player to take 2 teams to a SB and the second player to throw 2 pick sixes in a SB :(. As long as he hands it off and plays conservative, I am fine, I just want a close game not decided by a turnover and positive plays all around.


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2 minutes ago, chad72 said:


And not John Fox, who came unprepared for crowd noise and looked like a deer in the headlights while the Broncos were self destructing.


Peyton tied Kurt Warner last time for the second player to take 2 teams to a SB and the second player to throw 2 pick sixes in a SB :(. As long as he hands it off and plays conservative, I am fine, I just want a close game not decided by a turnover and positive plays all around.


Yeah I wasn't a big fan of Fox, Kubes is better IMO. The way he has handled the QB position was freakin perfect too. He knew what he was doing by giving Brock in game experience and giving the Sheriff rest to get him a SB

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3 minutes ago, BloodyChamp said:

I personally think that this is the real SB, aka the 2 best teams in the league. The SB will be the best team vs the 3rd best team imo.

Funny, I'm thinking the opposite. I feel like the Panthers/Cards are the best and the Broncos/Pats are 3/4.

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Patriots got a few nonsense personal fouls (too long to get back in bounds, seriously?!) and the hit on Edelman.


Brady had no less than two blatant intentional groundings - one late in the game where immediately after Gronk did what he does. Also they didn't call his pushoffs per the norm but he was being held a bit particularly on that one play by Talib in the end zone.


The Patriots got their usual lucky break with the fluke lateral that Hillman was too stupid to pick up. And, overall, the benefit of the zebras.


Apart from the last drive aided by nonsense and the short field TD by Denver's ineptitude on offense, the vaunted Pats offense did a whole lot of jack squat all night.



Looks like DEN/CAR. I think the cards are a better matchup for DEN if only because Newton is so dangerous/mobile he can help nullify the pass rush. They'd have a much easier time getting to Palmer.


Defense wins championships. Too bad CAR has a defense AND an offense...gonna be tough.

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1 minute ago, nburgmei said:

Funny, I'm thinking the opposite. I feel like the Panthers/Cards are the best and the Broncos/Pats are 3/4.

That's what I was referring to. I thought we were talking about the NFC game now lol! These are definitely the 2 best teams even though Carolina is kicking butt. They're just that good.

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Yeah..Kubiak deserves a ton of credit..

He pulled Manning at the right time vs. KC and pulled Brock at the right time vs SD...


I think his offense is a little 1990s...but he handled this situation well....and he goes to the big Bowl for the first time with the team he used to play for.


Must mean so much to him

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1 hour ago, Andrew Luck's Beard said:

Casinos are pretty happy.


Funny you say that as I was just hearing that tons on money came in early on NE -3 Most of it was John Q public. Contrary to what many people around here think (that they always just move the line to balance the action ) , Vegas just kept taking money on NE minus 3 and never moved the line. They made a fortune on this one...




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1 hour ago, oldunclemark said:

early SF weatgher..14 days out..

Upper 50s and rain fior the Super Bowl......rain all week


Hope that's wrong

I am so stoked as I a work 1 mile away from the SB.  I will be taking that week off!! 


California is in sever drought where we are restricted to certain days to water our lawn and if we go over too much water usage we get fined..BUt the last month has been RAIN RAIN RAIN and it will rain in the SB.... go figure

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30 minutes ago, dw49 said:


Funny you say that as I was just hearing that tons on money came in early on NE -3 Most of it was John Q public. Contrary to what many people around here think (that they always just move the line to balance the action ) , Vegas just kept taking money on NE minus 3 and never moved the line. They made a fortune on this one...





How does anyone know that the money kept going to NE and wasn't more balanced early? When do the books give indication that the bets coming in are favoring one side or the other, aside from moving the line?


Honest questions.

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3 hours ago, shakedownstreet said:

whoosh! thank you football gods


thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you


THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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It's been awesome to see Denver's defense carry that team...and they did that today. Manning has managed his game well and made no mistakes.


The Super Bowl is going to be one heck-u-va match! Carolina looks like an impossible team to stop honestly and the momentum I say absolutely favors them...but I'll be hoping that Denver gets it done so Manning can retire with another championship!

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One of the greatest playoff games ever played. I was almost certain Brady was going to do it again but Denver's D was too much today. Peyton's run for a first down was sweet. Now Denver has to beat the Panthers so I don't have to watch Newton celebrate himself every chance he gets. Why did Carolina go for the two pint conversion so late in the game?

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46 minutes ago, Superman said:


How does anyone know that the money kept going to NE and wasn't more balanced early? When do the books give indication that the bets coming in are favoring one side or the other, aside from moving the line?


Honest questions.

espn reports it.  i guess the casinos tell them where the money is going


a quick link if you havent seen it  



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1 hour ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

Not sure why people calling it an upset when the #1 seed, with the #1 defense, playing home against a team they beat before--wins the game?204 likes



I think it's considered an upset because at this point it's pretty much assumed that NE had all of Denver's offensive and defensive playcalls recorded and memorized.  They probably had a copy of Denver's playbook too.  It's also likely that Denver's lockerroom was bugged (that one was very tricky for Belichek to pull off).

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3 hours ago, Bogie said:


NE wins this game if they go for the field goals in the red zone. Knowing they managed to get down there and get a TD at the end, they could have won it if they coached it better. 


I don't want to take away from Denver on this one, cause they managed to win with their poor offense, and a defense playing absolutely amazing, but NE did coach this game horribly down the stretch with decision making 


You are full of excuses and nitpicks for a team that you clearly don't root for. Is this one Manning hate-fueld or is it disdain deriving from the fact that the Saints are bad again?

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