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Love this Pep offense/We're bad (Official blame thread) (MEGAMERGE)


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There sure are alot of ignorant people on here. There comes times in life when u have to put pride aside n face reality n facts- this team us not good,they dont even deserve to b in the playoffs except we are in a terrible division,injuries are part of the game yes and for that yes we suck!!!!only a dope smoker would think this team is good or has any chance this year.look at all the good d's we play yet this year.....wth

Those damn dope smokers!

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A whole 10 seasons. impressive. Google colts circa 84-98

A whole 10 seasons. impressive. Google colts circa 84-98

for one thing, my response wasn't about my time as a colts fan. Its about this teams desire to win which appears to be gone. The colts are talented and should be playing better, and if not, it isn't that you are losing, its that you are playing with not desire. Maybe take a step back with your insults. So because I have only been a fan 10 seasons means what exactly? The colts have sucked a total of one season while I have been watching, but I still enjoyed our 2-14 season better than this, because at least we tried. I'm sorry I'm not a 50 year old colts fan.

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Just because people want a change at RG and C doesn't mean the replacements are better (also note the LG has struggled as well he just goes unnoticed because the fans like him)


Rogers is a complete unknown who has never played a snap in the NFL and can't get on the field over David Reed who has never been thought of as a WR in the NFL.  Given the Colts struggle at WRs this year if Rogers was the answer to the Colts prayers like fans want him to be he wouldn't have spent all this time on our PS either we would have called him up before now or another team would have snapped him up.  He might be able to give us some help but I honestly doubt he's going to come in and make us forget Reggie Wayne and have our offense just snap to life.


You don't just get out of the 3/4 defense.  You either play a 3/4 or a 4/3 and that change is hard enough to make in a complete off-season let a lone in the middle of the season.  Now if the Colts could mix in some zone defense in their secondary to go with their man-to-man I would be all for that. 


This team is not anything close to the team the Colts started the year with.  They have just been eaten up by injuries.  The Colts have lost two starting level running backs, their starting left guard, their best tight end, and Hall of Fame WR all for the year in the first half of the season.  You can only take so many body blows like that before you can't over come it. 


With that said, if this team beats the Titans next week they really should win the South this year.  The goal right now is get into the playoffs and see what's there when you get there.  Hopefully it makes this team better for the future.

The Cards just laid 40 on us. what did Reed do? Rogers could also be on the field with no catch and what different would it make? we need to make changes in the lineup anyone can see that

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Just because people want a change at RG and C doesn't mean the replacements are better (also note the LG has struggled as well he just goes unnoticed because the fans like him)


Rogers is a complete unknown who has never played a snap in the NFL and can't get on the field over David Reed who has never been thought of as a WR in the NFL.  Given the Colts struggle at WRs this year if Rogers was the answer to the Colts prayers like fans want him to be he wouldn't have spent all this time on our PS either we would have called him up before now or another team would have snapped him up.  He might be able to give us some help but I honestly doubt he's going to come in and make us forget Reggie Wayne and have our offense just snap to life.


You don't just get out of the 3/4 defense.  You either play a 3/4 or a 4/3 and that change is hard enough to make in a complete off-season let a lone in the middle of the season.  Now if the Colts could mix in some zone defense in their secondary to go with their man-to-man I would be all for that. 


This team is not anything close to the team the Colts started the year with.  They have just been eaten up by injuries.  The Colts have lost two starting level running backs, their starting left guard, their best tight end, and Hall of Fame WR all for the year in the first half of the season.  You can only take so many body blows like that before you can't over come it. 


With that said, if this team beats the Titans next week they really should win the South this year.  The goal right now is get into the playoffs and see what's there when you get there.  Hopefully it makes this team better for the future.

The Cards just laid 40 on us. what did Reed do? Rogers could also be on the field with no catch and what different would it make? we need to make changes in the lineup anyone can see that


I didn't say Reed was good.  In fact if anything I pretty much said if Rogers can't get on the field over a guy like Reed who isn't known for his WR skills I don't think he's the answer to our prayers that some are acting like he is.  He might help a little but like I said before I don't think he's going to be the magic answer some are acting like he will be. 


Again, as much as some don't want to hear this just because you don't like some of the guys out there now doesn't automatically mean the Colts have better guys hiding on the bench.  This team has been killed by injuries namely on offense.  The best line I've heard about the Colts offense since Reggie went down is that the Colts offense is broken and the Colts are out of spare parts.  They just have too many good players hurt right now. 

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I hope they can get back to who they were earlier in the yr. too, but unless the coaches get off their stubborness kick, this team will continue to get manhandled by weaker teams. They need to shake up the o-line, they need to try Rogers out(at least he may be able to get open every once in a while). If he drops it or if he sucks, who cares? It won't be any worse than the guys were using now. Lastly, they need to stop trying to pound the ball at the beginning of the game. They can't possibly be this stupid to not recognize how pathetic the o-line is.

The power game is the biggest thing that's killing our O. Even in our best moments we were never a power team.

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Vaughn Sucks, the Offensive line sucks. why did we cut Whalen and then sign a RB who was not even active? Braylon Edwards anyone?? Butler should have came in after Vaughn blew coverage and the cards started throwing his way picking on him in the second. I agree with some, this is not a team that can go deep in the playoffs. i was thinking it could after the denver game. but coming off the bye week this team has been flat. Receivers are dropping passes, the OLine is not blocking for crap anymore. defense is freakin horrible. 

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I want to see some intensity in the post game press conference, this is not acceptable and they should act like it when they come out of this game.

They will come out and say; "We just have to play Colt football." Of course, it could be argued that they are!

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I love that some are always positive and all. They say "oh its just one game, block it out and move on". What they seem to forget is that this just happened 2 weeks ago against another inferior team. There is a huge problem and there is no way this team will win one game in the playoffs. I was a big fan of the coaches but i am quickly losing faith. Terrible preparation, stupid personnel moves, and complete stubborness has been the downfall of this team.


 Spending that $14M on Freeney rather than on REAL O-Lineman for your Franchise QB was a killer. I blame that on Irsay.

 Plenty more, water over the dam, eh'?

  If you didn`t get that we are a top 7 - 18 team... lol

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You realize, despite the loss, if Denver beats New England, Indy moves to #2 in the AFC, right?



Cinci has head-to-head over the Pats... and Indy has a better conf. record than Cinci.



I realize this team has been playing like not garbage 75% of the time the last few weeks. I'm confident this team can beat anyone at this point. Colts still have to play at Cinn and KC......oh boy.

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How could a season that started so well get so bad?  

I've been thinking the same thing lately. They beat some really good teams, and now they're falling apart at the seams. The secondary was stellar in the first 6 games or so, and now they've been getting torched. No pass pressure whatsoever. Gashing run plays allowed. I can definitely understand the loss of Reggie and how that affected the offense. Was Reggie the only thing saving the team from a total implosion? Maybe. All those 3rd down conversions that kept drives going, now basically gone.

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