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Message From Bill Obrien.....


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Says this weeks game is "The Big One".  Says this is a playoff game, and they are coming up here to take it from us.  LOL bring it on Bill!



Fellas we got to blow these boys out this Sunday.  Let's get these mistakes cleaned up and show them 60 minutes of Colts football. I'll accept nothing less than a sound victory like usual.

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Says this weeks game is "The Big One".  Says this is a playoff game, and they are coming up here to take it from us.  LOL bring it on Bill!



Fellas we got to blow these boys out this Sunday.  Let's get these mistakes cleaned up and show them 60 minutes of Colts football. I'll accept nothing less than a sound victory like usual.


Yeah. It will come down to 60 minutes, no doubt. Our OL will be tested.


They have never won here even against Orlovsky, no reason to let them start now. :)

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I love this of course. He's gotta get the guys fired up, we have goals to win the division, but if not, hopefully get a WC due to best conference record, and losing to any of our last few opponents isn't going to help us attain that. I know we've never won at LOS, but there's a first time for everything. :)

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I love this of course. He's gotta get the guys fired up, we have goals to win the division, but if not, hopefully get a WC due to best conference record, and losing to any of our last few opponents isn't going to help us attain that. I know we've never won at LOS, but there's a first time for everything. :)


We can't let you guys have it this week Quiz.  Even though it's the holidays we're just not in the giving spirit my brother!



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We can't let you guys have it this week Quiz.  Even though it's the holidays we're just not in the giving spirit my brother!



I guess we're just going to have to get you guys into the giving mood. :yay: Come on, it's the holidays!

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Well the texans have never won in Indy, and I just don't see it happening this year either :)  We win on Sunday and the division title is ours once again !!!  Should be a good game, but I see us coming away with the Win !!  GOOOOOOOOOO Colts !!!!!!!!!

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I feel this will be a very close game.


We have alot of issues and glaring holes, and overall we're not much better than a slightly above average football team, so it wouldn't really surprise me if this were the year they take us at home. 


Especially if Luck continues to fork the ball over at such an alarming rate.

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I feel this will be a very close game.


We have alot of issues and glaring holes, and overall we're not much better than a slightly above average football team, so it wouldn't really surprise me if this were the year they take us at home. 


Especially if Luck continues to fork the ball over at such an alarming rate.



Post reminds me of bad gas.

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I guess we're just going to have to get you guys into the giving mood. :yay: Come on, it's the holidays!

If "charity begins at home" & the game is played at LOS, then the proper thing to do is get a W at INDY right? Sounds A okay to me man. Only teasing QuizBoy! 

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I will be at the game on Sunday!  My first division game :)  Also the Colts are 4-0 when I go to the game.  They couldn't win earlier this season in Houston, and they still don't have Clowney.  Texans haven't ever won in LOS, and I don't see it happening this week either.  Vontae will be back and some of our O line.  It just doesn't look to good for them.  Colts can take the division with the win and knock the Texans out of post season contention, I don't think they want to leave the gate open!

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Well now we know they are screwed. Whenever the Texans over the years build up a game as "the" game. Or "the Super Bowl". Or "a playoff game." It's over.



Mentally they never can handle the pressure of these sorts of games which is why they usually end up being on the outside looking in.

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Says this weeks game is "The Big One".  Says this is a playoff game, and they are coming up here to take it from us.  LOL bring it on Bill!



Fellas we got to blow these boys out this Sunday.  Let's get these mistakes cleaned up and show them 60 minutes of Colts football. I'll accept nothing less than a sound victory like usual.



We shan't overlook anyone! They consider it as a playoff game? Then be it! We shall play like an SB-team! Let's see if they could match?!

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The Texans have every right to feel optimistic about this game. The Colts have looked erratic and rattled offensively over, really, the majority of the season. Yes, we have generated big plays. Many. That is not the point. How consistent have we been? Look at the Texans defensively and how they are built to disrupt with their front seven. A few miscues or tipped passes to start this game and you can easily see this getting ugly in a hurry. It would be easy to say "Just eliminate the turnovers". Sure. Well, we don't have a respectable run game, so, the ball is going to the air 50+ times a game. This has to change.

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Should be close, have to be concern about thier RB and of course Watt on D and his scoring now on offense (more TD's then Trent).

Jj watt has more tds than all of the chiefs receivers.. more than reggie wayne.. same amount as a.j green.. only has only one less than calvin johnson.. and the same amount as levon bell.. find another way to bash trent.. its old bro.

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Colts fans aren't in the giving mood but our team sure seems to be these days.  Who the heck knows what will happen on Sunday if that continues. 

Yeah, true. I think the Colts caught a break by the Manziel decision being delayed a week. Both teams are going to have to play damn near mistake-free if they hope to win the game, I don't think it will be as out of control as the first game was.

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Yeah, true. I think the Colts caught a break by the Manziel decision being delayed a week. Both teams are going to have to play mistake-free if they hope to win the game, I don't think it will be as out of control as the first game was.

I don't think Manziel is any better than Hoyer. He does add an element with his legs, but it's going to get him in trouble in the NFL.  


Poor Browns are a competent QB away from being very good.

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I don't think Manziel is any better than Hoyer. He does add an element with his legs, but it's going to get him in trouble in the NFL.  


Poor Browns are a competent QB away from being very good.

He can't be much worse than how Hoyer played. I agree with you, the Browns could be a very good team if they even had an Andy Dalton or Alex Smith. And if Gordon gets his game together.

The question for QuizBoy - is Fitz trending up or down?

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What a joke. He's going to coach the game like he does every other game with poor play calling.


The Texans have only beaten one team above .500 and that was the Browns, who might not even win another game.


Can we say overhyped and overrated coach and team any louder please?

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I don't think Manziel is any better than Hoyer. He does add an element with his legs, but it's going to get him in trouble in the NFL.  


Poor Browns are a competent QB away from being very good.

Yeah, but the Colts didn't have any gametape to review on Manziel. I'm not sure how the Browns running game was but it would have been even better with the threat of Manziel keeping the ball to run himself and as the Bills found out, he isn't afraid to run at the NFL level either. He would have been showing out for his first start no doubt, that's just the way Johnny is, he wouldn't have been worried about injuries I don't think. You are right about the Browns...I think Johnny can be the franchise guy if they develop him properly. He has a good defense to fall back on, along with a stud receiver, so he is in a good position.

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He can't be much worse than how Hoyer played. I agree with you, the Browns could be a very good team if they even had an Andy Dalton or Alex Smith. And if Gordon gets his game together.

The question for QuizBoy - is Fitz trending up or down?

He was fantastic in the Titans game, his first game back from the bench, and he made the plays he needed to make, including a few quarterback scrambles, to win our last game. Granted the Colts are a different animal than the Titans and Jaguars, so I guess we will see. Everyone and their mother knows that Arian will be seeing the ball early and often, and when he is in a groove good things tend to happen for the offense.

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