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Deflategate merge -- pending appeal results

Bad Morty

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And to take it a step further, the lie about the deflation level of the balls that the NFL leaked is probably also what led to all the communications with Jastremski. If you are Brady, and you hear the next day that all your footballs measured 2 lbs light and you didn't do anything, isn't your first reaction to think "crap...did one of my guys do something? I better find out what's going on".

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Who said anything about having to agree? My point was that it's weird to act surprised that this topic continues to garner so much interest and take up page after page when there's just as many Colts fans arguing about it as there are Patriots fans. That's how these forums work...and if you wish these threads would stop growing and growing, well....stop contributing to them.


And please, if you think our presence here is a pre-calculated effort to bait then I don't know what to tell you. That's just stupid.

Then why have the Mods removed quite a few comments from Patriots fans that have done exactly that? Some of you have gotten pretty good at wording your comments right up to the point of warnings and getting booted. There are pre-calculated comments that are intended to stir trouble up and to cause negative feedback. While we do have an open forum where does it say it had to be the forum where Patriot fans have to go to whine and complain about what they perceive as unfair? The Colts forum is now the place where a lot of Patriots fans come to whine and look for sympathy with the whole world against them. The poor Patriots. We are being treated so bad. :violin:

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interesting...I view most of the Colts fan posts as nonsense rebuttals to valid logical posts made by Pats fans.

Then why do you insist on none stop argument? You have helped turn the Colts forum into the place for Patriot fans to come to whine and cry about your so called misconception of being picked on. The poor Patriots are being treated unfair. The poor Patriots are hated for being winners. The Poor Patriots are being singled out. Oh Look! Mr. Kraft has spent more money on the super bowl ring that anyone in history! (Gloat) Brady is above doing anything against the rules because I say so. We don't need proof because I said so. My report is better that your report. Goodell is out to sabotage the Patriots. The Colt fans treat us so bad..... Did I leave anything out?

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Then why have the Mods removed quite a few comments from Patriots fans that have done exactly that? Some of you have gotten pretty good at wording your comments right up to the point of warnings and getting booted. There are pre-calculated comments that are intended to stir trouble up and to cause negative feedback. While we do have an open forum where does it say it had to be the forum where Patriot fans have to go to whine and complain about what they perceive as unfair? The Colts forum is now the place where a lot of Patriots fans come to whine and look for sympathy with the whole world against them. The poor Patriots. We are being treated so bad. :violin:


Mods have removed quite a few comments from Colts fans as well. That tends to happen when there is a topic being passionately discussed and the conversation degenerates into bickering and calling each other out instead of listening to each other's different viewpoints and accepting other opinions. But again, there is a difference between a) having a different perspective, belief, or opinion....and b) literally planning to add nothing to a conversation other than having the sole intention to incite. You seem not to know the difference because I havent seen you call out any of your own for doing just that...and it's against the rules regardless of what team you root for. 


And please, stop making it sound like Patriots fans are flocking here to whine and complain...there are like what, 4 of us here presenting other explanations or possibilities in a topic that has garnered a lot of interest this off season. Since when did that become frowned upon? Just because another explanation may exist other than the one that you believe, that doesnt mean we are egging you on just by discussing them. If it angers you, well...that's on you, not us. 

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Then why do you insist on none stop argument? You have helped turn the Colts forum into the place for Patriot fans to come to whine and cry about your so called misconception of being picked on. The poor Patriots are being treated unfair. The poor Patriots are hated for being winners. The Poor Patriots are being singled out. Oh Look! Mr. Kraft has spent more money on the super bowl ring that anyone in history! (Gloat) Brady is above doing anything against the rules because I say so. We don't need proof because I said so. My report is better that your report. Goodell is out to sabotage the Patriots. The Colt fans treat us so bad..... Did I leave anything out?

I'm not even sure I've used the word "Superbowl" more than 5 times since I've been here. This topic is interesting to discuss with Colts fans, because I think for the most part you all come from a perspective of "they are guilty and I really don't care much about what the facts are...the NFL says they are guilty, they paid a guy a lot of money to back them up on that claim, and that's good enough for me". So to me, it's interesting seeing how people cling to that preconception over time as developments make it more and more clear that the preconception was flat out wrong. The NFL did a poor job making a case here. If you were objective, you'd see it clearly.

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No, I believe that a ruling that does not exonerate Brady will not satisfy Brady as that is what he has said in his appeal letter. We will see if he goes to court as I think if Goodell does pardon him from the deflation but still gives him a game or two for non-coop than he may drop it. Who knows as none of us have ever seen Brady in this situation. I do believe that Brady believes he is 100 percent innocent. How far he pushes that is anyone's guess.

