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4 factors that fueled a disappointing regular season


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Here is to hoping that the tweaks our staff is making (O-line, receiver and running back) will generate a deep playoff run....


The disappointment of the regular season was fueled by 4 big factors:


1)  Mathis suspension, and ensuing injury.  Our rebuilding plan is simply not mature enough to effectively soak up a loss at that pillar position against quality opponents.  Our sack numbers are reasonable (37) because, against modest firepower, we've been effective with the blitz.  We've gotten very little pressure, however, against elite teams.


2)  Downward spiral at wide receiver.  Despite TY's fantastic year, we simply don't have the necessary talent to gain separation to complete easy passes.  What looked like an embarrassment of riches at the position, where we thought we were 6 deep to start the year, has turned out to be simply an embarrassment during the second half of the season.  


The transition year for Reggie to age gracefully has been complicated by an injury that he really shouldn't be playing with.  At some point, when they review the season, our staff will come to the conclusion that they played Reggie for way too many snaps (if they haven't already).  Its hard to know until its too late - and the options behind him aren't all that ready or all that much better - so it isn't as clear cut as it feels to us fans without the benefit of hindsight.


3)  Perfect storm of O-line injuries and failure to develop continuity.  Whether you blame the coaches or not, the lack of continuity on the O-line has really held us back.  We've all spent a lot of time and energy on the center position, but the continuity issues really begin at RT and RG.  Cherilus has played poorly through injury, and that is, at least in part, because we've proven that we don't have a viable back-up ready to go.  


Before you judge - look at how difficult historically it is to have a new tackle step in and handle the elite edge players of the NFL.  Hard to do, and both Reitz and Nixon have looked overmatched in limited action on the edge.  We have a QB who likes to hold the ball, looking for receivers that can't separate, and a soggy right side - kind of the perfect storm.


The injuries obviously go much deeper on the O-line....but that story has been done.


4)  Abandonment of running game and ball control offense post Bradshaw.  Pep and Luck have collectively lost their rhythm in light of 2 and 3 above.  

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We still have quality at WR, I just think the offense needs more West Coast style throws implemented to suit the personnel. The deep ball can still be a major part of the offense with T.Y., Moncrief, and Fleener, but I think we would be even more effective with the addition of more west coast offense style throws getting rid of the ball quickly.  Offensive line would be aided by this as well.

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We still have quality at WR, I just think the offense needs more West Coast style throws implemented to suit the personnel. The deep ball can still be a major part of the offense with T.Y., Moncrief, and Fleener, but I think we would be even more effective with the addition of more west coast offense style throws getting rid of the ball quickly.  Offensive line would be aided by this as well.

No problem agreeing with the need for more quick throws, but I see no evidence to support that we still have quality at WR beyond TY.  It is tough to be this severe on pedigreed peformers, but Reggie and Nicks simply have limitations that make them very easy to guard in man coverage. As much promise as Moncrief is showing - and we are all right to be excited about what he may become - he isn't able or isn't being put in positions to run the routes that move the chains.


The narrative around here is more popular in blaming the O-line, but our roster quality issues are much greater at WR right now than any other position on the team.

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Hard to disagree with anything the OP wrote, great write up! :thmup:


I'm still trying to come to terms with the rebuild. I've said it before and I wish someone with more insight than me would confirm or deny:

We've improved personnel at just about every position since 2012 (losing Mathis is the big exception this season). But did the team seem to improve? I don't see it. To me, that's coaching.

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for me #1 issue is offensive line - particularly lack of quality depth.


I concur that WR outside of Hilton has proven to be an issue. Injury to Reggie hurts. Montcrief provides glimpses of promise but he is still a work in progress. Nicks  is getting reps as of late and has provided some help but for most of the season he was non-existent. I think curtting  Brazill and Rogers hurt as well since they had some experience and clearly had big play potential.


Lack of consistent pass rush is a concern against elite teams.  Injury to Mathis hurt. We have gotten some production out of Walden, Werner and NEwsome but it is not consistent. 


