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Greg Toler Won't Return Until He's 100 Percent


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I hope he comes back really strong in the playoffs.

You have to look at how the Colts are built defensively right now. The pass rush was able to succeed (mostly Mathis) because the secondary covered so well. Vaughn didnt see the field much and Butler played well in the slot position (only position he should play anyway). But Vontaes play the past month or so has been troubling. He played well at the end of last season and into this year for the beginning portion. Pagano needs to work with him hands on being that Pags was a DB coach at one point.

I honestly didn't see Toler being a Bob Sanders type player talent wise but maybe he's similar to Bob in terms of the adrenaline and confidence he'd bring to this defense that desperately needs it.

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I don't think you should play through injuries...BUT if you are not durable then football is NOT your career.

The other aspect of football players is the past/current use of steroids. It makes you brittle (actually susceptible to tears) for the REST OF YOUR LIFE and you just keep on getting injured in whole new ways year after year.  We can all look around the league and even our own team and spot those players who cannot get through a season without one or more injuries of 1/4 to 1/2 season. Steroids are truly a 'deal with the Devil'...young players in college use them to enhance their draft position and get that big payday...but the unfortunate team who drafts them get injury-prone players who are hurt year after year and end up with greatly shortened careers.

On the positive side we have the great Reggie Wayne...on the negative side we have a famous DB and a short-career WR who used to play for us.

It is kinda crazy but it is better to have players who smoke up occasionally than those who use/have used roids.


PEDs only "make you brittle" as you called it when used improper. Many a athlete has had a long healthy career with the aid of PEDs. Personally im of the school of thought that thinks 99.9% of pro athletes are on PEDs. I'd even go as far to say that the Peytons and Bradys of the world are probably using PEDs as well. I dont think its just a coincidence that father time has neglected to damage their throwing arm like it has with many QBs in the past.


I stopped being naive about the use of these substances a while ago.

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No argument there House. I guess I have just seen the rest players/early exit from the Playoffs approach in INDY so often now that I'm am not overly optimistic by that strategy. Plus, it doesn't help that we tend to start slow or stumble early in games this year. I'm not superstitious, but I would like to see a new philosophy in INDY using additional regular season game action because I know what's coming if we refuse to do this. Disappointment...


Injuries can happen anywhere; anytime. You can't live in fear ever. Unless the medical staff gives me tight restrictions about practice or game reps, I don't pamper anybody.

I don't mind resting defensive players, but I absolutely loathe resting offensive players. Excessive time off seems to mess with their timing and cohesion.

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Swell, another Bob Sanders

Ouch man...Pulling out the injure prone Bob Sanders card on Toler is a little bit premature yet. He hasn't been on our team that long enough to label Greg with the "Great when healthy" label quite azcolt. 


I do hope that you are wrong though. It was hard seeing Bob on the sidelines in INDY so much. I do not wish the same fate on Toler at all. 

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What good is he if he comes back, earlier than he should, for a game that doesn't mean anything and re-injures himself?

We need health far more than consistency right now. Because getting our players healthy will be our only shot at making a run.


I can see both sides of this but what if he comes back at the playoffs and he is rusty and it costs us like that year Harrison came back right at the playoffs and cost us. I can see goods and bads for both sides on this one. Maybe hes not ready to come back yet but I really hope he gets out there for at least 1 game before the playoffs to knock the rust off.

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We have the chance of making it to the 2nd seed. Pats and Bengals just have to lose, and we should have at least two more wins coming to us.

Thinking we have a shot at #2 is fantasy.... we will have to fight not to finish 8 - 8..  This weekend will tell us if we have any chance to finish above 500.  We wouldn't even have the 4 seed if we didn't reside is such a terrible division.

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Ouch man...Pulling out the injure prone Bob Sanders card on Toler is a little bit premature yet. He hasn't been on our team that long enough to label Greg with the "Great when healthy" label quite azcolt. 


I do hope that you are wrong though. It was hard seeing Bob on the sidelines in INDY so much. I do not wish the same fate on Toler at all. 

Hey you're right, so far he only gets the "...when healthy" label

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No, it is the pass rush that is killing the secondary. 


Give me ONE example of a really good secondary that has NO pass rush?


They go hand in hand...    The Colts did not TOUCH Andy Dalton Sunday...  did not get a hand on him.


Cincy's OL is good..  but the Colts need someone to kick this D in the poo poo.

to me..the colts have been doing an ok job against the run..it's the secondary that's horrible 

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No, it is the pass rush that is killing the secondary. 


Give me ONE example of a really good secondary that has NO pass rush?