AM Since your so knowledgeable on the Patriots what is Bill Belichick's take on this?  I haven't seen anything on this I figured you could answer my question.


Another question how do you believe your innocent.  I would think you would know one way or another whether you were or not  ?

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No, I believe that a ruling that does not exonerate Brady will not satisfy Brady as that is what he has said in his appeal letter. We will see if he goes to court as I think if Goodell does pardon him from the deflation but still gives him a game or two for non-coop than he may drop it. Who knows as none of us have ever seen Brady in this situation. I do believe that Brady believes he is 100 percent innocent. How far he pushes that is anyone's guess.

You are really making me laugh this morning.

You write . . . I do believe that Brady believes he is 100 percent innocent. 
Huh?  Brady believes he is innocent?  What a weird choice of words.  Unless Brady is suffering from amnesia, I would think that Brady would know that he is 100 percent innocent . . . unless, of course, he isn't.
Then you write . . . 
 But overall this has no effect on Brady as I have said repeatedly in terms of his legacy whether he serves 4 games or none. What effected his legacy the most was winning THAT super bowl on Feb. 1. He had to win that game and he did to become the sports biggest winner and most accomplished player in the SB era. The only thing this suspension really effects is this season which again is largely irrelevant to Brady's legacy. The man does not have to win another game but he will be out there whether in Sept or Oct going for the unprecedented 5th ring for a QB.
  Earlier in that thread, you had a post saying . . . 
 I truly can’t believe what the commissioner has done to the legacy and reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks and ambassadors in the history of the game
So, which is it am?  How can you be upset with the commissioner for doing something to the legacy of Brady when you say that this is largely irrelevant to the legacy of Brady?
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interesting...I view most of the Colts fan posts as nonsense rebuttals to valid logical posts made by Pats fans.

Bad Morty seems a little on edge himself today....thats too bad.... My only concern about todays meeting is that Krafty has padded Uncle Roger's pockets with a little $$$ and miraculously, the guilty one's suspension will be reduced.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, June 24, 2015 - commenting on moderation
Hidden by Nadine, June 24, 2015 - commenting on moderation

So I guess when Colt fans make comments and responses on a Colts forum they are expected to go right along with whatever a Patriot fan has to say? You so sick? No, some of you take full advantage of an open forum to bait and argue knowing full well exactly what the response will be. It is pre-calculated just because you can get by with it.

Yea and when you have the you know whats to talk back to the trash you get suspended for 49 days.....

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"But what if Brady turns over his communications, and no link to deflation is found?... So he will remain suspended in some fashion based on a lower bar of estimation and circumstantial evidence met by our investigators."

Obstruction & non compliance is still a violation to me & why should Brady be rewarded if he turns over his phone now in terms of leniency? At the time Ted Wells asked for Tommy text messages, Brady & his attorney said no. In my mind, delayed cooperation is not the same thing as full timely cooperation so therefore there is no pass for good behavior with no other option left but to comply now. Forget that game.

The League doesn't have to prove anything. Brady needs to furnish evidence documenting what he did the night of the AFC Championship Game, why his texts were off limits to Ted Wells, & does he really think [brady] that the rest of the world is that darn stupid? Yeah right Tommy, you throw footballs for a living but have no idea how they were low PSI wise. Please.

I don't reward players for trying to do the right thing now when the world has collectively said "Ah Tommy, we don't believe your ignorance anymore" & you don't get a 2nd bite at the I'm innocent redemption angle. Sorry. That's too little too late. You made your own bed here, by the choices you made. Now, lie in it & don't blame anyone else for the actions you yourself took of your own free will & mind Mr. Brady.

At this point since so much time has passed I wouldn't trust what is or is not on Brady's phone now. You would have to go to the Cell provider to get the truth

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Not a chance.  It will be weeks pondering the discussions brought forth today (and working around other NFL issues) before Goodell rules...


I say 3 weeks minimum.

And even then the arguments will go on ad nauseam.

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AM Since your so knowledgeable on the Patriots what is Bill Belichick's take on this?  I haven't seen anything on this I figured you could answer my question.


Another question how do you believe your innocent.  I would think you would know one way or another whether you were or not  ?

I have no idea on Bill. My feeling per his comments from mini camp is he is just getting on with the season as he always does. He is focused 100 percent on 2015. I do think he would like to know if Brady will be suspended or not but also understands he may not get that answer for quite some time.


