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The 28th ranked defense....


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After 5 games the Colts are ranked 28th overall in the NFL. I know we've had some injuries in the secondary but considering the lack of elite offenses faced to this point while also playing a few bad teams do you have ANY concerns about the defense going forward? I've never been a Greg Mac fan because his knock has always been geared toward his rather basic 3-4 scheme lacking exotic blitzes and his tendency toward a bend but don't break style. I thought with Chuck as hc the defense would become a lot more aggressive but I'm not seeing it. Six sacks after 5 games for a team in the 3-4 is pedestrian. Now comes the meat of the schedule with the Colts facing the big boys. Will the defense get better or will they drop to the bottom of the barrel?

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 do you have ANY concerns about the defense going forward?



I don't have a half a day to go into every reason, but the quick answer is yes, I have a lot of concerns.  Tune in Sunday night for a prime example of those concerns on display for a nation to see.


Quick indicators:

How many turnovers have we generated?

How many sacks?

How has the opposing QB done against us?  (hint:  Brady like numbers from the beard is not good...not our beard....the other one)

and the list could go on and on.

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We should have a top 5 defense against what has to be the weakest QB opposition for any team this year so far.  So to be 28th is absolutely terrible.  Of course some of the blame can be shifted to the offensive struggles as well.

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Defense is better then that. Stop paying attention to rankings. We've won more games then we've lost and the defense is a big part of that. One could argue it's the offense that lost the first two games. Colt are getting healthy and coming around. Here comes the fun. 

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This is Manusky's MO.  His defenses usually start off good but then after a couple of years they become very predictable and easy to game plan against.  Even someone who just started watching the Colts this years knows that if it's 3rd and 7 or more the Colts will blitz the ILBs up the middle, The front three will try to take the gap to the strong side (or the long side of the field if it's a balanced formation).


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Are we ranked 28th in defense due to yards given up or points given up?


Edit: After looking some things up we are ranked 19th in run defense due to yards given up, and not yards per attempt which is much more important to look at. If rush defense was based off of yards per attempt we would be ranked 11th. We are also ranked 28th in pass defense which may be justified due to the injuries and yards we have given up. We are lacking a dominant pass rush and our defense has been pretty vanilla this year compared to other years as our hands have been tied with injuries. I don't think we are as bad as we are made out to be as some of their ranking systems aren't the best for ranking defenses. I think we are a middle of the pack defense nothing dominant, but nothing terrible just average.

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As good as our D-Line is. We have virtually no pass rush and our secondary has been banged up pretty bad all year. We aren't that bad guys. If Mathis keeps getting back to normal, he could be making an impact here pretty soon. I could see him getting 8-10 sacks no joke. He looks just as fast and explosive as he was a couple years ago. We just need to get him up to speed and then he needs to be starting and playing most of the game. If we want a pass rush that is.

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We should have a top 5 defense against what has to be the weakest QB opposition for any team this year so far.  So to be 28th is absolutely terrible.  Of course some of the blame can be shifted to the offensive struggles as well.

Also bare in mind that the d-line has been upgraded accounting for at least half of the 6 sacks with the 2 rookies (Anderson and Parry) along with Langford (via FA) all having a sack apiece. The safety spot has been upgraded with Lowery over Landry along with better backups at linebackers in Irving and Moore. I don't think most realize that this defense fields 5 former pro bowlers in Davis, Adams, Jackson, Cole and Mathis returning to form. We have an upstart in Newsome and an underrated stud in Walden. To me we have MORE than enough talent on this defense and I think Greg Mac's vanilla scheme is the problem in utilizing the talent!! If say like a Wade Phillips or Rex  had this defense they would be unleashed with unpredictable and exotic blitzes instead of just hoping Mathis can return to form... :facepalm:   

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Secondary has struggled add in next to no pass rush and QBs can just sit there and pick them apart.

Think about it, people joke the Colts have the best two QBs in the AFC south and the rest of the AFC Sourh's QBs picked their defense apart. What do you think a QB like Brady will do if the Colts don't play better on the secondary and figure out away to get to the QB?

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No pass rush and lack of secondary help has dictated these numbers. Add in the fact that the first 11 quarters of the season the offense couldn't stay on the field longer than 3 plays and you get a defense that will tire quickly.


