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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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I've seen you share that story before. I get that.


Thing is, the NFL wasn't scooped on this. To my mind, they had this info and chose not to post it until they were ready, regardless of what ESPN was doing. They weren't understaffed and missed the biggest news of the day. This appears to be a deliberate decision not to post.


Also, to my mind, being first isn't that important. Sharing good information, as much as you can, is much more important. I don't care if I get beat by 30 minutes if what I put out is more accurate and more complete. 



I don't expect the NFL or those at the network to ever say so publicly,  but I'm confident they don't share your view of this.....


ESPN being first for more than a half hour on such a big story does not reflect well on how the NFL handles its own business.


I'm confident the NFL media types aren't happy with how this unfolded.     The Network should've had the report hours before it was due to be released....    All the material should've been ready to go before ESPN got this....


I'm sure there are many unhappy people in Culver City....

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Well, I'm sure this has been a deflating day for the Patriots. They were probably hoping the Wells report was just a lot of hot air.



I'm out of "likes" for the day....   but wanted to give you a shout-out for this!        Nice!!!      :thmup:

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Hey all. Longtime no talk. Patriots fan here...


So in reading the summary of the Wells report and reading the conclusion in the report, and reading the ball measurements in the report, etc., without reading all of it, it's my conclusion that YES, Brady knew about the scheme to deflate footballs, and lied to us all this time. I'm disappointed in that. Even the fact that the PSI had nothing to do with the outcome of the game, that's no excuse. He cheated. That's hard for me to say being a life-long Patriots fan. Some people will say but we won 28-0 in second half with properly inflated footballs. That means nothing. He cheated.


I'm at least glad the organization/head coach per the report shows they nothing to do with this. Some may still think they did, but I can't speak to that, only what the report shows. At least this wasn't a organization-wide conspiracy, which really would have ruined my day.


Having said that, Brady needs to be fined at least $50,000 and I would fine him $100,000. This appears to be one player with two clowns who attempted to influence the game by altering the balls. The fact they deflated balls after the refs inspected them, that's cheating.


To those who want to make this a greater organization conspiracy, top-down, I won't entertain those posts. To say they didn't deserve to beat Seattle, etc.. I won't entertain that. The SB was the most well-officated game in the history of the NFL. No rules were broken there with the spotlight on cheating.


So yeah, throw the book at Brady, fine him hard, I'll be right there to praise the fine. He should have came and out said he wanted light balls at his press conference. Should have taken the blame then, and not had us wait 100 days to find out he lied.



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Hard to put a lot of stock in NFL "reports" given their track record and the fact that this report is completely circumstantial and speculative.


Hard to put a lot of stock in NFL "reports" given their track record and the fact that this report is completely circumstantial and speculative.


Give it a break

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If anyone wants to get air time, call into your local sports radio station (preferably Mike Francesa on WFAN) and say you think the balls could have been deflated because the Pats filled their balls with air from Howard Stern's you know what

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and Pats fans don't seem to have the "balls" to come to "grips" with the situation.


Well, they are under a lot of pressure from the rest of the league. It must really be weighing on them.

don't you mean, the "report" LOL, but schefter just said on TV they have no PROOF! it's only relevant to pats haters like you, 100 days and still nothing but assumptions, zero evidence, nothing but "probably" and "generally" written everywhere, no proof stop sipping the haterade




You must have been waiting for the opportunity to use that. :)

haha I feel accomplished
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So if a player uses a corked bat in an MLB game, he can get fined and or suspended, but it doesn't mean the game outcome was changed. Amiright?


Same here. We got our butts handed to us and the inflation of the footballs did not change the outcome. Hear that Pats fans?


But what most of us see, is time after time of an organization trying to bend, cheat and look for gray areas around rules. I actually feel sorry for those Pats fans who just want to follow a team with pride because of its integrity. Those who continually rally against the discrediting in the face of evidence I have no empathy for.