Lack of confidence in establishing a running game Colts have not established much of a running game this season. Part of that is due to offensive line. Loss of Bradshaw was also a huge blow as he seemed to have that extra gear that is lacking with Richardson. Herron has flashed some potential. The big issue with the running game is that the Colts never make a commitment to getting a ground game going.


Crippling injuries: Ballard, Bradshaw, Mathis, offensive line have taken their toll. Allen has been unable to stay healthy.


Bright spots:


1. Adams at SS. He has provided solid play. V. Davis is a pro-bowl caliber corner. Fleener has blossomed as a big time TE.

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1. Coaching - The coaches continue to run the same defense even when a team is consistently moving the ball. We're too easy to prepare for, teams know that we play man coverage all game. Crossing routes beats man coverage every time.


2. Pass Rush - Werner and Walden have been non existent all year, neither player is getting any pass rush. It's hurting the secondary because they have to cover for so long. 


3. Richardson - The coaching staff keeps trying to get him involved early so the trade won't look as bad but he's hurting the team. He never gains anything more then 3 yards on 1st down, a big reason for the slow starts. Richardson shouldn't be on the team next year, he's not good. 


4. ILBs - The fans who voted Jackson as a pro bowl alternate obviously don't watch Colts games and are just going by stats. He's been awful this year especially in coverage, I have no Idea why Grigson signed this guy when he doesn't fit the scheme. Freeman has underperformed as well, not good in run defense. 

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Excellent post by the OP. Yes, WR may be the position with the biggest need for upgrading in the offseason.

IMO, the overall problem with the roster is the lack of playmakers on both sides of the ball. Only TY and Mathis are the real play makers, players that the opponents have to plan for. Mathis has been out all year, and we saw the offense when TY was out.

For all of the criticism Polian got, he did build a team that at one time had EJ, Marvin, Reggie, Dallas, Freeney, Mathis, and Sanders.

Since Grigs has taken over, the team has only one player, TY, that is close to being the quality player those guys were.

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We still have quality at WR, I just think the offense needs more West Coast style throws implemented to suit the personnel. The deep ball can still be a major part of the offense with T.Y., Moncrief, and Fleener, but I think we would be even more effective with the addition of more west coast offense style throws getting rid of the ball quickly.  Offensive line would be aided by this as well.

Quick releases are not a thing that Luck does well. He has a slow delivery. Hopefully over time he can get some timing routes down with whomever his receivers end up being. TY and Moncrief are here but it seems we might need a couple of more to develop. It is a must to shore up this offensive line. IMO we don't have the players on the roster to run a west coast offense at this time.

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Excellent post by the OP. Yes, WR may be the position with the biggest need for upgrading in the offseason.

IMO, the overall problem with the roster is the lack of playmakers on both sides of the ball. Only TY and Mathis are the real play makers, players that the opponents have to plan for. Mathis has been out all year, and we saw the offense when TY was out.

For all of the criticism Polian got, he did build a team that at one time had EJ, Marvin, Reggie, Dallas, Freeney, Mathis, and Sanders.

Since Grigs has taken over, the team has only one player, TY, that is close to being the quality player those guys were.

EJ, Harrison, Wayne, Clark, Freeney were 1st rounders. Grigson has only 3 drafts. It's really hard to get 5 1st round picks in 3 drafts. Esp. when you must draft QB with one of this picks.
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Excellent post by the OP. Yes, WR may be the position with the biggest need for upgrading in the offseason.

IMO, the overall problem with the roster is the lack of playmakers on both sides of the ball. Only TY and Mathis are the real play makers, players that the opponents have to plan for. Mathis has been out all year, and we saw the offense when TY was out.

For all of the criticism Polian got, he did build a team that at one time had EJ, Marvin, Reggie, Dallas, Freeney, Mathis, and Sanders.

Since Grigs has taken over, the team has only one player, TY, that is close to being the quality player those guys were.

By the way, wasn't Harrison drafted by Bill Tobin?
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EJ, Harrison, Wayne, Clark, Freeney were 1st rounders. Grigson has only 3 drafts. It's really hard to get 5 1st round picks in 3 drafts. Esp. when you must draft QB with one of this picks.