Remember folks, the reason why the Colts defense looked dominate for a few weeks last season was because the Colts offense was soaking up a lot of time off the clock. That hasn't been the case this season and thus the defense is suffering. I was honestly waiting for the Colts defense just to crumble at the end in the Jacksonville game with how many consecutive 3 and outs the offense had.

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28th defense? I'm surprised. We are not that bad.

I think ALOT had to do with the first 2 weeks with lots of turnovers and penalties creating more opportunities for the opposing offense.  Plus the secondary injuries didn't help the cause.  For the most part the defense has been good, aside from a handful of really BIG plays!  Our defense ISN'T as bad as what people think...

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This is Manusky's MO.  His defenses usually start off good but then after a couple of years they become very predictable and easy to game plan against.  Even someone who just started watching the Colts this years knows that if it's 3rd and 7 or more the Colts will blitz the ILBs up the middle, The front three will try to take the gap to the strong side (or the long side of the field if it's a balanced formation).

Shhh there are Patriot fans on here spying lol

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Interestingly, we are 12th in yards per carry against at 3.8, whilst being 22nd in run yards against at 560. I don't think we will conceed another 250 yard game against the Pats. We are tougher up front. I see the damage being done on dump offs and check downs to the RB.

I know it's a given, but we have to stop Brady but we can't go crazy with blitzes. They need to be well timed. Everyone knows interior pressure is key so if there was ever a game for Anderson, Parry and Langford to step up it is Sundaym

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Yes. Our CBs are borderline brain dead (to be kind) when it comes to zone and Vontae Davis may be the worst of the bunch.

They were bad last week, but Davis wasn't able to play decent man with his foot injury (or zone for that matter) but he was a body who could go, CB is thin right now. If they weren't in zone Davis would have been a bigger liability. I sure hope he's better this sunday.

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for a number go games we were without 2 top cbs and went into the rest of the games with 4th and 5th and practice squad cbs so i say that we are better than the ranking.

Out of the 4 Colts games this season the Colts defense allowed the most passing yards and most total yards last week vs the Texans. And that was with the starting 3 CBs. But a lot of that can be attributed to the same stupidly soft zone being run all game long.

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They were bad last week, but Davis wasn't able to play decent man with his foot injury (or zone for that matter) but he was a body who could go, CB is thin right now. If they weren't in zone Davis would have been a bigger liability. I sure hope he's better this sunday.

We really don't know how much Davis' injury was effecting him and you can't assure me he would have been worse in man, considering how bad he was doing in zone. He's always been bad in zone, injured or not. Zone is not his game, at all. He gets lost and caught looking in the backfield (see Jalen Strongs TD, see the TD on his side in the Steelers game last year before he exited).

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We really don't know how much Davis' injury was effecting him and you can't assure me he would have been worse in man, considering how bad he was doing in zone. He's always been bad in zone, injured or not. Zone is not his game, at all. He gets lost and caught looking in the backfield (see Jalen Strongs TD, see the TD on his side in the Steelers game last year before he exited).

Thing is look at the tape, he was lining up deep off of every receiver he played unless it was the stretch where he got torched playing Hopkins in man coverage. It's was evident to me that he was playing hurt/slower than usual, by a lot. Again, he was body, due to depth. I agree that when he's healthy there's not a good reason to use him in zone. That alone might be a reason the secondary is generally poor in zone- Davis isn't hurt that often, negating the need to do it/practice it. They ran zone so he could play. I could be wrong though. Not arguing any point really other than Davis looked like a hobbled version of himself and it did matter.

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Out of the 4 Colts games this season the Colts defense allowed the most passing yards and most total yards last week vs the Texans. And that was with the starting 3 CBs. But a lot of that can be attributed to the same stupidly soft zone being run all game long.


You know what I took out the game last week - the W.  To me that was all that mattered - short week, being the road team, coming off an overtime game with a banged up team, and they still managed to win.  The yards given up were atrocious but I don't discount the factors mentioned.


Now clearly they need to be better and I am not sure this is the week that will happen.  Ultimately, I think the fatal flaw in this team will be its inability to get to the QB.  