We have facts:


Pats players exhibited defensive play to the level that inspired the league to reemphasize defensive pass interference.


The evidence that was destroyed in filmgate, was damning enough for a 3/4 million dollar fine and docked draft picks. The fact that there was no fight against that is proof enough for anyone with a brain. 


Pats used formations so questionable within the set of rules, that the league had to step in and change the rules. 


Now we have this. I can listen to all the anger and moaning from Patriot nation but it changes nothing about the Pats staying on top of the league through manipulation of the rules. 

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don't you mean, the "report" LOL, but schefter just said on TV they have no PROOF! it's only relevant to pats haters like you, 100 days and still nothing but assumptions, zero evidence, nothing but "probably" and "generally" written everywhere, no proof stop sipping the haterade


I think most would look at that statement as funny, not hateful.

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I don't expect the NFL or those at the network to ever say so publicly,  but I'm confident they don't share your view of this.....


ESPN being first for more than a half hour on such a big story does not reflect well on how the NFL handles its own business.


I'm confident the NFL media types aren't happy with how this unfolded.     The Network should've had the report hours before it was due to be released....    All the material should've been ready to go before ESPN got this....


I'm sure there are many unhappy people in Culver City....


The report went from Wells to Goodell. If the league wanted to publish the report before anyone else, they could have. That's why I don't think they care. They didn't get scooped; the NFL is the story.


It's like you and I sit down for a meal, and you ask me "why didn't you tell me you were switching jobs? I had to hear from X!" I didn't get scooped. I just hadn't told you yet. And then we start talking, and you find out the whole story -- I'm not just switching jobs, but starting my own business, etc. -- and you realize that I could have shared this information a long time ago, but chose not to because there was additional information I wanted to share at the same time. Is the person you heard from more reliable than me? Did they have the information sooner? No. They were impetuous; I was thorough.


I might be alone in this. But when I go to ESPN and see a side crawl with little tidbits of information coming out for 30 minutes, but then I go to NFL.com and see the entire story, complete with the report and statements from Goodell and the Patriots, I think that NFL.com held the story until they had everything together, but ESPN ran ahead to be "first." 

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Hey all. Longtime no talk. Patriots fan here...


So in reading the summary of the Wells report and reading the conclusion in the report, and reading the ball measurements in the report, etc., without reading all of it, it's my conclusion that YES, Brady knew about the scheme to deflate footballs, and lied to us all this time. I'm disappointed in that. Even the fact that the PSI had nothing to do with the outcome of the game, that's no excuse. He cheated. That's hard for me to say being a life-long Patriots fan. Some people will say but we won 28-0 in second half with properly inflated footballs. That means nothing. He cheated.


I'm at least glad the organization/head coach per the report shows they nothing to do with this. Some may still think they did, but I can't speak to that, only what the report shows. At least this wasn't a organization-wide conspiracy, which really would have ruined my day.


Having said that, Brady needs to be fined at least $50,000 and I would fine him $100,000. This appears to be one player with two clowns who attempted to influence the game by altering the balls. The fact they deflated balls after the refs inspected them, that's cheating.


To those who want to make this a greater organization conspiracy, top-down, I won't entertain those posts. To say they didn't deserve to beat Seattle, etc.. I won't entertain that. The SB was the most well-officated game in the history of the NFL. No rules were broken there with the spotlight on cheating.


So yeah, throw the book at Brady, fine him hard, I'll be right there to praise the fine. He should have came and out said he wanted light balls at his press conference. Should have taken the blame then, and not had us wait 100 days to find out he lied.




Fair post. I think more discipline than a little fine is deserved, but at least you own up to this. 

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The true deal is gonna be if they just fine Brady for the AFCCG or if they took all the information as true and fine Brady for all the 2014 season, because the messages are the main tie between Brady and McNally and Jastremski.

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I don't know. There weren't any deflated balls used against the Seahawks. If anything this public shame is going to motivate the Patriots even more.