Good point, and Tobin drafted Harrison, not Polian. But the way its heading, TRich is no EJ, Werner is neither Freeney or Mathis, and Fleener (pick #33) is no Clark (pick #24).

My point isn't to criticize Grigson, since I think he has done well with what he had, but its to point out the lack of impact players on the roster compared to past years.

The team has enough blue collar good players. Grigs needs to find a few guys with more athleticism.

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The 4 factors that fueled my disappointment were:

1) Getting beat by the Eagles after having a big lead

2) Getting blown out by the Steelers

3) Getting blown out by the Patriots at home

4) Getting blown out by the Cowboys


Whether we like it or not, these games point to incompetent coaching and terrible game preparation (more incompetent coaching).

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Good point, and Tobin drafted Harrison, not Polian. But the way its heading, TRich is no EJ, Werner is neither Freeney or Mathis, and Fleener (pick #33) is no Clark (pick #24).

My point isn't to criticize Grigson, since I think he has done well with what he had, but its to point out the lack of impact players on the roster compared to past years.

The team has enough blue collar good players. Grigs needs to find a few guys with more athleticism.


The lack of athleticism in both lines, the LB corps, and safety position all need addressing in this coming offseason.  


I would add Davis as a player the other team needs to game plan for but on balance I agree with the assessment that the team lacks playmakers.

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Quick releases are not a thing that Luck does well. He has a slow delivery.

Yes. It is something that is being blindly overlooked by many. A slow delivery puts the DB a half step to a full step ahead of where he should be. Also, Luck isn't particularly accurate. Throwing the ball high, or to the wrong shoulder or side of the WR puts the DB another half to full step ahead of where he should be. The inaccuracy is really bad on crossing routes and short outs. It contributes a lot to the drops stats

Luck's weaknesses make the WR and even the Oline look worse than they should. In contrast to Manning, who had the ability to make made them look better then they were.

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Good point, and Tobin drafted Harrison, not Polian. But the way its heading, TRich is no EJ, Werner is neither Freeney or Mathis, and Fleener (pick #33) is no Clark (pick #24).

My point isn't to criticize Grigson, since I think he has done well with what he had, but its to point out the lack of impact players on the roster compared to past years.

The team has enough blue collar good players. Grigs needs to find a few guys with more athleticism.

Maybe it is harder to evaluate all that underclassmen? Right now it looks like 1st round filled with Jr and So only.
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Good point, and Tobin drafted Harrison, not Polian. But the way its heading, TRich is no EJ, Werner is neither Freeney or Mathis, and Fleener (pick #33) is no Clark (pick #24).

My point isn't to criticize Grigson, since I think he has done well with what he had, but its to point out the lack of impact players on the roster compared to past years.

The team has enough blue collar good players. Grigs needs to find a few guys with more athleticism.


If anything Fleener is better than Clark. Fleener has redeemed himself as of late. He's got a much higher ceiling than Clark, who really just had very good hands. That's why people say this looks like the Colts team of the past. A really good QB, 2 good WRs (Moncrief still developing) and a solid TE.


Forget offense, it's the defense that lacks impact players. Mathis is from the past regime, so the only impact players on D that Grigs has brought in are Vontae Davis. The offense in terms of the receivers and RB are fine except for maybe a true #3 WR and an every down back.


The true fault in this team lies in the lines on both offense and defense.

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Appreciating the in depth analysis of the regular season..

.... any real judgement must be withheld until after January. The flaws we appear to have will either be a playoff factor

or they wont be and that's all we care about. They will be glaring or they will not be in play.

I think there is an overanalysis of the regular season of a team that we've known single October was going to the playoffs.

Is it fair to wait and see?

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1. Coaching - The coaches continue to run the same defense even when a team is consistently moving the ball. We're too easy to prepare for, teams know that we play man coverage all game. Crossing routes beats man coverage every time.


2. Pass Rush - Werner and Walden have been non existent all year, neither player is getting any pass rush. It's hurting the secondary because they have to cover for so long. 


3. Richardson - The coaching staff keeps trying to get him involved early so the trade won't look as bad but he's hurting the team. He never gains anything more then 3 yards on 1st down, a big reason for the slow starts. Richardson shouldn't be on the team next year, he's not good. 


