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Tom Brady's post-game comments. Beginning to notice a trend.


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He mentioned after the Denver game, "I don't think I've ever been so visibly * off after a loss." Okay, I'm fine with that, but then the week before against Buffalo, he said on the WEEI's Dennis and Callahan Show, "I was pretty agitated all night. For three hours and 20 minutes, I was pretty agitated."

Is it just me or is this getting old? Are we going to hear about how mad he is every week?


Also, he's wrong. The most he's been visibly upset after a loss was when he was chasing after a ref, yelling profanities at him, as they headed into the tunnel.

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What a cry baby...oh wait, we already knew that....how dare anyone cheat the Patriots out of a game, they would never ever do that, oh wait.....

And the clock thing he is crying about is an actual rule. Look it up Tom...... quit trying to scapegoat for your own screw up

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What a cry baby...oh wait, we already knew that....how dare anyone cheat the Patriots out of a game, they would never ever do that, oh wait.....

And the clock thing he is crying about is an actual rule. Look it up Tom...... quit trying to scapegoat for your own screw up


According to Blandino the call was correct but the refs should have told coach and QB what they were going to do (wind the clock). So the refs got it half right...

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Brady's Standard Operating Procedures for trying to win a football game.


1. Cheat, if that doesnt work, go to Step 2.

2. Start throwing tantrums at the sideline, if that doesnt work, go to Step 3

3. Start yelling and whining at refs.


Next time, he needs to be flagged for yelling at refs.

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Ah this is good stuff. I remember a certain visitor to this board was trying to downplay the amount Brady goes after refs. Said lots of players do it (which is true) but Brady takes it to another level.

What the league should do is send out a memo to all the teams saying this is a game and sportsmanship is important so knock off the attitude with the refs. This way the hypersensitive Pats fans won't have a leg to stand on when the league starts flagging Brady for his temper tantrums (though they'll still claim the refs are jealous haters and are out to get them).

Let the coaches handle this stuff.

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And plenty don't have four rings either.

So because he has had a great team and an even greater coach help him get those rings he's allowed to be a poor sport? He's allowed to berate someone for trying to do their job? He's allowed to get away with acting like a little girl and complain about something he has benefited from in the past without raising issue?


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And plenty don't have four rings either.

What's four Rings got to do with a lack of respect and acting like a grown respectable adult or even better for Brady, having Integrity ???? Not a dang Thing!!! Rings are great, but if you don't have respect, Integrity which Brady's is under big question. Then your worth just about nothing in my book and many others. 4 rings doesn't justify his actions. If you stole a bunch of money and became the richest person in the world. Because you're now the richest person in the world does that justify the means by which you became the richest person in the world??? Not at all!!! If it does to you, the I'd have question your judge of character greatly!!!

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The real litmus test is this. If you saw your child act like this during any sort of competition, would you correct it? If you say no, then there's nothing more that needs to be said as there is a fundamental difference in the way we are.

If you think it's apples and oranges then you're missing the point.

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Every player expresses their competitiveness differently. I'll take Brady and his four rings any day. Joe too.

So you're gonna brag and idolize about a guy who's part of a football team that happened to win 4 rings. A team, that you literally have no bearing on their success and failures. A team that you were either born into being a fan of or chose to be a fan of them for whatever reasons you may have. You're going to sit here and justify Brady's excessive and egregious behavior as competitive spirit? lmao the equilavent of a player who acts like Brady in basketball would be a guy who cries to the ref and yells obscenities at him throughout the game literally whenever he feels that he made a call benefiting the other team. The equivalent of a soccer player who acts like Brady would be a guy/girl whom yells at the ref after legit every dive, suspect out of bounds call, or bullcrap penalty. These guys are trying to do their job in realtime, no replays and Brady berates them for it as if they're in a conspiracy against him. It's not like he's just complaining but he's also yelling obscenities. You call his behavior competitive, yet any other fanbase can recognise that it's bratish in every sense of the word. And on top of ALL this you have the audacity to come on a COLTS forum to gloat about your football team (because let's be honest, most of the stuff you write is either "heeey guys look at this awesome thing about Brady and the patriot's, I swear I'm not humble bragging!" Or "yooo look at how bad Manning is right now, and how my quarterback is old but playing well and winning; I swear I'm not just trying to incite emotional responses via thinly veiled troll attempts"). You're a smart girl, but we are not fools that can't recognise these things. I used to have respect for your postings but now that has been lost. You should consider permanently staying on ye olde Patriots board. I'm not attacking you or anything btw, just analyzing things.

