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Da'Rick Rodgers Arrested Last Night, released (merge)


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It was a matter of time before this kid would do something stupid.


Well, glad we got rid of him. Don't need guys like him on the team. Let this kid continue to screw up his career.


And now, I hope all these Rogers lovers would stop praising him. 

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One of them should be able to help you get that fixed

Been here for several years my dude. I'm using Chrome but have ABP installed, so it's possible it just didn't show up. Regardless, dumb move on his dumb. Horribly dumb.

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wow.... i am speechless how dare grigson cut rogers... he was working hard and is young made a dumb mistake. Grigson is a bully and is gonna look real dumb when da rick is a number one wr for another team. they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him. He is a calvin johnson - larry fitz hybrid who is gonna dominate this league for years to come. I AM BEYOND MAD RIGHT NOW I SPEND OVER 100 DOLLARS ON A 16 ROGERS JERSEY!!! NOW IS GRIGSON GONNA DO THE RIGHT THING AND REFUND MY MONEY!

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wow.... i am speechless how dare grigson cut rogers... he was working hard and is young made a dumb mistake. Grigson is a bully and is gonna look real dumb when da rick is a number one wr for another team. they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him. He is a calvin johnson - larry fitz hybrid who is gonna dominate this league for years to come. I AM BEYOND MAD RIGHT NOW I SPEND OVER 100 DOLLARS ON A 16 ROGERS JERSEY!!! NOW IS GRIGSON GONNA DO THE RIGHT THING AND REFUND MY MONEY!

Not sure if serious...

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This guy...

Couldn't help himself out in college, was too lazy to earn a roster spot in BUFFALO, disappeared in the pre-season and didn't even earn his way into any of those games.

He's a joke.

His career is over. He has more red flags than he has catches.

The coaches aren't holding him back because they are evil. He's not showing them enough to get on field in practice. Everyone else is. Jack Doyle has apparently shown more use than Rodgers.

He had a big game or two. Big whoop, so what? Anyone can.

Everyone else has stepped up and outplayed him since.

I seriously think Roy freaking Hall might have been better.

This guy is ALL smoke and no fire.

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wow.... i am speechless how dare grigson cut rogers... he was working hard and is young made a dumb mistake. Grigson is a bully and is gonna look real dumb when da rick is a number one wr for another team. they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him. He is a calvin johnson - larry fitz hybrid who is gonna dominate this league for years to come. I AM BEYOND MAD RIGHT NOW I SPEND OVER 100 DOLLARS ON A 16 ROGERS JERSEY!!! NOW IS GRIGSON GONNA DO THE RIGHT THING AND REFUND MY MONEY!


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Sorry to see that DaRick got himself into trouble, I hope he finds his way someday.  I am glad he was cut from the team, we don't need folks like him on the roster.  I hope this serves as a message to the young players we have, and our future players that are in the high school and college ranks, that we expect them to be upstanding citizens and take responsibility for their actions.

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Crossing the yellow line is probable cause enough for an officer to stop you. At that point, if you're intoxicated you're basically busted

If you were laughing at jokes, almost certain they would let you go with a warning to not laugh so hard that you merge into oncoming lanes next time




Never said he was not drinking. I just said if it was .08 , that's a really low level. Cops will stop you for farting at 3:30 , so if you've been drinking your in trouble for sure. What I was saying is the fact that he may have only "hit the yellow line" as the report stated , didn't necessarily mean that it was due to him being intoxicated. But I know your smart enough to figure that out. Other words , if he indeed blew .08 which a cop in your state would probably let you go , it is possible that he was just not paying total attention to what could have been a no traffic barren d road at 3:30 AM.  Question ... have your tires ever hit the yellow line without you being under the influence of alcohol ?

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BREAKING: Da'Rick Rogers was arrested last night for DUI on the IUPUI campus. Loucheiz Purifoy was riding passenger. #Colts

— Charly Arnolt (@CharlyArnolt)

September 29, 2014

According to report, Da'Rick Rogers was pulled over at 3:35 am. Police saw him driving on and over yellow line. #Colts

— Charly Arnolt (@CharlyArnolt)

September 29, 2014








rogers  chose getting drunk over his job . anyone would love have a job like his and money he makes.  he thinks he do anything not get fired  ?


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I'm usually all for liberalization of drug laws and reducing punishments. But 0.08 is too lax IMO. An adult male can pound a six pack and be right around the limit in an hour or two. You can be pretty seriously impaired and be under the limit.



Looked it up and you're not far off for a guy weighing around 210. Can't argue that one a whole lot.

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wow.... i am speechless how dare grigson cut rogers... he was working hard and is young made a dumb mistake. Grigson is a bully and is gonna look real dumb when da rick is a number one wr for another team. they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of him. He is a calvin johnson - larry fitz hybrid who is gonna dominate this league for years to come. I AM BEYOND MAD RIGHT NOW I SPEND OVER 100 DOLLARS ON A 16 ROGERS JERSEY!!! NOW IS GRIGSON GONNA DO THE RIGHT THING AND REFUND MY MONEY!

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Am I wrong? We have had a ton of instances in the past two years. 3+ peds, at least 2 duis, running from chops with unregistered weapons, an owner with drugs. Players high on weed. Shoot what else? I'm low balling those numbers too

You are being over dramatic about something that you have no control over and has no effect on your life in any way

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Here's the thing. He was probably on a zero tolerance type of thing. He had a history of messing up so that was probably laid out to him when he was signed.

He is a professional football player. Act like it! That doesn't mean your life ends and you can't have fun. It means don't out yourself in stupid situations. Have a DD, call a limo, call a cab. I don't a crap what you do but don't take the chance.

Trust me, I was worse than all these kids out together when I was younger. It eventually caught up with me. It usually does. He's had multiple chances in college, multiple chances in the NFL. Get your crap together you fricken *.

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I really wanted him to be a future #1 or #2 for this team but with the impressive Moncrief debut season it's much less of a concern then it would've been without him. 


That Moncrief guy...looks really good. That block he put on for Bradshaw was a thing of beauty. 

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