I don't know. There weren't any deflated balls used against the Seahawks. If anything this public shame is going to motivate the Patriots even more.


Sorry they won the game due to the seahawks not running the instead elected to pass the ball on 4th and 1 on the patriots 1 yard line otherwise the patriots was getting their butts beat

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LOL. It's not a "report." It's a report. Stop it.


And it's not speculative. Much of it is circumstantial. There's nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence.


...just like their (former) TE, the one that shall not be named.  Ask him about the validity of circumstantial evidence in his trial.

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This is gonna get ugly. I still think all the Pats get is a fine and a slap on the wrist

Considering this is the second time this organization has been caught doing something illegal, and the recent heat Goodell has received for not operating "the right way" I'd be shocked and surprised if that's all they get.

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A narcissist grew up believing from their earliest years that they are special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. Their personality is built on a “false self”, believing that they are a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, they are not held accountable for their mistakes, lies or cruelties. The parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. They learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to their own immediate goals.

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I don't know. There weren't any deflated balls used against the Seahawks. If anything this public shame is going to motivate the Patriots even more.

Yeah there wasn't any deflated balls used against the Seahawks because the accusation had been made and deflategate was well underway during the SB. Plus the balls were inflated and watched by actual NFL personnel rather than Sea and NE team personnel as they do at every SB. I hope this public shame straightens the Pats up as there is no need for cheaters in the league. Just put your helmet on and play 60 mins of cheat free football. That is all you need to do is that so hard?

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The report went from Wells to Goodell. If the league wanted to publish the report before anyone else, they could have. That's why I don't think they care. They didn't get scooped; the NFL is the story.


It's like you and I sit down for a meal, and you ask me "why didn't you tell me you were switching jobs? I had to hear from X!" I didn't get scooped. I just hadn't told you yet. And then we start talking, and you find out the whole story -- I'm not just switching jobs, but starting my own business, etc. -- and you realize that I could have shared this information a long time ago, but chose not to because there was additional information I wanted to share at the same time. Is the person you heard from more reliable than me? Did they have the information sooner? No. They were impetuous; I was thorough.


I might be alone in this. But when I go to ESPN and see a side crawl with little tidbits of information coming out for 30 minutes, but then I go to NFL.com and see the entire story, complete with the report and statements from Goodell and the Patriots, I think that NFL.com held the story until they had everything together, but ESPN ran ahead to be "first." 


ESPN had the story up and out more than a half hour before the NFL Network.


In my world,  that's called being scooped.


Someone who had the report leaked it to ESPN.    This was not released to ESPN and then released a half hour later to the NFL Network.    That would make no sense....


That's why I'm giving props to ESPN...   someone made a great connection with a source and they got this first.    Lots of smiles and high fives in Bristol...


There would be no reason for the NFL.com to have this story and sit on it and wait to get quotes and reaction.


You release the report,  with observations from your reporters,  just as you lifted sections of the report here.   And then, over time, you get the reactions from Kraft and Goodell and you report those....


But you don't sit and wait to assemble everything....   that's just not how it works.


I don't mean to be making this a big deal here.   I realize this is very "inside the Beltway or inside baseball" type of stuff.   It only impacts media-types like me...


But since you're asking,  I'm trying to answer.....


I'm sure our exchanges are not very interesting to others here....   and that's OK....


By the way,   not for nothing....   I interviewed for a job on the Networks assignment desk a few years back and didn't get it.  


Very disappointing.     Oh well.....

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I am not denying it. I thought they probably did it back when it happened if the ball pressure reports were true from Mort. I just think this report is really reaching on some of this but we will see what happens ...

What would the NFL investigators gain by reaching on certain parts of the investigation. I could see if it was a biased investigation, but this is an independent investigation they are only going to include facts that pertain specifically to this investigation that are needed not "reach" just to speculate.