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So you're gonna brag and idolize about a guy who's part of a football team that happened to win 4 rings. A team, that you literally have no bearing on their success and failures. A team that you were either born into being a fan of or chose to be a fan of them for whatever reasons you may have. You're going to sit here and justify Brady's excessive and egregious behavior as competitive spirit? lmao the equilavent of a player who acts like Brady in basketball would be a guy who cries to the ref and yells obscenities at him throughout the game literally whenever he feels that he made a call benefiting the other team. The equivalent of a soccer player who acts like Brady would be a guy/girl whom yells at the ref after legit every dive, suspect out of bounds call, or bullcrap penalty. These guys are trying to do their job in realtime, no replays and Brady berates them for it as if they're in a conspiracy against him. It's not like he's just complaining but he's also yelling obscenities. You call his behavior competitive, yet any other fanbase can recognise that it's bratish in every sense of the word. And on top of ALL this you have the audacity to come on a COLTS forum to gloat about your football team (because let's be honest, most of the stuff you write is either "heeey guys look at this awesome thing about Brady and the patriot's, I swear I'm not humble bragging!" Or "yooo look at how bad Manning is right now, and how my quarterback is old but playing well and winning; I swear I'm not just trying to incite emotional responses via thinly veiled troll attempts"). You're a smart girl, but we are not fools that can't recognise these things. I used to have respect for your postings but now that has been lost. You should consider permanently staying on ye olde Patriots board. I'm not attacking you or anything btw, just analyzing things.


post of the week.

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Brady is never happen after a loss. Par for the course. His competitive drive is one of the biggest factors for his success.

Manning has had a better competitive drive, for a longer period of time....he didn't allow another QB to share QB duties in college like Brady did. 


Manning never berates refs.  Brady is just an arrogant * and the whole world knows it. 


Too bad..the perfect season....the one thing the Pats and their fans cared about most...is up in smoke.


THAT's what Brady is so mad about....and pretending to not care about that.  Yeah right....

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So you're gonna brag and idolize about a guy who's part of a football team that happened to win 4 rings. A team, that you literally have no bearing on their success and failures. A team that you were either born into being a fan of or chose to be a fan of them for whatever reasons you may have. You're going to sit here and justify Brady's excessive and egregious behavior as competitive spirit? lmao the equilavent of a player who acts like Brady in basketball would be a guy who cries to the ref and yells obscenities at him throughout the game literally whenever he feels that he made a call benefiting the other team. The equivalent of a soccer player who acts like Brady would be a guy/girl whom yells at the ref after legit every dive, suspect out of bounds call, or bullcrap penalty. These guys are trying to do their job in realtime, no replays and Brady berates them for it as if they're in a conspiracy against him. It's not like he's just complaining but he's also yelling obscenities. You call his behavior competitive, yet any other fanbase can recognise that it's bratish in every sense of the word. And on top of ALL this you have the audacity to come on a COLTS forum to gloat about your football team (because let's be honest, most of the stuff you write is either "heeey guys look at this awesome thing about Brady and the patriot's, I swear I'm not humble bragging!" Or "yooo look at how bad Manning is right now, and how my quarterback is old but playing well and winning; I swear I'm not just trying to incite emotional responses via thinly veiled troll attempts"). You're a smart girl, but we are not fools that can't recognise these things. I used to have respect for your postings but now that has been lost. You should consider permanently staying on ye olde Patriots board. I'm not attacking you or anything btw, just analyzing things.


Edit: Picture not working :(

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    • Id say avoid drafting or taking players from your team that you’re a fan of. I’m an avid fantasy guy and also a sports bettor. I literally will avoid taking any Colts players In fantasy and also during the week in fantasy football I avoid taking the props of the players I’m playing against. I never want to wish bad on anyone so for that very reason I avoid those guys. For me personally it has helped tremendously, I can still enjoy the game without bias. 
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    • I'm not creating anything.  Till AR can stay on the field it's Flacco that has to be tough. 
    • I understand that but till AR shows he can stay on the field, Flacco has to be the man. It's that simple. 
    • Yeah because AR wasn’t 100%.  The Colts are clearly being protective of him after last year and frankly the Luck situation.  Irsay has said more than once they learned from the Luck mistakes and would be more cautious with AR.  You are trying to create QB controversy that doesn’t exist.
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