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DHB has been BENCHED


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Oh believe me Balzer, I have a few of my posts quoted saved to my phone back from when we signed him & I said he was terrible. I'll be making a thread about it at the end of the season


Make a thread about all the times you were wrong... I assure you it would be significantly longer.

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DHB not benched, still starting receiver, losing some snaps.


Yet another semantically incorrect thread.


Last time he officially started but I could have swore he was replaced in the lineup within a few snaps and then just rotated back in some every once in awhile.  It wouldn't surprise me to see him again officially as the starter but that didn't make a difference last week when Rogers took most (68% I think) of the snaps.

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Last time he officially started but I could have swore he was replaced in the lineup within a few snaps and then just rotated back in some every once in awhile.  It wouldn't surprise me to see him again officially as the starter but that didn't make a difference last week when Rogers took most (68% I think) of the snaps.


To be honest it makes very little difference who is the listed starters... they may not get more snaps and they may be bottom of the progressions.

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Bey's performance has been nothing short of terrible. It's actually pretty amazing that such a large, fast nfl WR could be so bad at catching a football. I had high hopes for him and would love to have him, but he has to first learn the most basic skill in his craft.

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To be honest it makes very little difference who is the listed starters... they may not get more snaps and they may be bottom of the progressions.

You can argue that it does matter in professional sports. Players work their tails off to become a starter and get paid well doing a great job. Why a coach can't make the call that this player is doing well and deserves to step into th starters role and the former starter is doing poorly so he gets moved down the list, it doesn't make sense and it says a coach is too emotionally attached to his players rather than pure team success. Now, if this were one or two games where a player slumped and a guy came in and outplayed the former starter in a game, I would not be in favor of that situation as it would seem to be a knee jerk reaction. It seems coach Pags keeps trying to help DHB in not breaking his spirit by keeping him on the field as a starter all year while he clearly could not catch. Pags is, or at least up to this point has been slowly cutting his own throat if the team fails this year to reach deep In to the playoffs and if he follows this same stubborn blind loyalty next season with similar results, there will be a call to replace Pags. Loyalty can only play out for so long without results before you have to show a willingness to play other guys or change your way of doing things. Time will tell if Pags can do this to guys he works with who plead their case to continue starting even though they are not performing.

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Rogers did have two balls Sunday that hit him in the hands that he didn't bring in. If those were on DBH this forum would have gone beserk. His first TD was a thing of beauty for being his first extended playing time. DBH took two guys out at the goal line on this 2nd TD which I don't think anyone else has pointed out.

No question in my mind that DBH needs to be set down. He has been horrible lately. I feel sorry for him because from all reports he a good guy and a very hard worker. I was really pulling for him but time to cut ties.


Is this a new name for him you have created? DBH Darius Beyward Hey

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If this is a "true blue"   CHUCK STRONG post....  then I am really disappointed.


A savvy HC would have benched DHB FIVE WEEKS AGO!


Happy, Happy feel good time is over....  Chuck.         


I better hush before I get banned.     But this FO and O coaching staff have really been .....................................





underwhelming in terms of IMAGINATION........      NOT ANY,,,,,,,,,,,,,

According to Chuck Pagano, Lavon Brazill & Da'Rick Rogers (apparently this forums favorite WR now lol) have surpassed DHB on the depth chart

@pwilson24: Rogers, Brazill pass DHB on depth chart? #Colts coach Pagano: "They've earned the right to play more."

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I agree, and I wanted him SOOOO badly... in FA to see what he could do with a "top" QB?


Well now we have seen...        he is WORSE when a VERRY GOOD QB hits dude RIGHT I N THE HANDS....   ??  PLOP.


I feel he is NOT worth a roster spot.        And I am DEAD serious.


Bad year for Ryan G, but ...   he will rebound.

Bey's performance has been nothing short of terrible. It's actually pretty amazing that such a large, fast nfl WR could be so bad at catching a football. I had high hopes for him and would love to have him, but he has to first learn the most basic skill in his craft.

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I get you Warhorse, but DHB has had MORE than a FAIR chance to succeed.      And he ha been simply a total flop.      Avery looks like a solid #2 right now all things being equal.


DHB had a golden opportunity right in front of him... and he "dropped it"..   


oh well...    now it is DAR and LB's chance....   Talent is NOT my worry with these 2...  it is the nugget up top.


I respect this comment greatly.

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You know, one of those guys Grigson completely ignored who would have changed the entire course of the Colts season. You know those guys, right?


Maybe we could have gone after Ramses Barden, but he didn't even make it to opening day. There were a handful of veteran guys that we could have signed, if we wanted. The DHB signing was a hopeful one, to be sure.

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If this is a "true blue"   CHUCK STRONG post....  then I am really disappointed.


A savvy HC would have benched DHB FIVE WEEKS AGO!


Happy, Happy feel good time is over....  Chuck.         


I better hush before I get banned.     But this FO and O coaching staff have really been .....................................


underwhelming in terms of IMAGINATION........      NOT ANY,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Very refreshing post!  Quite true.

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I don't know to what extent the DHB signing influenced the draft strategy, but...


Perhaps DeAndre Hopkins, Robert Woods, or Keenen Allen in the draft?  I was kind of hoping Grigson would find Reggie's eventual replacement early in last years draft -- ideally with a trade down into the 2nd, but using the 1st if there were no trade options.  These are three that I thought could produce and grow during Reggie's last years and be ready to step in when he retires.


Maybe we got lucky with Rogers and he'll be that guy. He sure looked solid catching the ball in his first game.

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