4. ILBs - The fans who voted Jackson as a pro bowl alternate obviously don't watch Colts games and are just going by stats. He's been awful this year especially in coverage, I have no Idea why Grigson signed this guy when he doesn't fit the scheme. Freeman has underperformed as well, not good in run defense. 

Jackson has underperformed a lot I look for them to keep him one more year but Freeman I look for them to replace him Andrew Jackson needs lots of playing time he couldn't be any worst than Djax and Freeman.

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1. Coaching - The coaches continue to run the same defense even when a team is consistently moving the ball. We're too easy to prepare for, teams know that we play man coverage all game. Crossing routes beats man coverage every time.


2. Pass Rush - Werner and Walden have been non existent all year, neither player is getting any pass rush. It's hurting the secondary because they have to cover for so long. 


3. Richardson - The coaching staff keeps trying to get him involved early so the trade won't look as bad but he's hurting the team. He never gains anything more then 3 yards on 1st down, a big reason for the slow starts. Richardson shouldn't be on the team next year, he's not good. 


4. ILBs - The fans who voted Jackson as a pro bowl alternate obviously don't watch Colts games and are just going by stats. He's been awful this year especially in coverage, I have no Idea why Grigson signed this guy when he doesn't fit the scheme. Freeman has underperformed as well, not good in run defense. 


Awesome post, except I'd include Offensive line.  I think the run game will get better when that is solidified-Trent or no Trent.  

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Yes. It is something that is being blindly overlooked by many. A slow delivery puts the DB a half step to a full step ahead of where he should be. Also, Luck isn't particularly accurate. Throwing the ball high, or to the wrong shoulder or side of the WR puts the DB another half to full step ahead of where he should be. The inaccuracy is really bad on crossing routes and short outs. It contributes a lot to the drops stats

Luck's weaknesses make the WR and even the Oline look worse than they should. In contrast to Manning, who had the ability to make made them look better then they were.

I think that Clyde Christensen as a QB coach maybe should work on Lucks strengths and weaknesses a lot more. He has been around quite a while and has worked with some pretty good QBs. I think the key is the O-line. They are not that good at pass or run blocking. Luck is a baller and sometimes his enthusiasm gets him too high. Hard work on his mechanics I think would help.

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If anything Fleener is better than Clark. Fleener has redeemed himself as of late. He's got a much higher ceiling than Clark, who really just had very good hands. That's why people say this looks like the Colts team of the past. A really good QB, 2 good WRs (Moncrief still developing) and a solid TE.


Forget offense, it's the defense that lacks impact players. Mathis is from the past regime, so the only impact players on D that Grigs has brought in are Vontae Davis. The offense in terms of the receivers and RB are fine except for maybe a true #3 WR and an every down back.


The true fault in this team lies in the lines on both offense and defense.

I don't disagree. I see a slight difference in that the lines have younger players that could develop into solid O and D lines on both sides of the ball.

I see no young RB, young WR, or young TE, (or S, or OLB, or ILB) that is going to be much more than what they have shown so far. Moncrief appears to have some ability, but compared to the other rookies in this past class, it looks like there is a reason why he was available in the third round. Solid? probably. Will he be someone defenses will have to game plan for? Idk.

It doesn't even have to be a TD threat. Before the injury, Reggie was a threat to move the chains. Coaches had to account for that. Even a player like that isn't on the O currently.

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Jackson has underperformed a lot I look for them to keep him one more year but Freeman I look for them to replace him Andrew Jackson needs lots of playing time he couldn't be any worst than Djax and Freeman.


He could very easily be worse than Jackson and Freeman. First off, they aren't that bad. Secondly, you must not have seen Pat Angerer and Kelvin Sheppard last season at ILB. 

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He could very easily be worse than Jackson and Freeman. First off, they aren't that bad. Secondly, you must not have seen Pat Angerer and Kelvin Sheppard last season at ILB. 