I said Brady believes he is 100 percent innocent because none of us including myself knows if he is. But he has maintained his innocence from day one and is seeking complete exoneration with the appeal and court if necessary.

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You are really making me laugh this morning.

You write . . . I do believe that Brady believes he is 100 percent innocent. 
Huh?  Brady believes he is innocent?  What a weird choice of words.  Unless Brady is suffering from amnesia, I would think that Brady would know that he is 100 percent innocent . . . unless, of course, he isn't.
Then you write . . . 
 But overall this has no effect on Brady as I have said repeatedly in terms of his legacy whether he serves 4 games or none. What effected his legacy the most was winning THAT super bowl on Feb. 1. He had to win that game and he did to become the sports biggest winner and most accomplished player in the SB era. The only thing this suspension really effects is this season which again is largely irrelevant to Brady's legacy. The man does not have to win another game but he will be out there whether in Sept or Oct going for the unprecedented 5th ring for a QB.
  Earlier in that thread, you had a post saying . . . 
 I truly can’t believe what the commissioner has done to the legacy and reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks and ambassadors in the history of the game
So, which is it am?  How can you be upset with the commissioner for doing something to the legacy of Brady when you say that this is largely irrelevant to the legacy of Brady?


See above post to Susie on point one.


That quote about Brady's legacy and what the commish/league has done to him was from Mike Reiss, not me and was in response to another poster's question on why the league would railroad its biggest star. I believe his legacy will be just fine in the long run.

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So from what you guys are saying, it seems like 


(a) Things are the same as they've been pretty much since the punishment has been dished out.


(2) Depending on which post is being replied to, that person is either unreasonable, illogical, missing the point, or in more elaborate terms a homer or buffoon. 


(d) Bad Morty is as laughable as ever.

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The irony in most of his posts is hilarious though and the probability that he doesn't see the irony makes for great comedy.

Oh I can see the irony alright. Can you see the irony in you laughing at my irony? You are as closed-minded to the facts around this case as anybody here. You have dismissed every single thing that has come up in this investigation that doesn't 100% support the conclusions of the Wells investigation. So you are not really in a great position to be calling anybody a blind homer.

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Oh I can see the irony alright. Can you see the irony in you laughing at my irony? You are as closed-minded to the facts around this case as anybody here. You have dismissed every single thing that has come up in this investigation that doesn't 100% support the conclusions of the Wells investigation. So you are not really in a great position to be calling anybody a blind homer.


The Deflator.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, June 23, 2015 - Commenting on moderation
Hidden by SteelCityColt, June 23, 2015 - Commenting on moderation

Welcome back. How come the science doesn't prove that the balls were deflated even though some guy called himself "the deflator" 5 months earlier?

You're not gonna suck me in to this one Morton! I don't want to be suspended for another six weeks.

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Per Michael McCann: "Tom Brady testifying under oath mean's he's putting his actual freedom on the line in arguing that the NFL got it wrong"



And in the small event that someone could prove he committed perjury , who would be the one that presses charges. This just get's so silly. You and Micheal McCann really believe Brady is putting his "freedom on the lie ?" Oh my aching butt.... 

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And in the small event that someone could prove he committed perjury , who would be the one that presses charges. This just get's so silly. You and Micheal McCann really believe Brady is putting his "freedom on the lie ?" Oh my aching butt.... 


So nobody can prove he's lying, but it's beyond question that he is...that makes a lot of sense.

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So nobody can prove he's lying, but it's beyond question that he is...that makes a lot of sense.



First of all , I said in the event. If this process is Brady , his attorney Wells and Goodall .. it's pretty unlikely anyone is going to prove Brady is lying. Get it ? Secondly what I said is how in the world does Tom Brady end up in jail if he lies to Goodall ? You and McCann are very very silly to say that Brady is risking his freedom. Tell it to some stooge Pat fan with his belly hanging over his pants . Please don't try to feed that on nonsense to me

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Oh I can see the irony alright. Can you see the irony in you laughing at my irony? You are as closed-minded to the facts around this case as anybody here. You have dismissed every single thing that has come up in this investigation that doesn't 100% support the conclusions of the Wells investigation. So you are not really in a great position to be calling anybody a blind homer.

Oh my where to begin. I have not closed my mind to anything, I have only questioned the arguments of certain posters, especially when those arguments lack logic or are misrepresenting facts or information. I don't recall posting at any time that I support the Wells report 100%, perhaps you can show where I have. Finally I have not called you a blind homer, only that I find many of your post humorous.

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