They go hand in hand...    The Colts did not TOUCH Andy Dalton Sunday...  did not get a hand on him.


Cincy's OL is good..  but the Colts need someone to kick this D in the poo poo.

Then where is our 1st round wunderkid Herr Werner...oh yeah, still learning in slow motion.

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The run D has been putrid. And the secondary hasn't gotten any help from a nonexistent pass rush. Just heard on the radio that the Colts had 4 pressures on Dalton on 37 drop backs.......that is pathetic.

compared to the old colts D from the pass where we gave up 100 yard rushers EVERY game...they have been better then before..held frank gore under 100...held lynch under 100...cj under 100 both times..but that's just my opinion though

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We have the chance of making it to the 2nd seed. Pats and Bengals just have to lose, and we should have at least two more wins coming to us.


Bengals beat Pats and Colts and thus own the tiebreaker.  So they win one game out of next 3 and we can't get #2 unless we run the table.  They make up a game on the Pats and finish tied or ahead of us, and the Who Dey's get the #2, and they want it pretty badly.  To be serious for a #2, we need to finish 11-5 and hope...

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compared to the old colts D from the pass where we gave up 100 yard rushers EVERY game...they have been better then before..held frank gore under 100...held lynch under 100...cj under 100 both times..but that's just my opinion though


So true. Yea our run defenses is still one of the worst in the NFL but compared to what it used to be (like say the time we made Ron Dayne look like Barry Sanders) the run defense is much improved from the old regime. Long way to go but at least it is getting better and hopefully much better come next year.

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Kevin Bowen ‏@KBowenColts 1m

And no Greg Toler after he was a limited participant in yesterday's practice


Well it looks like another week without Toler he still has 2 games to get back before the playoffs. After he was LP yesterday and then not out there today it makes me worry that he had a setback.



This guy has a setback taking a tinkle.

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I'm usually not hard on players for being injured but this is a different topic really. I don't question his durability or his skill, I question his commitment. It's not like I want players to comeback being only 80% but Toler, in his own words, is 95% fine. I'm willing to bet there's plenty of active players who are below 95%. He was not signed as some luxury pick up, we need him on the field, no we needed him on the field but we won enough ( to get in the playoffs)without him. If he keeps this up he will become a luxury player and Grigs will spend the money on someone else.

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It will NOT matter until the Colts can STOP the run.



The Colts were doing a much better job of stopping the run before Toler went out.  Yeah they did give up the occasional big gain around the edge, but that was generally to Mathis' side.  Mathis had just switched from Sam LB to Rush LB and RJF was new to the defense so it took some time to work out some of the kinks and for them to get on the same page.  They've been better at that recently.  Now it seems to be plays going up the middle because the ILB's and Safeties aren't making the plays they need to make.


Whatever floats his boat, His play was overrated when he was healthy. Regardless whether he plays as our #2 or Vaughn or Butler we still need an upgrade


Yet the secondary played much better when he was playing and the defense as a whole looked a lot better.

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Something that it seems a lot of people are missing is, it's not Toler saying he has to be 100% to play, it's the doctors are not going to clear him to play until he's 100%.  There is a difference.


Other things in this thread that are comical are:

  • People who are not doctors making decisions on when an injury is healed.
  • The people who question his toughness are probably the same people who call in sick to work when they get a cold (even though they will claim they've never missed a day of work in their life)
  • Those who talk about how they have the right to be upset because they pay his salary.


There are getting to be so many ignorant posters on this board it is almost becoming unreadable.  It's a shame, I came to this board because the Indystar forums became that way.  There used to be a bunch of great posters on this board that posted regularly.  Now they try but their well thought out, intelligent threads get buried by threads like, Maybe we should move DHB to cornerback or safety, or Pep is a lousy OC, Pagano is a lousy coach, if I were to develop a game plan, I do smart things like avoid 3rd down and throw the ball deep.  This is definitely not a knock on the moderators because they do a fantastic job of keeping this board ad free and family friendly.  There is just no way to moderate stupid.

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I saw that coming. He was injury prone in Arizona now he misses again games in Indy. A bad free agency investment...


A lot of us thought it could be an issue but sometimes you take a risk and they play most of the season and sometimes you take a risk and they only play half of it.  Just think if we didn't have Toler at all we probably would have a record close to the Jags or maybe even the Texans.

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Sounds like it is the training staff that is not wanting him to play till he is 100%. 


Either way it would be dumb to rush him back if he is not 100% with our playoff position locked up.  No need to risk him aggravating it right before the playoffs.


Let him rest and then be ready for the playoffs.


"Maybe the training staff was told no more players on IR or else...."  ;)

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