Not sure what my point is - just wanted to write some words. :thmup:

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Thing is look at the tape, he was lining up deep off of every receiver he played unless it was the stretch where he got torched playing Hopkins in man coverage. It's was evident to me that he was playing hurt/slower than usual, by a lot. Again, he was body, due to depth. I agree that when he's healthy there's not a good reason to use him in zone. That reason alone might be a reason the secondary is generally poor in zone- Davis isn't hurt that often, negating the need to do it/practice it. Dunno. Not arguing any point really other than Davis looked like a hobbled version of himself and it did matter.

I'm not arguing Davis wasn't at least somewhat hobbled, but I don't think he could have done much worse in man because that is just his comfort zone, no pun intended. Also, Greg Toler who shouldn't have been limited was lining up far off his man even more than Davis (and he's also more comfortable in press man), iirc.

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I'm not arguing Davis wasn't at least somewhat hobbled, but I don't think he could have done much worse in man because that is just his comfort zone, no pun intended. Also, Greg Toler who shouldn't have been limited was lining up far off his man even more than Davis (and he's also more comfortable in press man), iirc.


Toler was playing Hopkins most of the game and got his a kicked to the point where Davis got a crack and did no better. Yeah, Toler is a press guy, but he's not a shut down the #1WR guy either. There was definable reasons why the secondary stunk last week. I'm putting Davis's health/ability at least on par with scheme.

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You know what I took out the game last week - the W. To me that was all that mattered - short week, being the road team, coming off an overtime game with a banged up team, and they still managed to win. The yards given up were atrocious but I don't discount the factors mentioned.

Now clearly they need to be better and I am not sure this is the week that will happen. Ultimately, I think the fatal flaw in this team will be its inability to get to the QB.

Not sure what my point is - just wanted to write some words. :thmup:

I'm picking up what you're putting down. The DBs shouldn't be the issue long term if they can heal up and get back to their comfort zone, press man.

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Toler was playing Hopkins most of the game and got his a kicked to the point where Davis got a crack and did no better. Yeah, Toler is a press guy, but he's not a shut down the #1WR guy either. There was definable reasons why the secondary stunk last week. I'm putting Davis's health/ability at least on par with scheme.

They both got their respective * kicked by Hopkins and they both were playing in a scheme that they don't excel.

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Out of the 4 Colts games this season the Colts defense allowed the most passing yards and most total yards last week vs the Texans. And that was with the starting 3 CBs. But a lot of that can be attributed to the same stupidly soft zone being run all game long.

I agree and that's why I see a problem with the way the scheme is being ran. It is non aggressive and lacks creativity (Mac's trait) to get to opposing qbs. Even when healthy I thought the Colts relied too much on Mathis getting to the qb. We can all say whatever about the injuries but the bottom line is that starting Sunday for about the next 7 weeks the defense will be in the crosshairs of some of the best teams in the nfl and soft zones against elite teams will lead to blowout losses. Pep, Luck and the offense took the early heat (rightfully so) but seem to be headed in the right direction with better playcalling. Now it's Greg Mac's turn to be front and center.....

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QB's we've faced:






We should have a top 5 defense against what has to be the weakest QB opposition for any team this year so far. So to be 28th is absolutely terrible. Of course some of the blame can be shifted to the offensive struggles as well.

Realisticly, our secondary and pass rush are horrible. You are right

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After 5 games the Colts are ranked 28th overall in the NFL. I know we've had some injuries in the secondary but considering the lack of elite offenses faced to this point while also playing a few bad teams do you have ANY concerns about the defense going forward? I've never been a Greg Mac fan because his knock has always been geared toward his rather basic 3-4 scheme lacking exotic blitzes and his tendency toward a bend but don't break style. I thought with Chuck as hc the defense would become a lot more aggressive but I'm not seeing it. Six sacks after 5 games for a team in the 3-4 is pedestrian. Now comes the meat of the schedule with the Colts facing the big boys. Will the defense get better or will they drop to the bottom of the barrel?

Should be around 15th-20th, never 28th, that is B S. And, for the analysts still bashing our run defense, when was the last time they actually watched the Colts play? Our run defense is better than average for the NFL as a whole. People around the league are going to learn who Parry and Anderson are by the end of the season if they haven't already...

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