Even then I don't thin Angerer was as bad as some made him out to be, No doubt he missed some plays and struggled but for a guy that clearly was not healthy I think he played sufficient, Had he been a 100% I honestly think he would probably still be a Colt and playing well

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The 4 factors that fueled my disappointment were:

1) Getting beat by the Eagles after having a big lead

2) Getting blown out by the Steelers

3) Getting blown out by the Patriots at home

4) Getting blown out by the Cowboys

Whether we like it or not, these games point to incompetent coaching and terrible game preparation (more incompetent coaching).

incompetent coaching? I don't think you understand what the word incompetent means

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He could very easily be worse than Jackson and Freeman. First off, they aren't that bad. Secondly, you must not have seen Pat Angerer and Kelvin Sheppard last season at ILB. 

Well have you seen him play so don't judge until they actually play in some games but for Djax they paid him all that money so I just don't see them cutting him after one year but I wouldn't be too sorry to see Freeman go.

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Well have you seen him play so don't judge until they actually play in some games but for Djax they paid him all that money so I just don't see them cutting him after one year but I wouldn't be too sorry to see Freeman go.


I'm actually not the one judging. You are. It's impossible to determine that he couldn't be worse than what we have now. He absolutely could be. You and I can't speak to that effectively because we haven't really seen him play.


However, I did watch a lot of his college cut-ups, and he's not strong in coverage. He's a downfield, attack the line of scrimmage kind of player, not a lot of range, not particular good at getting to the sideline or covering receivers, even in short areas. So the indications based on his attributes and how he played in college are that he wouldn't be all that great in coverage. 


Jackson isn't going to be released. His money is guaranteed. And Freeman is a restricted free agent, who will probably stick around at least for another year because of his relatively cheap price tag. It's a position at which we need to get more athletic, no question. But Jackson and Freeman haven't been all that terrible. 

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Jackson is a run STOPPER period...    but this brilliant staff insists on him playing all 3 downs way too much.    Not his fault he can't cover it is Chuck's and Manusky's. .    They simply do not get the right talent on the field in the right situations..    



Jackson has underperformed a lot I look for them to keep him one more year but Freeman I look for them to replace him Andrew Jackson needs lots of playing time he couldn't be any worst than Djax and Freeman.

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No problem agreeing with the need for more quick throws, but I see no evidence to support that we still have quality at WR beyond TY.  It is tough to be this severe on pedigreed peformers, but Reggie and Nicks simply have limitations that make them very easy to guard in man coverage. As much promise as Moncrief is showing - and we are all right to be excited about what he may become - he isn't able or isn't being put in positions to run the routes that move the chains.


The narrative around here is more popular in blaming the O-line, but our roster quality issues are much greater at WR right now than any other position on the team.



Much of the offense is the tight ends in which we have two quality tight ends to use in the passing game.   Obviously they have their hiccups at times, but when focused they can cause quite a bit of problems.  T.Y. is T.Y. as we all know, and Nicks is starting to come on as Pep finally is learning that he's better in a possession type of role instead of a deep threat. Then you have Moncrief as the other deep threat. Plus Boom Herron is pretty deadly on the check down and in general in the passing game. 


To me it's all a matter of adjusting the scheme some to better fit what the players do best.  I don't think it's as much of an ability issue as it is an adjustment issue to the defenses that we are seeing on the field.  I can't go with the quality argument because I think we have more at our disposal than the Pats do once you get beyond Gronk.   The difference is their scheme is better taylored to those type of players best qualities I think.

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A good write up.


1. Our blind faith in Trent.

2. Our inability to catch a ball.

3. Turnovers.

4. Protection of Luck.

Proof that the best things in life are expressed as plainly as possible. No need for paragraphs; your bullet points communicate the 4 essential flaws on our squad. Nice work BHC. 


Regarding point #1, even Stevie Wonder would say, "Child please, I was born blind & even I can see that Trent Richardson was no running back messiah carrying INDY all the way to the Promiseland." 

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The 4 factors that fueled my disappointment were:

1) Getting beat by the Eagles after having a big lead

2) Getting blown out by the Steelers

3) Getting blown out by the Patriots at home

4) Getting blown out by the Cowboys


#1 in your list of disappointments really didn't shock me that much since I knew that RB Darren Sproles could still bop, weave, cut, & hit the after burners for maximum speed & separation. 


