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Why trading for a WR would be a mistake


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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).


Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).


Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.



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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).


Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).


Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.


I don't think you can base how we would do in trading for a good WR on the previous "prove it deals" we have gave to reclamation project WRs.

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I don't think you can base how we would do in trading for a good WR on the previous "prove it deals" we have gave to reclamation project WRs.



Yeah and thing is all we really know for sure is Hilton is very good and we have good receiving TE's . Moncrief has potential and who knows with Carter. We at times suffered a whole lot in 2014 when teams took TY out of the game while Wayne and Nicks couldn't separate . At this point in time , it looks like Carter , Montcrief and Hilton in 3 WR sets. Might be awesome ... might be ridiculous. I'm not a fan of trading draft picks but if a high end #2 or low end #1 was available at the right price , Grigson will probably look at it.

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For aging WRs we better not be giving up anything more than a 6th round pick. He could very well be released from the Bears anyways.

I agree, I wouldn't be giving up high draft picks for guys aging and making high dollars. Just not smart.

Of course the colts have been rumored in everything form Brandon Marshall to Elvis Presley. At this point, I have to wonder if Griggs isn't starting these rumors to keep the name out there and keep the competition guessing which way we are looking.

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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).

Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).

Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.

Trading for Dez Bryant > Signing DHB or Nicks

When you sign someone, that's all you have out in the lake so you reel them in

When you're trading, you're probably not interested in what's out there so you're going for exactly what you want

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Who's talking about trading for a WR?


I don't see that happening.


There's a terrific class of WR's waiting to be drafted.


And odds are,  Marshall is going to get released.   So, why give Chicago a pick when they'll likely let him go.


The only way to trade for Marshall is if (A) Chicago takes a mid-level pick like a #5,  and (B)  Marshall agrees to re-do his contract so it's far more reasonable. 


Otherwise,  it's not happening.....

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I would prefer not to get Marshall, even if released. It has been put out there he was not a good locker room presence this year, and worried more about his TV gig. Don't know but why upset the balance.


As to the point of the thread, no reason for us to trade for a number 2, because they are going to be released due to cap situations, so why would anyone trade for them. Marshall, Andre Johnson, Percy Harvin, Crabtree, and more. CBS did a story on what the WR market will look like, and prices could be depressed due to the likelihood so many older veterans will probably be released if they don't want to renegotiate their cap prices. Also, Jackson in TB and Wallace in Miami said no to restructures. Jackson will stay, but I say Wallace will be gone. Below is the link to the article.


Now as far as receivers I would covet, Cobb and Maclin are expected to hit FA because the tag price is so high, but still a good chance there teams will try and extend. I would love either one, but I think the best thing with what we have already is draft a WR and go with what we have. I like our projected starting 3 and 2 TE's. The only thing I wish is we had more depth.


I read today Reggie just had his surgery, and is pondering retirement. I don't know at 36 after rehabbing last year, if he would want to do it again. So, I would love to have a veteran who may not be a burner anymore, but has great hands. Can fill that Reggie hole. Marshall as I said, no. I think the perfect WR would be Andre Johnson if Houston releases him. Get him for about 6M/yr. and he still is a very good and big target. Plus he would be very good chemistry wise since he is a quiet, and lets his play talk for him, very much like Reggie. Link below on all the WR's who will probably hit the market:



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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).


Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).


Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.

Most important reason, you have Luck. He will be fine with any stable of guys. Have to get the lines better for him first.

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Brandon Marshall I think will be cut

If he is a FA, he is talented enough to go after.

However....... We have many holes that need filled...... The WR spot would probably be better served with a development project

But....... I will do my obligitary post, on the 223rd proposed and potential FA. ...... That could .... In some miraculous way.......come to the Colts :)

It's good offseason stuff

But...... In regards to Brandon

He can and has dominated at times

It's been a few years, but He caught 20 passes against us( if I remember correctly).

I have NEVER seen anything like that in the NFL

None of us really know, but supposedly, he has "grown up" the past few years

He is not "too old" for a WR. Many people at his age have another 2-3 years of production

For the right price....... If he is 100% healthy........... If he wants to be part of the team......

I think he can be had for 6 mil

If he isn't a FA, I would give a 5th round pick

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How can you compare Brandon Marshall to Nicks and DHB. This guy is a beast and would be an absolute monster in this offense, especially if we get a runnung back that defenses actually respect.

Nah, he's no good. After all, he's never had a good game against the Colts? Er, um.... Never mind.

The OP's first and second points make no sense. The past is no guarantee of the future.

He's right about the third point. But signing a WR of Marshall's calibre has nothing to do in preventing that.

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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).


Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).


Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.

Don't base the future on luck and the past...do what you have to do now

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First, the Colts haven't had luck on bringing in other WRs from other teams (Hakeem Nicks and Heyward Bey).


Second, the Colts have been very good at drafting WRs (Hilton, Moncrief).


Third, we need all the draft picks we can get to fix the defense, OL and running game.

I think third should be first and first should be third, but yes I agree 100%.  Way bigger needs at this point.  I think our WR's are just fine the way they are IF we can get a run game going.  That will all depend on the progression of the OL.  It wouldn't hurt to bring in a RB via FA.  Don't know if we can afford to take a RB early in the draft.

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This is why we keep losing to championship caliber teams when it really matters. We say we don't want to be a finesse team that only puts up "star wars" numbers, but we never commit to the trenches. We always get distracted with skill players that aren't necessarily essential to our success. New England just won it all with a unit of underdogs and/or castoffs as their receiving core. I understand we need to upgrade at receiver, but i'm not willing to fork over draft picks when we really haven't even given guys like Moncrief a chance to develop yet. Not to mention, we need to upgrade at multiple positions, and receiver is probably the least of my worries in terms of  talent and depth by position

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This is why we keep losing to championship caliber teams when it really matters. We say we don't want to be a finesse team that only puts up "star wars" numbers, but we never commit to the trenches. We always get distracted with skill players that aren't necessarily essential to our success. New England just won it all with a unit of underdogs and/or castoffs as their receiving core. I understand we need to upgrade at receiver, but i'm not willing to fork over draft picks when we really haven't even given guys like Moncrief a chance to develop yet. Not to mention, we need to upgrade at multiple positions, and receiver is probably the least of my worries in terms of  talent and depth by position


I just don't get why people think getting a WR means we can't still fix the OL and DL as well as the other holes??  We can do both.  I am not in favor of giving a high round pick, but a something like a 5th is not that big of deal.

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The question that I would ask could bringing Marshall in help the Colts beat New England? Would teams really take the chance to double TY with Marshall out there? How much better would Marshall be with a QB that can play like Luck? If the price is right bring Brandon in. I know it is March but I still remember that 45 - 7 beat down in New England. I still remember New England shutting Ty down and Luck had no one to throw to, no one to hand the ball off to. I remember how New England RB's ran up and down the field because the Colts DL's and LB's could not get off blocks or make a tackle. The Colts needs some on the field of play MONSTERS, and that what Brandon is. Nice guys have no business being on there on game day. Nice guys need to be where the fans are at, in the stands or watching the game on TV.

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People really need to stop with the Brandon Marshall "lockeroom cancer" talk. While he is one of the more outspoken guys in the lockeroom and has mental issues (mainly of which affect his personal life, not his football life), he is a very talented player that just wants to win. His strenuous relationship with mediocre Cutler casts a bad shadow on him. If he ends up on Indy with a great, young QB and winning culture, I'm willing to bet he will be just fine.


I liken it to how Randy Moss got his act together with the Patriots in 2007 (atleast for a season). Winning can sometimes make all the difference.

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