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Colts-Chiefs to get Terrible Weather....


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Looks like our game will have the worst weather of any NFL game this weekend.


Near freezing rain is expected to hit the area Saturday and continue until late Sunday morning.


It's expected at some point that the freezing rain will turn to snow and that roughly a half foot will fall.


So, the grounds crew at Arrowhead will have to get the plows out Sunday morning...


Our guys will have to wear long underwear as they did last year....


Bottom line:   bundle up....   it's going to be COLD!!




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A guy with a strong arm who can throw tight spirals like Favre can thrive in snow. Luck is such a guy; Smith is not. Receivers have a huge advantage over dB's.

There's definitely that. Smith is smaller and has a weak arm, expect even more Charles.

Hopefully the defense can knock the ball out. *glances at Landry*

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The thought occurred to me the weather might not be much better or worse than what the team dealt with last year.   We played the Chiefs on the exact same week (16) last year...    


There was snow banks pushed off to the side of the field by the stands...    the field was somewhat iced over... at least, a little.


And the Chiefs still ran for roughly 350 yards on us that day.    I sure hope history does NOT repeat itself....   except for the part where we win, like we did last year!


Here's hoping....     :thmup:

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icy conditions may favor the Colts


Brown and T-Rich and largely straight ahead runner.....Charles has to go wide and catch the ball.


Andrew can run on his own better than the KC QB..


We have better kickers...


Could favor the Colts...but the score is going to be low


stealing this one means being the No. 3 seed instead of No. 4

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Oh goodie! Andrew can make snowmen and snow angels on the sideline while K.C. methodically runs the ball the length of the field.

Or, there could be QB impressions made in the snow all over the field from the KC defense sacking him.

This is going to be an ugly game if it's icy.  All comes down to who can handle the ball best

in the conditions.

GO COLTS - All day, every day!

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I can tell you that last year was nothing like this year. Was relatively decent last year. My car is completely frozen over tonight.

The thought occurred to me the weather might not be much better or worse than what the team dealt with last year. We played the Chiefs on the exact same week (16) last year...

There was snow banks pushed off to the side of the field by the stands... the field was somewhat iced over... at least, a little.

And the Chiefs still ran for roughly 350 yards on us that day. I sure hope history does NOT repeat itself.... except for the part where we win, like we did last year!

Here's hoping.... :thmup:

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It gets seriously cold there.  And the bad part is, half the stadium stays in the shade the entire day.  If you are on that side of the stadium i feel bad for you.  Dang near got frostbite on my toes.

We were at the game last year and in the shade. I was more concerned about a different part of my anatomy getting frostbite. Those shaded, frozen, plastic seats didn't make for a very comfortable afternoon. I still can't believe we won that game.

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