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The Deflategate report released today says that Grigson first contacted the NFL the day before the game, sending the NFL’s football operations department an email stating that Colts equipment manager Sean Sullivan had told him it was commonly known around the league that the Patriots regularly violated the rules by deflating their footballs.

“As far as the gameballs are concerned it is well known around the league that after the Patriots gameballs are checked by the officials and brought out for game usage the ballboys for the patriots will let out some air with a ball needle because their quarterback likes a smaller football so he can grip it better, it would be great if someone would be able to check the air in the game balls as the game goes on so that they don‟t get an illegal advantage,” said the email from Grigson, which attributed that “well known” information to Sullivan.


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Hey all. Longtime no talk. Patriots fan here...


So in reading the summary of the Wells report and reading the conclusion in the report, and reading the ball measurements in the report, etc., without reading all of it, it's my conclusion that YES, Brady knew about the scheme to deflate footballs, and lied to us all this time. I'm disappointed in that. Even the fact that the PSI had nothing to do with the outcome of the game, that's no excuse. He cheated. That's hard for me to say being a life-long Patriots fan. Some people will say but we won 28-0 in second half with properly inflated footballs. That means nothing. He cheated.


I'm at least glad the organization/head coach per the report shows they nothing to do with this. Some may still think they did, but I can't speak to that, only what the report shows. At least this wasn't a organization-wide conspiracy, which really would have ruined my day.


Having said that, Brady needs to be fined at least $50,000 and I would fine him $100,000. This appears to be one player with two clowns who attempted to influence the game by altering the balls. The fact they deflated balls after the refs inspected them, that's cheating.


To those who want to make this a greater organization conspiracy, top-down, I won't entertain those posts. To say they didn't deserve to beat Seattle, etc.. I won't entertain that. The SB was the most well-officated game in the history of the NFL. No rules were broken there with the spotlight on cheating.


So yeah, throw the book at Brady, fine him hard, I'll be right there to praise the fine. He should have came and out said he wanted light balls at his press conference. Should have taken the blame then, and not had us wait 100 days to find out he lied.





I agree with your statement right up to the punishment.  Fines wont cut it, not to a guy making millions upon millions.  No, the punishment must be a suspension, and not just one game.

Here we have a veteran, MVP QB knowingly ordering people to cheat and buying them off.  Pete Rose got caught gambling that his team would win and got a life time ban. Tom not only broke the rules, he paid people off with gifts AND tried to cover it up and refused to cooperate with the investigation.  1 year suspension minimum. And stripped of superbowl MVP title.

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What would the NFL investigators gain by reaching on certain parts of the investigation. I could see if it was a biased investigation, but this is an independent investigation they are only going to include facts that pertain specifically to this investigation that are needed not "reach" just to speculate.

By reaching I mean the verbiage - "probable" "likely" and this gem related to the weather/scientific explanation:


Our scientific consultants informed us that the data alone did not provide a basis

for them to determine with absolute certainty whether there was or was not tampering, as the

analysis of such data is ultimately dependent upon assumptions and information that is uncertain.

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I agree with your statement right up to the punishment.  Fines wont cut it, not to a guy making millions upon millions.  No, the punishment must be a suspension, and not just one game.

Here we have a veteran, MVP QB knowingly ordering people to cheat and buying them off.  Pete Rose got caught gambling that his team would win and got a life time ban. Tom not only broke the rules, he paid people off with gifts AND tried to cover it up and refused to cooperate with the investigation.  1 year suspension minimum. And stripped of superbowl MVP title.

and the sound of it is that this was not just a one time off thing.,......sounds like this has been going on for a looooooooooong time. plus the obstruction, lying to investigators, and past history....this could get VERY ugly for them....will it? we'll have to wait and see.

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lol. Brady has been the most hated athlete for a long time now .. this just adds some more fodder.

That statement is false, and conjecture on your part. He is one of the most beloved QB's of all time. 


Ray Ray? Micheal Vick?

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