The remainder of your post 2-4 are right on the money though CC. If we can't hang with foes outside our division, AFC South crowns lose their shine really quick. 


INDY needs to go next level now & show the NFL world that this new regime can play deep into January. Roll up your sleeves & make tough decisions for the 2015 draft Grigson. 

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Here is to hoping that the tweaks our staff is making (O-line, receiver and running back) will generate a deep playoff run....


The disappointment of the regular season was fueled by 4 big factors:


1)  Mathis suspension, and ensuing injury.  Our rebuilding plan is simply not mature enough to effectively soak up a loss at that pillar position against quality opponents.  Our sack numbers are reasonable (37) because, against modest firepower, we've been effective with the blitz.  We've gotten very little pressure, however, against elite teams.


2)  Downward spiral at wide receiver.  Despite TY's fantastic year, we simply don't have the necessary talent to gain separation to complete easy passes.  What looked like an embarrassment of riches at the position, where we thought we were 6 deep to start the year, has turned out to be simply an embarrassment during the second half of the season.  


The transition year for Reggie to age gracefully has been complicated by an injury that he really shouldn't be playing with.  At some point, when they review the season, our staff will come to the conclusion that they played Reggie for way too many snaps (if they haven't already).  Its hard to know until its too late - and the options behind him aren't all that ready or all that much better - so it isn't as clear cut as it feels to us fans without the benefit of hindsight.


3)  Perfect storm of O-line injuries and failure to develop continuity.  Whether you blame the coaches or not, the lack of continuity on the O-line has really held us back.  We've all spent a lot of time and energy on the center position, but the continuity issues really begin at RT and RG.  Cherilus has played poorly through injury, and that is, at least in part, because we've proven that we don't have a viable back-up ready to go.  


Before you judge - look at how difficult historically it is to have a new tackle step in and handle the elite edge players of the NFL.  Hard to do, and both Reitz and Nixon have looked overmatched in limited action on the edge.  We have a QB who likes to hold the ball, looking for receivers that can't separate, and a soggy right side - kind of the perfect storm.


The injuries obviously go much deeper on the O-line....but that story has been done.


4)  Abandonment of running game and ball control offense post Bradshaw.  Pep and Luck have collectively lost their rhythm in light of 2 and 3 above.  

tl;dr injuries 

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1. Coaching - The coaches continue to run the same defense even when a team is consistently moving the ball. We're too easy to prepare for, teams know that we play man coverage all game. Crossing routes beats man coverage every time.


2. Pass Rush - Werner and Walden have been non existent all year, neither player is getting any pass rush. It's hurting the secondary because they have to cover for so long. 


3. Richardson - The coaching staff keeps trying to get him involved early so the trade won't look as bad but he's hurting the team. He never gains anything more then 3 yards on 1st down, a big reason for the slow starts. Richardson shouldn't be on the team next year, he's not good. 


4. ILBs - The fans who voted Jackson as a pro bowl alternate obviously don't watch Colts games and are just going by stats. He's been awful this year especially in coverage, I have no Idea why Grigson signed this guy when he doesn't fit the scheme. Freeman has underperformed as well, not good in run defense. 


 Thanks for getting Real.

 Andrew IMO thinks slow post snap, and is not very good throwing precise throws in the short game. He also doesn`t get the ball out as his receivers make their breaks, yes he holds it.

This gives the defenders time to recover our receivers KNOW, and Andrew OWNS the problem for a higher level of drops and pass breakups than we could have.

He needs to Improve a great deal. But  he will be like 17-1 against the AFC South. Manningesque!!


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Jackson is a run STOPPER period...    but this brilliant staff insists on him playing all 3 downs way too much.    Not his fault he can't cover it is Chuck's and Manusky's. .    They simply do not get the right talent on the field in the right situations..    


Tell me - who would you get on the field instead?

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Tell me - who would you get on the field instead?

Besides that D'qwell was pretty solid the last 2 years for the Browns against the pass, Not so much against the run...this year I still think he was not very good against the run, I think some of the reason why he was not good against the pass this year was part coaching and part Freeman being hurt so much I think it was hard at times for them two to jell together

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